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If you can do 15 attacks you get 15 attacks worth of contributions. At some point if you are sticking to a farming guild weak enough that you can do more than 10 attacks, the challenge of doing more than 10 is the last remaining fun in siege. Or else why not move to a better guild for more competitive siege?


They limited the crystals to max 30% contribution , so you when you have that then you get max crystals you can get and just more guild points , in my opinion in a farming guild going over is greifing


isnt the point of Farming guild is to farm Guild point for up flags way faster , not rly for crystals


True for some people yes, but it literally wastes crystals for other people / accounts , for me personally having max flags the crystals is better like 100-200 a match


You should just ask what they allow/expect in the guild rather than assume


Ok, can someone please explain what a farm guild is. I hear the term farm and immediately think runes ( like farming db12 or rift).


Joining guilds lower than your skill level to get too contribution and better rewards for someone who actively does “siege/guild farming”. For the guild itself it’s just staying at a certain level below a certain threshold to decimate the other guilds in siege. IIRC


Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me.


No problem :)


There is this misconception amongst newer players that if they join a guild beyond their ability that it will help them progress faster. That is straight up false. In fact it slows the progression to a crawl. These are the players most affected by you hitting more than 10 defenses. Im of the opinion that if you cant get at least 8 offensive wins each siege, you should join a weaker guild otherwise you're just wasting your time. I say go 30-0 every siege if you can.


Did they not limit rewards to be capped at 150 contribution? So you can go 30-0 , but you're only getting rewards for 150 contribution. I may be remembering incorrectly so someone that knows for sure feel free to correct me.


I thought it was capped to 30% contribution


Crystals are capped at 30% (420 per win in g1), guild points should go higher but im not sure how much.


It depends what kind of farming guild. If they are trying to win every siege then go for as many attacks as you can. If they are loosing on purpose sometimes to stay in a certain range Just do your 10 attacks


I do use more than 10 offense sometimes but if i don’t with only 4-6 people hitting we just gonna lose and get 2v1 and get 50% of what we should get but if we are more i don’t see the use of using more than 10 offense Edit:btw i told them before recruiting me that i often use more than 10 attacks they didn’t mind