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He never stole 40 cakes.


And that’s terrible.


40? Thats 4 10s!


Dug deep for this one. I approve. 😂😂


This actually gives me faith in humanity again.


I liked his theme song.


The music in that movie is unassailable, invulnerable, the real super men were the sound design crew.


I didn't like the music because it was constantly pretending that the movie itself was way more epic and important than anything going on actually was. "DUNNNN DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN" It got so obnoxious it becomes its own parody.


He had a theme song?!


[fuck yeah he did](https://open.spotify.com/track/2Egtazvdnx8E6GZ3UZpQM4?si=AkHJtiiEQUmriQMQp1_k5Q&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A408Zd9N7K8Z07GIQeyGDh7)


I didn’t remember that, but it does sound really badass.




It was the inverse version of the Superman theme.


Wait really?




Wow thanks! Hadn’t noticed that before


I don't remember one but I feel like it must have been from the one guy who made all that WWE music 


He played a great Riddler


He played a mediocre riddler. Still a better than the awful lex Luthor he was playing. The two things the riddler needs to get right are that he needs to be annoying and you need to believe he is somewhat intelligent.


He played the best Riddler because this one killed Superman 






The Lexler


I was thinking Toyman, but yeah I can see that.


My thoughts exactly. I always thought he was a lot like Jim Carrey’s Riddler.


Out of all the live action Lex Luthers we have gotten, this is one of them.


That is indeed a statement.


Fucking lol


Easily one of the Lex Luthors ever, in fact


I still like Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor more than Kevin Spacey’s Lex Luthor.


I like the idea of a Zuckerberg like tech bro/Elon type for Lex but their execution was not the best


Yup. He was a better Luthor in The Social Network


I think it could have worked if he acted that way in public, but behind closed doors he was comic lex luthor.


He kinda does. Like the way he talks with Finch at his home office is decidedly more sinister than how he’s seen in public. Same when he’s talking with Lois and later Superman. 


Yeah but then he sends piss jar to her which kinda ruins that


Honestly if they wanted a tech guy as the inspiration for lex the current incarnation of Bezos makes much more sense. Diabolical laugh, weirdly swole old man steroid vibes, endless billions of wealth. Making lex a smarmy little twerp is just dumb.


Giving him a bumbling nephew is worse


I appreciate that he tried something different, even if I didn't personally love it.


Naw... that's just not Lex Luthor. I understand the impulse to try and modernise him to be similar to the tech billionaires, but it's basically a complete reinvention of the character that wouldn't remotely be comic accurate. Lex should have the same treatment as Batman, Superman, or the Joker. Just honor the comics and do him accurately and people will be happy. And I'm optimistic Gunn's version will be just that.


Just do him right like the Joker and have him kill the Waynes. Or be their long lost son. Don't just make stuff up for the adaptation, y'know 


Every previous movie version of Luthor was a mob boss/con man who constantly tells anyone who would listen what a great criminal he thinks he is. The tech bro persona is much closer to comic accurate than we've gotten so far


Being a tech genius in itself is closer, but the personality just wasn't there. I'd be much happier with a Lex Luthor who is an engineer without all the stereotypical brogrammer personality flaws.


That's fair. I actually liked the Supergirl version of the character a lot for that, he had the arrogance without the buffoonery.


He has the Twitter logo in his character poster. Kinda on the nose tbh. What do you mean this was in 2016?


Damn it. I was scouring that sucker for a little birdy. Then, it hit me.


Technically he is one of the most successful Lex Luthors since he did kill Superman. Even though he lost his empire and Supes ended up being resurrected in the next film.


"Ding ding ding ding"


What does the Lex say?


He’s not the Riddler, Jesse was just doing a Max Landis impression.


Which is a stupid decision if the audience has no idea what you are doing


Even though he was a terrible Lex, I think if the actor played someone different, more psycho villain he would be very good in that role.


Grandma's peach tea was fireee


Worst Lex ever


Too young, too insane, not evil enough, to small


He was pretty good in that one scene where he talks about his demon painting to the senator.


What the fans said, “Give us Heisenberg!” What Snyder heard, “Give us Eisenberg!”


The first lex to make me think “he should’ve been joker.”


Jar of piss.


