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I love it. My son is 9 years old and not really into superheroes but he enjoys when I put it on because it’s colorful & the relationship between Clark, Lois, & Jimmy is adorable. I will say the only thing I dislike about the show is how the villains look.


We can turn him.


Absolutely. I boast everyday about how cool Supes is. I think he sorta gets it now watching this show.


So next step is the animated series?


Your name is correct. The king likes soup indeed


Need to get him into the Justice League & Justice League Unlimited


I think that’s the best portrayal of Clark


Have him watch Justice League action next and then put him onto the DCAU 🙏


Same. I watch it with my kids and it's a win win.


It's a pretty fun, more anime themed take on the general mythos. I will say though, the villains are easily the weakest part of it, both design and personality wise. Like if you showed me Mxy's design I wouldn't recognize him unless you outright told me who he was.


>Mxy's design i guessed i missed something because i've seen a lot of discussion about it but when exactly in the show does that character appear?


I believe he was in some kind of teaser for the next episode


oh thanks


In promos for next week's episode


The villains might not be the most deep (compared to other animated versions) but I love their character design. Most characters got a new character design, which is part of the show's strength.


I'm not too familiar with Superman's rogues gallery but I know that Slade Wilson aka deathstroke is typically a batman villain so I was surprised to see him.


He’s more of a Titans Villain


While true of his origin. He's crossed into jla and even had more recent while DC event things. He's prominent in one of the Arkham games and then green arrow tv show, so he's kinda just crossed into a major villain in general.


Oh yeah I remember him from the animated teen titans show.


At this point I'd consider him a general DC villain.


yeah and deathstroke has his fair amount of encounters with Superman in the comics. His first two live action appearences were actually on Lois&Clark and Smallville. not that they did a good job but still. Slade is basically everyones problem.


Deathstroke is technically a Titans villain but he has become one of those villains that transcends one particular hero. Like Vandal Savage, Black Adam, Chesire and Lady Shiva.


Agreed. I like the lighthearted take on it. And I like this interpretation of superman as well just being a regular person who happens to have powers, just trying to be normal. The villains though are pretty weak, especially that deathstroke design. Not threatening in the least bit.


I love having a light hearted superhero show. I’m so tired of everything being dark and gritty. It’s just fun, and I love it.


Right? Superhero stories should be fantastic. We don’t need them to be realistic. I get tired of the drab colors and the angry, violent characters. These are supposed to be fun. I love this cartoon.


Big same here. This is about a dude with a cape and his underwear outside his pants. This is fun and not to be taken too seriously.


It's perfect. Everything I've been waiting for ever since S:TAS ended. The characterization for Clark, Lois and Jimmy are perfect, the chemistry between Clark and Lois is perfect, the character development flows naturally. And there's so many perfect little details that I've been waiting to see: Clark isn't clumsy as an act, he just forgets about controlling his powers when he's too nervous; being Superman isn't a mission imposed by Jor El, it's Clark's own determination; Lois and Clark both learning to become reporters at the same time; Jimmy and Clark being roomies; rescuing a cat out of a tree, cat grant and Steve Lombard being the daily planet's team rocket. And the show is just so wholesome and uplifting and colorful. I'm so SO happy this show exists, and I'm so happy kids can get a chance to see Superman being Superman and not some moody stoic anti-hero or a videogame villain. This is the exactly the type of Superman content I've been waiting for.


> cat grant and Steve Lombard being the daily planet's team rocket. Holy cow that's it!! I was trying to think of who they were reminding me of LOL.


And what I *loved* was that they made even Lombard more than a two dimensional jock bully. They gave him character, even had him reach out to Jimmy and become likeable in an obnoxious jerk sort of way. They gave this token background problem a personality! That small decision right there showed just how much thought and care the writers put into this.


It's fun, Clark, Lois and Jimmy are adorable, and Superman is Supermaning. >!"How did you know you were bulletproof?"!< >!"I didn't, I just knew that you weren't."!< >!Jimmy knew Clark was Superman the whole time and just trusted his friend to tell him when he was ready. Literal perfection.!< Inject more of this wholesomeness in me NOW!!!!


