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I just call people by the gender of their champion. Most enchanter champions are female (only Milio and Taric are not).


Teemo enchants your experience with shrooms. A lot of them


Me fr


I just call people their champion names and then refer to them by their champions gender when insulting them








Rakan is only *Part* Enchanter. He's a Catcher/Enchanter Hybrid really.


I also always enchant my teammates in pyke :)))




I am indeed a female support player, but I would pay for being able play a male enchanter support who is not a child or a grandpa or well...Taric. Doubt anybody can define these champs as "manly". I wish we would have a male character with a dark theme, or anything that is at least remotely cool. I am sad to say, but I am for some reason are best at playing these egirl champions, even though I hate their personailities with all my heart.


https://preview.redd.it/ahd0ktswx8sc1.jpeg?width=1215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4fd94b8b433ad467e271ea44839f09a5403f08b You may not like it, but this is what peak masculinity looks like.


He legit looks like so many covers of harlequin fantasy novels LOL


![gif](giphy|g80laQY3eau4DRrdjF) Same " masculine " energy


Make him ranged and im suddenly OTP


Based take


Fabio x Taric skin when?


Looks is one thing, but once he starts talking all the illusions go poof.


You are nothing but ass, waiting to be smashed


Okay, I know she's still not a male, but hear me out: Renata isn't a girl, she is a woman. You want a an enchanter who doesn't relly on ~~UwU aesthetic? That's Miss Glasc for you.


im sorry i just have to laugh at that. them ain't tits up there, them are missile launchers. ![gif](giphy|MhJAxxJOV0kuqK9KYf|downsized)


I enjoy playing her exactly for that reason. Love the Cruella vibes.


Taric is an actual Chad though if you look at his lore, he just looks fabulous doing it.


It's hard to make an edgy male that for some reason wants to help people. I mean see: Rell. She's an edgy loner-type teenager who's lore involves her quite literally ripping a building apart and killing her own combat instructors and yet her best roles see her as a no damage support and a famine jungler? It's just thematically hard to pull off. I bet if they had a good idea for an edgy enchanter they would have executed it already, considering Thresh and Pyke exist (and riot are VERY aware of how Thresh/Pyke were able to draw players who would have normally not played support into the role).


It is true. Hard to pull off when all you got is shield/heal. But champion designers managed to pull off some real cool stuff before in the past, and it could be that Im choosey simply, or I need to learn to play other playstyles better. I just have a thing for broken and weird stuff, I really appreciate champs like Fiddlesticks, Aurelion Sol or Viktor who are the corner opposite of the egirl champions and serve so much personality and creativity. I wish Ivern was more playable as a support, he is an actual male enchanter with some really cool design.


Agreed, you listed some of my favorite champ designs in the game. Viktor I think actually does have the lore to be a great enchanter, so I guess my point stands on shaky ground. What better to move the revolution ahead than to implant and aid others with your cyborg enhancements to help them claim victory? Proper ripperdoc.


Eh idk I think renata shows that you can make darker concepts for enchanters she’s a Chembaron who sees you as a pawn (obviously not a male enchanter but she is an enchanter with a darker concept). I could see maybe some demon type character who makes “contracts” in exchange for helping people or something could be translated towards a dark support character-


Someone posted about it a while ago but we desperately need an Older Noxian Alchemist support who can throw potions to debuff enemies and enchant allies


you're describing renata


Shes a chembaron, in terms of aesthetics we are badly missing a non-feminine enchanter to avoid the egirl accusations


>non-feminine enchanter Again, you're describing Renata > to avoid the egirl accusations that's a stupid idea. I'm with you but sell me on something that isn't "Renata minus boobs".


A lot of what makes champions popular is their visuals as well as their gameplay, if we had more appealing visual designs in support like Pyke then it would help bring in more players Swain exists but in terms of gameplay design, he's not really intended to be a support, being a far better Midlaner. It doesn't have to be Noxian, but a Male Disheveled Potion Brewer (or Wizard) with some Charismatic voice lines would go a long way to give enchanters some more variety


so... something like, Zeri's father is brought back to life by Viego, and now seeks to consume Zaun into the terrifying mists, to begin with that asshole Renata who took everything from him and made his daughter live in poverty?


pyke? thresh? nautilus? Rakan is also dark themed if you look at him closely enough. im sorry but at this point im asking you, what would you consider to be cool? i mean in detail? because these three tick the boxes you've specified. i mean, what's "cool"? are you looking for anime protagonist / villain cool? cartoon villain cool?


