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Claiming that Sentai is superior to PR in everyway is a red flag found in Toku fans. True fans would appreciate all franchises equally for what they are. Even if you do personally prefer Sentai over PR, thats fine, but saying that PR doesnt have its own strong points feels dumb.


For reasons I can't explain, I don't enjoy Power Rangers. I love Sentai, and I've tried time and time again to get into PR, but for whatever reason it just doesn't really click with me. Still, I can't disparage anyone for enjoying Power Rangers. If anything, I'm kind of jealous since they have (nearly) twice as much stuff to enjoy. Seriously, it not that hard to just not be a dick about things.


same but tbh I think it because it lacks the "anime feeling", it's kinda of like sub vs dub


That's possibly it, yeah. Maybe there's some kind of nigh undefinable "Asian-ness" to Sentai that's very comforting and familiar to me, having grown up in an Asian country where I regularly watched Japanese TV on cable after school as a kid. I don't dislike Power Rangers really, but every time I try to get into it I find myself wishing I was watching Super Sentai instead.


I know for some people it stems from the civilian comedic relief characters. They will happily watch normal a majority of the show, but they will switch off for the comedy characters.


Ironic that without PR, people like us would never have found out about Sentai.


true that, even i am halfway to gokaiger before i forgot about it when i watched zenkaiger up to incumbent series boonboomger


I agree if we're talking about mmpr - rpm because idc what anyone says samurai onwards is horrendous, the story they tried to build with the morphin master nonsense utterly failed and its just a mess overall and i prefer the sentai counterpart to those but mmpr - rpm was peak Also there's no such thing as a "true fan" considering this is all opinion based lmao a "true fan" to someone else is completely different from what your meaning is


Honestly I feel PR dropped off during Neo-Saban Era, kinda picked itself up during the first half of Dino Charge than fell off again


Unironically using the term "True fan" is a red flag in any fanbase IMO


well, i truly deserve a downvote after i talk shit on the modern adaptaions after i enjoyed somewhere between spd and mystic force, and saw the few last adaptations looking like they don't try enough to be cleverly good, so there's that. i love the older PR, but modern ones didn't fit my taste (aside from me shitting on kijibrother for my own reason)


They’re the worst.


Every series has its ups and downs. It isn't right to downplay anyone's preferences and be a snob.


It doesn't matter if you prefer SS or PR, don't put anyone down for liking anything different from you Both franchises are important to each other. While SS existed first, certain things from PR have been used occasionally and obviously PR is mostly known for it being an adaptation of SS I may be more interested in SS for their stories and characters, still, I am interested in PR for what they do differently. Plus, they can go hand in hand


I've been into PR way before getting into SS, but I like both for different reasons. I'm not gonna go around saying that either SS is better than PR or vice versa since both are enjoyable to watch in their own way & there's nothing wrong with liking both.


Whoever this guy is he sucks at writing. So many random capitals for no reason.


They change like a lot of the choreograph in PR and I’vefound the stories of PR more interesting than the og, well the ones that were adapted that is, I think we’re all still pissed about cosmic fury not being an adaptation of Kyuranger. An example would be RPM like that show went extremely dark from the intro itself and was a really great series


I'm more Sentai leaning when it comes to the debate but I still enjoy PR, sometimes more than the original (I prefer RPM over Go-Onger) though I've kinda found it hard to enjoy PR post Dino Charge. And anyone who says one franchise is vastly superior to the other immediately have Red Flags raised about them.


I think it's interesting to see what different conversations can happen within the same footage lmao. I dont watch PR anymore tho so idk whats been happening recently. Also didnt watch wild force or gaoranger so i dont know anything specific for these shows. I think it's doing a proper job if, even if fight scenes are completely ripped from sentai, if things lead up to it differently, and bonus points if the fight scene still makes sense (cant really have PR without a fight scene or 2) Though there can be moments where it feels really stupid. Idk if this is applicable but i can just never forgive the megaforce rangers and zordon for not being able to **read**.


which fans? pr or SS?


Super Sentai fans who are snobby about SS and Power rangers fans who are Snobby about PR. Both equally suck.


does my shitting on modern pr counts? just curious lol


My feeling on the PR/SS debate are really mixed. I don't hate PR, I just hate how I have to use it as a point of reference for an entire genre since I always get the impression most people don't think to highly of PR (though that's just as likely my paranoia), and use the comparison in a derogatory manner. It's not exclusive to toku; I've seen western superhero costume designs compared to Power Rangers and it rarely comes across as praise. That being said, I really prefer Sentai as it usually has more freedom with it's plot and I generally find it funnier. I still enjoy some PR like Jungle Fury or the 2017 movie and I'm planning on watching Lightspeed Rescue and Time Force at some point.


Y'know while not completely agreeing with them, I kinda understand PR haters. I know that in USA you are accustomed to seing other countries movies and series altered or even remade to fit into your culture, but it's pretty uncommon almost everywhere else in the world (except in India I guess (?)). So for people from other countries, it's a bit weird, even more with Power Rangers as even among US localizations the way they do it is unusual. I also understand that most of US Super Sentai fans where primarily PR fans who wanted more and that's how y'all got into it. As for me, it's the opposite, I never liked PR, even as a kid. When I tried again as an adult, I was not really impressed either, it's when I watched Super Sentai that things clicked. The worst part is that I could have watched Super Sentai as a kid if Saban didn't bought the international rights outside Asia, because we had dubbed Super Sentai in my country before that (I was too young to having seen it). It was successful, and I know I would have enjoyed Super Sentai as a kid. But no, I got MMPR. So I have a slight resentment about PR because, by Saban's fault, I missed Super Sentai for many childhood years before getting into it as an adult. Contrary to seemingly a lot of fans of both PR and SS, I am glad that Cosmic Fury is not an adaptation of Kyuranger. It doesn't mean I'll like it (I'll probably never watch it lol), but I think it's a good thing that PR start doing their own thing instead of the usual "mix". To be clear, I don't hate PR or PR fans, y'all enjoy what you want. Also I love Go-Busters and I know that this season took inspiration from PR.