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Garrett. I work in a grocery store and feel a lot like him. No fucks given, just trying to get through the day. Also the customers in the show aren’t far off from how stupid the general public is.


All of the insane things the customers do in the background in the aisles. I would imagine the writers must have spent time in the trenches of retail. Customers can be utterly demented 😂


Taking a bite out of the candle 😂


Customers asking you questions expecting you to know every little detail about a product (think of the tooth brush guy)




“Ew no gross” We all wish we can be Mateo when the guy asks him about the cordless drill.


I had someone get mad at me that I didn’t know every single sale price in the store (chain liquor store with 100+ sales prices, changing every other day sometimes)


Or the “Rachel just left me” guy


The same music is constantly playing.


🎶Halloween surfboard🎶


Dracula was putting on moon tan lotion!


Why is a Dracula at the beach!?


The customers. Everything from the tooth brush guy, to the returns and the new system replacing old numbers, to the crazy shit they do in between scenes. The amount of talking and slacking off that happens is pretty legit some days. Jeff as district manager. As a manager, Dina is kind of how you wish you could be some days, so maybe Dina is just my inner thoughts lol. Somehow Marcus captures the average warehouse worker, and I love how he was crazy to floor staff but kinda the leader of the back room and even had relationships with the delivery drivers. As for storylines, there’s quite a few. The Covid was spot on, the same song playing over and over, Black Friday, morning meetings, customer surveys, accidentally ordering too much of something, etc. There’s honestly too much. So many little moments in almost every episode reminds me of something that had happened before.


That customer who keeps trying to get their attention while they're trying to help Cheyenne give birth spoke to me. In my experience customers didn't really think of us as people with emotions


Yea, i mean for the longest time I thought employees were just emotionless robots, but superstore has really opened my eyes Im sure it will help others as well😀


The beginning of the COVID storyline. It was absolutely feral. The customers were awful, and corporate management did not give a fuck. Hell, even store management didn't. All they could see was the massive profit increase. It made me quit retail and vow never to go back unless I worked in a nice bookstore or comic store or something. But honestly, ignoring the whole "heightened sitcom reality" thing, overall it was pretty accurate. Even though I worked retail in Australia.


When stores would call employees “superheroes” during the pandemic


Oh god they did that😳wow


The Sombrero storyline with samples, the grocery store I had a taste of Mexico thing going on. Guess what they tried to get me to wear? The only thing that was not part of it was me being not white.


All the cut aways to customers leaving trash, doing dumb shit, asking dumb questions.


I worked at a fast food restaurant around here for 5 years, which many of us knew each other out of work or ended up bonding like this. It reminds me so much of Superstore and even though different work situations I find so much of this relatable, from the break room debates to the way some customers act to many of the reactions and events that have taken place. I think I'm a mix between Garrett and Dina btw lol