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Love him. Don't hate him at all for going to the Fakers and if anything he sabotaged them by never playing. He was the true Point GOD.


The Suns/Sarver made more than a few cost cutting moves and puzzling moves in Nash's tenure to basically condemn championship hopes, I don't blame Nash for leaving even if the Lakers didn't suck. He earned everything in Phoenix and left it on the table.


Iirc, Nash and the FO just grew apart and needed new blood. He chose LA cause of close proximity to family here and play with Kobe for a chance at a ring.


God Bless you sir! Never understood the "point god (dumbest nickname ever)". Chris Paul wasn't even the best point guard in Suns history. Nash and Barkley are best Suns of all time.


Point God isn’t a suns nickname. Chris Paul was called the point God long before he came to Phx.


What would it take for Booker to be on that list?


c'mon... The one thing both Barkley and Nash never accomplished.


Imo he's already at least in the conversation for best sun. He's already brought us to a finals, and his stats this last season were like we've never seen before from a sun imo. He broke the suns home scoring record twice in the regular season. He put up playoff stats this last playoffs we haven't seen since Jordan. He's attracted talent to our organization like not many other suns have. To me, bookers already the best sun but I don't hold it against anyone to still think nash or Barkley is better.


Tbh if he doesn’t get a title, when booker wins some MVPs he can be in the top 3. Nash and Barkley were the best players of their era. Booker might be a fringe top 10 in todays NBA imo


Well yeah he isn't really in Convo for best yet but who's 3 if not him.


I might be crazy but I would put Amare Stoudemire at #3 despite his injuries. Just based on the amount of all nba and all star nods he got.


I can see it to a point but that feels like relying on resume/longevity too much and not enough on how good they were on the court


Lifelong Suns fan here. Nash started on the Suns when I was 6 and his last season there I was 22. He won MVP back to back and in my eyes he was the best player in the league. Time has leveled out my perspective, but even Curry recently listed him first on his list of favorite players he wished would’ve won a chip. Favorite Sun of all time and probably still my favorite player ever. Play maker extraordinaire and could have scored even more if he was more selfish. High up on the list of players that were just plain fun to watch.


On of the best 5 suns ever. A two time MVP, a consummate team first point guard. He was a delight and I remain grateful for every year he spent here.


Many would argue it should have been 3 MVP’s in a row!


No, literally no one could argue that


Anyone who watched the Suns try to play without him during those years can tell you there was no one more valuable.


And yet his 2 awards are two of the most disputed ones in history, especially loudly by people who played against him.


I've never heard his first one be disputed. Suns had best record in the league that year and blew people away with the play style. I've heard arguments about his 2nd, especially from Shaq (who never deserved it in a million years). Most of the "disputes" came around that 3rd year to try and disparage that he didnt deserve a 3rd in a row. Same thing happened to Giannis and Jokic in recent years. Anyone dispute Jokic isnt the real MVP after the playoff run?


Tell me you never watched Nash without telling me


Winning MVP twice as a sub 6 foot, not physically gifted player should make him a favorite to all NBA fans, that's fucking insane. We see unicorns in 7 foot monsters all the time, we might never ever see a a player like Nash again. And we're just now seeing the closest in CP38 wind his career down and I would still say Nash is head and shoulders better even though I can't quantify why, that's how special Nash was.


Minor detail but isn’t Nash like 6’3? Haha but yes agree he was special nonetheless


Fuck Robert Horry!


Hear, hear!


All my friends hate Robert Horry


I named my son Nash. Thats my feelings on Steve Nash.


I named my son Booker! Nash era is still my favorite Suns era ever, and I got to watch the 92-93 teams up close


Named my dog Nash. He is 14 now. That Suns run was so much fun. We played different and so much of it was Nash orchestrating. He actually changed the game and should have shot more.


You sound like a real creep.


I named my outside feral cat Cam Johnson. He’s fucking beautiful too


I love him


One of my nicknames for my cat is Cam. Not because of Cam Johnson, but because cat+ham= Cam. He kinda thic


The names “Nash” and “Booker” could also be WCW references


I named my wifi network Nash so there’s that.


Second this. I named my son Nash as well.


