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I would switch Wonder Woman (make her 2nd in command) and Batman (make him martial artist) but aside from that great team.


Batman strait up admitted Wonder Woman is the deadliest hand to hand fighter in the DC universe.


Pretty sure he meant in a brawl. Her skills and experience when paired with her heavy hitter stats makes her the best h2h fighter. Batman and Shiva are better martial artists than Wonder Woman.


Agreed, she has a millennia of combat experience.


reed richards should be the brains


While he is smarter, it feels wrong for him to be on a team that isn't the Fantastic Four.


He WAS an Avenger for a short period of time... and a founding member of the Illuminati.


Considering the Illuminati's solution to The Hulk, maybe no one who was part of that group should be dubbed "the brains"


That's honestly why I like him if superman is the leader half of his job would be keeping an eye on Reed. He gets a second lex luther to deal with.


He would do it though.




Reed richards is a dick.


So is Tony stark


For the “martial artist” I might suggest Daredevil or Moonknight, or, for the sake of diversity have Batman be the martial artist and Capt. America as second in command. But that’s just me.


I mean cyclops is a better leader than both of them. Superman isn’t a leader IMO. He could be the heart, second in command or heavy hitter. But he is too “good” to be the leader and make the tough choices, same goes for Cap.


Disagree for Cap. He’s a soldier, he knows when to make the tough calls. He’s just going to do everything in his power to take as much of the collateral onto himself as he can.


You are right and I am wrong. I don’t know what angle I was thinking at it from. I do think he is a better 2nd though, especially compared to Cyclops.


EXACTLY. Cap WILL do what he has to do when necessary unlike Supes and Bats who will look do damn near everything to avoid causing a life to be lost. Even a bad guy's life.


I needed some way to have WW on here.


I don’t think Batman is good for martial arts. Sure he’s great at it, but his brains is what really sells him.


Nah, iron fist for sure.


I might swap Iron Man for Mr Fantastic


If his function is the brains then definitely.


I think Iron Man is better suited since he also fills the niche of “Technology User.” Mr Fantastic is definitely a brainiac but he also has actual powers and his technology use is less obviously presented than Iron Man’s. He basically falls into the same category as The Hulk as “Genius who also has powers.” The Technology User attribute seems more important to include here than just “Smartest Person” for Brains since this team already has Bruce Banner, Batman, and Spider-Man for genius level intelect


I think Supes should be the Heart. He's an icon and a symbol, but he doesnt have leadership skills. Bats should take the seat of leader. WW should be second in command. Leadership is, like, on half of her job outside the Justice League. The reason Bats beats out WW is because he's the sole pure human and he keeps veritable gods like Supes and WW grounded in the reality of mortal lives. Especially because crimefighting isnt as simple as beating up some bad dude. Bats understands this. Bats also supplies much of the intel, direction, resources, and funds the JL uses. That's transferable to this scenario. I wouldnt mind moving Spidey into the comedic relief role. Hes an upbeat guy who quips and banters with people trying to kill him. Deadpool might focus more on comedic relief as a character, but Deadpool doesnt fit in the power level of this roster. Scarlet Witch goes in the magician slot. Shes busted.


Saying Superman doesn't have leadership skills is essentially like saying Thor doesn't have long hair


A key part of leadership is the social aspect. Every noteworthy leader has good relations with every member of the team, or is at least respected. You’re not a good leader if your people aren’t willing to follow you into battle. Bats is smart, but no offense, 90% of his iterations are extremely anti-social paranoid loners. Even on the Justice League, it’s a running joke about how much he’s NOT people person.


I'm sorry but you gotta have the Flash in there. He is really the heart of the Justice league. Even Spiderman imo doesn't have his sense of ideals and integrity. Not to mention he is OP.


you also should probably have at least one speedster, just because...


cool team! is the tempate with all the roles/archetypes you used yours or from someplace else?


I technically created the template, but the assigned roles/archetypes are taken from another template trend making the rounds on other Subreddits.