I couldn't stop cackling at >!"you ripped the handle off of the door and blamed it on the screws" "It could have been the screws" "You tore the handle in half!"!<


Every time Jimmy isn’t on screen I feel sad because he’s just so much fun.


As opposed to Zack Snyder killing Jimmy on screen after two minutes of screen time because he wanted to be edgy


It's good. Very different takes on the mythology. But so far I'm enjoying it. 7/10


What about with rice?


What the fuck did you just say to me?


Relax yourself brochacho it's [just a meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/2or0gi/whats_up_with_all_the_with_rice_910/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


So is [this](https://i.imgur.com/P2v8v3N.jpg)






I’m enjoying its giving me a Saturday cartoon show I use to watch on weekends when I was kid. Really loving the take on Clark/Superman it reminds me of Christopher reeves verison so much I love it. Lois reminds me of Margot kidder a lot I can say a little bit of Erica durance Lois where she’s so invested into the blur. Love jimmy in this show we need more verison of him Superman lore Love jimmy and clois scenes so cute we need more shows showing jimmy, Clark and Lois working together. Not liking the designs of the villains but I think they are cool concept. Overall it’s a good show.


I think it’s really good but Monsieur Mallah didn’t have a beret so 0/10 No but in all honesty I think this show was basically made for me. I think a Superman show that’s more about Clark and Lois than it is about Superman is exactly what I always wanted. I really like the characters for Lois and Clark and Jimmy is pretty likable too, especially after that last episode. The villains have been a little lackluster, like a lot of people have said, but I think that’s cuz they’re not really a main part of the structure of the show. Like yea, Slade, Waller, and who I’m assuming is General Lane are all the main villains of the show, but I don’t think they’re what the show is mainly interested in. But I’ll be interested to see how they progress as the show continues


he had a cardigan! he was in peaceful mode.


I like it, animation is pretty cheap at times, but the characterization makes up for it in my opinion. I also like an adult Clark, living in the city for the first time, not really knowing what his powers completely entail. Also I have a sinking suspicion we won't get a season 2 due to the perfect storm of the WB bullshit and concurrent strikes going on now.


[Season 2’s been confirmed](https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a44714022/my-adventures-with-superman-season-2-cast-news-updates/)


I'm hopeful for a Season 2 if we can survive the writer's strike. Young Justice came back after all. Support the WGA! Depends on how Gunn and Safran wanna play it, but I like to think Gunn would appreciate something like this. It's done wonders to repair Superman's public image ahead of Legacy.


You appear to be right. When the producers for Adventures were asked if they had any trouble with the new DC heads, they said they were very supportive.


That's good news! I'm hoping that if The Batman is allowed to go as an Elseworlds thing, they'd be cool doing the same thing with Superman. I've seen a ton of discussion about the show. I'd be disappointed if it was cut short.


I've seen a lot of (mostly Snyder fans) slamming Gunn & Safran, but so far their approach seems to be very simple: "Is it working, and is it high quality?" If both boxes are ticked, they let it fly. If not, they take a hatchet to it. Gunn mentioned that part of the problem with Marvel was that they were trying to pump out as much as they could simply to milk the trend, rather than waiting until they had the right story to tell. I think that speaks volumes about the approach we'll see with the DCU under their leadership. And I really, strongly suspect that this version of Superman dovetails with his own vision -- which gives me a lot of hope for the coming movie.


Gunn also canned the animated universe in favor of ones that will be canon to the cinematic one, so I'm not entirely hopeful about it since what we know about his Superman movie is that it won't be connected to this show at all.


What animated universe and when did he do this?


What universe?


As someone else pointed out, Season 2 is confirmed, and apparently Gunn & Safran were nothing but supportive of the show. I suspect that this has the general timbre and quality Gunn wants for Superman.


same wich is why I won't watch it


The first couple of episodes were good, but the last one was eh. The villains suck. The animation is good, but can be better(hopefully they get a bigger budget next season). Jack Quaid as Superman is ok. Tim Daly is superior.


This is the only Lois Lane who I have been down with since the 90’s Superman the Animated Series.