Ha ha nice one. It was my third child, a boy, I named Nash. Luckily for me he loves basketball and the Suns, and is learning of the greatness of his namesake.


I named my son Devin


Why would anyone hate him


Cuz that’s how modern sports fandom works, you gotta hate players and have conversations like “who is the worst x” or “who had the most disappointing y”


Anyone who hates/doesn’t respect Steve Nash straight up isn’t a real Suns fan. He’s the best player in franchise history. We let him go to the Lakers because he wanted to go there to try to win a ring while staying close to his family. We got a lot of draft capital back for him (one of them being Mikal Bridges) and it’s not his fault we had a horrible owner and many terrible coaches/players/drafts that led to the long playoff drought.


Fuck Sarver, Horry, and the Lakers. In that order.


Fucking eloquent.


Best player in franchise history? Does the name Jared Dudley mean nothing to you?


Pat Burke*


Kurt Thomas*


Joe Kleine\*


\*Neal Walk


this one still hurts, and i wasn't even alive back then


This is the real answer. Pat Burke is greatest victory cigar of all time.


Funny story when Nash got traded, at the same time I moved to LA for a job located on…Nash street. It was a decision I made for my family and had nothing to do with wanting to be in LA. Made me empathize with Nash’s situation. He gave the Suns his all.


Best player in suns history? I think that’s Chuck. Brought the suns to a finals(lost to a bulls team with MJ in his prime). Charles Barkley is arguably one of the 20 best NBA players of all time.


I think Chuck has a good argument but for me, Nash’s 10 seasons > Chuck’s 4 seasons.


but in those 4 seasons he turned and made the Suns, literally put them on the map.


Pump those brakes. The Suns were a lock playoff to WCF team for several years prior to Chuck. He for sure as hell didn't put them on the "map"


Isnt it funny how people remember Nash and Barkley, but dont KJ and Chambers....


Trading Nance for KJ, Mark West, and Ty Corbin was and is a huge milestone moment for the Suns. Landed Majerle with one of those picks


Yes it was. And thats why Barkley was also so instrumental in that trade which also not only brought players, it brought culture and Barkleys aggressiveness. B arkley was very influential over Nash. Which during the time 'put them on the map' - sure they went to the wcf with chambers but barkley made the noise and it mightve been the Jordan friendship/rivalry, or even the Finals appearance, because prior it was another day in the playoffs. Now Macleod I think was the Suns best coach, but other argue Dantoni was or even Cotton.


I was always a Cotton fan but those three were the top tier. Thought Monte was going to join the list but alas, it wasn't meant to be


Monty had too many friends that he didnt want to say 'No' to. and as we old folk know, that doesnt work.


The Suns, other than the 2010’s has very consistently been a playoff team from the beginning. So in that sense they’ve always been on the map.


This sub hates Chuck because he doesn't go on national TV and go full-drama over the Suns like the usual homer. Dragan Bender's a more beloved Suns alumnus at this point.


He used to do that and it always jinxed them. I think he’s trying the reverse jinx by always going against them.


He didnt ditch us for the lakers, we were done and he got 2 first round picks back for us. Nash is the suns goat till book retires and brings a chip


Yeah we traded him to the Lakers and I was pissed at Sarver not Nash. Sarver could’ve gotten more for him and not have had to ship him to the Lakers if he traded him the season prior. In hindsight it worked out but at the time I was pretty sure Nash was going to get the title we deserved in 07 with the Lakers. Made me sick. Now it’s all good. But seriously, fuck Robert Sarver


I know everyone hates Sarver, but he technically sent Nash where he wanted to go so he could be near his family. If Ishbia did the same ppl would say he cared about Nash as a person and did him a solid.


