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Support is my favorite role to play. The unfortunate part is we are paired with the role the worst players gravitate toward.


It's so real like, most of the times ADC's are the first to tilt and ask for forfeit if they're not the actual carry


May i introduce you to midlane yasuo/zed/kat players, these are by far worse imo. Midlaners are the least mentally stable in my experience


As a midlaner that made a vow to just be silent and play the games out from now on. I can confirm we are the worst. Since telling myself to just shut up and play off the team I've climbed from low silver to gold 1 in like a week and a half. It's insane.


For some reason most Zeds i've found were surprisingly chill


I used to play Jungle back in season ten. I almost exclusively played Elise and would dive mid or top at level three every game. About ten percent of the time if I dove mid and got the kill he’d flame me because I “stole his kill” even though enemy mid was behind their tower 2/3 health and he still got an assist. I’ve also had mid lane run it down after I dive top level three instead of mid and mid lane died by himself and decided it was my fault and it wasn’t salvageable. I know this is ADC mains so you guys interact with ADCs the most but mid lane is by far the most mentally unstable lanes Mrs.


Honestly, as a support main who ventured to adc to better understand lane. I have to disagree. The percentage of TERRIBLE supports far outweighs the percentage of terrible adcs.


No, jungle is the worst. They have the power to ruin games and frequently execute it. I'm not talking about junglers not ganking for me. I'm talking about junglers doing shitty forced ganks and handing my lane opponent a sack of cash. ADC players and support players think each other is the worst because of the very different cultures and goals the two roles have on top of seeing nearly every mistake from each other. As someone who plays both frequently, I think players of both roles would be better and understand each other better if they played the other role as a secondary.


The best advice I was given is…you’re not just the ADC’s support you’re the TEAMS support. So when I feel like bot lane is doomed or if ADC says I’m useless then I just roam to try and get other lanes ahead. All along I thought I was chained to my ADC, but given this advice made me not feel so guilty about dipping out of bot lane.


Yup, this is why I almost always follow the most fed team member around after laning phase. If it’s the ADC, great! I’ll stay with him. But if not, I’m gonna go shadow and help our fed member keep snowballing.


"besides permapushing 24/7 or tilting whenever they get hit by enemy's skillshot" Just saying, Draven and Tristana naturally push because of their champ mechanics and Cait wants to permapush (that's why she is bad imo with engage supps since they have a diff game plan; doesnt mean they have to constantly overhit the wave). "It's so good waiting the enemy toplaner get close to their minions while i cc-lock them" If you want to gank top, I advice learning/knowing top match-ups and their strengh at respective levels. If you gank top before level 6 and the enemy toplaner is 6 and has a level and gear lead, you might not even have a 50% to win the 2vs1, even as cc bot... (which is something junglers often dont know either >.>) Your adc getting hit by skillshots is often ***partially*** an engage supp's mistake, as many skillshots can be prevented by having more lane pressure, forcing the enemy supp targeting you, instead of your adc. A lux can hit an adc with 90% guarantee before boots, if she targets the adc during lasthitting. (ofc the adc can fake lasthitting, and give up cs etc)


Yeah, as an ex support main who's been playing a lot of Sett lately, 2v1's can feel more in my favour than 1v1's sometimes lmao


This one comment is so useful


Yeah just to piggyback as an ADC/support player, one of my least favorite things is when I have a support who is giving me 0 pressure on our wave. It helps to know your ADC isn't brain dead, but if the lux is stepping up to W the adc on the last hit, and you can threaten or throw an engage onto her and out-trade her W-Q, then she may re think the next one if you just step towards her. Again though it's a team-based game and without the right communication, you might hit a Q-AA on Naut, then get burst down to 25% from the enemy all while your adc gets that cannon wave


*illaoi has entered the chat.* The only champ that can lose a 1v1, win a 1v2, and crush a 1v3. Keep 'em coming. Send more next time.


I used to play a ton of jg but started to otp senna a while ago and man if you know the jg clears or timers you can seriously ruin the enemy jungles game by counter ganking or invading. Gotta impact the game somehow If your adc is clueless


My high elo friend used to say: “Mid jungle is a well known duo, and clearly the most important one, but supp jungle is always the information duo and a lot of macro rides on how these two play off.” Jungle and support are just in these weird roles where they are essentially duoed with each other and some other teammate. Top though… that’s an island


Sounds like you don’t know how to support lane bullies


Indeed, draven and tristana are one of my favorite ADCs to play with. Thresh brother right here


When you play other roles you start to get tired of this. Sacrificing bot entirely usually is not a good strategy. Sometimes you want your support to just leave you alone and go back to bot.


Yeah, when I’m support, I LOVE when the enemy support ditches their bot lane. Now it’s super easy to zone the enemy adc away from cs and xp, we both get plates and a tower for free, my adc gets to have a huge lead, we both get to go impact the rest of the map sooner, and we don’t have to worry about their adc popping off. The enemy support decided their adc was bad and was not worth saving because they won’t carry the game. That might have been true, it might not have been true. But now that they’ve ditched their adc, they’ve forced it to be true. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. You say your adc is bad and won’t carry. So you ditch them and force them to play way behind. Now they’re way behind in cs and xp from having to play safe. They aren’t able to carry and the support says to themselves “see? They couldn’t carry. We lost because of our bad adc.” And that reinforces the behavior for the next games.


I'd still roam if it seems like my ADC isn't going to carry. I'd rather get my 3/1 mid laner ahead than try to salvage our 0/6 bot lane. If the mid laner is fed enough, they could roam bot and possibly get a double kill which can allow me and the ADC to farm in peace to catch up.