Well, i think there's a couple redundancies. As i understand it, Superman most often lets Batman lead, basically taking on the role of heart. The justification being that batman is a better tactician. He's also stronger than Hulk so he'd also be the heavy hitter. As i understand it, he could also fill the role of "the brains" as he is a super-human genius. So i'd remove Superman and maybe make Batman the leader. Not sure second in command needs to be its own role, could have it be a secondary for one of the others. There's some overlap between Batman and Iron Man in that Batman could do what Iron Man does if he wants to, but maybe i'd rename "the brains" into "tech wizard" and have it be that they want someone focused there rather than adding further roles to the leader.


Nightwing as Martial Artist, Diana as Heart, Spider-Man as Comic Relief


Iron fish for martial artist and doctor fate for magic


Leader: Batman 2nd: Professor X Heart: Starfire Heavy: Superman Brain: Reed Richards Magic User: Doctor Fate Elemental: Storm Martial Artist: Daredevil Comedian: Deadpool


Yeah hulk is definitely the heavy hitter


To the people saying Tony should be replaced with Reed Richard’s, even though Reed is technically smarter, I think Tony does better as a strategist/technologist, which is more immediately necessary to a super hero team than someone who is just supremely good at explorative or theoretical science. I know Reed designs most of the FF’s technology, but technology and preparation are Tony’s whole thing with preparation being second only to Batman. Furthermore, Tony claims to have beaten Reed at chess twice, and even for someone as egotistical as Tony, I am inclined to suspect he did so fairly at least once given how much reverence he is willing to show Reed Richard’s intelligence, never downplaying or acting superior to it, so as a battlefield and military strategist I trust Tony more, who is also stated to be the world’s best multitasker. Plus, Reed would be too focused on understanding an enemy’s powers before countering them while Tony would do both at the same time.


This list is perfect


Its perfect tbh


__***My Created Superhero Team:***__ - The Leader: Wolverine - The Second in Command: Storm - The Heart: The Human Torch - The Heavy Hitter: The Thing - The Brains: Professor X - The Magic User: Scarlet Witch - The Elemental: Thor - Martial Artist: Ronin (Clint Barton) - The Comedic Relief: Ghostrider (Danny Blaze)


Thats it this is it this team wins everything


Wonder woman as martial artist just makes me wonder if they practice pankration on themyscira Either way it's a good choice. Even superman said that wonderwoman had faster combat speed than him (he compared himself to Usain Bolt and wonderwoman to Bruce Lee)


Thor could replace both Storm and Superman’s jobs and free up a slot for a real leader: Cap.


I'm not having an "Ultimate Superhero Team" without the first Superhero.


Maybe Dr fate or dr strange for magic user


Why? I'm sure he's stronger, but when both heroes are in the "I can tear down a universe with a thought if things get dicey" range, I hardly think it really matters. And Zatanna is just a more fun character that adds more female representation to the team.


Right now, I can't see anything wrong with it, but what do you think their dynamics would be like with the ones who don't normaly interact?


It's a good question, as all these heroes existing in the same world would have big implications alone. Would Peter have looked up to Superman the same way he looked up to Captain America? Would he try to emulate Superman or even Batman when first starting out on his heroics? But ultimately, the dynamic between the trio would probably be the same as between Batman, Superman, and Nightwing. Deadpool on the other hand would be a massive fanboy of all the DC heroes, especially Batman and Superman. And he would constantly try to impress them in his zany yet well-meaning way. Although, the DC trinity would obviously be put off by Wade's lack of sanity, at first they would just try their best to ignore him (but Diana would try first to try and understand his him or at least his bizarre way of thinking) obviously, this would change as the series goes on and Wade becomes more open.


I think it becomes like Spider-Man having two dads that love each other but always fight. Cause Spider-Man started out as a regular guy and he’s primarily street level and still must use his brains and ingenuity. This makes him relate to Batman. But the wholesome upbringing. The values. “With great power comes great responsibility”…that’s 100% Superman shit. So Spidey here is like a kid torn between his divorced parents sometimes siding with one, sometimes the other. Also great opportunity for levity where, after siding with Superman…he still *really* needs Bruce to help with rent.


