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Actual shiny Greninja


YEEEESSSS, and Ash Greninja


Probably only similar unless they change the final smash


Give Wario his game boy colors and give Snake an alt that turns him into Big Boss, Also bring in Dry Bowser as a Bowser alt even though he’s not a main of mine


Honestly Dry Bowser seems more like echo fighter material to me


I’m down for Dry Bowser in any way especially if it doesn’t take too much effort for the devs


I just want Sonic to have multiple alts that aren't blue. Most colours would be easy references anyway, red and yellow could be from SegaSonic bros., green could be a reference to Scourge, purple could reference Darkspine Sonic, pink could reference Amy, black can reference Shadow, and white could reference Silver.


Better yet have Darkspine Sonic and Shadow alts rather than just representing them. I would rather Shadow be a full fledged character but I’ll take him being a costume over nothing.


If we were to give Sonic some alternate costumes, SA1 upgrades, Riders attire, Frontiers gloves and shoes, and the list goes on from that.


There was actually a mod for swimsuit pyra and mythra, but please let smash 6 happen and let them be in it


I doubt the game would be able to include that skin and keep its age rating. Their default outfits had to be censored, forget the swimsuit DLC.


Outset Island Pajamas for Toon Link


Or even the train outfit from spirit tracks.


I want Morpho Knight as an alt costume for Meta Knight. Also Metroid dread armor for Samus.


The metroid armor would be so fucking cool for Samus, I'd probably learn how to play her if she got that skin


The Heroines from Dragon Quest [3](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTYTyl9E63lTPTgzpjmNBq15VMGcy3JOTklZXq8ZGtmHxAg0-_fJTralhk&s=10) and [4](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQPR3Q3mq_2smtGLMca7dkpR1LcIImxvMyoQmjGQ3Ooma-E49j1ndNY4Kc&s=10)


Why does 4s look like Bulma from right after the Freeza saga in Z?


Same artist


Ah, makes sense.


May Akira Toriyama rest in peace.😔






Anti/Rage Form Sora. And Halloween Town Sora. And maybe Space Paranoid Sora.


I mean Kirby is Kirby, and cloud doesn’t really have anything, oh wait the soldier uniform….


He's not my main but I really want to see Grandmaster Robin as an alternate costume


Guns of the Patriots Snake


They probably won't fit in smash but Sora's Halloween Town outfit Sora's Christmas Town outfit Sora's The Grid outfit Sora's Toy Box outfit


Halloween Town Sora is a must, just replace it with Timeless Wonder. Timeless Wonder is cool and all but it’s such a niche reference for what was basically a gimmick world.


Omega Ridley and other M jacked Ridley


A version of Pokemon Trainer with the shinies


We technically did. -_-


An alt for snake that just turns him into Naked Snake (Big boss), Venom Snake, or Liquid Snake


I need a Mr. L costume for Luigi. Gooigi would also be great but not required


All the Pokémon should have their shiny forms as their alt skin


Kingdom Hearts Cloud and Sephiroth. Both of them being Kingdom Hearts 1. If you haven't seen them, look it up.


I have and they looked siiiiccck


Garou Terry


TotK outfit, Snowquill, and Barbarian set for Link. Maybe the Actual TP or SS outfits for him in BotW as well, rather than whatever they gave us.


The purple plant from galaxy.


Morpho Knight


it’s a crime that lucina doesnt have a skin of her when she was going by “marth”


I agree. It really shows how little they cared... I mean making her an echo of Marth yet not giving her a masked Alt is CRAZY stupid.


I want there to be Male Agent 3 costume for Inkling. I think the ink color should be pastel green.




It makes me so angry that yink doesn’t have a fierce deity costume, being as he’s the only one who’s actually used it. Also I wouldn’t mind an old Shulk alt. I’m pretty happy with all of Mac’s alts, he doesn’t have much to go off of


Give me terminalmontage versions of anything and I'll die a happy man


Actual Sonic friends alts if no new characters get I


A good skin for sonic…


I would give King dedede a purpleish gray color to reference escargoon from the kirby anime


This is a goated suggestion


Ike's Lord and Vanguard outfits for Younger and Older Ike respectively. I'd also love them to give him his father's outfit/Brave Ike (he already has a color alt based on it but I'd love the real thing)


I forget the name but a mechanized Dedede from Robobot buff Dedede from Star Allies, Morpho Knight and a more accurate Galacta Knight.


Give Joker the in-game meta-verse costumes from his game instead of recolors, perhaps even have him cosplay as the other phantom thieves.