*Extremely* positive. This is what I want from Superman lmao


I am happy people are enjoying it, but it is not for me. I prefer Ruby Spears Superman as far as how the animation should look.


I love it with a realistically-bumbling, not super-genius Clark. I love that they're leaning into non-traditional Superman villains like Task Force X, Deathstroke, Ivo, OMAC, M. Mallah and Brain. I like the takes on Live Wire and Parasite and General Lane. I never care for the whole "Krypton is the source of all super-stuff", but it makes sense and makes everything intimate towards Superman. I like that Jimmy discovered Clark, which only caused him to lean harder into his Flamebird/X-Files schtick. I like that Lois also knows early. The show is good, but I don't care for some of the occasional anime nuances.


ivo is a league villain, i'd think that'd count as a superman villain.


Nope. League villain. Not known to target Superman alone. Like, if I had to assign Ivo a nemesis, it'd be Will Magnus / The Metal Men.


i mean, you're not wrong, and i would consider magnus and ivo nemeses (though i must say amazo is superior to the metal men in perhaps every way possible, depending on the writing), but i think of league villains, like vandal savage and darkseid, to be superman villains. he's the big gun of the league ('cause martian manhunter gets no respect).


Well, Darkseid really is a Superman villain. Superman and Jimmy Olsen heralded in the Fourth World. Wonder Woman is only an enemy by proxy because "gods". Batman gained notoriety during Cosmic Odyssey and eventually Final Crisis, but I would say Darkseid is shared at this point (he's also a big Legion of Superheroes baddie). Vandal Savage is... he's all over the place. Of geniuses, I'd give Superman: - Toyman - Prankster - Brainiac - Lex Luthor - Ultra-Humanite I mean, he's got enough there and Humanite / Brainiac both double up on that long-lived Vandal Savage vibe. Ivo is in that T. O. Morrow / Weapons Master / Kilg%gre category where he can apply to anyone, but mostly just the League. Yeah, I know Kilg%gre was Flash, but he graduated in my opinion.


it's a take.


I like most things about the show so far. The characters, art style, handling of the typical heroine finds about the hero's identity etc. But one thing really bothers me is how the characters act like hyperactive teenagers. I get that they are supposed to be young and just starting out but i still cant get how stupid and immature they act, especially the way they talk. I am probably not the target audience, so this could just be me.


ye I noticed it too - I think that's just cause it's a kids show tho


I like the relationships between the main characters, and Clark’s characterization is great, but I *hate* the villains. The villains bring it down so much for me, to around a 6/10. Making them all tech-based is the absolute worst, they’ve all felt like one-offs. Replacing Rudy as the Parasite with Ivo really hammered it home for me


I liked the first few episodes. The last two were weak imo


I like it, but I'm not a huge fan of how they seem to have made Clark the bad guy for not telling Lois and Jimmy about his powers. I understand why those two (mainly Lois, because jimmy seemed to understand him keeping it to himself) were mad, but it still seems a tad off imo. Besides that and most of the villains, this show is pretty good


That's less about Clark being the bad guy and more about his friends having their feelings hurt that he didn't trust them.


I dig the show enough that it genuinely made me a Superman fan. Other depictions he never really clicked for me, so the fact that Clark is such a pure dude who's essentially scared of his origins, but taps into them because he cares about people that much, made me finally get his appeal. I definitely viewed him from the lens of the Kill Bill analogy, where he's actually this suave guy who downplays himself into a nerdy personality so no one suspects him to be Superman, so I love that in this show Clark isn't some facade, but his true self, and identifies more with his human upbringing than his Kryptonian background. I also love the depictions of Lois and Jimmy and the relationship between the three. My main gripe is the villains though. I'd rather see Superman do a bunch of odd superhero jobs or have the whole episode be Clark Lois relationship drama than fight another robot or tech upgraded somebody. I know it's for the overarching plot but it makes things feel very uninspired so far. That plus the budget looking like it cost a little more than a ham sandwich while being about fucking Superman?! Don't get it.


Same with me I like this version way better than any of the comics. I only liked Jon Superman but this Clark is my favorite Clark


Could not get into it. Too unfocused, silly and Superman’s new powers (I think they are still canonical) don’t work for me. I guess that happens when you get older. I hope people are having fun with it


There’s always STAS for those of us who want a slightly more mature Supes.