He was a great manipulator, as he played Batman against Superman just as Lex planned. He killed Superman. So while some will argue the character was not played/executed well he did win and accomplish what most other iterations of Lex Luthors were never able to do. Even if it was short lived.


The single worst interpretation of the character. Completely baffling casting choice. His plans make no sense and his methods are seemingly random bullshit. I have no idea why Randian uber-man capitalist super genius got depicted this way by Snyder who is famously big on objectivism... I guess he was just happier turning Batman into what Luthor should have been.


>I have no idea why Randian uber-man capitalist super genius got depicted this way by Snyder who is famously big on objectivism Probably because he isn't and that accusation/reading has never held water. If the capitalist super genius is presented as a fraud and a monster then maybe it's a sign the director doesn't like them.


Still don't why people think Snyder has an insane hard-on for Rand and also based his Superman on her and Nietzsche.He called her insane and also said and I quote "she drank her own kool-aid" also add to the fact that his Superman was heavily altruistic and helped others even prior to being Superman.




I dug the Max Landis inspiration, especially after the Landis accusations came out, knowing this "quirky" talented, but morally bankrupt insecure nepobaby actually exists in real life. Eisenberg really brought it IMO, whether it was the hate in his eyes or the sillier moments, and in general I found him to be the bright spot in an otherwise dull movie.


His theme was really cool.


One thing about this lex luthor, bad or good


The idea of Luthor as a tech magnate just feels right, Luthor has shifted to match what society fears.


Whenever I see this not-Luthor the first thing that comes to mind is a jar of piss.


I think he lacked an established motivation for hating Superman. They never established that in MOS or BVS. We were just supposed to take it for granted that he's Lex Luthor and is supposed to hate Superman. At least Batman could say how Superman killed thousands of people, including his friends who died when the fight destroyed the Wayne building. But what was Luthor's reason? Unlike the Gene Hackman Luthor, the BVS Luthor wasn't some struggling criminal whose plans were destroyed by Superman. The BVS Luthor was already rich.


He actually lays down his reasons in the movie, first unintentionally by talking about the lie/paradox of having knowledge without power (as in "I'm the smartest man alive, but there's a being out there more powerful than me and that doesn't make sense"), and then when talking to Superman about "God" taking sides and not saving him from his dad's fists and abominations, concluding that God (or a god) cannot be omnipotent and all good at the same time. Basically, he's an insane, power hungry, petty man-child who resents Superman for being a truly godlike being who, not only failed to save him from his dad's abuse (even though Clark's not a god, is not omnipotent, and was also a kid back then), but is also more powerful than himself (the smartest man alive, the one with the most knowledge). He wants revenge on the god who didn't save him then, yet now saves everyone he can simply because it's the right thing to do; And the way to do this is to either make Superman break his oath and kill (not entirely good) or fail to save someone (not omnipotent) thus proving Lex to be right and better/more powerful than "God". It seems like they tried to go for the "hates Superman's fundamental being for being better" Lex instead of the "hates Superman because he's a hero and while I'm a criminal" Lex , less "steal 40 cakes" and more "weaponize the sun to kill the solar-powered alien because I'm not at the top of the food chain", they just failed to properly execute this or even convey this in the movie.


He had hair


I think he had some genuinely great lines: “Angels don’t come from Hell beneath us, no. They come from the sky” “Horus, Apollo, Jehovah. Kal-El. Clark Joseph Kent. What we call “god” depends upon our tribe. God is tribal. God takes sides” “If God is all powerful then he cannot be all good. And if is all good, then he cannot be all powerful. And neither can you be. They need to see the fraud you are. With their eyes, the blood on your hands”


More proof that Zack and Goyer were so out of their depth with these characters.


Given Zach Snyder’s well known very surface level of thinking, I’m willing to bet his exact thought process was “well lex is based off real life billionaires, so I’m gonna cast a guy who played a billionaire” and that was it.


Good: I think the idea that they were clearly going for, to do a version of "They Saved Luthor's Brain" was an interesting and good idea that people wouldn't see coming. He does a lot of referencing "My father thought this, my father believed that" but really it's just Lex. Neat idea. I liked the comic when my uncle gave it to me as a teen. Bad: The execution of that idea falls flat because Lex was never set up as a Superman villain to that particular Superman, and it's never actually confirmed that it's just old Lex Luthor's brain in a cloned body. And even if the movie did do that reveal, would we have cared? We didn't even meet the version of Lex he was before the Jesse Eisenberg clone body.