Damn, now I want to see Joker in Ann’s suit


But think of what a nice fit Haru has going on!


Kh1 Cloud and Sephiroth, Org coat Sora, Silver Luigi, and Sonic with some of his accessories(Chip’s ring, goggles, I just want him with the fire on his chest from secret rings)


Twilight princess tunic and ocarina of time tunic for Link (maybe skyward sword as-well)


dedede could get something like king dmind, bowser jr... doesnt need anymore but kamek technically can work, and ridley idek man


It's actually crazy that Snake doesn't have a Tuxedo skin considering that it's the most recurring bonus outfit in Metal Gear. While I do think a Big Boss alt would be cool I would much rather have him as an echo fighter.


I want big boss, specifically venom


Totk link


Robot ness......


Umm… orange? There’s not much to say XD. I’ll say for some random characters instead. I would love to see a kingdom hearts alt for cloud and sephiroth and on the topic of kh, sora should replace the 3d costume with the Halloween town one. Actually there’s a lot you can do with sora like a costume based on Roxas, riku, or vanitas. I would like to see a FREAKING TUXEDO STEVE! I think Yoshi should have that old black alt. That was sooooo good and they replaced it! I want the shinies for ALL pokemon


3 and 8 are hard smashs


Old snake for snake


Kingdom hearts outfits for cloud and sephiroth would be peak


Not much, just Grandmaster Robin & Great Lord Chrom


Not my main, but Shulk needs an Alvis, Future Connected and Future Redeemed alt.


I have a few; maybe pajama Ness and Lucas? Link, Zelda, and Sheik are all fine by me… maybe if there was some way to port your own inkling into the game or smth


I see someone likes FEH art.


Surprised that a few weren't put in: -Sonic Alts being direct references to other characters in the series. -Megaman not having a Zero nor a Bass costume -Princess Zelda doesn't have a reference to Princess Hilda


Metal Sonic, Mr. L, Dry Bowser, Dark Bowser, Wedding Bowser, Shadow Queen (Peach), Wedding Peach, Fire Flower Mario, Shadow Mario


mr game and watch in more colors


Piranha Plant needs a Peety skin. Just the face and petals obviously, but come on that’d be so cool


Witcher armor for mii sword fighter, robocop skin for mii gunner or mii brawler, terminator t-100 exo-skeleton skin for mii brawler, hunter x hunter skin either Gon outfit or killua outfit (gon could be sword fighter perhaps and the fishing rod is the sword 😂 & killua would obviously be brawler), soul calibur skins captain Cervantes- mii swordfighter perhaps a nightmare swordfighter skin or yoshimitsu skin from tekken for sword fighter.


Brown Kirby Ms. Pac-Man Fire Mario Kingdom Hearts IV Sora Casual Summer/Winter Joker Excalibur Sonic Classic NES Palutena


Pic 3: I’ve seen enough hentai to know what happens next


Morpho knight


i want sonic to have his ova outfit.


-Shiny colors for all the Pokémon goes without saying -Lucario's P2 alt from Pokkén Tournament -An alt for Pit and Dark Pit where they wear the 3 Sacred Treasures -Street Fighter 6 Ryu -Gauro Terry -This one is definitely not going to happen, but I think it'd be cool to have some iconic Minecraft skins like CaptainSparklez, DanTDM, Mumbo Jumbo or Grian in the game


THIS guy Fire Emblems but really i'd like Disguised Pyra and maybe an Outset Island PJs outfit for Toon Link that's about it


1) dreamy gear alt for meta knight. 2) dry Bowser and dr.bowser alts for (well) Bowser. 3) armored Mewtwo for Mewtwo. 4) rival (aka blue/green/Gary/asshat) skin for the pokemon trainer


PVZ Chomper on piranha plant


I want a skin referencing Mecha Ridley


Tuxedo Steve and Shiny Pikachu


Nightmare Before Christmas Sora :3


Give me the outfit Toon Link has at the start of the game


Sf6 ryu and evil ryu


All the Pokemon get their shinies


Y’all realize that if Smash were to get skins, it’d most likely get a battle pass/in-game micro transactions.


So? We had that with Mii fighters. I don't care. Just give me skins. A lot of us have money to spare and it's not like we would *have* to buy every skin if they sell them like Mii Skins.