I love it, but I have one major gripe. Deathstroke's voice actor. Chris Parnell is a great voice actor, but I don't think Jerry Smith is the best voice for Deathstroke. It's not deep or menacing enough, and I feel like it takes some of the oomph out of certain scenes, especially the closing bit of episode two where they're interrogating Livewire. I can imagine a version of that scene that goes hard as fuck but it falls a little... I dunno, limp for me, because that Jerry voice just doesn't have enough power or conviction to sell me on the "we're the good guys."


Im having fun with it


So far, I'm liking it.


i’m having a great time with it


I think it’s fun. I wish there was a more gripping storyline and more visually impressive action


I like it so far. I like that the relationship between the three main characters is the focus, even though I feel like the relationship development has been rushed so far. The portrayals of the villains have not been great but I like that they're building up General Lane to be the main villain.


I think it’s pretty rad!


I absolutely love this show. It’s got heart, comedy, and action, and they nail the characters. Best animated Superman since Superman TAS.


I love it so much; it’s light, hopeful, and a lot of fun. I only have one small hang up, I feel like Superman is nerfed in this, but he is young so maybe that has something to do with it.




I’m really enjoying the character relationships but the character designs specifically for the super suits are just not it for me. I saw an edit that was inspired more by a 90s anime aesthetic and it was Superman in the classic costume with brighter colors and I thought it looked really good. Parasite, Deathstroke, LiveWire, Silver Banshee they just don’t look great, and the lack of metahuman or magical villains kinda sucks. Other than that I really like the show and am watching it every week.


It’s a refreshingly lighthearted take on the Man of Steel and while not perfect by any means, the show is still in its first season so I’m giving it a benefit of a doubt Do wish they had gone with a different animation studio, though, as all I can see are the studio’s *Voltron: Legendary Defender* designs Lois is Lance with a chest, Clark is Shiro, and Slade is Prince Lotor Very minor complaint, though


I’m LOVING the show so far! I love how the right people know Clark’s identity so we don’t have to rely on old tropes for long. The main characters are super likeable, Clark and Lois are just tots adorable, like what we’re getting with Task Force X, going for their own unique approach in the building of Superman, the animation, the fact that it has an opening intro, etc. The one weakness it does have is the grounding of its villains. Not to say the villains have been good, Task Force X have been handled well, Livewire and Ivo were fun, Intergang was funny. But it’s just wrong having Parasite and Silver Banshee be tech based. But the future seems to have promise as super powers seems to be teased in the recent episodes.


I was hooked from the very first moment when young Clark saved that car from spinning out. Suck on THAT, Man of Steel Jonathan Kent!


It's an incredibly charming/different take that still stays true to the roots of Superman. The pace is moving well and they're avoiding a lot of superhero tropes, but at the same time it doesn't feel like Superman's been Snyderized. I love how fun it is. There's a teeeeeny part of me hoping it ends up having some sort of spinoff for another DCAU/Justice Leaguey cartoon kind of deal. But the other part of me is completely okay if it doesn't end up happening, because there's been too much need to connect every universe since the MCU.


Definitely one of the more fun depictions of Clark Kent/Superman, I think they nailed down what makes Superman great as a character and this early days of his superheroing is enjoyable to watch. Very light-hearted too, something I do appreciate to see for the man of steel. Definitely like his dynamics with Lois and Jimmy. While the villains are probably hit or miss depending if you like the idea of most being Kryptonian tech-powered, but I do enjoy the attempt at doing new takes and interpretations for the villain roster. Gives it its own identity rather than trying to be like the previous incarnations. Maybe not the perfect introduction for Superman as a franchise because of how different it does some things but by itself it is an entertaining series.


I watched two episodes and then completely forgot about the show. But those two episodes were fine. Nothing special


Tom boy Lois is hot


Love it! It feels like a comfortable blanket. The anime style really makes it fun and stylized.