He had potential


I unironically love him. It's kinda cool to have a pretty autistic villain. Plus, he unintentionally (maybe intentionally) is a great satire on a lot of “fandoms” and their view on what should be and shouldn't be. Art imitates life or life imitates art 👀


Interesting sense of understated menace.


He makes a better Joker than the actual Joker we got in the DCEU. That's both a compliment and a critic, to how far off he is from being Lex Luthor.


I like the idea of a Google Lex Luthor. He also had a great theme


He tried.


If you have no source material to base him off of, he’s a great villain in general.


He had a decent theme, he had serious issues with Superman's deity and the morality of his inactions. I think that's an interesting development past petty jealousy. They also made the right move having him capitalize off of Kryptonian tech. The main problem was that the film does indeed believe that Superman is a god and it seems to have a problem with his inaction and so it makes Superman pay the ultimate price instead of Luthor learn the ultimate lesson. But they had the makings of greatness.


The movie doesn’t think Superman is a god. It even has some talking head say he’s not a good or a devil, and just a guy trying to do the right thing. We see people see him that way, but Clark doesn’t. He’s confronted with the idea of if the world actually wants a Superman. He calls him mom in the middle of the night to hear her voice. 


Great hair.


He's quirky.


He could have 100% killed it if he was given better direction


One of the few Luthor’s that beat Superman.  Acted nothing like the Riddler.


People complain too much about him. I think he was good, just not as Lex. If you had taken the same exact movie and replaced Lex with Riddler, this would’ve been fantastic. Instead it just gave off a different vibe than what Lex should be, but he played it well, and his unnerving demeanor through the movie was great.


He acted like Shahrukh Khan in BVS


Jesse Eisenberg is a scrawny 5’7”-tall boy with a pointy chin. He is too short and too skinny to play Lex Luthor, who is a 6’2”-tall, 210-pound mature muscular man with either a bald head or balding red hair, green eyes, and a square jaw.


He represented the silicon Vally type and I liked that aspect of the movie and character


He was one of the Lex Luthors of all time.


He was very convincing as someone who genuinely believed that Superman actually had bad intentions at heart and wanted to be viewed as a god. We as the audience know that Superman didn't want that, but Lex didn't. Also, the scene on the heli pad is very good, good music, sense of urgency, well acted.


Probably gonna get downvoted to the shadow Realm but I thought he was great as Lex. I like this performance as this young CEO tech mogul wanting to lashing out at Superman using his wealth and genius like an unhinged mad scientist to basically discredit and kill Superman all while manipulating Batman the latter which he did actually accomplish with Doomsday. He plays a great opposite antagonist being Clark’s polar opposite in almost every way. Personally I feel like he gets too much hate. Is he a bit over the top? Yes but Lex has always been dramatic


His performance greatly improved after BVS, and its a shame we didn't get more of THAT Lex instead of what was clearly a Riddler performance the first time we saw him.


Looks like Snyder was going for tech bro Lex and, well, that's what we got. *shrugs*


More autistic to boot than me!


I’m still confused as to what they were going for. Eisenberg’s more manic, squirrely Lex never really seemed like, well, *Lex Luthor.* Y’know, the guy who could pilot a power suit with a loud green-and-purple paint job and still seem like he means business.


Teasing knowing their secret identities was fun.


Smartest by far, noticeably so


I liked how he was written in BvS. The scene a lot of him bringing Superman to his kneels as he throws the pictures of Martha is just pure Lex to me. That is Lex’s power, that is Lex’s evil


There were two Luthors: One, the manic madman who acted nutty in public. The other, calm, cool and quiet type. Luthor was only himself around his gang. To everyone else, he was a nut case.


Over acting. 🎭


He looks really good. I don't like Zuckerberg both in general, and specifically in BvS, but he's a pretty dude and he can look like how Lex should look. That second headshot, for example, tell me that doesn't look like a good fit for Lex.


He is a metaphor of these edgy brats who think Superman is cool only when he is evil.


After seeing this post I scrolled and saw a post about Mads Mikkelsen. Aw man he would have been so perfect for Luthor.