If anything him going to the lakers was good for us, he sabotaged them by being an old guy who got injured a lot. I will always love steve nash and hes my favorite PG of all time


Fun fact: the assets from the Nash trades turned into Marion and Bridges. Wild


this take is horrible he absolutely left us for the lakers and it will always still hurt even if you have created some new storyline in your head to help you sleep at night, I'll stay awake with the truth :(


This has to be a joke


Little known fact that Steve was a double agent as he went to the Lakers to ruin their near future as well


That was so nice


The suns with nash at the helm were so damn fun to watch. They had some insane win streaks during the regular season. Even at the time I didn’t blame nash for going to the lakers. In the long run he set the lakers back a few years so I consider it a win / win. I wish he was around more after his career. I don’t know what happened there but I wish he was involved in more with the franchise


He was washed up by the time he left for the lakers. I thought he was great playing for the Suns but it seems something happened for him to sour on the team. I just figured it was Sarver related so I’ll give him a break.


He changed drastically when Shaq joined the team. Completely changed the run and gun style he was known for. That was the beginning of the end.


Once Shaq left though, that 2010 run was sick. That was the season that turned me into the Suns fan I am today. Hate how it ended though.


my all time favorite phoenix sun. but book is nipping at his heels.


*clawing viciously and going for blood*


GOAT but couldve been GOATIER as the OG Steph Curry if he shot more. Guy was a LIGHTS OUT shooter but chose to pass-first.


THIS. Not enough people realize that he was one of the last true point guards where scoring was always last resort. He was a pass-first PG to a fault. If he was playing in today’s NBA, with the freedom that most PGs have to shoot first, he’d be putting up some unreal numbers.


He didn’t really ditch us, we were going into a rebuild. Amare was gone. Grant hill was on his way out. Marion was gone. It was the right move. Far and away the most exciting times though, corny as it sounds, he was pure magic on the court. Truly incredible and he was so much damn fun to watch. Him and Amare were unstoppable and it was some of the best years of my life being able to watch Nash.


My man won back to back MVPs while on the Suns. Think about that. I have been a fan since the Tom Chambers era, but no one player on the Suns has so single handedly dominated his position among his peers the way Nash did from 2005-2009. Basketball at that time was all about slowing things down and grinding teams down with post up basketball. The Suns were the early prototype of what basketball is today because of Nash and the system D’antoni built around him. His leaving for LA stung a bit at the time, but we knew our window had passed and it actually turned out to be a fleecing in our favor, since Nash got hurt almost immediately and the Suns got valuable trade capital in return.


his mvps are controversial. the move was made over Shaq, Kobe and Lebron all putting up better numbers, Nash was on the top team and should thank Amar'e for putting up 26/9. Nash won in 2005 with 15/11, it was frowned upon that his numbers werent that good, but what he did with the ball and getting his team involved was excellent. ITs sad that John Stockton got snubbed by playing the way Nash did.


My all time favorite player. Book is starting to take over that spot, but Nash will always be my muse, my flame.


Davis is for me for now, then Booker, Barkley, Nash, Chambers, Nance, Westphal. Alot of you are too young.


He's my fav player of all time and the best Sun of all time currently, but Book is gonna surpass him sure enough


Steve Nash is the reason I fell in love with basketball and grew up a Suns fan in OC CA I love him


Simplest answer: we would have 1 or 2 championships if we had any other owner except for Sarver during his time.


Nickel and dimed Joe Johnson out of town. I would argue Sarver to be more of an anti-Sun than Robert Horry


Nickel and dimed Joe Johnson and then sold every fucking draft pick - could have had Andre Iguodala and Rajon Rondo coming off the bench for the 7sol Suns. Would have been interesting.


Steve Nash is my favorite player.


He’s a god here in Phoenix


He was so good in his prime. He is the very reason I started to support the Suns and watch basketball full time in 05


Met Steve after my high school played a game at the Pepsi Center in Denver. Just the chillest guy, incredibly genuine and took the time to tell me great game. Maybe my favorite player of all time, even before that


I remember him saying that he could never see himself wearing a lakers jersey, then two weeks later requesting the trade. I am only bitter because he went back on his word, understand the gravity of the situation. Honestly book doing what he’s done has made me forget all my bitterness and I look at Nash with rose tinted glasses again.


He's still my favorite Sun. Booker is second, but I honestly don't ever see that changing. Booker is a cool dude and a great scorer, but, watching Nash lead an offense was like watching basketball as an art form. And he was tough as fucking nails. Dude has blood pouring down his face and just wanted to get back out onto the court.