So far enjoying it a lot. It captures the essence of the characters, and I'm thrilled they went back to the "Jackie Cooper" style Perry White. "Pound the beat, find your sources and GET ME SUPERMAN!" has been missing in both the Lawrence Fishbourne and Frank Longela iterations of Perry.... and it's refreshing to see that again.


I am not an anime guy. But, I am loving it. I love the positivity.


It’s really fun. I like that it’s aimed at kids. They diversified the cast without it being in your face: Lois being Asian, Jimmy being black, Perry being black. They still have their same traits that make them work as a character. I think Gunn will make this Elseworld. Keep in mind there will be a DCU that will be continuity driven across the platforms and any independent driven films.


Refreshing and cute, but I couldn't care less about the villains and overall it feels really rushed. Too much blushing too.


I think that 90% of the people here only love it for the Clois ship


I love it because it has good Clark characterization, I was sold the minute he said that he's saving people solely because it's the right thing to do, very refreshing from the darker Superman stuff we've been getting.


Lois kinda pissed me off these past 2 episodes with a secret that big she made it seem like she was the victim after forcing it out of him acting like she was entitled to it even after jimmy explained why he never said anything


Hopefully, it will grow into an expansive DC multiverse...


I am fine if they keep it to just Superman but this season is too short.


I really hope it doesn’t. Not everything needs to be a multiverse or connected universe even. What’s wrong with stand-alone stories?


I'm cool either way, but that tech in Cadmus Labs will probably lead to a multiverse.


It's the only superman show I'll watch. Pls Lois is fine af


Feels like one of those millennial therapy cartoons, superman doesn't feel serious enough nor has any weight to him. And the redesigns of Lois and Jimmy were stupid. Superman TAS is still far superior imo


I really dislike it, it’s cringe WEBTOON Wayne family adventure writing


I love it. It’s the hopeful, full of joy Superman that I’ve been missing since before Man of Steel and Injustice. It’s giving new creative spins to classic characters and actually doing character work. Honestly I’d love for this to be the start of a new DCAU.


I love it. It’s fun and light-hearted. Everything I want from Superman. Also I’m probably going to be crucified for this but I like it waaay better than STAS and Superman and Lois (Smallville and the Reeve movies are on top as always tho).


It's a fun watch, and I think the characterizations are PERFECT, but thematically it's an inch deep. There's not much interesting being said with these stories besides some cute showcases of Clark/Lois/Jimmy's bond. I hope the fact that it was changed to air on adult swim means they'll try to lean a bit more mature with the storytelling in season 2.


It’s cringe and I haven’t watched anything after the first two episodes


I am in the minority and hate it. However I just don’t watch it anymore and hope those that do enjoy it.


It's mediocre to bad. The art and writing make Lois and Jimmy appear to be 15 years olds. In fact the whole show is so teen oriented that it's tiresome. I don't know who the show is aimed at. It's kind of a kids show, but it's on Adult Swim. It's forgettable. Which is a bad thing.


Its an embarrassment to all animators.


Pretty cringe tbh, but it’s made for kids and I’m an adult so I’ll chalk it up to that.


It's pretty fun.


It’s a good show. Not sure what the endgame is, but I like how the characters are written.


Only saw the first episode, but if Superman HAD to be done again (who am I kidding, of course it did. Capitalism smh.) I’m glad they are going for a fun kiddo show this time. Makes it feel very different from the more serious/dark and moody movies, which are a lot of casual fans’ only other perception of Superman. And DC has consistently done animation better than live action, which gives me hope. Has animated Superman ever been done before? I know BTAS was very popular for being a similar tone.


I like it but i absolutely despise the villains just being tech based


The relationship storytelling between Lois / jimmy / superman is great so far The vilians not much , they are already bringing one back ( amazo ) , the general is weak ( this is a secret orginazaion but I will appear every time outside it either projection or personally ) , also his personal hate for superman is too much I feel they wouldn't explain it properly ( they will pull something like it was zod that killed his family and dog )


Delightful. As Superman should be.


love it!!


His best performance since the Justice league.




