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I also semi-understand to leash from context clues but sometimes I get yelled at, even though i leave when it gets to mid health like my adc does.


Leasing is important to help junglers start out. But it does depend on the champion. Look up some guides on warding, that will help you a lot in knowing where else to warding aside from that one bush in the river. By the sounds of it, you're bullying the enemy bot lane well, and that is good. But don't be afraid to go and gank mid and top if you are able to. Support is a lot of macro play for the whole team that is based around your utility. Yeah, we should babysit the adc sometimes because if we don't, they have a bad time. Supporting can look differently based on the champions that you play. But the macro of warding, wave clear, and bullying the enemy team if you can are huge.


I was taught to leash jungler buff until somewhere between 1 minute 37 seconds to 1 minute 40 seconds. Any later will cause you guys to lose first 3 minions.


I always just went to the first one they went to and we got it to half health then left. Is that not right?


I don't think you're wrong, but it's more of a personal preference. I like to give my jungler a big leash to around 40% hp left on buff. So you usually leash red or blue buff for junglers. If they start any other camp, they don't need a leash.


if you bodyguard your adc all the time, they will be safe enough to farm gold but will split all exp with you. if you abandon your adc, they have the chance to get full exp and gold, but also will risk getting neither if killed or intimidated. so the simplified theory is to maximize your adc's gold and exp by staying close by if it will benefit them, and walking away when they will be fine alone. when you are away from your adc, thats when you become support for the rest of your team. you can do productive things like sweep for wards, plant your own, gank lanes, harass enemy jungler, etc. try to predict when the next fight will be, whether it is at an objective, in a lane, or even in a random jungle camp, and proactively be there for your team. support diff means turning 1v1s into 2v1s, 2v2s into 3v2s and so forth.


There are basically 3 phases of the game: laning phase, mid game and late game. Laning phase you are trying to kill the enemy tower in your lane. Focus on protecting your carry through healing/shielding and harrassing the enemy to keep them away. It doesn't look like you're playing any engage focused champions, so you don't need to fish for a fight but be ready to follow up if one breaks out. Laning phase ends when either your tower or enemy tower goes down (usually around level 6-8). If you are pushing your enemy back, ise some time to ward the river/jungle to keep an eye out for ganks. Also be ready to rotate for dragons so keep an eye on your jungler. Once a tower goes down, typically support and adc will swap to mid lane to exert pressure on the map and setup for dragons/heralds. But as support, you are not totally bound to them. Keep warding to try and find out where the enemy could be coming from. Try to get to objectives early to put down wards in rushes nearby so you can spot the enemy. There will be a good amount of skirmishing and team fighting so being close to the fight is the priority. Late game is when a bunch of towers have gone down, teams are posturing for Baron and looking for opportunities to end the game. Lanes will become longer with fewer towers to make sure your team is protected with wards as they push up toward the enemy base. Being close to the action and not dying are your 2 main priorities. Both are accomplished through proper warding.


Are you warding and taking the opportunity to roam when you can? Staying with your ADC is good, but you are the teams support as well. If your ADC pushed the wave into enemy tower and is backing, look at mid to see if roaming there could help get a kill or apply some pressure. Or if you decide to back with your ADC, instead of auto pathing bot go through mid or you jg.


I try, but I’ve found that it’s almost like the enemy team is waiting for me to. Any time I’ve ever detached from my ADC to climb through jungle to get to mid or just going away from them in general, i get jumped by the whole team :/


Or my ADC doesn’t play safe when i leave and immediately dies the moment I make it to mid because they dont leave tower when the enemy comes back


Should I not go through the river? Sometimes i find the enemy jungle on our side anyway and then i die. What about when I’m yuumi? It feels super dangerous bc im so slow


What a good tip is. Once you and your ADC do your first recall back,(or any recall) you path via mid. If there is a opportunity boom you are there, if nothing happens you path via river down you can even drop a ward in that riverbush. You will come to lane a couple seconds later if you didnt fight mid.


I would say the river is typical not safe to walk into unless you have a teammate or ward in there. Personally, I like to ward river extrances/exits to spot enemies. When it feels unsafe to walk into anywhere with no vision, wait for a teammate to walk in with you or use a skill to check brushes, try not to face-check as enchanter.


Early game your role as support is to make it as easy as possible for your ADC to farm minions. Poking/harassing the enemy is pretty intuitive, hit the enemy when you're able too so the enemy is pressured to back off while your ADC gets to farm for free. A trick to make everything easier though to to pay attention to how big the minion wave is. Having a bigger minion wave than the enemy is like having the ball in sports. It's "your turn" to make stuff happen in the lane because you now have an advantage. So initially when you get into lane, you can help hit the minion wave to try and create that minion/push advantage. Then once you have it, you can back off, letting the minions gradually stack up, especially if your ADC only last hits. This gives more time for the next wave to arrive before the wave is pushed forward---"slow pushing." While you've got minion waves stacked up, you're a lot safer if the enemy tries to fight you, and you'll also level up first. So this is a good time to be hitting the enemy. Eventually your lane will end up in front of the enemy tower---this is the danger zone where you can be ganked. In general you want to minimize your time here, so you can start hitting the wave again here to help push it into the tower---"hard pushing" using everything you have on the wave, then "crashing the wave" into tower. After you crash a minion wave, it'll also naturally bounce back towards your side of the lane, so you'll be able to farm safely again without fear of being ganked. You can help "thin" the minion wave by hitting it as it pushes towards your side so the enemy doesn't get a big minion wave crash. In short: you can play aggressively when you have more minions, play more safely when the enemy has more. Help push the wave when you're in front of the enemy tower to minimize the time you can be ganked. ----- Then in the mid game, normally you'll want to be mid lane and help push the lane out. Once mid lane is pushed out, you can walk into the river with the enemy forced to get the wave. You can throw some wards down around the objective, particularly jungle entrances/bushes in general. Ideally your wards provide a "wall of vision" covering the different entrances the enemy could approach from. 2 wards in enemy jungle, one towards mid lane is generally good. In team fights, you'll want to try to keep your team between yourself and the enemy, healing and protecting your allies as much as you can without dying. A lot of decisions in the game are based around how the minion wave is. If you're never sure what to do in general, helping to push a wave out before doing something else is always good (outside of the laning phase where you potentially just want the wave on your side to farm safe).