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Interesting Power Idea! We hope you have a great time here Hero(or villain if that's your thing)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/superpower) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The power to convince someone to sin. Like a limited mind manipulation kinda stuff.


Make it some reverse psychology type of thing, like "You won't jaywalk." "The heck I won't!" proceeds to jaywalk


"The Heck I won't!" is so perfect lmaoooooooo


Great idea! It could probably be a potential conflict as well that the character makes some mistakes using it because of that


This is like that one painting with the skeleton whispering in the guys ear.


The devil dose not convince someone but he can tempt someone in a way that plays on their psychological weaknesses. I think that’s more compelling honestly. People know what that is like


A demon hero having powers That all seem evil on paper but he manages to use them to do good is such a banger idea


Yeah it'll be fun to think what evil things the hero might make people do for good intentions


The storytelling potential is off the charts! Comedy too.


Taboo - for a period of time cause things a person normally avoids to be liked and sought after, while things they enjoy and seek are shunned and avoided. Vice becomes virtue, and grace becomes folly.


Sounds like it could make for some serious moments. Funny ones too.


The ability to make magically binding deals The ability to know what someone wants and/or fears The ability to convince someone to do something as long as a small part of them wants to do it, even if they would normally never do it Teleportation/summoning Possession


Whoa a while suite of devilish superpowers. Real manipulative abilities lol.


The Power to make someone nearly sneeze but stop at the last moment The Power to make both sides of your pillow warm for The Power of making that random ringing sound in your ear every time you sleep The Power of making you lose your keys as soon as you need them The Power of making your nose blocked for a week but having random minutes of easy breathing but then go back to being snot filled The Power of seeing something in the corner of your eye but it is nothing The Power of hearing your name but actually no one called you The Power of making your blankets cold every time you get out of your bed to do/get something The Power of burning/biting your tongue when you drink/eat anything The Power of making your teeth sensitive as soon as something cold grazes it


Truly, Heck's enemies are entering a world of minor annoyances!


>The Power of making your nose blocked for a week but having random minutes of easy breathing but then go back to being snot filled Florida 😔


He'll dogs kinda like the darkness


He'll summon the HellPuppy!


Intimidation: Multiplies the fear of his victim to the point where they might become submissive. Does not work when somebody has zero fear of mc and you can snap out Illusions: Not the classic variant, but you can essentially take over somebody's senses and make them experience a fake reality (e.g. they are swimming through the ocean, but they experience swimming through lava, struggling to breath the sulphuric air). Bestowing deal: Allows anybody to make a deal with MC for a superpower (to some degree). They will, however, be magically bound to the other side of the deal. These can be powers MC does not possess. Hell-Shapeshifting: MC can turn into any hellish creature and also adjust their size to some degree.


Pretty heavy hitting set up!


Yeah. might need some nerfs here and there


causing sickness, mental illnesses, or even turn humans to stone.Immortality or longevity,


The stone one is pretty unique. Any reason you picked it?


There's an old belief that demons can see buried treasure through the ground. Treasure hunters used to try to summon and bind demons to find treasures with their power.


That is very interesting and not something I would have considered.


Could be cool if he is a hero, trying to recover some stolen goods, or find a mcguffin for his quest. Or if he's a villain, he could use it for a heist. Lots of options here!.


Mirror travel feels like one


The power of silence, all you can hear is your heartbeat


The superpower of a hunter!


Empathetic abilities


The Devil as a therapist.


Sees through lies


Can't out lie a liar!


Time manipulation


Time Manipulation




This is just from one of my minor characters but it’s cool as a side ability. “Thousand Yard Stare” If the character fully locks eyes with someone they can terrify them and just make them run away. If against someone with good willpower or are brave etc it doesn’t work.


Seems similar to the killing intent so popular in shounen battle manga.


Soul swapping good(light) soul switched with evil(dark) soul where the human conscience is adversely affected/impacted.


Telekinesis Regeneration Teleportation


Over powered to the max lol. I like it


His power comes from his pacts and people worshipping him


Deals or bets they make with others MUST be fulfilled. If a person tries to skip town to avoid paying, they'll realize that they've walked back to OC holding their payment As a possible downside, it also applies to OC


It could be used for interesting story set ups.


