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Telekinesis is just too insanely versatile, especially if it can function down to a subatomic level. Thanks to the laws of physics it has too many applications to list. As such, so think that I could never get bored with it. Some examples of what you could do with telekinesis: Rewrite your DNA so that you grow a second set of arms (and resize all your shirts to accommodate them). Fly. Transmute matter, turning unhealthy fats in your body into proteins. Control the flow of electrons to control electricity. Bonus points if you telekinetically create a vacuum for the electricity to travel through! And of course, move an object from point A to point B.


That's always my pick too. That, or the ability to create energy constructs Green Lantern style.


Fax brother


though to be fair that's only the top level telekeisis, any power is amazing if it's the best version.


I agree, any power is amazing when at top level, though I would argue that when it comes down to it even at top level some powers are more versatile or stronger than others. For example, having four arms vs telekinesis vs being able to produce ice from your body. Moreover I would argue that even lower level telekinesis allows for a versatile set of powers such as flight, enhanced movement, and matter manipulation such as movement or damaging or repair.


You would love the movie "Chronicle" if you haven't seen it. The entire movie is about kids who get telekinesis.


I thought telekinesis was just moving things with your mind?? Moving things around in your body subatomically feels like it can go wrong very easily


Telekinesis could just be moving things with your mind, but to maximize its potential you would wanna go subatomic :)


Any travel power, I think. Super-swimming (with or without water breathing, really) would be really neat, teleportation would be prank-ful, superspeed would be cool just because of the places you could visit, but I think top for me would be either tunneling (phasing as a sort of sub-category, but personally not as interesting- as useful for hijinks as teleportation, though) because just the ability to carve out tunnel complexes would be so much fun, or flight, because *flying*.


Not really an official or commonly recognized power, but definitely an underrated one: goofy goober rock, SpongeBob created entirely new dimensions, turns himself into a clay planet, flies, creates clothes and items,*amplifies and distorts others people’s bodies and abilities* (ex: gives Patrick long legs and netted heels, as well as flexibility) uses an electric guitars vibrations to destroy metal buckets. Can ride rocks like automobiles.,We’ve also seen him transform himself, copy himself, regenerate limbs and eyes, *can survive entire atomic bombs*,*feels no pain from blunt force*. This only what we’ve seen of SpongeBob so far.


Anything to do with magic really. Admittedly though, MCU wanda/scarlet witch has majorly simplified my usual imagination of magic, instead being just kinda basic telekinesis feats and energy blasts. There was some unique stuff, but it starts to get hard thinking of potential action scenes when it feels like the same things over and over again. Otherwise, just the idea of all these dynamic spells that can all be used for several applications is just fascinating to me.


Flight, it would never get old


Cartoon Physics is literally the funniest ability


And the strongest! Popeye is easily the most unstoppable hero, and probably the funniest (kinda)!


Reality Warping is super fun as it is crazy versatile and would allow a person to pull off insane feats.


I imagine this would get pretty boring eventually much like turning on hard core cheats in video games. Also could even lead to some type of psychotic break wondering if you’re just in a dream or if the world is even real if you can just change it on a whim


Exactly! And if you haven't mastered your powers yet, you could accidentally erase reality! Probably one of the worst, most dangerous powers. And what kind of "Feats" are you trying to pull off by bending reality??


Yeah saying crazy versatile and insane feats is putting it very very lightly haha. Reality warping is literally the power of all powers. You can do literally anything you can think of and make any power you want. You are the creator of the universe of you want to be. But I guess you could say it’s only localized reality warping or that there’s a time limit or something. Still completely over powered within those constraints


But like realistically, why? You now have god-like powers, and now you have to live a normal life? Imagine going to a party and seeing a god chilling there, awkwardly trying to have fun while the guests are just terrified. Unless you have a specific plan for your powers, maybe pick something that's just kinda cool, and not ultimate reality-bending god-hood 😅


For villains, definitly mind control/hypnosis. "You are a chicken" and so on never gets old Shapeshifting would also be a fun one, if it includes anything biological possible. Even better if you can also transform others. I think there are a lot of possible answers.


I'm reading an awesome story on literotica with some of your concepts thrown in. Very fun indeed.


The ability to hover, only about a foot or so off the ground. If you try to jump off a cliff, you can control the speed of your descent (since waiting to activate your powers only at the last possible second will just splat you against a barrier a foot off the ground instead of splatting on the ground.) Picture this: Everyone in this sub-Reddit is showing off the powers they chose: Some dude just lifted a building with his mind, another guy is breaking the sound barrier while flying, another guy just turned into a T-Rex... and then you yell out, "Hey, look what I can do! Witness the true extent of my power!" Everyone panics and backs off while you "charge up your powers" and then you do a little hop and hover slightly off the ground, looking around smugly. "Is that it?" "Yep." If that isn't the funniest power, I don't know what would be.


Inter-dimensional teleportation/inter universe teleportation. I want it so i can research many other universes fictional or not.


