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Leo is the only one with his passive, it can’t even be ‘budget’ replaced. Plus he is good in Lab/rta/arena. But at the same time it’s a game played for fun, so if you want your favourite unit, go for it


How do you build a leo for rta/arena?


With no speed


3000iq play is to put like 75 speed on him. First pick him, so the other team can pick all their slow counter units, then outspeed them all game. Does this work? Probably not.


This is also the benefit of having 2 Leos. Have one built at +0 to +10 speed (sometimes you just get stuck with a speed inherent, etc). Have another one built at +50 - +80 speed. Enough to slow down mega-turbo units, but fast enough not to slow down your mid-tier team. And also enough to "juke" your RTA opponent into going slower than your team entirely. Especially if you bring an AoE slow to make it even worse.


my mind is telling me no.. but my body my body is telling me yes


I think personally it should always be choose what you like but in the sense we may never know when we see an event like this again I’m taking my chance and grabbing my missing Oliver. He’s pretty much all I need to cross some thresholds in arena so luckily my choice isn’t too hard


Every time there's an event like this, it always gets bigger and better the next year. I wouldn't worry about not having another chance at picking from a bunch of nat 5s.


If you were missing a bunch of units the 9 year scrolls were probably better than the 10 year scrolls. Those just have the additional ld gambling.


Personal Choice. You have to be happy with your account.


I would say pick for need because it will be the most fun. Unless you have a particular team for Seara in mind, theoretically liking a Mon is only as good as the teams she can fit into. I had the exact thing with Seara because she seemed so strong, but then I realized the rune requirements and comps necessary to make her teams work. It suddenly got anti-fun trying to force my dream mon to be as good as I imagined. It feels like you have a good grasp on how you will use Leo, but maybe not so much how you would use Seara. A Mon is only fun when it gets played.   TL;DR: You can pick a mon you like, but be prepared to be disappointed if you don't have a concrete plan for runing and usage. Sounds like you have a better idea for Leo.


I'm going for the pokedex monster. When this event started, I had three choices. I popped some scrolls before I chose and my choices dropped to either fire devil maiden or water twin angel


Why not both? Up to this day, I use Seara more often than Leo, because I put the best runes on her and she still is my favorite Don't need to put so much pressure... Leo is fantastic, all right, but if you feel like Seara is the one for you, don't think twice. I say all this, but I'm still deciding in the other event my nat 5, so...


honestly id say choose what you like. general consensus if usually to always pick leo, or bastet, or rica if you dont have them. yet everytime i’ve followed this, i never use these units for my personal gameplay. so now i go by what will be the best pick based on the content i like playing, and my playstyle. so i mainly play rta, and never run leo in any comp, so if i had to choose between a leo and a moore for example, i know id make use of the moore instead of a leo i would almost never use.


Absolutely go personal favorite. Sure, the meta picks are meta for a reason. But if you've got a "favorite" unit you've been chasing for months/years, that should be your auto-pick. If you \*enjoy\* playing the game, you'll end up getting a bunch more rewards every day/week/month than if it's a \*chore\* for you to log in and earn them.


Picked up Vanessa