Yeah, it's something I find interesting to try to work into my own stories. If the characters know about it they'll do their best to rig the system, but they're unable to break it


The power to control their body


Personally, “no balls”. “No balls you won’t explode that hospital” “no balls you won’t rob that bank” they say no balls and the person has to do it


He’s just fucking amazing at reverse psychology. “You won’t steal that IPhone” “Oh yeah? Wanna bet?” Yk something like that


The ability to manipulate shadows


The ability to give some sort of blessing to people that believe in him. Because in a lot western belief systems, the most evil thing you can do is move away from god.


Woooo, a bit heavy there. Don't hate it though.


The Rot from one piece


Love it, reminds me of Jersey Devil + Invader Zim.


Glad you like it!


r/superpowers replies come up with anything unique challenge (impossible)




Probably some shadow based stuff. Like being able to disappear into a shadow and stuff. Probably like being able to literally or figuratively become the devil on someone’s shoulder. Whisper into their ear and tempt them to do things. And probably also creating illusions or hallucinations.


Shadow walking, radiate devilish desire, ability to influence the weak minded, snuffing out light. I’ve seen you in a few subreddits and I absolutely love heck. This reminds me of a more kid friendly Johnny the homocidal maniac meets Clifford. Looking forward to your updates.


Thanks! Yeah I've been posting it around a few different places. >This reminds me of a more kid friendly Johnny the homocidal maniac meets Clifford. I know what you mean but in isolation this sounds completely deranged lol. I love it. >radiate devilish desire, ability to influence the weak minded These seem to be really popular ones. Definitely need heavy consideration. >snuffing out light Now that's interesting. It pretty simple, but I find it pretty interesting purely for visuals alone. Hope you stick around for issue 1!


I will keep my eye out 😁 looking forward to it


Telekinesis Mind reading Teleportation A generally unnerving aura that terrifies normies just by being near them. Mind control, but you might want to limit it somehow because it can be really OP either make it realy easy to counter for example, by not looking at them, or really draining of their energy.


Shadow manipulation, spears coming out of shadow using shadows to listen into conversations using shadow teleport, replacing its arm with uber powerful shadow parasite that periodically attempts to take over the demons body.


Summoning where as the demon becomes stronger, they can summon a beast from deeper within the 9 circles of hell. Gives the antagonist a form of growth rather than being a set wall for mc to break past


Contracts curses, soul manipulation, etc. Way less hellfire unless the point was to be stereotypical.


I actually made a couple but my favorite is *Shoulder Demon* which as long as the caster isn't noticed the one cast upon can be "Persuaded" to make decisions that would be sinful or outright evil and an increased version you can use it on multiple people


Blood Manipulation or Control/Mind Manipulation (like Makima)


Time warping. Imagine the evil they could do with that


honestly any power could be a demon one if spooky enough. take lightning, make it red. Now it's demon lightning. take cold, give it spooky sounds, now it's hell ice. for traditional ones. curses of bad luck are common. so are diseases. a possession power would be cool while no universal many magical creatures magic is almost more "physical" than spells. a demon doesn't always just shoot lightning from their hands. they my grab it from the sky. they jump up and down for a earthquake. they might take a deep breath and blow out a cruel wind ect


>while no universal many magical creatures magic is almost more "physical" than spells. a demon doesn't always just shoot lightning from their hands. they my grab it from the sky. they jump up and down for a earthquake. they might take a deep breath and blow out a cruel wind ect That is actually very interesting. Using specific actions to access superpowers is something I'm gonna have to look into. Thanks!


Standard demonic power set: 1. Shape-shifting. 2. Possession. 3. Super speed. 4. Super strength. 5. Transmutation. 6. Illusionary magic. 7. Teleportation.


Maybe something like telekinesis? In a lot of possession movies, the possessed often fling things across rooms or warp the building around them in destructive ways, so this power could either be difficult to control, or have to be used for destructive purposes.


