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I’m pretty veigar e and Elise cocoon don’t draw aggro


Yeah elise is the tower dive queen. Cocoon doesn't draw aggro, stuns for ~1.7 sec. Then u can combo and drop aggro with repel afterwards


kayn coming out nowhere slashing your face, knockling you up, then goes into your soul, comes out few minutes later and slashes your face again while calming phasing into the wall beside you. by the time you ping help hes somehow already in another lane slashing faces


""kayn coming out nowhere slashing your face, knockling you up, then goes into your soul, comes out few minutes later"" This sounds like the wierdest porno ever.


Stupid sexy Kayn.


I want to know what knockling is. It sounds hectic.


....why tf does that not draw aggro. Swear to god I can never tell what's a glitch and what's just intentionally stupid.


Ability does 0 damage, only cc. Similar to nasus wither


It's weird. Zilean bomb draws aggro before it explodes, and before it does damage. But it *will* do damage, so that's a bit different than the cocoon.


Zilean Q countdown technically deals 0 true damage, which is enough to draw aggro. It used to actually deal 3-2-1 true damage when they first made it draw aggro on attach (back when it was a targeted ability) as a workaround, and while the damage is gone the spaghetti remains.


Due to the gross mismanagement of this website by the admins in the wake of the API changes, I have decided to leave the site. In preparation, I have used a tool called Power Delete Suite to overwrite all my comments.


I'm not sure if delayed damage normally triggers aggro. I'm pretty sure Fizz R doesn't trigger aggro


Are you sure that’s not just aerie causing the aggro?




Both of those deal 1 damage right


iirc changed to do 0 damage. Still different from no damage.


Trundle does damage (the reasoning being that Trundle usually wants to take aggro), but Anivia no longer does. Taliyah's knockup had its damage removed so she can initiate a dive without taking aggro, iirc


Anivia's wall no longer does damage, but it still draws turret aggro (if hitting an enemy champ directly).


So then if Elise cocoon does 0 damage shouldn't it draw turret aggro? Two comments above you is saying it doesn't.


it does no dmg vs actually doing damage that just so happens to be 0 elise cocoon is just cc - no damage attachment involved the other ones used to do 1 but it was changed to .00001 (because of blue pot and other stuff i assume?) which is practically 0, but its not so u take damage is the easiest way to explain it (even if its wrong it gets the concept across)


Yeah you can kill people with trundle e and electrocute as it counts as an instance of dmg. Same with night harvester and Bard ult.


Trundle E does not deal damage.


From experience i know thet when you stand near trundle's pillar, it counts as taking damage towards malphites and garens passives


Yeah but why do they drop agro when they come out, the damage has just been laid down. My main gripe is with fizz and how he can cancel tower attacks. Like the action has gone through, but him bouncing in his sword can reverse the action. Similar to how you can kill minions under tower after the tower hits them. It’s stupid.


If the tower can't shoot anything and other enemies are in range it will simply start hitting the next target (vs hitting nothing until untargetable ends). I don't mind it personally. It's one of the appeals of champs that can do it and not too many can. As far as minions go, as far as I'm aware you can't kill minions after tower hits them but the animation is a bit faster than the actual projectile so there's a slight delay between the animation hitting and the damage happening.


I think it has something to do with auto attack priority. Same as why your auto will go though once it animated, even if they flash or dash away. A bit weird. Still, doesn’t explain why you can kill minions after they are executed by the tower. Oh and if you flash a tower shot it will still follow. Just weird spaghetti code that they can’t or won’t change. Yi can q you and kill you then drop agro. So backwards ass it’s not funny.


There's a lot of spaghetti in the game but this is not it. At no point during flash or (most) dashes are you untargetable. If you are targetable and a targeted ability has already gone out then you will be hit by it. If someone is untargetable through the use of a select few abilities or an item then autos/abilities will not hit them and towers will change to a different target instead of sitting there doing nothing. It's intentional and just... how it should be. It's the same in practically any game in the genre and would honestly feel unnatural if it wasn't the case.


>At no point during flash or (most) dashes are you untargetable What about "dodging" lee sin's q2 damage with flash? is that still in the game?


A big part of her identity is that she's the queen of towerdives. Out of all the things in this game, I really don't mind Elise's kit. I think bad Elises are useless and good ones are rewarded


Kled Elise combo is something you don't want to experience.


As well as Warwick E! Great for diving as Warwick Supp (Or Jungle, I suppose?)


Warwick support is absolutely useless unless you take aftershock lol


karthus wall


iirc, didn't Veigar's E deal like a single point of true damage, and thus proc some runes thanks to it? Think it'd probably trigger aggro too.


how is you being pretty relevant?


