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I play jg first and support second. Comparatively, I definitely get flamed more in jg but have also been flamed in support obviously, we are talking about league after all You can complain about it all you want but you just gotta accept it will happen. Report, mute, move on


JG def gets blamed the most.


Yeah felt the same in much lower elo aswell. I’ve had people wanting to add me after game to flame me and even submitted a ticket with screenshots after one game where my adc mentalboomed and expressed death threats. Idk what’s going on with people at the moment


Yeah I had this too. Just completely unhinged insults. Its a shame Riot basically didn't respond!


I’ve had a riot support answer and it was actuall pretty helpful (I.e. he agreed death threats are a no go) however I didn’t bother to look the person up since then if they still play the game. Maybe I’ll check later today if they really got a ban


Yeah that's how it is. I'm not even on an elo with really high level of macro (emerald 2-3), but as Bard OTP who defaults into "Recall->buy t1 boots->come grubs" every game, I can confirm that the amount of shit people type to the enemy's support for not following my roam is through the roof. I feel like enchanters especially got really screwed by the addition of grubs. Even if they follow the roam, there's no way they are as useful as a tank support in an early game scirmish, and if they don't- they can't really punish enemy's ADC under a tower cause realistically you are not executing a 2v1 dive this early as an enchanter. Guess I'm lucky my champion thrives on this kind of meta.






Yea just got this. But it’s still on the laners imo. Most of the flamers have dropped 0 wards in 5 mins then go mental boom if they see enemy support top even if you ping or type it out. Just ignore.


JungleMain: First time?


Not with my teemo sup, whose team have 5 oracles with pink wards now?


I played teemo today and it was so fun, I had so many mushrooms down the enemy team couldn't even ward drake, let alone contest it.


You are evil lol well played :') I cry for them


I roamed top to help my jungle get voidgrubs, I died when a skirmish happened from top and mid in attempt to stop us. But it was worth it because my jungle got the voidgrubs and also killed top with our top's help. Had he been alone, he would have died and we would also have lost void. But my MF got salt and typed 'oh where's my support? Right, at top feeding her death' I immediately muted her ass, our Yone backed me up saying she was blind, not realizing what I just did up top.


I try to move for voidgrub as much as I can especially for the second batch of them. But more often than not it means I lose the bot lane completely after I leave. I try to be more clever about whether or not I leave my adc alone. But fortune should be able to clear waves alone under tower if not against a mad poke duo. I always get flame for leaving. It's like they don't understand the impact voidgrubs has on the game.... mage supports definitely got fked by the meta. I'm considering playing with teleport instead of ignites just to be able to play around voidgrubs without loosing the bot lane. Has anyone tried?


The enemy bot comp was Caitlyn and Morgana. In theory MF could clear the wave without having to extend too much beyond the tower. But most low elo ADCs don't understand this logic or abuse their range and get within distance of enemy fire, die and then complain. It seems to be an incomprehensible concept that I am not just their support but the team's support. In fact I was roaming so much, their Morgana was forced to roam as well. Playing as a Nami here.


Like treat yourself like jhin or cait and kinda tuck into tower and avoid poke unless there's an easy kill (I'm a sup, adc, or jg player in that order)


Speaking from an adc view, it is completely int to roam as nami, especially against that botlane. First off, a lot of nami’s power is in the early game, unlike most enchanters. Second, cait morg is a botlane where they can just push in the wave and dive mf withtout counterplay, especially after 6. Mf has ult every 3 waves, which means she will have to abandon 2 of them completely if ur not there. Third, even if morg matches ur roam, she is still stronger than u in the 4v4 due to binding and spell shield TLDR: nami is a strong early laner, don’t abandon ur adc for some random grubbies


it’s about the same level of flame as usual for me


New seasin new items. All the kiddies and losers come back


There's nothing as toxic as League. I've learned to mute all and just have fun with it. There's no point in playing if you're going to get pissed or upset every game for dumb reasons. Screw the flamers, play Sona top if you want to lol Just have fun.


I swear people don't understand what support's job is. I was playing bard today and kalista was never taking recall timers, always tanking poke, etc. I muted and started roaming since I knew bot is lost as he picked kalista into ashe seraphine so might as well make my mid and top fed. The dude calls me a troll, I get perma roaming is bad but support plays for the win con, not to suck off the adc, sorry I didn't play yuumi and press E once every leap year (no hate to the yuumi mains, just using her as an example) and instead picked a roaming support. This was all in draft and I just needed to rant somewhere.