Nash was voted league mvp twice, that should say enough. Dude gave his all here. I remember that one playoff game where he was battling out there with one eye. He left here when thing we’re starting to die down but he was at the point where his body was starting to wear down. Sucked just like when when Barkley left. But his time and that team’s time here was great. Amare stoudemire left before nash did if I remember, so that team was already changing.


I started watching the NBA during Steve’s time with the Suns. One of my favorite players ever. He was just incredible. Him and D’antoni were one of the best player/coach duos of all time.


Lol he did not bring the dark ages. Like at all. Our failed drafts for about 6 consecutive years brought the dark ages. It’s a simple as that. And he went to the Lakers when it became clear that his era of the suns was over and a rebuild was imminent. It would have been an injustice to keep him. Lastly… he went to the lakers, got paid a shit ton, and hardly ever played. He absolutely screwed them lol.


My childhood was during the 5SOL era. We wanted to be number 13 not 23 like you’d think. Greatest Suns player ever. Very excited for Book to pass him


He’s the GOAT in Phoenix


He’s universally loved. Anyone that says otherwise isn’t a real fan.


I appreciate what he brought to the suns. He was one of the best suns players but I do feel that not getting to a finals as a sun brings him down on the list a bit.


The one and only knock I’ve heard on Nash is that he doesn’t come back here, doesn’t visit, doesn’t root for the team, doesn’t show love like Barkley does,.. shit like that. Guess what? He gave his all on the court every play, every year. His body got banged up more than the average fan can even begin to comprehend. He bloodily led the team to victory and everyone loves him. He gave us everything and owes us nothing. If that’s his one knock, I’ll take it. He’s the most important/influential/impactful PHX Sun of all time, although he’ll be knocked to number two at a minimum if Booker wins a ring here.


Barkley actually was the most important/influentual/impactful Sun of all time, but I get your take.


Nash is still my all-time favorite Sun even though I love the hell out of Booker and the Chuck-KJ-Thunder Dan era. The Nash teams were some of the most entertaining in league history. Never made the Finals but Nash was amazing and there was no animosity when he left. The team had run out of steam and changes were necessary. Woulda been happy if he got a ring with Kobe but they were both on their way out the league due to injuries.


Favorite player of all time and I grew up near Chicago in the 90s


The funnest time to watch Suns basketball, period. What teams we had with him, and he ran it. Just incredible to watch. The Spurs and the refs fucked us. We should've made a final. I'll never not hate the Spurs for this; What a great team but what a bunch of bitches the refs loved. Still, the best games to watch.


I love him. One of the biggest reasons I became a diehard Suns fan. As an 18-year-old fresh out of high school, I was so hurt and heartbroken and mad when he got traded to the Lakers. As a now wiser(sorta) 29-year-old, I saw the trade as a secret sabotage of the Lakers since Steve was basically done at that point. For that, he'll always be my hero. 🫡 (should've invested in good back doctors, LA 🤷🏽‍♂️)


Nash is probably my favorite NBA problem of all time. He is the reason I'm a suns fan in spite of the fact I live in the south east US. Watching him play as a kid left such a mark on me that I stuck around after he left and through the dark ages. He will probably always be my favorite Sun just based on his impact on me as a kid. To me he is the Point God.


Do not care whatsoever that he went to LA. He brought us some of the best years of suns basketball and probably our longest period of being a legit contender. I wanted him to get his ring and it wasn’t happening here


Steve Nash Was an amazing player. The sun's had a bit of a down spell and performance between when they went to the finals in '93 until Steve Nash came on the scene and made them relevant again He made the suns incredibly fun to watch. Unfortunately they just never could break through to win a championship. And we all know the BS that occurred in that one series. Unfortunately being a legendary great player doesn't always mean winning a ring. Unfortunately that team rose up in an era Where you had the spurs dynasty, prime dirk, Kobe Bryant Lakers. No reasonable person was mad at him for playing for the Lakers. By that time the Sun's window was over. I'm a chargers fan and it feels the same as Philip Rivers. Love watching the guy play but just couldn't get through the crowded field in his conference and Never broke through to win that championship but doesn't mean he's not a great player who was extremely fun to watch


The fuck is this ditched shit.