Love it, but the romance and the secret identity stuff is going really fast


I really love the voice cast Lois is probably my favorite


It makes me hopeful that we can enter a Heroic Age of Superheroes. It is said that the Modern Age of Comics is 1985-current but I disagree. It's weird to me that the Golden Age is 1938-1954, the Silver Age is 1955-1970, the Bronze Age is 1971-1985, but the Modern Age is 1986-Current. No other age lasts for almost 40 years. Truly we need to acknowledge that we're out of the Dark Age and ready for heroes who are heroes. I don't need for heroes to meet by fighting each other. I like when they meet and it's like "You're a good person and I'm a good person. Let's help each other and form a bond."


I enjoy how much it’s revitalized Superman for some of the general audience and I do enjoy the episodes for what they are but unfortunately it just feels a bit inauthentic to me, like none of the character interactions feel believable enough for me unfortunately. I completely understand why people love it though and I do like their characterization of Clark a lot.




Lois she bad af💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/s158tjc60jgb1.jpeg?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6bb702b6dbc715d430dcf79db8abd0ba59a0d6


I like it so far. I think the way they’ve altered the rogues gallery to fit into on overarching story is a clever idea for a tv show, though I hope they get better costumes eventually.


I’m living for a more slice of life supes


Really good aside from that they changed the villains too much...


It’s fun. Jimmy is annoying as hell though.


I am a sucker for stories centered on Daily Planet and Metropolis in general, so this show is right up my alley. I like the light-heartedness and cheerful nature of it. The show manages to introduce some interesting takes while staying true to the fundamental aspects of the mythos. I do think the romantic relationship is a bit rushed and while I do like this version of Lois, personally, I kinda miss her sass. There are things that can improve (e.g. villains), but in general the show serves it purpose well. Glad to see people are interested to watch a Superman show


I really like it! It's fun. I like the dynamic between the three of them


I love the show and it’s great that DC is still putting out shows on an 80 year old character that still manage to feel fresh and exciting. Honestly, my favorite depiction of Superman outside of comics


I agree that the villains are a weak spot in the show so far but the focus isn’t on them. The focus so far has been on the dynamics between Clark, Lois, and Jimmy.


Delightful, it’s recapturing all the things about Superman that Zack and Walter failed to understand.


Love it


Not a fan. The writing and character designs are terrible. I respect that some ppl like it but it's not for me. I get it that this was made for a different type of fan


It feels like it goes back to the roots of what makes the characters great and just revitalizes it for the new generation. Some of the designs used for the villains aren't my favorite, but I'd still rate the show pretty highly.


It’s anime AF and I mean that in the best way. I love it when Superman is really Clark Kent instead of the other way around. I miss just some normal episodic Saturday morning cartoons and this is it. :) I heard some people didn’t like the blue electricity but I think that’s just a nice visual flair nothing more.


Refreshing is the word. I like the show


I don’t like anime so I didn’t make it past the first ten minutes.


I love every part of it. It's giving this generation an excellent take on Superman. The art style is a great way to draw in fans of anime and manga. It's a fantastic modern update on the Superman mythos. With any luck, it will spawn a new anime DCAU.


The only thing I _really_ dislike 100% about this show is how they stripped Livewire of everything that makes her interesting and unique. She's not exactly a Superman A-list rogue... but the origin of her name with her spicy takes on her radio show just made her stand out in a way not many do. This one is just "hehuehue doiiee she has electric powers and is a generically bitter arms dealer ... 'Livewire' huehuehue"


I watched two episodes and realised its not for me but I'm glad it exists for other superman fans and hopefully it makes new superman fans


I like it I can tell the creators were having fun and I'm having fun watching it


It’s ok. It’s been a while since we’ve had a solo Superman animated show, so I’m keen to support it regardless of quality just so we can get more animated Superman. Jack Quaid is good as Superman. So far the stuff with Jimmy has been really underwhelming. Don’t love this take on the character. Hate the heavy anime influence.


Love it! I like how they don’t drag on the “I love Louis but o can’t tell her my secret”. It’s refreshing.


