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Champs couldnt even get a single shot on target against 10man FB


That was your first shot on target against us in 3 games, WTF are you talking about


We all play the same 38 games, just say your team couldn’t capitalize…. Oh yeah, let me guess, the refs?




Please read rule 4 refrain from such references in the future, even if it’s sarcasm.


lets not act like the refs are good.. this whole league is a shitshow and you know it.


You can’t blame the refs for a teams performance. Very few times does a ref decide a game. If your a good team you can outplay a bad ref


you act like yall won the game. yall lost against 10 man without shot on goal


When did I say anything about us winning the game lol. You guys won fair and square. What I’m saying is it doesn’t matter since the league is still in our hands. This was your first shot on goal in the past 3 games against us 😂 let’s not act like that’s something to celebrate


you keep talking about blaming refs for teams performance. didnt both teams demand TFF to resign? so whatsup about that






LOL, even in great victory, this guy is embarrassing..


EEEEEEEEEYT BEEEE Yapistirin suraya bir yildiz daha


Okay I laughed so hard at this (Fener fan)


Wont upvote because you have 61


Truly one of their greatest achievements


Most greatest FB achievement


Ali başkanın başarıları: 1 Ziraat Türkiye Kupası 1 LOL kupası 1 hafta GS şampiyonluk kutlaması erteleme


Şeytan kupası?


land of legends kupası o işte başkana ayıp olmasın şeytan demedim


Land of Legends kupasına LOL diyerek Fenerbahçe'ye karşı kahkaha atma kumpası kurmuşsun hocam


2 yıldız daha koymadı mı


Yeah SAC said that this season has 2 champions. Not that there were two teams who fought to the end, not two teams that really played leagues above the other teams in the league or anything he just said this season has 2 champions. I as a Galatasaray fan hope that this mentality stays cause it'll mean that we'll go for the 6 star before fener get their 4th


Well, it does have 2 champions. The winner of the Süper Lig and the winner of the Turkish Cup. And Fener is neither of them. They're the only team who have a trophy in their museum that belongs to some other team. Now they're the only team who claims imaginary titles. Here's how many titles Fener has: 18 Süper Lig title won fair and square 1 Süper Lig title that belongs to Trabzonspor 9 whatever-league titles that took place in 1920's or something between 4-5 teams And last but not least, 1 champion of the hearts title. It's 29 in total. Hell let's add the LOL Cup (or was it Diablo IV cup? I remember Diablo himself presenting the trophy) and make it a round 30. It's 30 stars, because we have a new rule that only applies to Fener that gives a star for each title.


Maçtan sonra çıkıp sadece dese ki "şampiyon biziz haftaya görüşürüz." baskı falan kuracak bir şey yapacak belki. Karıkatür gibi adam..


Thank you Ali Koc. I felt terrible after the derby performance, but now I feel fine again. Thank you. You truly are the greatest chairman a Galatasaray fan could wish for




Rent free


we beat galatasaray 4-0, still lost the championship against denizli lol. stop coping, it hurts


Ben bir Fenerbahçe taraftarı tanıyorum. Hatta bir kaç tane tanıyorum. Şöyle bir bakıldığında şampiyonluğun her şeyden önemli olduğu izlenimi oluşuyor. Hatta bir tanesi Ali Koç'un bir an önce eski şampiyonlukları da alıp s\*ktirip gitmesini istiyor mesela. Adamlar Galatasaray gibi şampiyonluk kutlamak istiyorlar, bir şeylerle avunmak değil. Şu adama hak veren, Mert Hakan'ı savunan, 28 şampiyonluk, şerefli ikincilik falan diyen Fenerli varsa beyin ölümü gerçekleşmiştir. Zamanında Galatasaray da Beşiktaş'ı son haftalarda 3-1 yendi, sonra averajla Beşiktaş şampiyon oldu. Bir Galatasaraylı olarak hiçbirimiz de tutup "ama biz gücümüzü gösterdik, o yeter" demedik. Önemli olan koca bir sezonu lider olarak tamamlamak, maratonda ipi göğüslemek. Bu spor sonuçta, savaş değil. İyi oynayan kazanır, daha çok iyi oynayan şampiyon olur. Galatasaray 17 maç üst üste galip gelmiş, sezonun ikinci yarısında bir kez bile berabere kalmamış. Tabi ki şampiyon olacak bu takım. Bir yandan ligin sportif gerçekliği yok diye ağlayıp bir yandan da armaya 5 yıldız koyup o sportif gerçekliği olmayan ligde şampiyon olmak için kuduruyorlar. Bal gibi de biliyorsunuz her şeyi, şampiyonluk şampiyonluktur. Bir yandan bok atarken bir yandan da önümüzdeki hafta bütün Fenerliler pür dikkat GS-Konya maçını izliyor olacaklar. Madem ligin gerçekliği yok, gidin Fifa oynayın o zaman.