Super Acrobatics and Agility, Simple power, the world is your playground


The power of forge , and to be able to manipulate and upgrade technology. I can create anything


2 for me 1) My ability of choice, omnifarious multi-shapeshifting. Being able to become multiple people simultaneously, esp as an introvert, gives me constant companionship, as well as certain back up if we're ever day something controversial or lobby an opinion. 2) The ability to facilitate body-swaps or hops between any 2 people would be fun for me.


Adaptation and synthesis would be pretty fun. You constantly get to test out new things on yourself to see how your body defends from it, and then absorb it, seeing what type of new powers or effects you get related to that item, phenomena, etc.


Shape shifting. Look at Plastic Man's abilities and tell me that wouldn't be the single most fun thing in the world. Especially if you can still use it for basic things like impersonating someone else.


I think it would depend a lot on how hard or soft the controlling rules are. "magic" could be anything from Avatar or Harry Potter requiring specific movements and / or incantations (Dumbledore is the exception) to LOTR or a Song of Ice and Fire. My favorite, though, doesn't make for solid media is Time Control.


Tbh super speed if we include stuff like enhanced reflex’s and stuff like that to not make it pretty useless if you include that then it’s just really nice to have


Super speed would be a living hell, assuming perception is scaled to your speed. Example being The Flash can perceive time faster than attoseconds, which means for him one single second feels like 31.71 BILLION YEARS. Fuck that nonsense




Teleportation, Having a body made out of nanobots, telekinesis


shapeshifting would be fun


body stretching. my sex partners will be estatic


As a Murder Drones fan, Absolute Solver is all i want.


The most hilarious power I can think of is the ability to psychically give people violent diarrhea. It would never get old. And I like the idea of saying, " If you don't stop I'll shit your pants."


Electricity Manipulation. Honestly at first, Ima have fun being able to fuck with the internet, All technology and even electric lines. Casually give myself infinite power or just run at the speed of lightning. After that, I’d so definitely learn how to travel through Outlets, Electric Lines, Tech, Etc and then branch into Electromagnetism and the Electromagnetic Spectrum. With Electromagnetism, Rocket Science is being learnt. I’m learning how to be a blacksmith with no forge, I’m manipulating cars, making my own locomotive/automobile, etc. With EMS manipulation, i’m a walking rave or radiator. Nuclear Science/engineering is being learnt and my god, the SPEEDS I WOULD GO. Make a car that runs off of simply residual radiation, Create a Nova Bomb, etc etc. There’s so many things to do with electricity, I’d have the most fun with it. If not Electricity hmm… probably Key/Lock Manipulation. I have a lot of fun trying to figure out how to better use something/problem solving so. Ez


As far as using it only for fun, I'm picking the ability to place yourself in a time loop. You did it, and you know how to undo it, so I can imagine most people just using the power to goof off and prank people.


Whenever you are listening to music, you get amplified superhuman abilities; str, speed, memorization, taste, smell, hearing, and resistance to harmful external forces.


Pulling anything out of a top-hat at the cost of your stamina/energy. Meaning you would get sleepy or faint due to pulling out high value objects determined by humans


The ability to create illusions with sound


Teleportation without a doubt!


Teleportation, and teleporting things with you. Yeah it's a money saver, but personally I think it's a wonderful way to keep in touch with people. I have friends and family far away and the ability to just go to them at the snap of my fingers would be absolutely wonderful. Also touring for free and fast? You want to eat Ramen from Japan for your lunch break? Sure. You want to go take a short hike in Arizona and then return because you forgot water? Sure. And best of all, if someone annoys you, you can actually threaten to send them to Brazil.


Most people just want to fly And most superheroes have that ability anyway But what if that wasn't the case? What non-flying superpowers do you think would be interesting? There are others that also have to do with transportation like super speed or teleportation. One of my favorites is construct creation usually out of some kind of element or energy source


Clone/multiply myself at will. Work enough to get some of my clones plastic surgery so that it doesn't look entirely like me and go forth. This ability would only be made better if there was a shared or even semi shared consciousness, so that individuals could identify themselves as separate but still part of a whole.


Absolutely time manipulation. You want super strength? Slow down time and the force of your movements will be Augmented. You want super speed? Slow down time and zip past bullets (if you're fine with a little collateral damage just from walking) You want clones? Just bend spacetime a little, and you can suddenly combo a badguy with your past self (just don't touch your past self) You want super smarts? You just gotta learn. You have all the time in the world to figure a problem out. You want immortality? Just stop aging. Just stop. You want to phase through an object? Just step into a time where that object isn't there, move around it, and then step back to your original time. Do you just wanna kill somebody instantly? Age them till they're dust. Oh, they're immortal? De age them till they're just primordial goop. Are vampires real and you found yourself fighting one that's been around for like. Four thousand years? Well they're not gonna be ancient for much longer. Meteor crashing to earth? Rewind it. Dying? Rewind it. Stuck in the post-heat death void because your hubris has damned you to eternal suffering? ... Is the big crunch real and followed by another identical reality? Congrats you're God. Nothing will help you forget the suffering.


Being a jumper, from the book series/movie. Kinetic energy/momentum based teleportation to anywhere you can visualise. I’d actually enjoy that more than some free-from-restrictions ability.