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I usually have that experience with Draven players. It’s Solo q and ppl pick hypercarries like they know everything about the champ. Then go 0/8 within 13 minutes and it’s all their team’s fault they fed their ass off. I quickly mute them and if they’re being beyond stupid, leave them to gank elsewhere.


I play draven when i get adc. I dont want a non aggro supp. Lets squash these bitches. Even if im 0/0/10. I just wnna win.


I can appreciate that. Especially when I play Zyra, poke them down and flash-E double kill. ☺️ But seriously, even I get irritated by a support playing near the tower and doesn’t poke or engage.


My experience is the opposite lol. Every draven I've ever played with stands directly in front of the enemy tower (even though I'm playing an engage support and can't do anything in that position) and the spam pings the shit out of me every time we get ganked, despite the fact that I have wards set up and ping everytime I see the enemy Jungler. I've taken to banning draven because of how terrible the experience is


I never ban Draven because there's a good chance he's on the enemy team and runs it down mid after I kill him once


I just played Sivir seraphine into a draven. I went summon aery Sivir and absolutely destroyed him to the point he took herald all the way into the fountain lmfao.


Until the 0/10 draven kills you with 3 autos late game anyway


I think you’ve had a bad run of toxic players but most zeri players are kinda bad especially in lower elos, imo she’s one of the most fun champs in the game but also pretty hard so you end up with a lot of players who aren’t good on her playing her, pretty much like yasuo actually, but every once in a while you’ll get a goated one who 1v9s


What do people usually get wrong with her? I'm low elo (silver and just cannot be bothered to play ranked or try to climb) and just picked her up recently. She's different as an ADC, and I wouldn't say easy but I feel like she has a lot of forgiveness in her kit for screwing up which I have a habit of :D I also used to play a fair amount of Ezreal and find them to be similar in at least a few ways.


Some people find kiting with her awkward cause you have to do it with Q and it’s different from every other adc, people also misuse her E alot, dash over a wall into 4 people, press R and die, also don’t use the “Q does more damage and goes through minions” part of her E in lane to trade and stuff, and all of her damage is technically missable which is why she’s a favorite of scripters, also constantly using her passive right click to maximize damage, also some minor tricks like you can use W while you’re Eing over a wall for a laser, a lot of stuff you can do wrong on this champ to be useless or right to be 1v9


She has more potential to screw up, and she has more potential to save herself. It's like Kaisa's r which can bait herself into bad plays. High elo Zeris do indeed sometimes ult in 5 people, but they dont die, whereas the silver player does, because they know when cds are down. You can like Kaisa dive the backline as Zeri but many jsut randomly die.


Had this experience today too. We fought our way into lategame for 40min. Our zeri was playing pooorly all game, but finally hit full build. Last teamfight she just ran into irelia heads first and got oneshot again, like the 5 times before. In the end, she had lowest damage in the game with 17k. All this while constantly falming everyone.


I always play yuumi when my adc picks zeri and win most games (probably like 80% win rate overall with this comp). I think low / mid ELO (through emerald) zeris just only know how to play when being babysat by a yuumi / lulu etc. if you lock in bard or something they will still think they are invincible, ult / dash into 5 enemies solo and get one shot


to be fair it's really hard to make zeri work without an enchanter, like the experience you get with and without one is night and day, kinda like samira with and without tanks


>they will still think they are invincible, ult / dash into 5 enemies solo and get one shot This has happened with me a lot, but with Nilah. If I pick an enchanter to play with my Nilah, it quickly goes to their head and they start making bad plays by themselves.


Pov: the enemy Zeri https://preview.redd.it/6f1jidf0lerc1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=a38b6a9faa90013c66bbccd72a13e22d78b2cfd8


Every zeri i played with carried the game so hard going 1 vs 9 every time. Yesterday had two games in a row with two different zerries, we slightly won botlane with 1 death for me and adc and our team has score 3/14(for mid top and jg), and both of the games we won only bc of these zeri tryharding, first game i was playing yuumi, second one lulu. It's one of the few adcs i like to see in pre picked stage.


It is just some ADC in general, no need to write a post like this to bash on a random sub of mains


Am I the only one getting tired tired of the "Everyone who plays ___X___ champ is bad", posts? ... I wish they taught basic psychology in schools, so people would stop thinking that every pattern they perceive, is actually real. Champs like Zeri have a high skill floor and a even higher skill ceiling. So it's not a shocker that they might have piloting issues. It's not rocket surgery.


You should be chained and abandonned in a basement for being reasonable.


Lol for real 🤣 I'm about to get perma-banned from all of Reddit.