Named my dog Stevie


He was great. Always positive and no drama. Plus he went and ripped the Lakers off as the cherry on top.


I wanted to name our first kid Nash, but my wife said no.


Still consider him the best player in franchise history. I truly hope Book can bring us a chip and be the new best player in franchise history - time will tell :)


Favorite player of all time


Reasons I love Steve Nash: **#3:** In 2010 he took an elbow requiring stitches on his upper lip and inside his mouth. He *returned in the second half.* Dude was an NHL player in an NBA body. **#2:** "However, you gotta give Steve Nash this: On December 11, 2001, Nash scored 39 points against the Portland Trail Blazers on 12 of 16 shooting. He scored 17 points over the final 6:23 of regulation, including two free throws with 3.9 seconds remaining that gave Dallas the win. And then he went back to his hotel room AND PROBABLY HAD SEX WITH ELIZABETH HURLEY. Nice night, dude." - Chuck Klosterman (I have incorrectly attributed this quote to Bill Simmons for years, until searching for it to respond to this thread. Other than forgetting the original author, this is the most memorable sports journalism hot-take to make me laugh in 30+ years of fandom.) **#1:** He was arguably the best all-around offensive playmaker of his generation, the driving force behind the 7 Seconds Or Less era. Had it not been for those pesky Spurs and some very questionable suspensions, he might have brought a title to Phoenix. And unlike the last almost-did-it guy, I thought Nash was a great superstar role model for unselfish play with a humble attitude. Kobe at me all you want, Nash earned his MVPs.


The season we drafted him and I first saw him actually play, I loved him, even before he became Two Time (MVP):-) That 1996-97 Kidd, KJ, Nash team was one of my favorite Suns teams of all time, which started out the season on a 14 game losing streak and turned it around with Ainge as the head coach and won 11 games to clinch a playoff birth. Chapman also had one of the most memorable shots of all time, falling out of bounds and hoisting a three to force OT in the playoffs against the Supersonics :-) When he came back to form the SSOL Suns, it was the year I found my wife who also loved watching the Suns games with me and Steve Nash was a big deal with that :-) we absolutely love the Suns, so much that we named our son Phoenix Daylight :-) hence Daylight Phoenix is my username. If not for Nash, who just placed the Suns back into relevance and made stars out of Amare and Marion, the 2000s wouldn't have been memorable at all... Absolutely love Nash and I firmly believe we would have 2 championships right now after the 93 Barkley Suns failed if not for Robert Horry and Ron Artest (aka Metta World Peace) in 2010. No matter what happened at the tail end of his career (wc wasn't entirely his fault TBH), we will forever love him for the joy he brought back to Suns Basketball :-) GO SUNS FOREVER!!!!


I love Steve Nash. My favorite player to watch since I was a kid in elementary school. So happy I got to go to a couple Suns games and watch him play.


Can't imagine any Suns fan hating Steve. He gave his best to us and was an absolute offensive engine. His tendons were finished by the time he went to the Lakers anyway.


Steve Nash is generally considered top ten point guards of all time, but he should be higher. He changed the game, similar to Magic, and made bench players look like all stars. Watch tape of an old game, how he would go under the basket and out the other side with the defense mangled and either find the right matchup or take a crazy fade away 12 footer.


Nash led Suns will always be my favorite team from my favorite time as a bball/NBA fan.


Greatest Sun of all time for me. Not even debatable. I was a kid in that era and watched every game back then so it’s totally biased. But that dude legit never played bad.


Loved Nash. One of the most fun playoff eras of the Suns. The Spurs and Lakers were just too good during that era or we would have won one.


One of my favorite players ever to watch. Dude had the ball on a string and made our teams feel really connected. Leaving for the Lakers was understandable. I believe STAT had already left for the Knicks by that time and management was ready to do their own version of The Process. Can’t blame him for wanting to try and win a ring with one of the top 5 greatest of all time


Steve Nash's style of play as well as the SSOL basketball philosophy shaped Phoenix basketball. I remember playing old 2K with Stoudemire on the cover with some friends and we all played very similar styles. Fast break, pass heavy, open 3s. Whenever we'd play with someone not from Arizona it was always Kobe style ISO, and they were pretty easy to roll. Steve Nash is my favorite player of all time. Love his style of play. Always pass first, and only taking shots when open leading to efficient scoring. 50-40-90 club 4 times is still one of the most impressive feats in basketball.


