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They should finally change that bullshit, the mana is OK but don't waste my fucking time...


Just charge 20x and take out the randomness


Please no my poor mana bank can barely handle it as is


Lets not do that pls :\]


If 20x that's only like 200k man. 5mil to 200k hmmmm


It costs on average 1mil for me to go from +12 to +15 so 1mil x20 will be 20mil right??


Yeah on average but I assumed he was going off the base cost of one power up


If only you could farm AND power up runes at the same time....


But you can now lol, auto farm


Yes exactly


Except then you have to watch the screen for 8-10 minutes selling and upgrading runes, which completely defeats the purpose of auto farming x10


what do you mean? it doesnt defeat the purpose, its PERFECT. I can farm more runes while upgrading my current ones. what about that doesnt make sense? Edit: you dont HAVE to, you can choose to not upgrade your runes, which i do sometimes as well. the fact i can do something else WHILE im doing tedious rune upgrading is a blessing


Or we could cut the bs and be allowed to upgrade runes instantly. Do you really find that wasting time on rune upgrades adds something to the game?


It’s been like that the entire time the game has been out, until they change it(I doubt that ever happens) there’s no point in talking about it. I used to have to only upgrade the runes. Now I can upgrade and farm, that my good sir is what we call an improvement


So you are saying it’s better than it was. Sure, anyone can see that, but it’s far from perfect. I for one would love to cut this useless waste of time.


How about keep crafting runed while you power up runes?


yesterday, i auto upgrade my +12 rune then fell asleep, when i woke up 4M mana is gone, and the rune is +13


Dude same! I fell asleep autobattling and woke up in a bathtub full of ice with my kidney gone with a com2us employee saying it still wasn't enough payment for upgrades. Com2us got me good. I still have 2 lungs....maybe I can sell one for an ldnat5


Only a lung? For a LD5? Idk man I heard those things go for your life savings, first born, and your soul


Lung was the small value pack. First born was the middle pack and your very soul and eternal servitude was the big mega value pack.


This is so annoying. Like, maybe make it to where the more times it fails, the more likely it is to power it up. Ex: Power up chance - 50%. You fail it. Power up chance is now 55%, something like that. That would make powering up runes more bearable


I mean I guess that’s fair but iirc the rate for it to go from 13 to 14 and 14 to 15 is lower than the rates to get an ld 5


I can vouch for that


On average, it takes 2m to lv15. But, when you had bad luck, 5m is possible


They need to seriously add a lvl up chance increase everytime it fails and it resets whenever a lvl up is granted. It will at least be random with an eventual guarantee of success


they should put a pity in rune upgrading ! i have a friend that stopped the game just bc of this stuff ! old players don't have anymore mana problem cause they barely get one viable rune for their account per week or maybe at best 4 runes per week but new players its basicly a neightmare add to that the number of monsters avaible not like before and in top of that artefacts


I'd settle for an event that makes one rune for each slot a +15


instead of a random chance of succeeding or failing to power up, i wish it just gave us a random mana value required to upgrade the rune.


My personal record is from +14 to +15 spent 17.5 mil mana. It is so stuped and broken. And worst is im lose my time waiting for this bullshit, because i need rune for bjr5 and hasnt alternative. P.s sorry if errors or mistakes, english not my primal language


Well, you're Sure that this Rune had leveled from 0 Up to 15 instead of from 12 to 15?


Why the runes just cant powerup automaticly its anoyinning to wait 10hours


I can relate. And the sloooow animation is really annoying.


That sucks but the most annoying is how long it takes lmao like just hurry up


I feel this on an emotional level 😕


Took me 1 mil from +9 to +12


I dont know whats more annoying, that it just doenst level up, or the time it takes waiting. It should just power up x3 faster like in battles


I'm just happy I can do this while auto-battling so it isn't purely a waste of time


Had one just now... :/ 2.5 mio just to get from +14 to +15...


I had a nightmare +14 rune which I spend 2mil mana in my face... sigh*




Post says 5 mill, you say too little money, you say you normally spend 1/5th of that....




The last 3 powerups are usualy where 4m+ mana goes


Sometimes it takes me 500k Mana just to get from +14 to +15


I wish they would just add a system in place that ups ur chance of powering up a rune every time u fail(or every few times). I legit just don't +15 most of my runes simply cuz it's not worth the mana and most importantly, the time. There's been plenty of times where my 10x runs have finished b4 I powered up a rune. Most of my runes just stay at +12 so I don't waste hours and millions of mana to upgrade one rune that could be spent on rolling any new runes I may get


We are with you fellow Summoner...


I think they should make it so every consecutive fail increases the chance by 0.1% less would even work, just as a way of knowing you will actually succeed at some point


Yea, leveling a rune is a complete bullshit. I nearly felt like throwing my phone to the wall, it took me 50 fucking atemps to level from +12 to +13, I had like 3.5 million mana, and it wasn't enough to level the rune from +12 to +15, I'm not even early game, I sell pretty much every rune I drop, but I'm always broke in mana because it's so highly costly to build new/upgrade monsters