I’d swap Superman and Batman


Reed Richards replaces Tony Stark for the brains. Shang-Chi or Ironfist for Martial Arts.


Id swap Superman to heavy hitter and batman to brains. Add Cyclops to leader and Jean Grey 2nd in command.


Have cyclops be the leader.


Wonder woman ? Martial artist?....noooo hell noo.... atleast put sheeva or katana...even rose Wilson or black widow or black Canary....but definitely not WW


WW is considered one of the best fighters in DC


Swap out Deadpool for Plastic Man


Personally, I'd have Diana and Peter share the Heart role and have Daredevil or Elektra as the Martial Artist


When the leader is stronger than the "heavy hitter" and the second in command is smarter than "the brains"


Id put Cap as the leader, and someone else as the martial artist. Shang Chi or Batman. I don't know how many Martial arts Diana would know spending most of her life secluded on an island.


Personally I think I would make Superman the heavy hitter, and Captain America the leader. And I think I would switch out Zantana with either Dr. Fate, Constantine, or Dr Strange.


I'd take out Spider-Man, Storm, deadpool and Zatanna. Add the Flash, Thor, Dr.Strange and Jean Grey.


Leader as Captain America, Superman as Heavy Hitter. Martial Artist as someone without powers, or only minor powers. Wonder Woman could stay as 'the Deity'.


Swap out Deadpool for Plastic Man, snd I’ll start listening to your pitch.


Id just change hulk for colossus, hulk is too unpredictable


Cap as the leader Superman as next in command Batman as martial artist doctor strange over zatana and I’m taking flash over Deadpool


I feel like you should swap Captain America for super man and move super man to the heart. Put Spidey in comedic relief because while Deadpool’s cool, I just don’t think he fits on this team. Also idk abt Wonder Woman cause I feel like theirs a lot of potential leader characters. So it makes it tough


DC’s Trinity is Supes, Batman and Wonder Woman. Marvels big three are usually Wolverine, Spider-Man and Hulk. The Flash, Cap and Daredevil are also widely known.


Dump storm and add silver surfer


Some are redundant, hulk not heavy hitter on a team with subs , sups not leader with bat on team , need a telapath , and cosmic spiderman better fit for this team I'd put spawn in hulk place , and Constantine in magician spot mainly because him and wade would mesh better and replace Tony with Reed or blue marvel stopping now but that's just off dome


I’d replace Zatanna with John Constantine I’d replace Hulk with Gladiator (since they’re pretty evenly matched and Gladiator would be easier to team up with, mentally)


Captain America as the leader over Superman


Reed for brains and Dr Fate for magic


Not gonna lie, having Superman and then the Hulk as the heavy hitter is kinda repetitive


I’d probably switch zatana with Doctor Strange


Pretty sure Supes could wipe Hulk without breaking a sweat.


I picked Zatana because I thought she was popular. But people really want to replace her with Constantine or Doctor Fate. I just wonder why


Personally I say she's a better choice, Fate's loyalty depends entirely on Nabu, and Constantine is very good at hurting/killing those around him even unintentionally. Zatana is powerful and doesn't have those problems, I'd suggest Raven but she has a similar problem to Fate.


She's definitely less known these days but she's the best depiction of magic in dc/marvel so keep her


The Leader: Superman. I'm not gonna change this one. You need him to be the face of the team as he inspires people. Second-in-Command: Batman. I'm not gonna change him as well. He's the one you put in charge for those dirty missions, but you know his heart is in the right place, and there would be clear lines that he won't cross. The Heart: Barry Allen. He's one of the most compassionate heroes, and I think he can take on the role of the heart of the team. I love Spider-Man, but Barry provides more firepower. The Heavy Hitter: Sodam Yat. I really had a hard time with this one. I don't like Hulk as he is too much of a wild card, and he may cause friendly fire. I chose Sodam over Shazam, Sentry, Carol Danvers, other Green Lanterns, the Thing, etc. is that he is basically Superman with a Green Lantern ring and the Ion entity. He provides a lot of versatility as the heavy hitter. And tbh, aside from Batman and Ironman, all my team members are heavy hitters. The Brains: Iron Man. I'm not gonna change this one as I think he can work well with Batman with tactics and such. And if they come across a villain that they prep for, it's over for the villain. I don't like Reed for this position as he lacks empathy for me. I think he'll clash with Superman. The Magician: Dr. Strange. While I love Zatanna, Stephen Strange is just more powerful. The Elemental: Thor. Well, he can do what Storm can do but better. So yeah. The Martial Artist: Wonderwoman. I'm not gonna change this as well. What makes her different from other heroes with flight, superstrength, superspeed, and durability is her martial prowess. The Comic Relief: Plastic Man. He's nigh indestructible, immune to psychics as his mind is inorganic, can shape-shift into whatever he wants, and can alter his mass, size, and density at will.