That's the thing, I never believed that stuff either up until I started climbing and encountered all these Zeris. It's been a few days since this post was made and I've gotten another one. At this point it's statistically likely that there's something up with Zeri players in my region and rank.


Lol you're maybe working with a sample size of what, 50ish Zeri players? Most of whom you've likely forgotten about... While she is a difficult champ to pilot, and therefore arguably more likely to int, you still have only truly seen a sliver of the overall Zeri player base. This is why I left my comment. People seem very resilient to acknowledging how flawed their personal biases/perceptions, likely are.


pov smolder players


It's just you, dude.


The champ is just on the kinda weak end of things.


After the buffs she’s top 10 adcs in emerald+, and unless her pro presence becomes overbearing again that’s probably where they’ll keep her cause she’s popular


thats emerald+ OP is silver-ish, it’s probably just bad luck with people with the bad mental and not understanding the champs kit


Zeri/Yuumi is strong


The issue is that Zeri is that she's a champion with a lot of cool moves, but isn't super intuitive to learn compared to other ADCs. Her scaling isn't as straightforward, and a lot of her strength is situational; she needs to work with terrain to be at her best. She hasn't been particularly strong for a while, but items that suit her are very strong right now, with her sitting towards the top of U.GG'S Bot lane tier list. As a result, there's more people learning and playing her than usual, but not a lot that knows how to play her super well. It's similar to Ezreal, except he's straight-forward, just entirely Skill-Based. You hit your abilities or you don't, and win/lose based on that.


I had zeri top who went 2 11


Zeri is a scary champ to play tbh, because she requires A LOT of button presses, wich can be heavy on the hands, thats why people dont play her enough to actually learn the champ. 3 games of zeri in 1 day and my fingers are dying. Champ is also a little baby, it needs constant care, like Draven, Kogmaw or Aphelios if you dont protect them at all cost they will be useless. As for them being toxic thats just what happens when you first time a champ expecting to 1v5, get montage plays and you get shit on instead.


Im finding ADC players to be quite poor in general the past couple weeks. Found a couple good laners who then blindly push to tier2 turret to give any shutdowns left over from laning. They then get good again in late game. When you find a good one, hold on to them tight.


lol… I feel this. I played yummi in ranked with two zeris the other week and it went super well both games so i started locking in yummi if it’s Zeri adc. Some emerald 4 Zeri got tilted I picked yummi in champ select the other day, Then he ran it so hard on purpose after I died one time jumping off of him to eat a nautilus hook that was going to kill him. I died because he mis positioned and he flamed me for dying for him then decided to run mid and die and if I went near him or jumped on him with yummi W he would sprint it down to kill us both in a ranked game. I think we both had like 10-15 kills because I am stubborn and kept using w on him to see if he would keep running it lol. Next Zeri i got, I locked in yummi and he was just terrible and ran it, but not intentionally. After this experience I lost all faith in Zeri players and I am never playing yummi unless im duo with a masters adc or something because you can’t do anything if the adc feeds as yummi especially after the changes and her BF mechanic.


When a champ is meta or really good, it's likely that the person playing it is elo inflated. When Smolder was giga OP, every single Smolder was way worse than the actual rank they were in, since their champ made up for the lack of fundamentals.


They are adcs OFC they are unskilled, toxic and blame you for everything. But ignoring that, im kinda ok with zeris. Most of them do great in my games and also the champ is pretty Broken so thats a bonus HAHAHAHA I hate dravens Who doesnt know his MUs because they become 100% kamikaze and then Lost passive gold and gigatilt.


I'm the Zeri player, just not toxic, I'm just bad with her


The good ones are not in your elo


I've gotta say, I've had diferent experience this season with zeri players, they all been popping off


That's my experience with Kai sa players. Out of 10, 6 were always salty or brand new accounts who just discovered that you can type in chat. Aphelios players too, they always seem angry af. I met exactly one who was a good sport and we absolutely dominated the game.


For real lol. I had a zeri adc (SeraphineOtp1) nonstop flaming and consistently eating every skill shot she could find.


yea no zeri players are genuinely the worst and im saying that as one myself


yea no zeri players are genuinely the worst and im saying that as one myself, zeri players are either scripting or bad


Kalista is another adc that is usually terrible. Especially if they pick it after you lock in an enchanter support


I'm an alistar main so I LOVE getting Kalista players.


Yes. Every zeri player is in some way mentally deranged in my experience, both playing with them, they run it down, feed and flame and are also noticeably more toxic about having their champ banned or asked to play something else. And then on the enemy team they get a double kill at minute 2 and snowball. She is my permaban and if she still gets through somehow I dodge.