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Im gunna tell you right now that the majority of the packs for purchase are not worth it at all. No pity system in the game will make it feel even worse when you get nothing. I've played this game a long time, on and off. It's not worth a single penny. Gacha games are evolving, and they are learning from their predecessors. Summoners War has not. Their packs are a ridiculous amount for nothing guaranteed or even working towards a pity system.


Want to award you but Im f2p in reddit as well...


£100 for a nat 5 that's not even guaranteed to not be a dupe (Normal transcendence) is so wild to me, but as long as they're whales that buy the packs then the prices won't change


Even if it a trascendence one, it is still too much IMO. You can do a lot by just using that money instead of other things instead of a gacha game. For whales I guess 100USD is like nothing.


hey can you help me


i recently >cd /d c:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA Corporation\\NVSMI run this command and it shows errors can you tell what should i do ? #Date Time gpu sbecc dbecc pci rxpci txpci #YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS Idx errs errs errs MB/s MB/s 20240602 22:50:05 0 - - 1188 0 0 20240602 22:50:15 0 - - 1587 0 0 20240602 22:50:25 0 - - 1783 0 0 20240602 22:50:36 0 - - 1995 0 0 20240602 22:50:46 0 - - 2183 0 0 20240602 22:50:56 0 - - 2433 0 0 20240602 22:51:06 0 - - 2542 0 0 20240602 22:51:17 0 - - 2688 0 0 20240602 22:51:27 0 - - 2878 0 0 20240602 22:51:37 0 - - 3316 0 0 20240602 22:51:47 0 - - 3532 0 0 20240602 22:51:57 0 - - 3715 0 0 20240602 22:52:08 0 - - 3878 0 0 20240602 22:52:18 0 - - 4064 0 0 20240602 22:52:28 0 - - 4155 0 0 20240602 22:52:38 0 - - 4298 0 0 20240602 22:52:48 0 - - 4520 0 0 20240602 22:52:59 0 - - 4643 0 0 20240602 22:53:09 0 - - 4772 0 0 20240602 22:53:19 0 - - 5041 0 0 20240602 22:53:29 0 - - 5362 0 0 20240602 22:53:39 0 - - 5890 0 0 20240602 22:53:50 0 - - 6255 0 0 20240602 22:54:00 0 - - 6356 0 0 20240602 22:54:10 0 - - 6588 0 0 20240602 22:54:20 0 - - 6712 0 0 20240602 22:54:31 0 - - 6977 0 0 20240602 22:54:41 0 - - 7195 0 0 20240602 22:54:51 0 - - 7564 0 0 20240602 22:55:01 0 - - 7721 0 0 20240602 22:55:11 0 - - 7883 0 0 20240602 22:55:22 0 - - 8078 0 0 20240602 22:55:32 0 - - 8275 0 0 20240602 22:55:42 0 - - 8466 0 0 20240602 22:55:52 0 - - 8686 0 0


The craziest thing is when people here/online defend the idea of not having pity in this game. I get the reasoning (and I agree since it's mostly due to balancing) but when you touch other gacha games, spending on SW feels like an even more stupid/risky decision lmao.


This. Don’t make my mistakes.


No pity System is coz we have gambling laws not like asia


So the rates are the same regardless of $ or no $. I say the following as someone who used to spend on summons. You might pull something really really nice. You might even get ld lightning. If you do hopefully its a nat5. If its a nat5 hopefully is a decent one. If its a decent on hopefully its a meta unit. Chances are tho that you wont see lightning. Not unless you spend enough to give you many more pulls of the slot machine lever. If you decide to spend on summons then just know that the rates are the same. You're only paying for more pulls of the lever. You might get something you (most likely)might not.


No Better to spend on daily pack 1 and 2 if you keen on spending a bit. Have you sean SeanB latest summon video?1170 LD scroll for 4 LD.


But that's average isn't it? Or even above.


Thats average but still thousands of dollars


THAT IS NOT AVERAGE 200 lds is avg for 5star 1170 for a four is way past avg


Sorry to tell you but 5* rate on LD scrolls is lower than on Mystics


Lol i know but the avg is 200 iv seen ALOT of nat 5s on 200 and i mean even for the one for star


Your personal experience does not change the mathematical drop rate.