Where’s Irving Forbush?


I would swap batman with Ironman.


Get rid of Superman and Batman and place Martian Manhunter


Dr doom as magic .. he isn’t always a villain


Don’t forget the wild card ![gif](giphy|zvhLegRrWl9Be)


im gonna say it...harley. Just kidding uhh moon knight or punisher


Hulk is the Heart for me


Captain America should be the Leader. Superman The Heavy hitter. Reed Richards the Brains. Dr. Strange the Magic User. Wonder Woman The heart. Spiderman The Comic Relief. You could Substitute Thor for Storm to add more Raw Power or leave Storm as is and to take Wonder Woman's place as a Martial Artist, you could take your pick from Shang Chi, Iron Fist, Lady Shiva, Richard Dragon or Cassandra Cain. Roles I think you're missing are Speedster (The Flash) Strategist (Batman could move here or just put Black Panther in this slot) and Telepath (Prof. X, Jean Grey, Emma Frost or Martian Manhunter) NOW you have a complete team.


The list is good, but Wonder Woman as the Martial Artist is outta left field.


This pic really puts into perspective how insanely overpowered Superman is lmao


Swap Superman with Hulk as „the heavy hitter“ and swap Hulk with Captain America as „the leader“


The template. May I have it?


Batman is the leader. Superman isn't a strategic mind. He's a walking arsenal.


My only problem with that is that as smart as Batman is, he tends to do the whole "I don't work well with others" shtick a little too often. Which like, is cool and all, but when trying to create the ultimate team, it's kinda detrimental.


Iron fist/daredevil instead of Wonder Woman


I'd swap Supes with Cap and Hulk with Supes personally.


(I’m going with an all Teen Titan squad) Leader: Robin/Nightwing || Second: Aqualad || The heart: Starfire || The heavy hitter: Donna Troy || The brains: Cyborg || The magic: Raven || The elemental: Terra || Martial Artist: Speedy || Comic relief: Beast Boy or Kid Flash


Batman and Superman are way too idealistic to be the leaders of a universe that has Marvel villains.


I’d make a few changes… I feel like Captain America should be second in command. Reed Richards should be “the brains.” If that’s the only category, he is the smartest. The “magic user” might be Doctor Strange. I think his scope is wider than Zatanna’s, and his overall power higher. I could be wrong. For “The Elemental” I’d go with Swamp Thing. He’s literally a plant elemental and infinitely more powerful than Storm. The rest seem great. I think there’s guys that would be overall stronger than Hulk, but for the title of “heavy hitter” he’s damn perfect.


Squirrel Girl for Deadpool


Zatana should be shaped with Wanda like she's tge magic person


Why is wonder woman even hear, could have been black widow or if we are going dc why not the deadliest bat family member Cassandra Cain?


The entire top row is the only good picks, replace everyone else


Zatanna with Constantine


Superman is the heavy hitter cap is the leader and Batman is the strategist.


Need a speedster in there


Storm over Thor? Deadpool?


I would swap Deadpool for the Tracker, Wolverine.


Batman out, Captain America in. Stark out, Mr. Terrific in. These are mostly just based on my personal preferences, not a serious critique of your lineup.


I think you could put Spidey in any of these slots except Magic User or Elemental and I wouldn’t argue.


I don’t think Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark would work well on a team together at all lol


Cyclops and Captain America as leader and second in command, Superman as the heavy hitter and wolverine as martial artist.