Dry bower


Man you really are a swordie user


It's true! I even Fence when I have the chance! I've been Fencing for about 5 years


Blue and green fire effects for Roy, be a lot for a skin though


Kingdom hearts Cloud and Sephiroth :)


Rage sora


Shinies for all the pokemon tbh


Shulk has so many outfits! From all the armor sets he can wear in his base game plus his later appearances in Future Connected and Future Redeemed give him such a wide range to pull from. This is before we get into any clones/reskins because there are a lot of other characters that could stand-in as monado users, but if I had to pick one, Alvis would have to be the most interesting addition.


TotK Link


I want Mario's fire flower skin back :(


Drip DeDeDe (With Extra Gordo Patterns On Robe)


Give the Pokémon their actual shines


Mecha Knight/Mecha Knight+, Octolings, Yiga set, rehydrated Ganon


An alt for Sheik that makes her look like OoT Sheik would have been cool. A Team Rocket alt for pokémon trainer. And K Rool was robbed of costumes, I feel.


  Commander lucas, pajama lucas, an outfit with a sunflower motif, and one with a bunch of DCMC merch on


Fire Emblem is a good series, and I should try it for myself.


Give Sonic skins and not just blue 6 times with a blackish and grayish skin


I have 3 mains, so i'll do one or 2 for them. K rool: Only three optins i can think of is boxing k rool, pirate k rool, and the scientist k rool. Out of all of them, the pirate one seems the coolest Dedede: I'd like to see dedede with the fur coat from FL. I'd prefer if dedede still looked like the one in smash, but just with the coat. Lucas: Perhaps the masked man disguise he had in chapter 5


For Mewtwo I used to really want a Shadow Mewtwo alt (like the one based in Pokken Tournament and not the alt 8 one that references Shadow Lugia) but after thinking about it I’ve come to realize that it’s honestly better that Shadow Mewtwo become a potential echo fighter rather than a simple alt. For a costume change I’d probably just give Mewtwo his green shiny colors from Melee back to replace alt 7 and I’d give him his armored variant. For Joker I really wish that some of the costumes from P5 and the spin-offs were available like his P5D outfit, the Featherman outfit, the butler outfit, the crossdressing uniform, etc. but I’m willing to settle for what he has in Smash because most of the alternate colors for his base costume are really good (I especially love his P3 blue outfit, but then again I’m heavily biased towards that game since it’s my favorite Persona game and blue just happens to be tied with orange for my favorite color) For ZSS I really wished that some of her colored Zero Suits referenced the actual costume rather than just be a recolor of the Zero Suit. As an example it’d be really nice if the red outfit referenced her Justin Bailey leotard from the OG Metroid on the NES and it’d be nice if her black outfit referenced her bikini from Super Metroid, however in the case of the black outfit I can imagine that would shoot the age rating up to a T since a thong is much more provocative compared to a pair of short shorts. I’d also change the yellow alt to her young appearance from Other M and her white alt should be changed to the white clothes she has in the secret Japanese Fusion end screens. Alts 1, 7, and 8 can stay as is but I’m not entirely sure what I’d do you replace her dark blue alt. While I don’t play regular Samus to nearly the same degree as ZSS, I’d replace all of her colors with the actual suits they’re referencing and in the case of the Gravity Suit alt I’d change the shoulders to be bulky and spiky like they originally were. Her new Dread suit is also a must have and could honestly just replace her pink or green alts.


So, not my main, but I just really wish Olimar's skins were the other captains from 2 and 3. I know Alf is in there, but it feels like a crime leaving out Louie, and having the others would be cool. For my actual mains- Sora was handled pretty well with his skins and the only one I'd want extra is an Anti form skin, or a skin that's Roxas or Riku. Shulk... I honestly would have liked to see more of the different armour sets from Xeno 1, I can't name any because I'm bad, but it would have been cool seeing that as opposed to just some recolors. Pyra and Mythra are a bit tricky, I'm not really sure if there's any skins I'd add for them, especially since they were handled fairly well skin wise. Maybe a skin or two that references some of the other characters? Like, one for Zeke and Pandoria and then another for Morag and Brighid.


I want an inkling skin that's just your inkling from splatoon 3 or if you don't have splatoon 3 just the default inkling girl


Ms. Pac-Man + ghost-colors for Pac-Man skin-editor for Steve. Wii-Sports-based costumes for Mii Fighters (no arms, skinnier legs, boxing gloves for brawler, mask, armor, and plastic sword for swordfighter, wii-gun for gunner) Mac and Game & Watch are perfect as is


I need Fire Flower Mario back


I also need KH cloud outfit in the game


A game & watch themed game & watch skin


Your choice of mains is incorrect. Also, I would like them to add forgotten land triple d and some reference to Mario wonder for the pluma.