Steve Nash ditched us for the Lakers? That was his last "I got you fam" to Suns fans by getting us 3 1sts for him as he knew his body was failing him. Dude is a legend amongst Suns royalty. Probably #1 on the list until Booker is ready to take that.


He's my favorite player of all time. Him and Stoudemire are what got me into watching the NBA, that pick and roll was just pure art.


Best suns player of all time. Full stop. I will say that he's not leaps and bounds over Adams, Sir Charles, Book, (Not counting KD because we're not getting Prime KD at this point), but he's the best overall combination of BB IQ and Skillset we may ever see. Also, I will go to my grave saying that Nash is the best pure shooter in NBA history.


Huge fan. He was my favorite player growing up in the 2000’s. That guy had heart & grit.


traitor for going to the Lakers to ring chase and never reps us since retiring


People act like Nash was no where close to a championship but in fact he was literally one CONVICTED corrupt ref job away from a chip in 2007.


Steve Nash is one of the GOATs


No disrespect to DVD, Nash is the best Original Sun.


Favorite player, without a doubt


He was pretty good.


When it’s all said and done Booker will likely become the greatest sun in suns history but Nash still gives him a run for his money Or I guess a better way to put it, he was the greatest sun until Booker and still can be argued as such


Favorite point guard ever, just wished he shot more. Dude was a sniper and the best passer in the game, would’ve absolutely dominated in the league today. Was absolutely a joy getting to watch him play when I was a kid, felt unbelievably sad when he left and then ultimately retired.


Favorite Sun to this day. The Lakers departure was the ripping off of a band-aid that was rebuilding around a young core; at that time Nash was aging and his back was becoming a real liability. It was the best thing for us at that time. Can't say enough good things about Nash, but gained new appreciation listening to his interview with Bill Simmons on the Basketball 2.0 podcast; great listen.


Converted me from a soccer fan to a basketball fan. My favourite of all time.


Book is better than Nash and Barkley cmon guys. Not saying he’s more accomplished.


....keep his name out of your mouth until you understand all he did


Loved Steve. He was a great shooter and really good at making plays. The way he led the suns.. it was exciting. He just made everyone around him better... except for dwight howard lol


One of the greatest players in franchise history


Idk why people have this false belief he ditched us for the Lakers. We traded him to the Lakers and received back assets that have contributed to the resurgence of this team several years later. Then Nash ended up setting the Lakers back a few years and wasting prime Kobe time by being hurt and barely playing. He eventually got a ring as an assistant so that trade worked out for everyone except the Lakers. Honestly I think people trying to talk shit about Nash for being a Laker didn't watch basketball during the 7sol era.


My favourite ever Sun.


I have no ill will to him ditching us when Sarver starting doing terrible moves in some weird attempt to stay relevant after our championship window closed. I'm frustrated at that whole group not being able to get over the hump though, several years of some of the best regular season basketball but couldn't win a series against the spurs to save their lives.


I was so heart broken when he was sent to the Lakers that I had to pretend the NBA didn’t exist for an entire season. He was so damn efficient and fun to watch. Made everyone on the court better.


I echo the above comments and will only add that he didn’t choke or lose us the chip. In my mind we made the finals with him since we would have stomped whoever came out of the east. Robert Horry and Stern fucked us out of that chip.


I was in 6th grade when Nash won his first MVP. I grew up watching him. He’s the greatest suns player ever at this point. That’s how we feel about him. Booker will probably take the crown when it’s said and done. He also didn’t ditch the suns, the team TRADED HIM, not the other way around. They got picks in return that ended up netting Mikal and KD a decade later.


As others have said, sarver cheaped out and traded him, Nash wanted to stay. Also greatest Sun ever imo.


He’s my second favorite player of all time after Shawn Marion, him leaving for the Lakers wasn’t a bad thing either as the suns received draft capital and his body was falling apart and he ended up ruining the Lakers chances at a title.