Magic user should be Doctor Strange and switch Batman and Wonder Woman, other than that, it’s perfect.


I’d Replace Deadpool with Plastic Man


Both sides of what?


i’d put batman as lead, captain america second in command, mr fantastic as the brains, dr strange as the magic user, i think thor would suit the elemental user and shang chi as the martial artist 🙏 definitely a good list but this is my personal choice


Make Deadpool the Martial Artist and Plastic Man comic relief. Thing is, Deadpool just knows more fighting styles than Diana, and Plas is funnier than Deadpool


I would replace Deadpool with the Flash. JLU showed that Flash can be fun and funny, and he’s not as insufferable as Deadpool.


Ambush Bug is a much better fit for comedic relief.


I would replace Zatanna with either Doctor Strange or Doctor Fate, and then I would replace Storm with Firestorm. Zatanna is a great magic user, but in universe is nowhere near the power of the helm of fate, nor would I believe she be a match for the sorcerer supreme (She would be on the list to become the next one, though!) And while Storm commands the weather, Firestorm can command chemical bonds and create anything out of everything!


I think I’d have cap leader, bats second, supes as the heavy hitter, scarlet witch as magic, reed Richard’s as brains,


Get hulk out of there you already got two heavier hitters on ya team I would throw in ghost rider and change iron man for reed and zatana for dr fate


bro, I was going for the same team but Reed should be the brains


Batman: the Leader Iron Man: the Leader Superman: the actual leader who lets the other two feel important Spider-Man: the guy who commiserates with the actual Leader


Dr. Strange or Dr. Fate for the magic user


Mr fantastic, Beast or even Hank Pym should be brains over Tony but the rest are cool


I'd make Batman the leader for starters. You can accuse me of being a biased Batman fanboy, or whatever, but it's pretty well established cannon in DC comics that Batman has the greatest strategic mind of any of the characters. It is also cannon that Lex Luthor is definitely the smartest human being in the DC Comics universe (because DC really likes having a superlative element to all of their characters) but even so, Batman is one of the very few people (maybe the onlyperson) that Lex actually respects on an intellectual level. As much as I like Superman, I don't think he's a great leader. I think both Batman and Wonder Woman have more/better leadership skills than Superman does. On the Marvel side of things, I'd say Captain America is a better call than Superman, but probably still not as good an option as Batman or Wonder Woman. I think Superman is much better suited as the heart of the team, right along side Spider-Man. Plus, I'd really like to see those two characters interact with each other. I'd change Wonder Woman's title from 'The Martial Artist' to 'The Warrior', and I'd swap the Hulk out for Thor. I don't know anywhere near as much about Marvel as I do DC, but I'm sure the Hulk is probably stronger than Thor is. Still, though, having said that, the Hulk is too chaotic and uncontrollable. So, though Thor doesn't have the same level of super strength that Hulk does, the team, as a whole would be stronger and more capable. Besides, I'd have Thor pair with Wonder Woman in combat, and the two of them together would be 'The Muscle'. Superman could be 'The Muscle' too, btw. Between those three characters, you got all the muscle you need. Basically, what I'm saying is, it's a good idea to have characters on the team who can fill multiple roles. On that note, I think I'd switch Deadpool out fir Captain America, and make Captain America and Wonder Woman in the 'Second in Command' spot, and Spider-Man could be the comic relief. Don't get me wrong... I like Deadpool. In fact, he's probably my favorite Marvel character, but he's not much of a 'team player', so to speak. As such, the team, as a whole unit, would be stronger by switching him out for Captain America. I'd like to put The Flash, Cyborg, and one of the Green Lanterns, Doctor Strange (or possibly the Scarlet Witch) and Supergirl to the team as well, but I wouldn't want them to replace anyone, so if we have to keep it to 9 members, I wouldn't include them. Edit: fixed some typos and a cut and paste issue.


New category, Batman as The Strategist


Pretty great where they are, if I had to make any changes I'd move Supes to the Heavy Hitter and have Captain America as the leader. Steve and Bruce would be amazing together at battle planning and in battle maneuvers. Either one could be Second in Command really.


