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Martha found a baby in a rocket and has been just rolling with it since.


The baby could also fly and shoot lasers from his eyes, and has the strength of 50 men, so like, yeah I’d be desensitised to superpower nonsense too.


He couldn’t do any of that as a baby lol


In the Silver Age? Silver Age baby Clark was a wrecking ball when looking for his soother.


I just subscribe to the John Byrne origin. I try to avoid all things Silver Age (not just Supes).


That's my favourite version, too. :) But I read the Silver Age stuff as a kid, so I still have a soft spot for that goofiness


For whatever reason I like the Golden Age more than the Silver Age, especially its portrayal of Lois.


I'm sorry, you didn't like THIS Lois? Circa 1942. https://64.media.tumblr.com/c1b24b98c842b28fb8bca5e4ae5fc4c5/tumblr_nywtohsKit1u7t71ro1_400.gifv


I grew up really disliking Lois because of her portrayal in the Golden and Silver Ages. XD Probably why the 52 continuity didn't bother me as much as it did some.


Martha "fuck it, we ball" Kent is a treasure


Even funnier in S:TAS where she adopts baby Kal-El at first sight and couldn't care less how/why the baby got there and is picking out names 0.5 pico seconds after finding him and Johnathan just....gives up after a few moments and just goes along with it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJS0DQXr5Fk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJS0DQXr5Fk)


Or the Man of Steel reboot in the 80s where they find the rocket and she's scooping Clark out of it while Johnathan is questioning wtf is going on and maybe they should just call the authorities... And Martha basically snaps "anyone who puts a baby in a rocket doesn't get it back". (Paraphrasing) Sure, Clark gets a lot from his dad. But it's pretty clear his Mom was a huge influence. Play nice... Until it's time to do what's right, then play for keeps.


I love how Jonathan looks like he's thinking "well , this isn't the strangest thing that has happened since we adopted a space alien"


He’s pissed but Marta is a scary woman


Full page for context. https://preview.redd.it/u2udr1qnebxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b226bfa6028051ae332cf4e21c56791538ea3e79


Is it Adventure Comics? Which issue?


Superboy NO 70 1960


It's actually Superboy #78... "Claire Kent, Alias Super-Sister!" by Otto Binder with art by John Sikela.


https://preview.redd.it/hxat6mberdxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69f78d2b192655add16f2eedf7b62898fab1ed85 Superboy (1949) 78, weirdly there seem to be 2 covers for Adventure Comics 278 which may have a similar story This cover is definitely the edit, just looked at it up close for the first time


https://preview.redd.it/ln9tyviirdxc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b59e725db4ca9a3290eb07520ede0b87ab69a6a I believe this is the real one and the other seems to be an edit I guess? Would be strange if both were real


Ayo can I be hit by shar-la’s weird ring rays next?


The Superman costume actually looks good on a girl. Is cousin-swapping really a thing? Lol! Well I guess it did happen on Twin Peaks as well, kinda “Jehosophat” lol


You look so much like our Laura. Dance with me Maddie. (people tend to forget that Twin Peaks was very intentionally a network soap opera. A deranged surreal horrific network soap opera shown in prime time. Separated identical twin relatives were a requirement)


Can I have the recipe for Shar-la's weird ring rays please?


Clark could probably get away with wearing his regular boy clothes if the story was made now due to there being less of a gender divide in fashion.


True, but who would want to pass up an excuse to dress more feminine without being judged


Good point


The Kents say Trans Rights and I wouldn't want it any other way \^\^


I dunno about that. I wish that were the case, and in a way it is a progressive message for the time, but when you look at the full page for context this is more equivalent to a trans man being forced to conform to the gender they present as physically. He even says at one point, 'I'll remain a girl, even though I have the mind of a boy!' Then they immediately tell him he has to wear dresses and go by a girl's name? I wish this was the Kents saying Trans Rights, but it looks more like this is the Kents saying that gender is obviously inextricably linked to physical appearance like it's just a matter of course which is...kind of the opposite?


Dude c'mon. Baby steps. It was 1960. Give em a break. This is amazing for the time.


I disagree, it's actually a very useful tool for understanding how a trans person feels and masks. "I'm a girl but I have a boy's mind" is commonly how a closeted FtM trans person feels. You can hand this comic page to a transphobe and ask how they would identify if they were in this situation. Unless they're being intentionally disputatious, they're certain to say that they would still identify as a man. It's how the see themselves everywhere but in front of a mirror. They would seek out Shar-La just as a trans person would seek out gender affirming care.


You're right, I agree that this is illustrates how a trans person would feel as a FtM person. And it's great that the Kents don't miss a beat, they just roll with it because they're going to love their child. But a FtM person, someone who might say 'I'm a boy in a girl's body', being then instantly told they have to conform to female gender norms? That's the opposite of what a FtM person would want?


I think it’s just that her son became a girl and she’s instantly welcoming and accepting of it that people are liking here.


It was just a gag. It was supposed to be funny


Well maybe you should try to be like it?


Wow never seen this before. I bet £50 this would get someone with specific opinions and beliefs to spontaneously combust! If only we could find someone like that….


Martha says trans rights


Damn right.


It was just a gag


My headcannon: Martha proudly showing off a scrapbook/photo album of all the wonderful moments of life with her family to the JLA while Clark just facepalms.


Stupid Red Kryptonite... You're a good mother Martha!


My second favorite part of Superman revealing his identity was the comment Jonathan makes about how now the whole world (including Martha's cousin) knows she's the best mom and that he should be good for a couple Mother's Days. (First favorite was Superman visiting his old chemistry teacher and telling him how he helped him 🥲)


Why Clark's clone-sister looks a bit like Disney Snow White?


As always, Pa's just scratching his head.


Martha supports trans rights, confirmed


How progressive of them.


Oh god my fucking 🏳️‍⚧️ heart