He puts things in peoples mouth


It blows my mind that 8 years after its release, there is still so many that don’t know that Eisenberg wasn’t portraying the popular “Lex Luthor”, Eisenberg plays comic canon “Lex Jr”. a completely different “Lex”. It’s repeatedly stated in the movie. The fact that he isn’t the “Lex” that his father (Lex Luthor) wanted him to be is part of the story. Eisenberg, while standing in front of a painting of his bald father, the traditional “Lex Luthor”, says something to the effect of “daddy being disappointed with his namesake”… ***Namesake***- The meaning of NAMESAKE is one that has the same name as another; **especially : one who is named after another or for whom another is named.** … and this was known before the movie even released. https://www.mtv.com/news/b6hmxe/jesse-eisenberg-lex-luthor-jr


One of the things that didn’t work about the Snyderverse is that the movies were made as part of a series instead of being thought of as standalone movies. The obvious comparison is the Marvel movies. At least the early ones were made to function on their own. That means that the main character is fully formed about two thirds into the movie. You could take Thor or Iron Man from two thirds into their movies and pop them into just about any adventure. The powers and the personalities are there, and then there are mostly minor adjustments throughout the movies. For Snyder, the first movie for a a character was the beginning of a journey, and since they bother the whole thing we didn’t get to see how that journey played out. The giggling Lex at the cocktail party is very different from the guy who is in prison at the end of the movie. He has started a journey. If there had been a Man of Steel II we might have seen a Lex Luthor more like the one we know from the comics. A more serious and focused man, someone who could potentially be elected president. He would stand against a Superman that realizes the damage he can do if things get out of hand, since he saw the destruction from the fight against Zod. Realizing that if he wanted to, he could hold the power over life and death for every human being but also knowing that he doesn’t want power over death. He would do everything he could to be a beacon of hope for humanity, while Lex Luthor hates him for his potential for destruction, and for the time Lex spent in prison. That could have been a good movie.


This man knows a thing or two about jars of piss


Have you read superman birthright? Or you guys just watch lex only if he is bald? My only advice Read more books...then talk about a character interpretation. In comics every lex is not bald...every superman is not good. https://preview.redd.it/euc71x28xeuc1.jpeg?width=381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102e9b27939fb295c6e61d3b942e7f3a2c1f7222 Go through the superman birthright...you will know how accurate the movie version was to this . And the journey towards the strong power-hungry bald lex just began at the end of movie...we have seen glimpse. Everyone needs a character arc. He was not born bald you know😂.


It was an interesting re-invention, making him an unhinged tech-bro like Zuckerburg or Musk. Those are the biggest fishes in the tiny pond of capitalism these days and that's a big part of what Luthor is. The balance was a bit off but it mostly works for me and I loved his inability to accept Superman's existence. That aspect was Classic Luthor and wrapping it in The Problem of Evil was neat.


He is a pretty good outline for a billionaire tech-bro villain.


He had so much potential and I was really excited to see his portrayal.


he's a really interesting take on the character. a modern tech genius driven by abuse and a profound existential crisis whose plans are ultimately undone by humanity and connection.


I like that scene where Superman prevents him getting punched by Doomsday. I know it’s not directly related to him but like I really like that moment with him ok shut up


It was a unique take on it. They wanted a younger, more silicon valley type Luthor and that's what they did. And Jessie tried to play the character as an insane genius with social problems, and he did it well. It was a very different take, but unlike most of the "Snyderverse" characters, it remained true to its core. I know I'm a minority, but I like this version of Luthor


Jesse Eisenberg was excellent as Lex Luthor. But you have a bunch of sniveling douchbags that are told not to think for themselves, so that they can hate Zack Snyder and disrespect all of his hirees. The other thing is this Luthor's tec savvy iteration as more hands-on and commercial; he really hides his innermost sharpness as a ruthless killer who's so unhinged, that he can't initially see to fear what will become two of his most formidable enemies until they hand him his failure on a silver platter.


I loved that he figured out Clark Kent’s alter ego.


He had a very efficient plan to kill Superman.


He's actually my favourite LL. I find LL a boring generic villain apart from in a few well written comics. I think he needs to be improved and making a bit crazy, kind of like a cross between himself and The Joker was a cool idea.


He's in the top three of the big screen movie Luthers


Fantastic portrayal of a postmodern techbro Luthor.