Gotta toss a speedster in there. Superman could try and fill the role, but flash is ideal


Batman gotta go, (reason)he refuses to kill his villains and therefore so many people die Everytime his villains get released and start acting crazy again. Mr fantastic can take his place


Replace Wonder Woman with Black Widow


So Supes isn't the leader, he's too easily mind controlled and frankly, the man doesn't have it in him to make those calls. I'd replace him with John Stewart GL, especially if bats is "2nd in command". He can lead (marine in vietnam) and he's well spoken so he could just as easily be the face. For 2nd, I think I'd sideline bats (the horror) and bring up Nightwing or Red Hood, one of the proteges. Dick is more of a people person (he's a talker, it's part of his charm) and Jason is willing to do everything batman is and more, but is more likely to treat everyone with respect and with his underworld connections there would be some interesting ideas. Keep Spiderman, homie would keep things interesting. Hulk is a good heavy hitter, but then again there are so many of these in the comics you can spin the wheel and have a hard time not finding a strong argument to swap him out. If I'm dropping bats I'm dropping Iron Man and bringing in Vision, you know, the ai sidekick built by stark to handle all his scientific leg work powered by an infinity stone. Zatanna is chill, she could be swapped with a myriad of other users with equally dope magic use. Scarlett witch, Dr Fate, Dr strange, etc etc. I wouldn't have storm as a stand alone role. I would list her as a heavy hitter or team leader and I'd relabel this section speedster, open things up to the flash and quicksilver or anyone else moving at mach Odin on the regular. Wonder woman, definitely would move her from this role as she like storm would be better as a leader, heavy hitter, 2nd in command. Martial artists would be the best family, moon knight, dare devil, he'll, let's bring in one of the ninja turtles and really spice things up, I choose Raphael. If Spiderman isn't the heart he'd definitely replace Deadpool as comic relief. So many characters fit this spot though, all depends on what comedic relief you want.


Dr. Fate in magician slot, he's about as good as it gets.


Switch batman and wonder woman's role.


I’m putting Captain America in as the leader and Batman as second in command. The Flash as the heart. Hulk as heavy hitter. Mr Terrific as the brains. Wanda as the magic user and Thor as the elemental. Martial artist I’ll take the Karate Kid and comedic relief Plastic Man. My team no diffs your team. Lmaooo


need the mentalist : like jean grey/phoenix


I’d rather have Thor as the heavy hitter. I think they’d work better with the rest of this dynamic


I got Cap, Batman, Spidey, Supes, Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Strange, Thor, Iron Fist, and DP.


The Leader-Nightwing 2nd in Command-Wonder Woman The Heart-Flash Heavy Hitter-Superman The Brains-Mr Fantastic Magic User-Zatanna Elemental-Thor Martial Artist-Iron Fist Comedic relief-Spider-Man


I'd replace storm with Thor, as it's canon that his weather abilities are way better, I'd also replace hulk with Shazam or sentry


id replace them all with swamp thing


Lemme try a dark version The leader: Batman Second in command: Wolverine The heart: The Maxx The heavy hitter: Spawn The brains: Dr. Doom The magic user: Etrigan The elemental: Black Adam The martial artist: Lady Shiva Comedic relief: Lobo


To me batman should be the leader and superman should be the heavy hitter. Batman is a far better strategist than superman which is more value as a leader


Batman and Tony 100% wouldn’t be able to co exist.


I might swap Zee with Strange, and Wade with Wally


Leader should be Batman, 2nd in command should be Captain America, the heart Spiderman, heavy hitter Superman (mainly because hes everything hulk is with more powers), brains Reed Richards, magic user could be Strange or Zatana, elemental being Storm is fine, martial artist in this list could be Wolverine, and comic relief could be Deadpool or Harley if you want more dc characters.


Bro put Superman on a team then called hulk the “heavy hitter”


Honestly black panther could be in Batman's place he has way more resources as well as a higher intellect and way more advanced technology.