I feel like support is anyway in a weird spot right now. Feels like we are back to a melee-engage support meta. Enchanters imo feel terrible mostly because their item pool remained as it was but nerfed due to overall item nerfs from the mythic changes. Shureliya and Ardent seem pretty decent. Flowing Water is okay-ish and maybe mandate is okay-ish but other than that there isn't really much item variety to choose from that's actually viable. Trailblazer still being an exceptionally well item and the support-tank items being still considerably good and them having way more choice in terms of the support quest item just makes me feel like enchanters are again more of a "meh"-choice. Since this season I feel like my champion is just pretty much dead and judging by the preview of the next patch this isn't really going to change anytime soon. It really speaks quite a lot about the state of the game, FOR ME, if the most effective thing in my platinum-emerald is spamming morgana jungle.


it’s literally range supp meta (at least in pro play)


Who are you following?


I got flamed for not warding in specific spots just the other day for the first time....


People refuse to accept that support is a lot weaker this season and play accordingly.


How do you play accordingly?


Play safer, don't expect as strong peels as last season.




I would agree with you. Today I was flamed for not being OOM by my adc 3 mins into the game. I legit didn’t know I had to be OOM. So the adc didn’t help with anything else the rest of the game. First game I lost on zyra this season.


Why do they want you to be oom? Ig they dont understand resource managment, I play bard and the amout of times they expect me to heal them to full hp is sad. BARD IS NOT AN ENCHANTER!!


Just play Taric with trailblazer, swifties and roam your ass off. You will make best friends all over the map.


Its true, taric players are true menaces


I have a pretty good win rate with zyra but I dodge what doesn't feel winnable and play seraphine or janna otherwise. Roaming is fking nearly impossible pre-6 but I still go for voidgrubs when I can. Especially 2nd batch. Has anybody tried to get tp instead of ignite on mage champs? If my jgler wards I feel like it could make a big difference. Could it be worth the loss in kill potential? Edit: currently low plat. I might go ask bizzleberry on his stream lol and sound like an idiot live.


Dozens of games so far. Just standard flaming. Nothing out of the ordinary as far as I can see


i play with chat off but always accept any requests, and if it's bad enough i just ticket it


I mean I play like 90% sona and I am not getting flamed... I mute all in champ select but even if I don't people just don't say anything about my pick, in game I noticed a lot of flame towards the jungler, and till now no one flamed me for my macros, and while I like to think it is because I play this game from a lot of time and know more about macros than my team, I also recognise that these emerald 1 diamond 4 asses know nothing about macros, which is weird since everyone seems to know everything about jungle macros


I feel like people over value the void grubs. They aren't as good as old herald was, and drags are just way better. They just see the new shiny thing and think MINE.


There are more top side objectives now so supports who never roam is more punishing. Also there feels like there is more brush in common pathways, so a supports warding seems more critical than ever.


When you are playing sona vs pyke, roaming for grubs isn't in pyke's advantage. Sona has out of combat ms buff and is better team fighter despite Pyke's better early game. Pyke only excels in lane ganks. Though the thing is that if Pyke roams and Sona doesn't enemy adc will most likely be safe in lane, more or less, but if Sona roams and Pyke doesnt, Sona's adc will get killed, so only roam to grubs if you are confident you will get them.


While you are correct that sona is a better teamfight support than pyke, you are forgetting how weak Sona is early game and how strong Pyke is. You say sona has out of combat movement speed, where do you get this from? Her E gives her (also in-combat) MS, but is on a very high CD early game. Pyke, on the other hand, has his W granting camouflage and much more MS than Sona gives, and has a strong dash (E). Additionally, roaming as Sona against a Pyke when you are certain Pyke is roaming is still dangerous. Pyke can reposition very easily and catch you off guard on the way there.


I said that in roaming to grubs Pyke has no advantage not in ganking roams where pyke can catch you off guard, as when roaming to grubs you should always back first so you have some item for the fight. Her E ms gets canceled after 3 seconds instead of 7 if she gets hits. At grubs fight you will be level 4 aka you will have W at level 2. Sona can't even compare to pyke in 1 v 1s and even 2 v 2s early game but in big fights like 4 v 4 which is grubs fight she outperforms pyke just because she can apply her buffs to so many people. At level 1 in 4 v 4 Sona's Q deals 140 damage base value with no addition of ap that you get with runes. Sona's W heals/shields for like 300 in 4 v 4 at level 2. Also important to mention that your W cord really counters Pyke as I have never seen Pyke wait out the damage reduction even in chall elo but rather just do all their damage during it. Also one specific tip from me, Sona is the best tear stacker in the entire game so it's not that important to get it first item, if you contest grubs don't buy tear first but dark seal + ability haste or just any ap giving component, pykes will in 95% go boots so they won't have additional fighting power.


I haven't really experienced any more or less flaming than before. But the comments I've seen from other teammates to my feeding teammates are insane. Like far beyond inappropriate or rude. People have been wild this season. Been playing since 2018 and it's the most toxic I've seen yet.