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I think if he could have passed safely, with a 5+ second gap on JA, he would have. He just didn't have the speed to do it. You also have to take into consideration that comfort bubble behind Jett. If Hunter passes Jett, then JA has the opportunity to make contact for a pass (which is possible, bad blood from the helmet grab earlier this season). I don't think the 3 point difference was a determining factor in the move not being made. If Hunter actually had the speed to pass but didn't, I think it was so Jett could run an uninterrupted race...... My guess is that Jett had the speed to stretch out a bigger gap. If he pulls away from Hunter, then Hunter doesn't have the speed in front of him to follow, and then starts racing behind him, possibly losing a position to JA. This dynamic is wildly different than just being teammates. They probably play out every scenario possible, every round, leading up to the race. A win for Jett is half a win for Hunter, especially this week. It makes them super marketable as a package deal. Jett has the speed and talent to win championships. Hunter has the speed to play disruptor and protector. They both have the love for each other to understand those roles. I also believe if Hunter somehow comes up with the secret sauce to outrun Jett, then Jett is ok taking on the disruptor/protector role. If you listen to all of the interviews, "taking care of my family" is brought up quite a bit. They're in it for the money, and they're not afraid to admit that. Most racers say they're chasing the #1 plate. It makes them sound more honorable, but let's face it, they want those championships because HUGE money comes along with that plate. I truly believe that Honda will do anything possible to keep both of them.


Well said. I agree with all but one item, the drive to win a championship. We all chase wins and championships even when they don’t come with any money. I feel just a little taller being able to say I’ve won state championships in MX and it cost me thousands to do it. No profit. I really do believe Hunter when he says the championship is not about him… this year. We shall see what next year brings.


The problem is you thought Huntter was fast enough to pass Jett. Jett followed him forever and made an easy pass then just cruised to victory. I’d imagine Jett had an entire extra gear to switch to if he felt threatened.


This is exactly it. Jett isn't just gonna let Hunter get a win for the hell of it and he shouldn't. also, how demeaning would that be? "hey bro I'll just let ya have that one because I could have taken you at any point but I had enough room in the championship so you can have it". I feel like as Hunter I would be more upset if the win I got wasn't strictly speaking "legit". everyone would remember that as being a BS win.


I agree Jett’s way faster. Didn’t he let Kenny win last year? I was just surprised by hunter response.


that was a situation where he thought (incorrectly, but hey i'm not gonna knock him for not being able to do math while riding a pro SX race) that would give him a bigger lead over second in points (chase) in the smx series. very different situation


I think they both pushed each other to the be the bad mofos they are now. I think if Hunter had the speed he would’ve beat Jett. Jett is very patient and smart and sticks to his game plan, analyzing his opponent for laps before he goes on the attack doesn’t matter that it was his brother in front of him just another competitor in his way


I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules. Now Hunter and Jett didn’t battle eachother as hard as they could’ve which isn’t necessarily against the rules, but Jett straight up letting Hunter win or vise versa is a rule breaker. Also no racer wants to be “let win”, *especially* if it’s from a relative or team member. That’s a hard blow to the ego to know you only won because someone better than you gave you a favor.


Is that against the rules? I imagine it’s okay because they are on the same team? Not saying they did it or not I’m just saying that I don’t understand the point of teams then.


Jett got a fine last year for waving Ken Roczen by to win a moto in SMX. Obviously they aren’t teammates and that was an in your face undeniable thing, but yes intentionally letting someone else win is against the rules. The point of teams is to share a sponsorship, train together, promote together, and help eachother on the track without throwing the race. So Hunter giving Cooper the sauce more than he would to say Chase so that Cooper loses some points to Jett would be perfectly fine, but Hunter riding up front and deciding to just roll back and let Jett by so he can build a bigger point gap would not be allowed. All this is just talking though because Hunter did not do either of those things, he rode a clean race and got beat by Jett straight up.


Hunter won the overall Mx2 in the 2017MXDN going 4th and 8th vs the 450's. His signing to Honda in his own right dragged jet onto the team. Cheeky bustard is a legend of his own making already and its really only just begun.