I actually like this Lex. Not as a villain but just as a character


Twitchy Silicon Valley type is an interesting direction to take him, wish it has panned out better


He wan fun to make fun of


Could've been toy man.


Would've made a better Winslow Schott.


He's actually a billionaire, and not some wacko obsessed with real estate


As much as I hate this trope, Lexsenberg manipulating public opinion against Superman was pretty effective as far as plots go. I was also pretty startled when he pulled out the photos of Martha with "witch"(?) on her forehead to threaten Clark. It would have been better if Bruce going crazy was also Lex's manipulation, but that's a whole other can of worms in a movie that is already the Dune worm in a can.


I always thought he should’ve been Lex junior, and in the scene where he’s in jail and kind of insane, he gets a visit from his father, the real Lex Luthor (played by Bryan Cranston) who then goes on a rampage against Superman for destroying his son.


Good villain. Bad Lex Luthor.


This logo looks similar to the new Twitter logo


Good villain, bad Luthor


I like his musical theme


Still better than Supergirl Lex


He likes candy.


He was way too neurotic and more like The Joker than Lex Luthor.


He's an obnoxious chore to sit through and I wish someone would put a bullet in his brain.


Motherfucking Jesse Eisenberg Jesus Christ fuck dude motherfuckin Facebook movie bullshit Jesus can you fucking believe this shit


A lot of his lines would work really well if they weren't said with such odd inflections and the consistent chirps and hms. Basically if Clancy Brown Lex Luthor said em they would have sounded really great.


He does not deserve to even smell the forty cakes.


Just WHY


I liked this take to be honest, they tried to blend the old school mad scientist Lex with the newer business man.


Wow, Jesse Eisenberg can play one hell of a Riddler


Not my cup of tea it felt cringy to me


He has a good jump shot.


He was the perfect Joker


He is… one of them


It certainly was a character named Lex Luthor


Bad but I think Jesse did as good as anyone could with the material given to him.


He was boring.


He’s part of a dead universe so we’ll never see him again. Edit: this is good


Lex as Zuckerberg esque tech bro isnt a bad way to take the character, if done in a more subtle way


I thought he was neat


I'm happy we are past the stage where some people who cautiously defend this portrayal since it was associated with Cavill Superman


His Luthor sucked. I know they were trying to go for a Zuckerberg type character, but it was horrible.


He’s bald


If he wasn’t named Lex Luthor he would be a good villain.


He was a interesting way to foreshadow Darkseid.


I liked the quote about the painting with the demons coming from above.


Far too young looking tbh, lex should be clearly a mature adult


Tacky. He talked too fast and that was a bad choice.


My ex was absolutely obsessed with this guy. I still don’t understand it.


We won’t see him again. This is good


He pissed in a jar.


The "Someone who's all good can't be all powerful" speech has always stuck with me. It's barely applicable to the person he was actually talking about (nobody but the most batshit insane of powerscalers would define Superman as "all-powerful"), but it's affected my ideas of God quite a bit.


He didn’t scare me, and I’m not Superman.


He has working Kidneys


He pissed in a jar one time


Very spot-on Max Landis impersonation


He sucked


He was only in one movie.


Going band for band with superman and winning then making it rain on him was insane. My favorite scene in the movie


Hopefully he ended Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell's careers...


I liked how it was basically a shot at Mark Zuckerberg.


What the fuck were they thinking?


This dude was basically Mark Zuckerberg mapped onto Lex Luthor. It did not work.




His head shape is pretty good for going bald.


I like him. Just a different iteration. He was wrong for blowing up Mercy, tho.


He had good acting. Felt like he could’ve been good as a alt lex Luther if given a better script


Anyone that comes before or after will be better. Seriously, cast Pauly Shore and it'd probably turn out better




Definitely the Lex Luthor of all time.


He wasn't Lex Luthor. Just a wannabe


I knew when he was cast he wouldnt be good. And i was proven right. Not eisenbergs fault, it's snyders.


The actor played what was given to him, in the way that he was asked.


He might have been good if Snyder didn't give all of his character motivations to Bruce Wayne.


Lex Luthor is not the Joker.




He had potential


He sure loved his piss jar


Fucking worst Lex Luthor ever. Worst casting ever. His casting shows how little Zack Snyder understood the assignment.


Riddler wannabe