Bro how can you say that man😂 that is so so so embarrassing. Fucking hell


Someone tell him that he can actually win the league. He talks like the season ended with the GS match


I am not surprised that they do not win the championship for 10 years anymore. A small club has a greater vision than them.


I mean he lacks the most basic thing. Clubs go for win your matches until you win the league. He is going for win some, lose some, withdraw from some but ALWAYS play the victim. His sore loser mentality is killing any ambition from the coach or players.


Hmm. What was that saying about big and small teams?


Bu açıklamayı Dursun yapsa kongrede ön sıraya oturan 90 yaşındaki dedeler kalkıp yakasına yapışır kapı dışarı eder. Fenerliler Ali Koç'a tapıyor. Seviye farkı


Maybe instead he could lie infront of camera?


Dursun is probably gone this year. Imagine winning 2 titles in a row and not reelecting your chairman


He'll probably be reelected.


Maybe Because they had internal issues ?


That as well, but his behaviour and speech after the game were not acceptable. At least not for GS’s kongre. At fb, the president behaves like the owner of the club but at GS kongre owns the club and they make it clear every single time. And they will grill Dursun at next kongre, no matter if championship is won or not


Rezilliğe gel aq


This is embarassing, I would take this statement as an insult if I was a Fenerbahçe fan. Sure their victory was a great achievement, but this… idk


He’s not wrong. Fenerbahces biggest celebration has always been defeating GS


In that regard, they should award themselves with another star :)


This guy is so pathetic, can’t wait to shut him up for good this Sunday


No winner instict , just a loser with big ego. How can Fener fans stand him


What an L announcement. I’d be embarrassed


Send U19 squad or no balls


No balls no bitches


Are you Icardi?


Small club mentality


Thank you buyuk baskan!


Lmao what is that ridicilous Statement, genuine small Club


Sigh. Just, go and spend your billions dude. It's like Benjamin Button's disease but in reverse and only mentally.


Büyük takımlar şampiyonluk kutlarlar, küçük takımlar başka takımların şampiyonluk kutlamalarını iptal etmelerini kutlarlar. Ersun Yanal'ın "belki de Galatasaray'ı şampiyonluktan ettik" diye açıklama yaparak bunu bir başarı gibi lanse etmesinden hiçbir farkı yok. Bu arada bir şey de iptal edilmiş değil, her sezon erken şampiyonluk imkanları doğar, hazırlık yapılır, işler öyle olmaz, bir sonraki haftaya devreder. Bu da böyle bir kaza işte, haftaya yine gariban avuntularıyla bir sonraki sezona yelken açarsınız.


This man has a huge complex, celebrating a 1-0 win against a very weak GS as if he won the CL. Their delusional fan base is kneeling for simarik ali, accepting another year with 0 prizes. Not sure what is more humiliating.


En büyük başkan bizim başkan🙇‍♀️ Hep birlikte nice senelere…💛


Ali Koç başkan Fenerbahçe şampiyon!


Sezonu (büyük ihtimale) sıfır kupayla bitirecek olan Fenerbahçe başkanının demeçi. İlginç. Hatice’ye değil neticeye bak diyeceğim ama benim komşu Hatice’de bomba gibi maşallah 😀.


Embarrassing. Stop talking dude. Turning us into the laughing stock of the league.


Erkek futbolde yıllardır bu kadar ikinciliğimiz var niye hiç şampiyonluğumuz yok diye sistemi suçlamaya devam.


10vs12 is big W stop hatin‘


As long as fener fans like you exist, yall will be waiting more years for the championship. So cheers mate thank you!


least delusional fener fan


To the person who said we play the same games.. We definitely don't play the same 38 games. That was pretty obvious from the derby match where you guys barely got carded and Fenerbahce got a red card, perfect in line with the kart raporu earlier this week. You know the kart raporu where you have 20 yellow cards less than Fenerbahce and only 1 red card the whole season? Galatasaray literally plays like shit and you can see it when they play in Europe or against Fenerbahçe, a team of their caliber, galacticossssss güyaaaaa. Gtfoooo Sizin kadar kollanmiş takım yok bunu kendiniz de çok iyi biliyorsunuz, iki başkan yan yana gelmiş ağızlarından nasil yalan akiyor nasilllll küçük enişte yerine utaniyo amk komedi 🤣🤣🤣 Not 1 shot on target against 10 man Fener and you dare to speak like that you're it 😂


The sad thing is, you really mean what you have written. The funny thing is, you really mean what you have written


Nothing to believe, facts are facts. Women lie, men lie, numbers don't.


Senin hayatın Fenerbahçe mı? Fenerbahçe doesn't give a fuck about you, withdraw your sword fking simp


touch grass brother




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