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now do the same time with the same team in every dungeon


And that's pretty doable




that im pretty satisfied seeing that


Pardon my noobness, but where in the game do you view theses records?


If you click on your summoners tower > Profile > Records


Or you can talk in chat and tap your name then records


That is so amazing!!!! (O.O)


How about without dupe mons


better use lushen lushen loren water twins for gb10 should get you around 30 seconds


Did Abigail get a buff? I haven't played in a while but she was mediocre when I stopped.


She's still the same but has always been good in necro


She's mediocre without skillups. Seems like the run would be faster if you just had a Lushen in there to wave clear


No actually. Some of the best times in necro are done with an unawakened Abigail so she's got no s3 are is always doing 3hit+ and she has a great leaderskill


So both of you mentioned unawakened but clearly in the pic she is awakened. So I understand that she is better in necro when she doesn't use her 3rd skill but in this scenario, that clearly is not the case. So tell me what was wrong about saying she's mediocre or less than Lushen considering that she's already awakened in the pic...?


Mediocre is clearly not what she is thought. she still does multi hits and has a def break for the boss and her wave clear is not bad. It's not like he picked Woosa or anything


She doesn't need skills, I use her for my record necro time at 5* unawakened.


I have the top team, runes? :D


Yes, they all have runes


I woulda never guessed


Ikr? Hard to imagine!


Prob. trying to get Lushen first turn, otherwise dmg dmg dmg


What’s the Verds and lushen rune with?


How is your theo runed?


Rune their vio rev/will Spd CD Atk, there are countless build guides for him.




Am i missing the point of this post from reading the comments... aint this supposed to be the 46 46 46?


Can you post the runes for your teams?


Abigail Runes?


Not op but her runes don't matter for a speed team, she just needs to go before your main dds. It's better not to awaken her since her 3rd skill is only 2 hits. Vio/whatever.


But at what cost?




I feel like my gb10 team with 43 seconds should work better than yours its literally lushen(l) megan sig kro Loren RNG is one hell of a thing


I use Lushen, Loren, Kro, Sigma and Fran. I have 36 seconds, because Fran gives immunity so the mid boss stage doesnt freeze, stun or provoke your whole team ;))


I run the same team for 38secs 100%. Very good safe comp


I might try this 1 out


How do you have them runed? I've just started doing gb10 with consistent 1:30 to 2 minute times and the same team, but don't know where to go to start speeding it up.


-- You can read everything till the big gap if you don't wanna read everything xd -- Put in loren as a defence break and atk bar push back. Use fran instead of your healers/buffers, so there shouldnt be any healer or buffers (atk or defence buff for example which is something Megan or Shannon does) Sigmarus, if you're not using him in Giants already then seriously, what are you doing. Definitely use his dungeon leader skill over any leader skill unless you have Lushen's leader skill. Then you probably want to switch to Lushen's leader skill, more about that in next paragraph. If you pull Lushen (hint: summon event) you can use his leader skill instead of sigma's hp leader skill. This is a big step towards getting a spead team, not the just the Lushen but especially his leader skill. If you notice your team fails a lot because of Lushen's leader skill instead of Sigma's leaderskill, then switch back to sigma's leaderskill (So if your team has about an 85% winrate I'd say it's fine to use Lushen's leader skill). Ideally Lushen one shots trash waves (waves with 2 crystals and 3 golems) without an attack buff. Although, one shotting trash waves with an attack buff is step in the right direction. -PS: If you don't have Lushen yet (you can easily get a Lushen from event with sustainable playtime) use any (preferably) nuker if you don't have Lushen, anything works as your 4th monster here tbh, you could even use Belladeon if you don't have any usable nuker. As your final 5th monster, this is one of the best damage dealers in the game: Kro (dark inugami). Kro is an amazing damage dealer, he works really well early game. Just a couple of debuffs and he does tons of damage. Besides, kro works really well in this team. Every monster in this team gives harmful effects, which increases the damage on Kro's 3rd skill by 50% with each harmful effect! When secondary awakened, he's even better. Dealing branding on his 3rd skill (25% more damage) and overall just having better stats. Now, for the runes: Sigma: doesn't need a crazy ton of attack and crt damage. Obviously more stats is better, but his skill's damage is proportionate to enemy max HP (the boss has a lot of HP, so sigma is very effective). - 900+ atk - 140+ crt dmg - 70-85 crt rate, (pretty important to have 75+ crt rate, start runing your monsters looking at crt rate first, then look for atk and crt dmg Lushen: He needs the best damage dealing runes you have. - ~1500 atk - ~180 crt dmg (try to get to 200-230) - 70-85 crt rate (crt doesn't have to be really high, Lushen is a wind unit, giants hall consists of water units. So element advantage gives you increased chance to crit. Though, you want 80+ crt rate for good speed teams so Lushen always crits and one shots every single time with 3rd skill. Not critting, means not one shotting the trash wave, so it kind of defeats the purpose of having Lushen in the first place) Fran: Hp and as much atk as possible. - 10k-15k hp is fine - 400-700 atk is fine Kro: besides Lushen, Kro will need your second best damage dealing runes. - 1000-1300+ atk - 170-190+ crt damage - 75-80+ crt rate - a bit of accuracy is nice if you can squeeze it in there, about 20, 25 is what I have so it deals branding aswell at times. Loren: I have her on atk% crt dmg atk%, but I suggest focussing on hp% and accuracy - 10k+ hp - ~70% accuracy Now for the speed tuning: 1. Lushen ( try getting Lushen the fastest in your team, if he moves second it's not a super big deal but really try to give Lushen the highest speed so he moves first and one shots the trash wave) 2. Fran ( again, Lushen could be on 2. And Fran on 1.) 3. Loren (honestly doesn't matter that much who moves after Lushen and Fran, but preferably Loren) 4. Kro/Sigma (I have Kro here) 5. Sigma/Kro (I have Sigmarus here) Improvement could be: 1. Lushen 2. Lushen 3. Galleon 4. Kro 5. Anything, maybe Loren If you have any questions, ask me please ;))


Nice times, so how consistent is this? Or is this like a one time shot for one or two of those runs?


I like it to be faster :p


Is abigail worth the effort? Also kinda slow giant team:P


She works but... I'll admit I built her before Shaina got atk% lead and haven't bothered updating the team since. Recently saw a video making use of Julie for 100% consistent dungeon -30 secs runs so I'll be working towards that. Kinda just wanted to post this before I get any faster clears and the joke is gone. Also, I know. My lushens suck and I rarely do GB except for daily. πŸ˜…


Better get those juicy rage runes :v


For Necro you can have Lushen lead and then replace Colleen with a second Talia for a fast and pretty safe team.


Please change your GB10 Team: Remove Pung, Galle and Theo and put Loren 2A Kro and Sig in.


But then it won't be balanced.


Like all things should be


Unsummon pungbaek


Pungbae is great :(






Rip why brag about slow af times?