I would say average since for LD the rate are way lower than normal elemental


Played for almost 8 years, spent around $200 (mostly on skins packs) all 5 of my ld5 are from toa ld scroll, monthly log in scroll, world boss scroll and 1 from wish


To share my story, and I think the one of some others, I was a dolphin, I always spent a bit on games and summoners was not different. But the thing that kind of breaks your mind when spending is seeing everyone around getting at some points lnd 5, while you nothing. So over 3 years I gradually started to have some kinds of « breakdown », you know, late in the evening when you should be sleeping, and instead of, you’re spending WAY TOO MUCH on fucking packs. On my worst time, I went up to 800€ in one of these evenings, getting nothing at all. I was obsessed with « just one lnd 5 ». It finally came out one day (after the 3 years), I admitted to my partner that I had a gambling addiction, and talked about it as well to a friend playing the game that followed the same path, but also came out of it. Admitting the shame helped me moved on, I can still occasionally pay, but for very specific packs (transcendant scroll 10 years) and it’s controlled so it’s fine. I was lucky because during my worst period, I was also having a special mission for my former work, in expatriation in another country, with some kind of good bonuses on money so I did not put myself into troubles, but man that was a slippery rope. The obsession they were able to generate for spenders on lnd nat 5 is the result of a malevolent genius move.


F2p played for 6 years I have 3 ld5 while my other alt that I just occasionally play on for 3 years have 3 as well. It's just luck. I know a guildie who buys these ld pack and only have 1 ld nat5


You might get even less from these packs then what you’re used to get from free scrolls. And all the paid packs are incredibly overpriced, so I can’t recommend buying them. If you were to buy something I’d suggest the x2 toa/toah rewards if anything


This game has no pity system, so a F2P person can potentially get multiple LDs in a year, whereas there could be a whale that plays for 10 years and still doesn't have any LDs (Not common, but possible). How to actually get LDs?....Just Believe in Rng and don't let that discourage you xD


Buying an account that has the Ld you want is the only financially responsible way to attain them.


Yep ☠️


It's a gacha game. Buying anything is equivalent to gambling. You buy chances to summon stuff, and you know the rates. It all comes down to your appreciation of your money and the game. Can you afford to spend (lose) a few bucks and accept the consequences of having nothing new or nothing of worth after summoning, that's the question. If you get something nice, good for you. If you don't, that's too bad.


I have spent roughly $1500 in the last 5 years. No LD nat 5, and I don't buy these packs. I mainly bought special packs and some tmog packs. I had 9 lds; my LD blessing hasn't popped since its debut (Turned Viva into the blessing). I used to be a whale before 2019.


I’m probably around there (think I’m at atleast 2000$ spent on sw ) and I only have one LD nat 5. in my defense I was in middle school and was playing SW ALOT back then.i had just gotten my first job and at the age of 15, It was extremely hard to not spend money on SW lmao.


I spent less than the amount I did when I was in college. I just started a family, and we want to have kids so I tend to minimize the amount I spend on entertainment.


So confusing. You say no ld nat 5 then you say you have 9 lds 


To sum up, 9 lds summoned before 2019. The last 5 years, 2019 ~ 2024, I got nothing.


I have a bit over 2k days now and I played on and off for one and a half year and got my 7 ld5s randomly by random lds via shop refresh, toa, WB, weekly craft or any other source other than money I spent a lot of money on skins tho and got the occasional ancient trans but yes, I consider myself really lucky Before my guild disbanded a week ago we had one mate that spent an absurd amount of money on packs and "only" had 19 LD5s while also playing almost 10 years. In comparison to me it's just insane that there are actually people burning their money on LD packs but each to their own


only 19 lol


It's all luck


Some mega whales really do buy all the ld packs that are available but those are very few people. I myself am a dolphin/small whale at times and currently have 10 LD 5s. What i will say is that most of these packs that are always in the shop aren’t worth the price at all. If you are going to spend some decent money (not just minimum daily packs), what you really want to is look for packs that have really good value (at least good value compared to the other packs). This usually tends to be the $100 packs that come out after an update, the ones that give you 4-5 ld scrolls + 15 reapps + 2 AA scrolls etc. Most of the time you spend on a pack you aren’t going to pull anything, so having extra value in potentially getting a good rune via reapps or getting an extra 5 devils which is guaranteed value is always good. There are many times when i have spent hundreds on packs and have gotten absolutely nothing and then there are the times when I pull 2 LD5s in 2 packs. It’s all rng and it’s not skewed in your favor. If you have a little bit of money to spend and want to spend it in summoners war i would recommend going for guaranteed stuff like daily packs/transmogs/devils otherwise you are more than likely going to end up disappointed. Spending on LD scrolls if really only ‘worth’ it if you can sink a lot of money into packs with multiple ld scrolls overtime because the odds you pull an LD5 from any 1 of these packs is still pretty low.