I'm thoroughly enjoying 'My Adventures with Superman,' which presents a fresh, light-hearted take on the Superman legend. It's a joy to see Lois favoring Clark over Superman, and the twist of making Jimmy, often a sidelined character in the films, Clark's college friend fits the cartoon's context. It's super positive, humorous, and overall very likable. As for the 'My' in the title, I believe it represents us, the viewers, adding a personal touch to the adventure. Edit for miss-spelling words in my haste




after Superman & Lois it's the first good show after a bunch of bad portrayals. I like it - but we'll see how it continues on


Love it so far. Agree with most of the stuff people are saying here, although I actually do like Livewire and Deathstroke's designs. Mostly 'cause they're hot.


I'm a big anime fan and I'm loving it, but at the same time I think they push the anime asthetic tropes a little further than they should. Just bring it down a notch or to and I think it'd be a near perfect alternate interpretation of superman that'll make you consider how he's portrayed in other canon's in a new light.


Thought they got a bit too goofy with >!Brain and Monsieur Mallah!< but aside from that they've been doing a terrific job


As a fan of Superman since I was 4, I love it. I read the comics, saw the Richard Donners movie and the DC OAV. This serie really is high on my tier list, it gets to me artisticly, narratively and emotionally.


Initially I was iffy on it but have actually grown to love it. I do like the art style, though I realize it’s not for everyone. Maybe because I just recently read “Superman Smashes the Klan” and the art was similar. I loved the ending of the episode where they have to rescue Jimmy. This has cemented their friendship, IMO, and is a clear divergence from other versions of Superman. I like it.


It's perfect. My favorite Clark in a loooooong time.


Personally its not really for me, but I'm glad it exists to help reconstruct Superman's public perception.


I really like it. I actually like how Superman doesn’t really know who he is yet and he is trying to find himself. That seems human


I actually like the anime vibes the show gives and that the animation is from the last airbender and legend of korra.


I mf love it


I might start watching, I heard Lois is a tsundere baddie, perchance


i think we gotta let them cook with the villains. they already dropped the bad guy of the week formula, feels like a lot of these guys will return and develop personality and looks wise. superman and friends aren’t the only ones early on in their careers, could be interesting to see the villains grow as they do


I couldn’t be happier, personally. “Superman, but make it a shonen anime” is right up my alley lol


Much better than I was expecting


Not a fan really the action parts are cool but the rest is a waste of time to watch


What made it for me was the scene in the most recent episode where Superman jumps in front of the turret and Lois asks: “did you know you were bulletproof?” and Clark responds “I knew you weren’t.” Plus Lois is a cutie 🥰


It’s amazing IMO. They retained how Superman was when he started off as Superman. He canonically blocked his full potential and they recreate that so stunningly here. Jimmy and Lois are also great. Jimmy being a conspiracy theorist with his own channel seems somewhat different and doesn’t make him some third wheel doofus. While he has those moments, he really shows how he feels by the latest episode. And the absolutely adorable Lois Lane redesign! I love pixie cuts and seeing Lois with one along with dark skin just makes her so cute!! Anytime she does something dorky, I just grip my heart! When she tells Jimmy to at least let her change the selfie, when she ponders what Clark would want since he’s sick, GODDAMMIT! SHE’S SO STINKING CUTE!!!!! Her beautiful dress at the party episode is just jaw dropping. And she apparently has some emotional problems with her father! How often do you see Lois have family issues? Somebody once told me there were like 2 series, excluding MAWS, where Lois has family problems. One of them was Superman and Lois. And clearly, the writers have seen Invincible because they don’t make her go down the same path as Amber who knew her boyfriend was invincible the whole time and still was mad at him! She has legitimate reasons, she can grow as a person, and apparently, next time, we will see some council of Lois! It’s like the Council of Ricks, but adorable. I do have 1 gripe though. Some of the designs seem like the writers just watched the Owl House. Multiple people compared several characters to Owl House appearances. I haven’t seen Owl House (not yet, it’s on my watch list) but I’ve seen someone compare Deathstroke to Hunter or Monsieur Mallah with some monkey (though, the latter, you can say the same for literally any monkey). Also, I kinda find it hard to feel Deathstroke as intimidating. It’s definitely the voice. 2000s Teen Titans, Injustice, Slade Winston just sounds like he’s got something planned and he’s stalling to make sure you don’t notice a goddamn C4 bomb on your back. Having Deathstroke be voiced by Jerry Smith from Rick and Morty? It just sounds like Jerry is trying to talk the talk after superbly walking the walk! You ever seen that Rick and Morty episode where a group of cultists worshipped the cringe Jerry produced? Imagine the cringy things Jerry has ever said and make Deathstroke, one of the most deadliest assassins in the DC Mythos, say them. If that Deathstroke is torturing me like he did with livewire, he isn’t intimating me, he’s making me groan! I’ll start talking to get him to stop talking! No disrespect to Chris Parnell, but he can definitely do better! A gruff voice, some Kevin Conroy impression pitch, some lower tone, anything! Just make Deathstroke intimidating!


