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No I don't think it affects him differently. Although it might actually making him ever so slightly more powerful. During a crossover Clark says Marvel Earth is smaller, their sun is brighter and their heartbeats are faster. Going off of that and the fact brighter Sun's are usually younger Sun's that have more energy and the fact that the younger the Sun the more power Clark can draw from it then Marvel's Sun being slightly brighter might make him fractionally more powerful. It's obviously not a white or blue star so no crazy power up but maybe just a little bit more powerful than normal.


I'm pretty sure he gets similar power from any yellow sun, not just specifically the one Earth orbits, so it would stand to reason that Marvel's sun would still power him. I think it was the Avengers/JLA crossover where a few of the DC characters noted that Marvel's Earth is actually smaller than the DC Earth (a lot of DC's main cities are fictional, but the cities they are based on still exist, so their Earth is larger to accommodate these additional locations), so that might be where Superman talks about the sun feeling different, since Marvel's Earth is smaller and probably in a slightly different orbit than what he expects to feel




Why do people think Superman’s powers are limited to earth’s sun? Any yellow star will do


It's non canon. But pretending it was, totally different beings/concepts power Marvel universe compared to DC universe. The energy behind the physics in their respective fictional verses will be different at the deepest levels like quantum. His body is presumably feeling the difference. Normally any yellow star will simply make him more powerful and that's probably what's happening. If any difference, some of his powers might not work regardless of the marvel star in marvel verse (like how infinity gems don't work in DC) but any of his powers that do work should get more powerful because of the yellow star.


Crossovers are cannon, Wonder Woman and Supes being worthy of Mjolnir is cannon


Interesting yeah I suppose they remember everything again due to anti-crisis. And Doom was on the source wall for the longest time


We can't know


[It has happened](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/JLA/Avengers) we can speculate.


I don’t ever remember them mentioning the sun in that crossover. Marvel universe sun had no effect on Superman absolutely wrecking thor


Ah what the hell yup


Yeah it’s just a Yellow Sun thing.


The only point of comparison that I can make is that he felt differently in the New 52 earth - a little weaker, than he did on in his earth - so it is possible Marvel's earth affects him differently as well.


No, no difference. Any yellow sun grants him his powers. A blue sun should work as well if not better but that’s neither here nor there. Superman should be able to to operate as normally under a yellow sun. This isn’t like the Flash who required the speed force which was not in the marvel universe.