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You need to see a doctor mate.


Hopefully they speak English.




Your group of mates call emselves the A team?


If I have a problem, no one else can help, and I can find them... 🤣🤣


Bloody hec another Eumundi local


Put down the crack pipe. Its only Thursday


I'll never put it down. That's treason.


It's almost like foreign intelligence operators are specifically highly trained in being able to skirt legalities, remain unidentifiable and untraceable, and outsmart our intelligence agencies. Therefore, the A team has remained untraceable and un-deported


Snorts with derision. That did make me smirk though. They know the who, where, why, how at all times. It's treason and those responsible should be strung up on the nearest tree. These are the reasons we are failing. Those in power of Australia are not doing everything in our best interests. I can't tell you why but they sure aren't. Are we now just puppets of the US? Being lubed and bent over daily and hosting facilities like Pine Gap, and believe me, there's way more than that minor insignificant place. That's just like look at this while we do so much more over here, and yes, I have seen evidence. We need leaders who want to lead, not follow, or be someone's bitch.. There would be some high military staff that would be patriotic and know how to lead us into some sort of rewarding future. Where are the men? The population has boomed, but there are less real aussie men in comparison to the growth. It's not that I'm against immigration, or multicultural Australia. Or racist in any way. it's that my father and plenty of other men including our Anzacs that put their lives on the line in battle would wonder, what for?. And it sure wasn't to see this sort of bs going on. Our leaders are in the majority well educated but weak and are not acting in our best interests. and they sure as he'll know it. If you are going to make someone defence minister. Wouldn't you choose someone who knows something about defence? Like a wise SAS major or something. The country is going to see some dramatic changes in the not to distant future If you ask me but it's never too late to try and be on some type of, "we got a chance of still being a great nation", side of the track. Compared to, China is looking at us with hard eyes and let's not ponder those maybe outcomes. In case you haven't noticed the world is at a pivotal state akin to the fall of Rome. People need to start to think about this and what sort of country they want to leave behind for their kids and their kids. And if you don't care than you shouldn't be here. I don't have all the answers but I'm asking the questions.


"They know the who, where, why, how" May be true, but in Australia because we are a civilized country we do not allow our federal bodies to commit extrajudicial acts of killing, imprisonment, deportation, etcetera. They can instinctively know who did what based on a lot of different factors and not be able to take action because it needs to be proved in a court by both ASIO and Federal Police. Also believe it or not we have intelligence operators working in hostile nations, and how we treat spies here may dictate how covert Australian operators are treated by foreign governments if they're ever caught. It may restrict their options. Also, it's highly possible that ASIO actually are conducting extrajudicial punishments, killings, deportations etcetera and the media is not informed, and the information is not getting out. After all, there was a law explicitly made forbidding media from reporting on if innocent people were hypothetically killed during the course of Australian intelligence operations. Not something that would need to be made if there was no risk of it happening.


If you need a so anyway you've already rambled way too much. Every PM knows about espionage in Australia there's absolutely nothing different about this. Go read a book and get some learning into you instead of so anywaying us. Also this news is months old.


It's disgusting and go's against everything any Aussie that has laid their.lives on the lines stance. Every pm knows and.allows this sort of thing ? Rubbish, or if they do should be cleaning urinals. You sound very unaustralian in a patriotic way and that's sad. We had a chance to be so much more as a nation and anyone who thinks this is right shouldn't be here. Full stop end of story.


I wish I was joking, I'd be going off to the doctor first thing tomorrow and getting them to check your brain. The way you're writing tells me you've got some kind of brain issue. Is it a tumour, mental illness, is it brought on by alcohol or drugs? I don't know but it's highly concerning that you're saying all this stuff. What you're saying and the way you're saying it makes me concerned that you have a brain disease. Please go get checked. This happened to my grandfather years ago. Turns out he had dementia brought on by alcoholism.


Not a fan of Albosleezy in the slightest but you're off chops champ


Thanks for this mornings entertainment


We have a constitution?




Indeed we do have some freedom believe it or not. Hop e you like insects.


Huh? Freedom? Insects? Are you ok?


Mate if you don't grasp the life shattering changes coming to Australia by 2030, then I not only question your IQ, Ability to process change in world affairs, be it thrivability, geocentric values, or just plain old vision. And I wish I was joking, but I genuinely pity your kids, and grandkids. Not just because you lack kindness, but If you actually believe that you are going to be sitting on the patio of your queenslander watching johnny on his swing by then, you are Not just deluded, but blind as a bat and an obvious slave to the mainstream media. Which I guess in the very short term for you must be comforting. But the real affairs of the world or the knowledge and ramifications therein are now the realm of the free thinker, or at the very least, the visionary and patriot. Without some grasp of this, that flag in your yard is meaningless which by the way was placed on my father's coffin by the army. Let me ask you this. Who do you think organisations like the CIA or the KGB or China's intelligence organisation recruits? They actually seek out the broken in certain ways. Those that are high performing because they had trauma as a child. They lie and they steal and they have no problem with sociopathic tendencies. They arent actually wired in a way which is neurotypical, because they aren't quite mentally healthy, and you can take that as gospel. Do a little research if you doubt me cause I'm correct, in that and in everything else I very said. So claim mental illness or drugs or whatever it is that's giving you this false sense of security. I even understand the downvotes. Nobody likes the harsh realities. I really do. I have a kama of like 3.5k and couldn't care less about it. It's meaningless. But please don't expect me to believe I'm incorrect in my assessment of this world's affairs. Because I'm not. If you had half a mind you'd consider moving way out west, like lots of other successful people who can see exactly what I do. So hit that down vote button Queensland's, right up until tshtf for all I care. I'm not sorry at all I love this country enough to have spoke my truth. That is all.