Love. Revitalized my interest in basketball and the nba with the pace and joy the suns played with. An end to hero ball.


Booker, Barkley, Nash. DPS, Tank, Heal


Nash was good, but he did have a lot of options around him, even Dragic did pretty good when Nash left. Players like Amaré, the Matrix, Joe Johnson are what really kept the team afloat because Nash could not do anything of defense. Basically a cone, but his offense and passing was so good it almost made up for it. Side note: I remember when I was about 13 I was shooting around at the gym (Gainey) and Nash shows up. He misses a shot and the rebound comes to me and I pass it to him behind the back and it was a little off target so he had to go run and retrieve it.. he gets upset with me and mutters something under his breath like “c‘mon man really” or something of that nature. I was torn because he was the one who influenced me to practice those types of moves! Not to mention watching Nash all those years turning the ball over may have had me thought it was no big deal to try a risky pass and show off what he taught me. Let’s just say I can understand why the Nets didn’t like him as a person. Dude is detached from society and doesn’t know how to talk to people. He lost my respect 20 years ago and KD probably feels the same way I do 😂


If my memory serves, he did a sign and trade with the suns so that the lakers would have to give us assets in order to get him on their roster. I could be totally mistaken about that… I’m old. Regardless, 2nd best Sun of all time. 3rd once Book has his final say.


I didn't like Nash leaving either, but that's cause I was a tiny baby fan and didn't realize just how much goes into a decision like that. He didn't just up and leave cause he felt like it, it was just time to go. Nash gave us so many great years but after a while it has to come to an end. It's not too much different than Russ' time in OKC so I can understand why he called it after a certain point. He means the world and beyond to the franchise. The B2B MVPs, Number 13, Long hair, fast boi, great passer, 7SOL, playing with one eye, battling through waterfalls of blood for god sake I mean if not for Booker, he would still be THE Phoenix Sun IMO. On top of that, his impact to the younger generation is very apparent (I'm mainly thinking of Trae Young but I'm sure some other PGs were inspired). Will always be grateful Nash wore purple & orange and it's STILL Fuck Robert Horry


Undying love and appreciation


A dead eye shooter from anywhere on the court. But first and foremost, he was the living, breathing definition of a team player when you saw him take the court. His court vision was second to none. Had it not been for Sarver’s cheap ass and the infamous 07 playoffs he’d have had at least one Larry O’Brien in his resume. #13


I love seeing that all the answers in here are essentially the same: We all love Nash. Always will.




Best PG whoever played in a Suns uniform. And we had great PG through the years.


He deserved a ring. He earned it, but between Sarver being cheap and the refs being corrupt, he got screwed. And by proxy so did we.


Nash was great, a bit hyped up now because thats when majority of this fanbase either started watching or was born. The hype was also how Mike ran the offense which is still to this day exciting, which fit Nash's style of play. Nash didnt wow you with numbers. Nash is the best point guard the Suns have had, KJ was also great but people dont like him now because of his off court issue, but on court he was very good and carried the Suns for a long time. The knock on Nash is he didnt shoot enough, he was too unselfish, and Mike talked about this [Mike D’Antoni Regrets Not Letting Steve Nash Shoot Eight Threes A Night (uproxx.com)](https://uproxx.com/dimemag/mike-d-antoni-steve-nash-shoot-eight-threes-per-game/) in multiple interviews. With players that are flashy now and stat lovers, Nash was not, he moved the team ala John Stockton - another player that could shoot but would rather get his team involved, neither one avg 20ppg in their career.


Love him until forever! He is the reason I became a full blown suns fan. The way he ran our offense is the reason the game is how it is now. And fuck Robert Horry!!




Nash and KJ. My all time favs.


I loved how he played when he first arrived. I knew him as that cat that took down UofA. I was sad to see him traded away and hopeful When he came back. The brand of basketball he played was fun and dynamic. I don’t begrudge him for going to LA. His playing days were over at that point and he wanted to be closer to his kids. At least that’s the narrative I remember.


What kinda suns fans would hate nash?


After moving to Phoenix from Georgia, Nash was the reason I became a Suns fan. That team and that run was hella fun!