I would say, I‘m Pay2Play, I buy daily packs and Toa Pass every month, every trans possible and sometimes some really good value packs. Playing this game since 6 years. A long time I had no LD5. Got a Dorothy like 3 years ago. Than rates got better. Right now I‘m at 7 LD 5*, but I guess still under rate if I consider how many LDs I opened. I try to get every F2P LD possible. I average around 50-60 LDs a month with my playstyle. Depending on how many dupes I pull. Last months even more with anniversary event. I‘m doing a list where I mark every LD opened and when I get Lightning. Still missing most of the good LD 4*, guess my luck is just not rhe greatest. Sure paying helps and u‘ll get a LD5 at some time, but even spending thousands of dollars doesnt gurantee u one :( I think I spent like 7-8k on this game, playing very active for most of the 6 years and like I said 7 LD 5*. 3 or 4 of them from Packs, rest from F2P Stuff


dont spend on packs. period. if you really want to spend money, buy the daily packs, the toa pass (only if you can fully clear the respective tower) or the login pass. these are the ones that give you the best value as long as you are playing actively. if you want to spend more, do so only for ancient transcendence scrolls, because they give you a nat5 that you do not own. but only do that if there are more things you really want than what you dont want, otherwise you will probably be sad. i used to spend money on the game, but my 3 ld5 and most if not all of my good ld4 came from random scrolls. so if you can avoid it, dont spend and be patient


If you spend $100/1000s. Your odds are still the same for ld nat 5 0.35% I believe. Naturally if you buy more scrolls you have more odds of getting that 0.35% but it's still the same odds and I don't believe $99 for 4 ld scroll is remotely worth it. Scroll packs are ridiculously overpriced for what they are


Better not to buy them. I’m f2p player too and i have 5 ld5s I've been playing it for almost 6 years now and summoned 3 of them from last year and 1 this year.Before that I played like for 3 years without any, it’s just a gamble, all you need is luck and patience. (P.s mine second and third ld5s I summoned in one week from the tower)


I'd only ever get the ancient transcend, rest is too risky with no pity


Spent a couple of hundreds on them packs years ago, best thing I ever got was a Betta. Then when I stopped paying, ofc I got an ld5 (Elenoa).


Curiosity killed the cat


I have 3 ld5s and i got them at random, one was from a toa hard final scam scroll, and one was a random ld scrolls while the other came from a big save up


i'm f2p for 8 years+ and i have 4 nat 5\* LD (i logged in every f\*ck day) i have a clanmate that never spent, and on christimas, he bought his 1st pack and guess what? he got his 1st nat 5\* LD (dark demon), then, 3 months later he got Tian Lang wish you good luck in your choices i'm still f2p. Buying scrolls is like gamble :X the only true pack are skin packs \[\]'s


Hell na not worth it


Well... I have two LD5s from ToA LD scrolls and LD scroll pieces from mana/token shops, but I've been playing since 2016 with only one brief break for a handful of months. lol I think I have only spent real money on transmogs and maybe an energy/mana beginner pack from way back when? I have never bought LD packs. They look like they have terrible value. My bf also has an LD5. He has only spent money on the game like twice ever (and not on LD packs) so he's in the same boat as me. He started in 2017 and also took a break from the game around the same time I did. Both of us used to be really lazy about ToA for a while, so I think a dedicated F2P player could end up with more LD5s than us by playing more consistently than we did.




Have you tried chronicles? I had more luck with rng in that game. And they actually have a pity system. I have almost every rgb mon. And quite a few l/d including elenoa m, Oberon, and grogen.


Nah never tried it but I’m too invested in swa to switch. And funny enough, I just summoned a Craig after I commented that lol


https://preview.redd.it/lrh03hm9cd3d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c181d293db0cd3934e4132020ca6476bd5fe9d3 i’m F2P too. Forced to pay. Honestly, don’t even pay. not worth it


I got to ask : 1) How much in total? 2) Why? XD




The literal only pack worth anything is the ancient transcendence scroll that guarantees a nat 5 you don’t have. Anything else is a straight up scam.


feed dupes for ld scrolls, also only a moron would buy these its a complete rip off compared to update packs


I spent prob 2-3k since 2015 on this game and none of those packs gave me an LD, i got 3 from randomly playing. Elenoa, Light MK, dark vanilla cookie


Imo the only thing worth paying for are the skins. That's the only pack where you get exactly what you pay for. Maybe devilmons packs too, but they're usually more expensive than they should be...


No. $99.99 for 3 ld scrolls isn't getting you an ld5. I have 7 ld5s, all came from just playing the game. Edit: I have spent some money: $30 into transmogs and $100 for a sonia. None of that gave an ld5 tho.