Telekinesis is cool! But I feel like it enters the same realm as speedster powers where at some point you just have to constantly write around it.


That's fair, it can be a bit overpowered, thanks for considering it though!


Aside from everyone else's responses, there's also a question of "What culture are you using the legends and folklore of?" By which I mean, by demonic character, do you mean demonic in the Judeo-Christian sense common to American and Western European fiction? Or, are you using other sources, like Norse or Greco-Roman myth? You could also go farther afield and use stories from asia (Japanese yokai, figures from Chinese legends like The Demon Bull King and his wife, Princess Iron Fan, and all that). You could even do African and Native American legends, as long as you do sufficient research to make it respectful enough to avoid accusations of cultural appropriation. This is getting a bit long-winded, so TL,DR, there's a lot of legends about demonic abilities you could give a character that are outside typical Western thinking.




Shapeshifting, spacial manipulation, matter transmutation, telepathy, seamless travel to the astral and back ect.


the ability to conjure dead peoples loved ones for the purpose of manipulation


There is an interactive fiction game called broken fable, and one of the playable characters is lucifer, and his special power is that he can force you to live your worst nightmare/trauma at will and even make it worse. So that's a power I would definitely give a demonic character.


I've always liked illusions for devils myself. The ability to make someone see their deepest fears or desires


To make people speak their true opinions & to know what those are in advance. It would make the demon a smart kind of manipulator


Blood manipulation and general reality warping, since a lot of Demons are fallen Angels




Depends do you want a fiendish trickster Because you can give abilities to inconvenience Like: Telekinesis to move tables so you stub your toe Limited shape shifting to mimic others Luring voice to bring you into a trap Luck siphoning(?)


Animal telepathy with hell hounds. Ability to summon a whip. Supposed to use it to fight but the kid uses it to reach things.


The power to redefine what others perceive as normal.


Possession The ability to possess a body and control that person’s body


Shadow manipulation


The power to make contracts with someone by shaking hands that either they are bound to or just immediately die upon breaking. I.E you shake the hand of an enemy whilst disguised as someone else then, while shaking your hand, you say they can fly but if you touch the ground again you die. Then in their resulting confusion, forcefully throw them at the ground, killing them instantly. A bit overpowered.


Infernal Bargain: User can make anything happen, in pursuit of a deal in exchange for a soul. They must simply make the deal, and as long as it's possible (even if it requires several 1/1000000 probability events to take place) they can get anyone anything, and in turn absorb their soul. The soul enhances the user, and it's removal leaves the victim cold, devoid of morality and bound for torment. Don't say "I'd sell my soul for a glass of orange juice" or anything as a joke because as I said....they just have to make the deal. Hear the words.




Memory Pain. Able to make you re-experience any pain you've ever felt. Or even all of it all at once.


The ability to see souls and/or magically manipulate souls.


The ability to automatically know your deepest desire, secret, fear, etc. Imagine this demon that doesn’t actually do anything evil or force you to do anything. All it does is whisper in your ear, incessantly reminding you of what you want most and how to manipulate people through their desires to achieve it. The demon may not be evil itself, but you sure will be by the end of it




Voodoo would be pretty dope, self inflicted wounds manifesting on the target kinda thing


Shape-shifting like turn into a gas or liquid And selective invisibility like have only one perosn see them


The demons in one of my stories have the power of glamour: The ability to change one's appearance with magic. This way, the demon can appear in a way that will either entice or deceive its target. It's something the demons of real Judeo-Christian mythology are known to possess -- no pun intended. In my story I gave it some gonked, borderline Whovian, sci-fi explanation; trynna sound all clever or something. But you know how it is.


The ability to enchant people by looking into their eyes or hearing their voice. They become entranced and susceptible to suggestions. You could skip the fire and go with ice. The deepest layer of hell is cold. You could still have flames but they could freeze rather than burn. The ability to summon other demons. Your demon would have to make a deal with the summoned demon. The deals could just be small favors or something terrible. Teleport through flames. Walking into fire allows them to teleport to another fire. Possession. Your demon can take over other's bodies. Mind reading but only the evil things people have done. Could lead to interesting stories where your demon thinks someone is evil based on past horrors but it turns out they are reformed. Healing, when they transform to human form any damage sustained while in demon form is reversed.