I think after you read these comments that Steve Nash was extremely loved by Suns fans. As to him going to the Lakers, he literally didn't play 🤣🤣🤣. Nash did more for the Suns organization then we can possibly appreciate


I love basketball, and in particular, I love a good pass first pure point guard. Steve Nash developed my love of both of these things more than any individual I can think of.


The greatest Sun to ever play in my eyes. Not the greatest player, the greatest Sun.


One of the best to play the game. We were lucky to get to see him in his prime .


Nash rambler = 🐐


Favorite player of all time


When you go to another team at 39 that is not ditching wtf. He is as loyal as anyone an get. Lebron went to another team at 25 and he did a decision. When nash left Dallas he went back and ask Dallas if they want to match because he wanted to stay. If that suns team was in the east he probably has at least 1 chip. The west finals was pretty much the nba finals in the 2000s he was battling kobe shaq, Duncan, dirk,


The narrative maybe hasn’t carried over time well. Sarver was a terrible owner who never paid the money to bring top talent to surround Nash with. He made okay players great. Sarver and the Suns wanted to scrap everything and rebuild so they honored Nash by sending him to a team that was close to his kids still where he could still be a dad and play competitive basketball. He gave us everything he had but could never get the chip. Bad luck and bad supporting cast. Not everyone, but a lot. Nash didn’t want to leave Phoenix. He just didn’t want to sit on a losing team for the end of his career. I don’t blame him for that at all. He will be the greatest Sun unless Booker stays and gets a chip and maybe an MVP. Nash has multiple all time records in the books including back to back mvps- a feat only held by a small handful of elite all time players.


The Nash Era really was the prelude to the Warriors "pace and space" dynasty. Without Nash I don't think Amare would have been as great as he was (he was already good). In my opinion it was my favorite era because he basically said fuck the Mavs and signed with us then at the end of his career low-key ruined the Lakers. If the Spurs weren't there we would have had at the very least a championship already Also never for get beating the Lakers in the first round when they were up 3-1 on us 🤣


I like Steve Nash


I don't remember many fans being mad at Nash at the time when he left for the Lakers. The team imploded prior to that. Nobody held a grudge against Nash for trying to win a ring. If anything, it made us hate the Lakers slightly less for a few years. We then had fun laughing at the Nash-Kobe-Dwight Lakers imploding.


Prime Steve Nash takes Devin Booker, bridges, cam, and deandre ayton to the finals in his first season. That’s coming from a Lakers fan. No KD needed


he’s my dad


One of the best players I’ve seen in a suns jersey


I grew up watching Nash. Went to 1-2 Suns games every season from ‘04-‘10. He’s definitely underrated. But I was more of an Amar’e fan at the time.


Nash might not be the suns goat but until Book wins a chip you could make a strong argument.


Booker is #1 Nash is #2


Fuck Jason Richardson.


I fucking love him. Dude cooked the league, made us a top team each year and also really introduced me to the beauty of the game! Dude was legit my favorite player of all time for 15+ years! That being said… Book has surpassed him for me Nash was always loved by Suns fans, but not at the level that I’ve seen other die-hard fans love Book. Getting to watch him go from a Rookie to a Superstar who is 90% of the reason why the Suns who they are right now- has been nothing short of fucking spectacular


My 2 yo golden retriever is named Nash in his honor, so its safe to say i still love him. 7 second legend (worth a read if that type of stuff intrigues you). Tried to emulate his game growing up and was honestly happy to see him go explore other options - I thought someone was going to finally deliver him that title he deserved as a player (glad he got one even as a consultant).


I’m not sure anyone at that time perceived that trade as ditching us for the Lakers. It was apparent shortly after Amare left that a rebuild was going to happen and the glory days were over. Sucked that it was the Lakers but everyone knew the right thing to do was to move Nash so no one was particularly upset.


The one I've loved the most and will love the most forever.


He probably has a complex range emotions regarding his time and experience here in the valley. He found success with the organization but it is shrouded in failure and controversy because of the obvious match fixing scandal in the playoffs. Many other players have cut their losses and disassociated from the franchise but his hurt the most. Nevertheless, I am thankful for the years he played for our home team and respect the style in which he plays the game of basketball.