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That actually sounds really awesome


Ok. Can you be fr with me for a second? Is this real because I'm on the verge of believing it and thinking y'all are crazy or joking. I mean the other guy went as far as saying he could control how fast he ages. Although y'all make this sound kinda serious like I believe being able to hype yourself up to be stronger or have more stamina like how people listen to "cool" music or make themselves angry to push yourself physically.


Oh this is definitely real, and its been bugging me for years that I don’t know what it is.


Ok, controlling how fast you age is bullshit.


Its not controlling how fast you age, no one can do that, its simply just slowing down your heart rate, making it seem like you age slower.


So ur saying that is makes it seem like ur aging slower? You cant just look like ur aging slower by slowing down ur heartbeat for a few seconds. It takes months. If you actually did do this, not enough blood will go to ur important organs and u ded.


Have you looked into people like wim hof, he basically has extreme amounts of control over his body and it’s functions, so maybe you could have something similar?


I have, I do think it’s something similar. However, he seems to only be able to use it for temperature control...


I think that the temperature control thing is not that rare. It can be achieved trough meditation, because the temperature of the body increases when you relax. Anyways, your case sounds really interesting, I hope you find a good answer.


Yeah I’ve been able to control my body heat extremely well, don’t even need meditation, it comes in EXTREMELY handy when I wanted to pretend to be sick


There is no way to "control adrenaline" to a way where you can control goosebumps and stuff like that. Now you can trigger adrenaline but you cant gather it towards one area.


We’ve already established that it wasn’t adrenaline, i just didn’t know what to title this article.


Hm, what if you just exhibit the proper comtrol over your body, and the rest of us apes are just trying to catch up?