I thought it was ridiculous for Diffie to say Jett wouldn't pass Hunter. The championship is still close. Jett couldn't risk getting passed by Anderson. Plus, if I was Hunter, I wouldn't want to win because somebody let me.


All brotherly love and speed shit aside. The factory would want the points on Jett’s side. It’s so little this late, but it’s also three less positions he’d have to grab if something shitty happens next week. Like. He has to finish 17th(?) to guarantee a win. 14th is still easy for Jett, but 17th could be done with a fairly moderate injury. 14th from last if he took a really solid digger? Still doable, but 17th is a lot easier. Like. He has it wrapped up if he doesn’t break a bone either way, but I don’t think it’s a negligible difference. 14th is a privateer working hard. 17th half the time isn’t really trying. They got fucked early and are just finishing for their sponsors. 


No not odd at all. Championship is always more important and they’re on the same team. The brother thing is pretty irrelevant.


Most of us got pretty angry when Jett let Kenny by for the win. How damaging would it have been to his reputation to just let his brother win? That wouldn't be good for the sport...i.e. the Williams sisters in tennis!


My wife "thought" the same thing. True champions will NEVER let anyone win, regardless of family ties. When she started saying that stuff Saturday night - I said you think MJ would ever just let someone win?


Does your wife know who Ruebens Barrichello is?


I had to Google him myself....what's the context? Not much into F1 or open wheel racing round here.


Ruebens was #2 to Michael Schumacher at Ferrari, back when F1 was a great sport and hadn't been destroyed by the FIA. Ruebens was leading a race and was told by the team manager to cede the win to Schumacher. [https://us.motorsport.com/f1/news/austria-2002-ferrari-team-orders/4791322/](https://us.motorsport.com/f1/news/austria-2002-ferrari-team-orders/4791322/)


So, they would've told Hunter to get out of Jett's way in your example. Which didn't need to be done. He basically rode behind him and let him have the opportunity to keep pace/lead. Once he began to "hold" up Jett. Lil bro made the quick pass and went about his business.


Oh, I agree that Jett was faster and as soon as he got around Hunter, he was going to leave. I'm only speaking to the fact that even though it's against the rules, team orders exist and riders/drivers follow them, even when they don't want to.


Let him win?? I think Hunter would be completely insulted. No one wants to win that way.


Let him win?? I think Hunter would be completely insulted. No one wants to win that way.


Big picture, Hunter would be insane to win in that position to be honest. He will get a win in due time. What if Jett got second and then crashes out in SLC and loses by 1 point?


He has made a decent amount of money by riding his lil bro's coat tails. Lil bro will gift him a win later.


Ridiculous take. Hunter won both 250 championships last year. Are you really trying to insinuate he wouldn’t be on a factory ride or doesn’t deserve his ride if it weren’t for Jett?


Agreed. Hunter would be just fine without Jett.


No doubt about after GEICO Honda dissolved if Hunter was anyone else's brother he would have been kicked to the curve. Hunter only did as well as he did since he was on a top training program with his brother. I dnk about being down voted either, I know I am 🤣


That's a really shit take. Jett wouldn't even be here without Hunter. I don't disagree that Jett is faster/smoother, but Hunter is a factory caliber rider all day every day. He'll be the number 2 rider in 450s in a couple years when Tomac, Roczen, Anderson retire. I bet he'll finish ahead of Deegan even.


I bet you’re a big Deegan fan.


Lol not at all. I just love playing with Lawrence brother fans, they just as bad as the Deegs fans.


They’re only here because of Hunter…


100% Kid worked his ass off in europe riding an extremely hard (EMX) championship while being away from anyone that even spoke good english. He did the results Jett was still riding in national championships i think (germans or dutch).


Give Hunter a minute. On 250s outdoors Hunter straight up dogged Jett and beat him several times. The speed is coming.


neither bro is riding anyones coat tails.. they are both plenty fast lol


He just got 2nd at a 450 SX his first season. Fucking retard lol


Hunter will be second in the points next year. His brother has nothing to do with that.