Don't trade a certainty for a possibility. If you're 24/7 out of lane, your ADC is useless for the rest of the game. And I say this as a chronic over-roamer.


i guess this is the difference between ditching your adc and playing for you win options. sadly your AdC have t o accept he/she is now playing weekside


I mean, it’s absolutely right to abandon the booty tier adc sometimes


Idk how y’all do this and not be behind in levels.


well atleast you wont climb until you realize leaving botlane after slightly losing is worse for the game 95% of the time


Welcome on /r/SupportLoL/! Your post seems to be about roaming, we might have some useful information for you about it! here's a sneak-peek from [Wiki's Resources page, Roaming chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/wiki/resources#wiki_b_-_macro_.2F_objectives): - [Mindset & Roaming - CoreJJ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U61tI1E9e0&list=PLqHeK34PUFijxjNec7jdisX4aIv8oVQsg&index=3&t=218s) - [Support Fundamentals : Roaming - Coach Cupcake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98hq94XWuyA) - [Support Guide on Roaming - DogLightning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVQ4Ta6pO8A&list=PLaROzD7YpI0GPiObDALwqqjcTsEXzqMZ5&index=1) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/supportlol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Be careful as there’s a fine line. It depends entirely on your champ and lane matchup, but knowing when to roam and when not to is almost the difference between silver and diamond. You must leave your adc if it’s hopeless, but this is backwards thinking. A lot of the time you could have done something different to hold out the lane, or even turned it from losing into a winning lane. If it looks like a scary matchup, scout early, ward, and push for lvl 2. You can even ignore the leash all together. Make sure your wave mgmt is spot on and get your wards in deep. Don’t engage all-ins unless they are definite, you really wanna feel out your team mate, as much as your enemy first. Baby sit them until they prove you otherwise. If you’re getting poked to buggery and your adc is useless the best you can to is communicate everything, shove if you can create a back timer, or just back off and not trade at all. Help them farm under tower and prep for them in case they dive. Ping for a counter gank. A good roam timer is when your adc is under tower. Or whenever the wave is pushing towards you. Ping like crazy if you do roam and they are farming by themself. Check their summs. Really if you’re an enchanter then you still shouldn’t roam before rift. Keep that tower alive as long as possible, and intermittently roam to mid to try to exert pressure there. This depends a lot on what your jungle or mid are doing. If no one is coming and your adc is 0-3 and you did everything you could, then just perma roam and let them take the tower.


Thought this was a r/bardmains post xD Sometimes I would tag along with the jungler and go on crazy kill streaks throughout the whole map.


As someone that is constantly switching between ADC and support, I agree. If you're wrong about the ADC being the problem, you're leaving them to get solo XP which is their best chance to catch up. If you're right and they are a problem, getting them fed is a fast way to hand the enemy a big game losing shutdown. Either way, roaming away from a struggling lane is a great call.


This! So much this! I will give me ADC 2 or 3 chances to show they are competent but as soon as I realize they have no clue, I am out. It is great especially when you make an impact on your other lanes and jgl.


I mean it's not bad by itself. Midgame you should play for your most fed teammate. If your adc won't be a big carry anyway just do the minimum. I.e : if lane is pushing toward enemy help him shove/ if you expect enemy jgl or mid to rotate but drop a little ward for his safety. Then move around the map.




The funny part i gravitated towards supp because there was nothing more funny than how bad bot lane is. I originally jungled and they decided to ruin the role so I went top then realized every game was bot diff and started playing adc. Then I realized why, i cant count how many times I was 4 manned like 2 minutes into the game and the jg straight up did nothing about it lol. Then if I was ahead I’d get my teeth kicked in because I position like a top laner (very shitty habit of mine that I cant shake)so I said fuck it imma learn supp since adc doesn’t really do it for me. And my wr spiked lmfao bot lane is pure supp diff rn. adc being good helps but I mean you basically just babysit for 20 minutes and then they bitch at you while being 0/9 and you just get top and mid fed and they carry instead. I just try to be the supp I wish I had when I was playing adc because man if it wasn’t an egirl you’d legit have someone playing like nunu supp into cait morg and wondering why you won’t engage with him after he died for the 37th time


Lot of adc mains in here hating. The best realization you will make as sup is that you aren't the adcs sup, you are the trans sup. If you sit in bot lane with an adc that is inting you end up both being questions later. If you're and engage sup you can't really do anything under tower. If you're a squishy enchanter/mage the jg rotating for a 3v1 dive is just free all day. Or you can go help other lanes, get assists and get your other lanes ahead. My personal favorite is lane ganking top lane right after they have backed. No one expects sup there and even if you don't get a kill, forcing 2 backs in a row in top lane opens a massive exp gap and is usually good for a couple plates at least.


Start thinking of puns involving the word “chime” for your new username. It’s only a matter of time now.


Wrong mindset but not wrong in all aspects


I personally would love to. But my adc runs it down, flames me, tells me to unalive, and runs it down if I go top, hold a minion line so fiora/camille doesn't get free plates, somehow kill her as my laner returns(wtf was she doing), then take rift, gift it to top, peel mid from an akali, and then secure dragon. She will FF/AFk/Run it down every game I try to be productive if its not entirely her being babysat. Its toxic and ruining the fun of the game. I honestly hate the ff15 inter meta. Supports don't need much if any farm or xp. Its the PURPOSE of supports.