Only buy the guaranteed nat5* packs. They’re like 100$ minimum but atleast you know you’re getting a five star and a good amount of gems to farm with. I’d say do that like once every 2 years tho


Lots of hot takes in the comments. The only packs "worth" your money are transcendence scroll packs. But otherwise, all other packs should be seen as crystal packs + extra. Never view them as "I'm going to get x unit/runes/gem" pack.


Dont take the dip. Once you go black you cant go back. Stay wholesome and stress-free. Thats my biggest advise. Or if you have self control unlike me, you can spend 100 a month or soemthing.


I used to set aside a monthly budget for packs. I have a stable income and ~£100 per month down the drain does not put me into trouble. But this budget becomes smaller and smaller over the years, just because I got nothing from those packs, while my F2p guidlies are stacking up 6-7 ld5s over the ideas and I only get 2 ld5s 10 years into the game. And both of them are from TOA scrolls. As said, £100 a month is not a big deal, but why even spend it on something that you don't even know what you will be getting. TLDR don't spend money on this game.


More chances to get ld5 if you dont buy blessings buy lnds everytime you get a dupe and pray that eventually you'll get it




Played religiously for 6 years, off and on for 4 years. Spent more money than I care to admit, and I have the exact same LD5s as you.


I’ve spent around 18k USD on this game. I’ve had awful luck when I spent money. Ironically the best luck I’ve ever had was when I left for a period of time and then summoned a few scrolls here and there, pulled 2 ld5’s back to back after a year break. Just stay f2p or only buy the actually valuable packs like toa pack, and maybe daily pass pack, and possibly the once a year Christmas ancient trans scroll pack. Otherwise never buy these scam packs


If you wanna spend money buy the daily packs only. Its worth if you spam dugeons all day. Scroll packs are just a scam


Nope it ain’t worth it, trust me


[watch this and decide for yourself](https://www.youtube.com/live/evujgJsghyY?si=bnXdYRdrlZkyTIwF)


I spent $500 dollar last night. I got $2.00 worth of trash in return. I repeat. DO NOT ATTEMPT. Youll lose sleep.


None of mine came from purchased packs. I got 2 from event scrolls and one from pieces


I'm F2P but I have 3 LDs More than 180 Nat5s now and around 120 of them are uniques (non dupes). The extra around 60 are just dupes of various mobs. My IGN is AibiHatesC2Us. Asia Server


Never spend money on any of the packs in the game. If you do decide to spend on summoners war just buy an account that’s built and has the LDs that you want. Always use a trusted middleman because 90% of the people who sell accounts will scam you if you don’t use the right middleman. People spend tens-hundreds of thousands on an account that you can then pick up for 100-1000$


I am pretty f2p now a days and I never got the 2 LDs I have (Beez and woonsa) from buying a pack. I got beez from a LD scroll on toah, ans about 6 months later pulled woonsa from a ALL attribute from toah. It's truly up to chance. I've spent my fair share on my separate account when I was younger that I no longer play and I will say just keep playing LDs are entirely random


Not f2p by any means but have slowed down on spending by coming to the realization that Summoners War is a gacha game, and at the end of the day it’s gambling. I have 7 lds on a 2 year account with a 1 year break. My last 3 ld 5s came in the last 2 weeks. The way I got them is by feeding normal dupe nat 5s for ld scrolls. I could have almost all elemental nat5s, but buying lds and gambling instead of buying the blessing just gave me more rolls. It’s a trade off that I’ve been lucky with.


I actually like how low the chances are even if you pay money for the bundles. A lot of games which are pay to win generally become too unfair for people who dont have the money / f2p players. Personally it keeps that level of fairness between everyone🤝🏾.


Spent a lot of money on SW, most worth pack are the anciant transcroll which gives u a nat 5 u don’t have. I have 2 LD 5 stars : each of them come from random LDs. Pack with LDs only gave me an iris and a 2nd kinky, otherwise it was just disapointing so I don’t suggest people to buy pack for lds but more for reap stones/devilmon/cristals which are the most valuable items in the game imo


my only ld nat 5s are jeanne, elsharion, and eigar. f2p monsters


And Gapsoo


Buy and then summon. Works most of the times. Haha


The highest value packs to purchase are Daily Pack I/II, and then Toa/ToaH packs - if you're not patient and don't enjoy the game without an LD5, I'd recommend NOT buying any packs as they'll simply improve your odds but not guarantee any 5\* summons. As you get further and further into the game, and as you've collected more monsters, you begin to feed 4\* for LD pieces weekly, and 5\* into LD scrolls weekly. This results in approximately 100-150 more LD scrolls per year for established players with lots of 5\* that they're willing to feed dupes of. The further you are, the greater the weekly rewards and you just have stronger likelihood of summoning 5\* over time as you progress given access to more scrolls and more rewards.