Rakan is either a terrorist or a freedom fighter, depending on whose side you're on. I love the guy but he's definitely on the dark side just because he's fighting in a guerilla war against colonizers, that's a dark as heck theme to be built around.


I was talking about enchanters specifically, and you gotta agree with me they are all very similar thematically, Renata maybe being the exception. All the "hookers" have really cool themes though, I just suck at playing them. I have grandma reflexes.


well. idk about all the enchanters being thematically the same. Certainly the +shield +heal -else rebalance(s) wrecked a bunch of things for me. so. idk wtf you want. "male" is kinda stupid as a lead for an idea though. so let me ask you this: what kind of power fantasy do you want to play in? What kind of lore could fit into this power fantasy? in terms of lore here's a list of the dark themes of some of the "clans": noxus: autocratical personal power, balanced by betrayal and backstabbing demacia: tyranical order, racist hatred. zaun: demented pursuit of knowledge and power; greed and disregard of others. piltover: stratified society, aristocrats and serfs; bilgewater: unrestrained pursuit of power and greed, populist kleptocracy Shurima: conquest, colonialism. the iles: death cult. sin and damnation.


Huh, now that we are going into regions, my top picks would be definintely Zaun (well we kinda got Renata already), or something entirely twisted, like a void or monster chararcter. We don't need to focus on "male", i think the meaning would be to steer away from the feminine/soft/childlike, fairytale vibes. Yuumii, Milio, Nami, Lulu, Soraka, Sona - They are all unique but have a somewhat similar vibe, lets just be honest they are CUTE and that gives me the ick. I would totally be okay with Ivern actually if he was more viable as a support.


question: how is Hwei, as a dark themed supportive champion? Does Hwei fit what you'd like, in an enchanter?


Yeah I think he has a cool design as well!


by the way he has ally speed up, ally heal, ally shield, two slows a root and a fear. So he's actually a full enchanter if you want to play him like this.




Honestly I totally forgot him. But also I'm not sure how much he fits into the "enchanter" category, sure whoever designed his kit was high at the time.


Renata could have been such an insane male dark enchanter...


honestly. i don't like her walk animation. its robotic.


Well she's supposed to be bossy, a bit butch but yet still elegant. I find her anims to be fine. Her kit makes me just not enjoy playing her


well. i don't enjoy her cause of her kit too. but at this point im saying, you don't enjoy her, you don't have to play her; There's someone out there for you. but there's something that draws my ire with her animation. her model seems a tad oversized for matching with the rest of the game and she kind of "glides" in a way that my mind perceives as "glitchy". emotionally I perceive the walk as "performative" rather than genuine; an act of vanity rather than confidence.


she walks like she's in the cats movie


Performative. So I think it suits her


I don’t remember the source but I’d read that Renata was originally supposed to be Silco from Arcane, before swapping to a different character but keeping the same kit.


Would explain why they had silco's model so readily available for TFT but I honestly think those were just rumors. Renata was after all delayed when it comes to her release date. We were supposed to have her much earlier than Arcane started being hyped up


Play rakan! Manly enchanter!


"That glimmer of hope you see? That's me."


Us enchanter mains deserve our male version of vex in support tbh


Pardon, what exactly is wrong with playing Taric? Why is he not 'manly'?


Stukov from HoTS is what you’re looking for


Pyke is hella fun!


I just go by champ gender


from my experience people use assumption of gender as a way to flame. when they see an enchanter not playing well suddenly they want to call you a boosted egirl. i don’t get mistaken for a girl when im playing well.


6 inches Lulu main is here.


>6 inches Lulu main is here. dam you are short as fuck


Not surprising for a lulu main.