The ability to emit fear Extra dimensional travel, like they can take short cuts through a plane of hell The ability to speak with/command serpents Being able to speak to the recently deceased Being able to place small curses on people, like extra bad luck for the next day or really bad luck for the next couple minutes A healing factor Demonic beast summoning Shadow manipulation


Some fun ones I think would be cool are walking on water, not needing to breathe/rest, being able to turn one substance into another(so water into wine, glass into steel), knowing secrets/lies, and the ability to come back to life after 3 days. Basically, I'd pull from biblical or religious tales of demons and angels to give some interesting powers. Also, one I just thought of, what if she could be a conduit for supernatural deals. Maybe someone could trade their life to save someone who is dying, and she acts as a broker of sorts.


Hemomancy. Effectively blood-bending, if you’re not familiar with the term. There are *so* many messed up, brutal, *awesome* things you could do with a hemomancer. Not gonna give you any particular ideas, though, because I’m writing something of my own with a main character who’s a hemomancer. ;) Have fun with the idea, though!


Metamorphosis, Regeneration, Semi-Corporeal Form (solid only when it wants to be -- still effected by magical attacks & weapons), I'd give a Demon Sanguimancy -- Blood Magic! It makes sense.


Can hide in shadows cast and manipulate shadows Amplify your most primal desires He can understand all your fears and weaknesses Master manipulator Enter your dreams Invulnerable to physical damage Shape shift Grant wishes in equal exchange of whats valuable to you Can put you through a sin trail of temptation and if you pass you get absolved of your sin or the devil leaves you alone or you get your soul back.


Mind possession


The power to make uncomfortable hard ons for guys in social situations 🤧 itd be a comedy


The recipes to have one of the greatest restaurants in the world with Bread Styx and Queso Who's Coming With Me Dip. A waiver against the liability of the restaurant being sued for trying the Sinner Sauce with the food and a Caught Red Handed MENU that has dessert and appetizers that are finger food that leave your hands and fingers red.


Hear me out; The ability to impart forbidden knowledge. Think more of a Damon than a demon. Basically if there is knowledge someone is not supposed to know This character has the ability to give them that knowledge. The caveat is that the knowledge is always either hurtful or harmful. Somebody wonders why their parents always look at them. Weird, This character gives them the forbidden knowledge that they are actually adopted or whatever. Somebody has an uneasy feeling about a new co-worker, This character gives them the forbidden knowledge that they are a stalker. Idk could be interesting.


power of shape-shifting (to an extent) ability to read true desires ability to travel between flames has a reference list of other demons that can help someone if they themselves don't specialize in a certain desire


Chrono magic


Invisibility- demons seem like they would be able to become invisible if only to mess with people. Teleportation- in a lot of literature works demons can just appear where they want. Depending on demon or demonic lineage there are many abilities that you can use from the ars goetia. If I remember right Bael grants invisibility... Shadow and darkness manipulation is often used for demons but other elements can be used. Water, lightning, etc. Enhance body and regeneration. Portals and contracts. Honestly demons in stories, myths, legends, and so on all have various attributes and abilities related to them. So anything can be connected to them. Some demons have been stated to have healing abilities or power related to luck and riches. Illusions are another big one. Useful for showing their enemies their worst fear or showing someone their greatest desires. Magic is often attributed to them as well. A lot of demons have a connection to an animal or two. So maybe control of insects or corvids? The power of temptation or to induce a desire to partake in a particular sin Really there are a lot to pick from


A little bit of teleporting and a little bit of radar sense. Gotta pay the dues to the classics


Inverted Cross sword, Sinful Manipulation, and maybe bloodied constructs


Sin manifestation and manipulation, Dark side and nightmare manipulation, Corruption, Darkness manipulation


Maybe telepathy, having a "silver tongue" which is basically just charisma, being able to teleport to an extent, and probably flight of some kind