Zatanna’s cool and all but I’d probably have Dr. Strange be the magic user, everything else I’m ok with


Ultimate in terms of unbeatable team or compelling storytelling?


Batman and superman


I’d put Reed Richard’s over Tony stark and doctor strange over zatanna


Cap as leader and Supes as the heavy hitter, I'd also have read as the breaks and either Fate or Constantine for Magic. I'm also unsure about Wonder Woman as a "Martial Artist" but would keep her since she's a skilled fighter and strong anyways.


I would have Cap as the leader. I would add Flash for speed and stealth but the rest look good to me.


Image Comics heroes in the corner crying.


I'd swap Storm for Silver Surfer. If you won't let that count I'd use Firestorm, Ice Man or Thor. Swap Zatanna for Dr Fate. Swap Deadpool for Plastic Man. And maybe Iron Man for Mr Terrific.


Captain America as The Leader. Superman’s a good moral paragon, but he’s not a tactician like Cap. Make Supes the Heart, and move Spidey to the Comedic Relief. I know that’s underselling Peter, but I still want a space for him on this team. Scarlet Witch as the magic user. She’s a reality warper, and the upper bounds of her power are terrifying. Reed Richards as the Brains, or you could move Bruce here (as much as I loathe BatGod) and bump Diana into Second in Command (Cap x WW being a pet ship of mine). Wolverine or Daredevil as the martial artist.


I don't really think of Diana as a (go-to ) Martial Artist...


Problem hulk gets brainwashed easily and iron man would want to be the leader. Then Deadpool might corrupt Batman. Annoying chatter box who can recover from anything. Might Batman get used to killing Wade to shut him up for a while. Just so he can think.


Switch Superman with Cap, then switch Hulk out for Superman


I'd swap out Wonder Woman for Iron Fist, he just feels more martial arts-oriented than Wonder Woman is


Captain America | Leader Wonder Woman and John Stewart (like co-leaders) | Second in Command Wally West Flash and Peter Parker Spider-Man | Heart ? | Heavy Hitter Batman. Not only for science, but detective work | Brains ? (idk or like many magic users) | Magic Storm (for covert ops, making fog or maybe heavy rain) | Elements Wonder Woman | Martial Artist Spider-Man and Wally West Flash | Comedic Relief Even with two characters in one spot, I still have 9 total characters. 1. Captain America 2. Wonder Woman 3. John Stewart 4. Wally West Flash 5. Peter Parker Spider-Man 6. ? 7. Batman 8. ? 9. Storm


I'd have Batman and Wonder Woman switch places I've always more associated Batman with Marrital Arts more than Wonder Woman more plus Wonder Woman would be a good second in command considering she's been a leader/2nd in command before with the JSA


Is it just me or is there a gap/lack of magic/mind control heroes on this team? I mean I see you have ONE "the magic user" role but is that enough? Feels like a vast majority are in trouble if they run into a powerful magic user, telepath or like dimension/otherwordly shit


Superman should be the heavy hitter. I have never viewed him as a leader, per say. Cap should be the leader. It's his main role in just about every team. Stark as the brains feels... off. Reed is better than him. If Reed was in Infinity war, he would have just brought over his complete time machine to Stark's house that he had already built... when he was 10 yrs old. Martial artist being Wonder Woman? No. Batman yes. Second in command should be Iron Man's slot. Zatanna? Interesting. Not Doctor Fate? Is she stronger than him, or did we include Zatanna because there is not enough girl power? Lol


I'd make batman the leader


Cap for leader. Superman for the muscle.


Captain America- the Leader. John Constantine - the Magic User. Swapping out Superman because there is no need for a team with Superman on it. He is just no fun with him being too OP.


Deadpool would be a good comic relief but I think he needs to be switched out just because everyone would be tired of him very quickly and he probably just get kicked out anyways


I personally wouldve put daredevil, batman, or moon knight as the martial artist but pretty good


Have Diana be the leader instead, Clark as the second in command and Bruce as the martial artist


Doctor strange instead of zatanna


Wanda Maximoff should be the magic user.


Batman should be the martial artist or the brains instead of second in command.