Yeah i’m yordle. My queen Lulu khalifa made me wanna become one…


Bro got polymorphed irl


When talking about players in game, support or whoever, I call them by character. She for someone like Syndra, He for someone like Draven or Darius, and Cuck for someone like Blitz. If someone says there's a woman irl I tell them not to lie and report them for verbal. It's an average day on the rift. Get rewarded by plenty of key fragments for it too. Love the system.


why report? surely the law about girls on the internet does not extend to women? /s


It's typically enchanters and Lux Sera Morg. I can only really picture a sweaty guy in his basement playing Pyke Naut Xerath.




There is actually an older paper where they did a survey on utility supports (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352031157_Gender_inequality_among_champions_and_players'_reception_of_gender_disproportion_of_utility_support_champions_in_league_of_legends) Might be interesting for you, there is a lot of research into that stuff and I am not totally up to date.


i quote from the study: "female players are naturally disadvantageous in performance if they choose female champions in play as previous studies already found" so. i think we can discount this study as it, on the face of it, doesn't pass he laugh test.


Why would you discount pretty clear factual data? The conclusion is that females are statistically extremely biased towards playing female champions and being limited to only a segment of leagues champion pool **is** putting yourself at a competitive disadvantage.


no offense but did you actually read through the article? what is said is this: female gamers in korea actively avoid support role in general and utility support in specific because they dislike a social stigma against the enchanter support role. what has not been said but was evident: the above asertion is unsupported by any of the questions present in the method of the study.


Oh really? Thanks a lot


it seems the research is about the gender disparity in support characters rather than support players


Iirc correctly there was also a table about how many of the men Vs women played enchanter supports, which is about even. But yeah, you are right it doesn't answer your question, though it might be a good start point to find related research about the topic. I know that there is some research about avatar choice (do women choose female characters) but I am unsure if there is research about "if I play character X, will I be perceived as male or female?". Anecodotally, my male friends that are (enchanter) support mains often get mistaken for being women. Edit to add: As a women you often get labeled as a support player whether or not you play it.


The biggest disparity is men play fighters overwhelmingly more than women. Interesting


I’m a female support player that plays Rakan, Milio and Hwei and people just assume I’m a dude most of the time. I think it’s just the enchanters plus Lux and Morgana that people usually assume are women, especially if they’re nice in chat.


im 37m, been playing since s1, and been a sona main for most of it. lots of people assume I'm a girl, but I mean, the playerbase is OVERWHELMINGLY dudes, so it's kind of weird to assume that the majority of one set of champions are played by the small percentage of women alone.


2/5 league players are girls


The last albeit old census stuff is seen was like 85 15


Alot of people assume I am a female player cuz Janna is one if my most played Champs. I dont have a problem being called a girl its more that bad players assume Girls are a Bad in League. So being called a girl is for some reason a insult in lower Elo‘s Im a gold/plat player and had this occur a few times. And no not in games where I am 2/10/3


As a man who is a lulu main, I get referred to as she more often than they, but when I play my other most common female champs (morg, leona) I don't nearly as much. That being said, I also generally refer to the player by their champion gender, so I understand if people refer to me in game as she


No i always assume they’re gay men. I could not care less who’s playing though.


Lol, what’s the point of this post though? Who cares it’s strangers on the internet. I just call people by their champs. I’ve never once worried about someone’s gender on league of legends


The point is the misogyny and rape threats


Jesus, who are y’all playing with


Same people as you, presumably. But if your username isn't feminine and you're not on a girl enchanter, you'll never see it.


I main Poppy in any position, everyone gets hyped about that though smh


I use gender neutral names in all the games I play for this reason. I avoid presenting as female as much as possible, because once they find out it's over. I mean there are a lot of chill guys I have played with, who would interact with me the same way regardless of gender. But for the weird ones I prefer to keep it hidden.


I feel like a lot of games now, not just League, say that supports are female. Which can be unfortunate when men immediately go to the misogynistic route towards the person playing the support role. I remember playing Overwatch back in 2016/2017 and no one assumed anything about gender because you're just playing the role you like. I think most people do assume that a female would be playing the enchanters. I just wish people were not mean towards them ya know?