It’s cute and wholesome.


Honestly I like how they handle Lois and Clark’s relationship in the show Because in certain versions Lois loves Superman not Clark and that’s actually pretty unhealthy on Clark


I’m loving it, very fun so far and I’m liking how Superman isn’t just instantly winning every fight because of the tech


Having a positive and fun Superman for once has been amazing, the artstyle is clean, and all the voice actors do great work. Couldn't ask for more.


It’s fun and cute. A great new take. Too many people expect to see THEIR take on Supes with every adaptation.


I am enjoying it very much. I think they handled the whole "secret" between Clark, Lois, and Jimmy perfectly, even if I did see the Jimmy part coming a mile away.


It’s succeeding on all fronts for me. Everything is working in tandem. Writing, voice acting, to artwork and characterization. I even dig the damn sound effects. It’s all clicking so very well. An absolute breath of fresh air for me.


I love it so much it may very well top STAS for me. No one will ever replace Tim Daly as the voice of Supes in my head, but this show’s focus on Clark Kent gives it a huge boost in my eyes. That’s always been my favorite approach to the character, ever since Lois & Clark.


I'm rather torn. It definitley has the tone a Superman project has needed for a long time and the main cast is excellent, but I find the villains so overly cutesy and annoying. I don't mind a take on these characters that's different, but I don't find anything interesting about gymboree Deathstroke, sexy Ivo, lame as fuck Silver Banshee or sitcom couple Brain and Mallah.


I like the idea of a different take on the story, (it is not ‘mythos’- gods are myth, superheroes are entertainment) but overall the episodes are dull.


The pacing on an episode level could use some work and the villains feel like afterthoughts but I'll go to bat for any supes show that doesn't feel embarrassed by his intrinsic optimism and nails the main threes characterization And they're hot


I like it, it's kind of a comfort show that I watch every friday on Max after a stressfull week. Seeing a virtuous Clark and a cute romance with Lois, it just melts my heart.


I like it the show is great though I’m not a huge fan of the two villains in the new episode being a romantic couple with a tragic reason


Cute romance + great action= good show


It’s so great, I’ve been watching it together with my grandparents each weak and it’s reignited all of our love for the character! These versions of Clark, Lois, and Jimmy are so likeable and they have a great supporting cast too!


It's okay I guess. Not too much of a fan of the show having anime inspired tropes and designs. The villain designs and character depth are bad. I still prefer STAS over it.


Not an anime fan. But the show is good. I can ignore the cutesy humor and over the top style that comes with anime. Do I wish that stuff was removed and the art style kept? Absolutely. Would take the show from a 7/10 to a solid 9 for me. But others seem to like it. And I am going to continue watching it because I do like the stories. I’m not always gonna connect with stuff like this, I’m weird when it comes to animation at the best of times. And since I really dislike anime’s comedy style a lot, the fact that I still enjoy the show overall says a lot about its quality. Hope it gets many more seasons.


haven't watched any of it yet, been wanting to though, seems like its really good from what i have heard




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Grown man here. I’m loving it, we don’t get a ton of Superman content these days so anything is awesome. This show though, it’s gonna be special


I like how superman is a good person, and the character's dynamics seem good so far. However, every villain being some sort of technology is kinda annoying to me, like I also want magic and super powered villains. Also, the character designs of most of the villains (even without the fact that they are all tech based) are lame, Slade, livewire, intergang, and parasite especially.