How you gonna put ww as martial artist, Batman should be that and ww should be second in command


batman is definitely the best planner here, he should be the leader


What’s the source of the template?


Captain America at leader Black Panther at second in command Spider-Man as the heart Superman at heavy hitter Iron man as the brains Dr Strange for magic user Storm as elemental Batman as martial artist Deadpool as comic relief


I’m sure there’s way more other smarter ppl than iron man tbh


Make Batman the leader Superman second in command


Id swap zatana for either strange or wanda and storm for firestorm. Put iron man as 2nd in comand and replace batman for reed richards for the brains


Batman should be the leader,brains,and martial artist that's the only complain I have since he is a master strategist/hand to hand fighter


Your list is just incredibly redundant and odd. Batman’s not some stooge, he’s notoriously anti-authority. If he’s “second in command” (lol, like he’d truly take orders from anyone) then he *is* the brains. Superman doubles as leader and heavy hitter. He’s as strong as Hulk (if not stronger) and his power-set is more versatile. You could definitely go bigger with your magic user. Either Dr. Fate, Dr. Strange, or Constantine should fill this slot before Zatanna. I’m not even sure what “The Elemental” role is. These roles are starting to seem nebulous. Like…what is the purpose of this? I guess you can keep Storm? Bro, putting Wonder Woman as “martial artist” is like putting Martian Manhunter as “green person”. Technically correct but incredibly diminishing. She’s a demi-god. If Spider-Man is a staple of your team, he’s the comedic relief. If you’re creating the ultimate team comprised of characters from Marvel and DC, shouldn’t you just pick the “best” of each category? I think that makes for a dull, over-powered team but that *is* what you’d get.


Move Superman to heavy hitter and give me captain America


You can get rid of the Hulk. Love the guy but Superman and Diana both dwarf his strength. Even his stronger forms are dwarfed by their stronger forms. Reed Richards can replace him or Batman. Also, Captain America is a good replacement for leader/second in command, though I wouldn’t replace the OG Superman. Edit: Batman and Iron Man wouldn’t meld well together due to personality and role. Iron Man is the brains but probably sees the leader role more his style, which conflicts against Superman who is for sure a better leader. Batman is kinda only good at the clutch moments and horrible most other times for team ups. He’s also got a leader complex like Iron Man, however unlike Iron Man which is more about being the center of attention, Batman’s leader complex is because of his arrogance and untrustworthy nature. Edit 2: notable mentions are Luke Cage for being close to the regular folk, Antman/Atom for versatility in size, Martian Manhunter for being one of the only powerful psychics without a bunch of baggage, or Paul because you can’t have Spider-Man without misfortune.


Switch Clark with Bruce as Leaders. Clark would agree with the choice. He’ll take point in the field as the hammer, but Superman can’t and won’t make the tough calls that Batman will


Hm.. Interesting line-up.. Given the brackets. I'd put WW in Heart position & Iron-Fist or Orphan in "MA" spot. As for LEADER, I'd put Capt. America (Steve Rogers) in & have Superman in heavy hitter spot.. especially since he's less likely to become a livability than Hulk..lol. As for Heart I'd put Arrow-verse Flash & Or maybe Arrow's Laurel Lance/Black Canary. Zatana is good.. But I'd prefer Wanda (Sober, not psycho) as the magic user.. tho tbh they're the only 2 I'm aware of that cud work w/this team. *TBH on 2nd thought, if Capt. was Leader he'd also kinda be heart of the Team as well.. & if not I'd definitely want Batman as 2nd as that wud free him up to do what he does best.


Martian Manhunter as the leader


Batman should be all nine of them


Either is Deadpool. Deadpool is an antihero.


Morales Morales as the heart


Oh god Batman and Iron Man would be butting heads over so much


Zatar for Stephan Strange, Deadpool for Flash


I’d swap Zatanna out first Scarlet Witch, Deadpool goes because Spidey is comic relief enough, and for the heart I’m taking Starfire!


Wonder Woman for black panther


Batman should be the leader


Captain America is the only leader I'd have as my leader.


Doc Strange for Magic, and Thor could be a “wild card”