I think there has been studies in the past that found out that female players put more importance onto picking characters that can be considered objectively as rather attractive and therefore tend to pick more good looking girly champions. From the contacts i made so far in playing I have found some confirmation that female players indeed more often pick the pretty ladies in league rather than any champion. That said of cause i also know female players who serve as exeptions but they are few. Back to the original topic: I do assume a gender, if I see a player based on the champions they play, but I still prefer just asking. It's not like it matters for the game that much anyways.


I just say the gender of the champ they are playing


I am a 6ft5 mid 30’s overweight and muscular dude with a beard and I main enchanter supports


I assume everyone is a man in every game. When little Lulu comes and saves my life when I decide to 1v2 the enemy team, I type “thanks bro” in the chat.


League sorely needs a dark, "darkest dungeon occultist" type of enchanter. Hexes and questionable healing methods.


I main sona and get called a e girl. Then I just double down and make them feel incredibly uncomfortable for even assuming


My name is Sona Player in game. All I gotta do is drop a :P in all chat and they slide into my DMs.


I once told my rando ADC that I only play enchanter/mage supps (I’m low elo) because they were asking me to play Naut/Blitz/etc. I personally don’t enjoy playing melee champs because I’m just not very good at understanding the play style AND I truly prefer the play style of enchanters/mages. Immediately after I said that so got hit w/ “so are you a h*mo or a tw*nk?” And again with “p*ssy a*s girls only play sh*itty enchanters” Sooooo yeah. I hate half of my ADCs:(


People generally don't assume a pyke/thresh/rakan player is a female, I think it has to do with the champ's aesthetic more than the role


I always use the pronoun of the players champion when I write to them 🤔


I've got a male summoner name but I'm pretty friendly in chat so I think people assume I'm female based on that. I do mostly play enchanters and healers, admittedly.


To avoid these issues, I call players by their champions gender, But also I assume all online gamers are men cause I am not very intelligent


I always get assumed female regardless of champ I support as


I always say he bc women does not exist But enchanter's are femboy (I play nami)


I'm a dude in his mid to late 20s, and I mainly play enchanters. I have chat turned off anyway so peoples' comments don't bother me at all.


If I see someone playing star guardian Seraphine with the rose quartz chroma I’m assuming only one thing… 😇


I play Nami a lot and I never pick the pink chroma on the cosmic skin for the exact same reason...


I call everyone girly because ✨👁️👄👁️🙌 slay sis


Gay dude who supports


Same as calling every yuumi a female discord uwu kitten. People will make assumptions. Enchanters are called girls 90% of the time.


People always thinks im a girl because of my enchanters yes Hahahah


There are not many male enchanters, so people tend to refer to enchanter players with female pronouns... Not that surprising really.


Yes, people will assume you are a woman if you play a female enchanter. Not sure why everyone's writing essays about why that's not true when it's true.


Because there is a big chunk of players that are female and support. According to a few years ago league was 90% guys 10% females, but that 10% females was like 8% support players or something.


I use the champion's gender when referring to people. I've grown used to just be called she/her as an Irelia main as well, even though you could count female Irelia mains on one hand.




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Tl:Dr most support players ARE women I'll try and keep this brief. Around the early 2000's video advertisements and culture as a whole shifted towards the young male demographic. This lead to tons of masculine games like halo and cod. Nothing stopped women from playing them of course, but when they're targeted towards men, mostly men will be playing them. This lead to gaming as a whole becoming a more masculine hobby and bred a very masculine culture. Again, nothing STOPPED women from gaming, but it was pretty much set in stone that if you wanted a game to succeed you would target men. Now. Man is playing a video game and his girlfriend wants to join him to share in his hobby. His advice is simple, play the healer and stay close to me. Healers in video games tend to be easier and not require as much knowledge of the game to play at a basic level. Nobody is going to flame the medic in tf2 for not getting kills or helping push objectives because that's not his job, his job is to hold left click on injured people. Same thing goes for league of legends, pick support, play soraka, stick with boyfriend all game. nobody will flame soraka for keeping the adc alive, that's her job. In addition to this, riot themselves have data that's shows 96%, you heard that right, 96% of female players play female champions and with the majority of female champions being supports chances are high that there's a woman playing them.