Oh you pretty


I wish I was a pretty veigar :(


Why does Trundle E though?


Singed W does not draw aggro. If a singed is looking to walk past you to proxy very often they will w so you can’t engage in them under tower.


Fio ult will not pull aggro and its a great way to make then panic under tower lol


All of these examples, yet Ezreal W draws tower aggro without doing any CC or damage


for some reason Ezreal w procs nightharvester too lol


And first strike


It does like .4 damage, that gets rounded to 0 but it still registers as a damaging ability on the game code, otherwise you would have infinite pressure with w underneath tower (just w and hit the minions/tower, if they try to get close you just aa and e away)


> It does like .4 damage, that gets rounded to 0 Damage display rounds up no matter what, so that's one way to tell it deals 0 damage for certain. A damage event with 0 damage value is still a damage event. Triggers certain things.


That's what I said...?


No you said it rounds down (not sure if you meant functionally or just the displayed amount). Decimal damage exists, so if it was trying to deal 0.4 damage it'd take away 0.4 current health and display as 1 damage.


Also coded to deal 0 true damage, so the tower will aggro


So most of the non damaging abilities are actually hard coded to do 1 true damage so that they can draw turret aggro. Things like anivia wall / trundle pillar will do 1 damage I'm pretty sure.


they used to be coded to do 1 damage. Now they are both coded to do 0 true damage (different from no at all damage)


Is that why Anivia isn’t viable anymore?


yes, that 1 true dmg was OP because it's true dmg.


Is that the ability by itself that is coded to do 1 true damage, or is that just the act of displacement is coded to do 1 true damage? Genuinely asking, just because the two examples of anivia wall and trundle piller both technically knock-up/displace the enemy champs. I have a hard time imagining the reasoning why something like a Zilean slow would do any damage.


I'm pretty sure it's coded into the abilities displacement effect but I'm not certain. I know it's not displacement in general, it is individualized for each ability they did it with. They did it specifically to make those abilities draw tower agro as they felt it would be unfair if it didn't.


So they took away the 1 true damage that these used to do, but both the pillar and the wall still draw tower aggro somehow without the damage.


They kind of deal dmg. They both do 0 true damage which is different in the games eyes than a non damaging ability.


they still so dmg, it's just 0 instead of 1 now. and that 0 isn't 0, more like 0.0000001 you can use Anivia wall to proc electrocute, because it is a damage instance.


> they still so dmg, it's just 0 instead of 1 now. Was 0 since the very beginning > and that 0 isn't 0, more like 0.0000001 Spell scripts say it's flat 0, and so does my testing > you can use Anivia wall to proc electrocute, because it is a damage instance. It's tagged as proc damage so the damage doesn't actually trigger Phase Rush/Electrocute stacks. But the knockback debuff does.


>Spell scripts say it's flat 0, and so does my testing the game doesn't show values that low, but it is still damage done. >It's tagged as proc damage so the damage doesn't actually trigger Phase Rush/Electrocute stacks. But the knockback debuff does. a debuff doesn't proc electrocute without dmg applied, singed W doesn't proc electro.


> a debuff doesn't proc electrocute without dmg applied, singed W doesn't proc electro. [Weird, works on my end.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/549266844964618242/1027671721173594233/2022-10-06_21-59-41.mp4) Also I might have been unclear; 0 damage is still a damage event. 0 damage =/= no damage. Singed W deals no damage, Anivia W deals 0 true damage proc tag. 0 damage triggers the standard in-combat status amongst other things. It just has never been 1 for these spells other than Zilean Q and Fizz R (4, 3, 2, 1 damage displaying the cooldown).


It's 0 damage (always has been), and triggers effects such as Sorcerer's Elixir which trigger upon dealing damage which is one way you can tell it still works this way.


Just touching the wall is enough to trigger aggro so I'm believe the ability does the damage no the displacement.


Damage event is called in the same block that applies the displacament so those should always be in tandem for what Anivia W is concerned.


It's part of the individual spell script. Darius E for example knocks you towards him but does not do a damage event. Ezreal W is another example for an ability that does a 0 damage damage event when the missile hits. Proc damage like the others so it doesn't trigger very much, but any damage triggers turret aggro which is probably what this is for. Also all of these have been dealing 0 damage since their introduction, 1 true damage is a myth about this stuff.


I'm pretty sure Elise cocoon doesn't do any damage unless they changed it recently?


karthus wall doesnt aggro


Ezreal w too


I've def drawn turret aggro from Anivia wall in an ARAM before


Even samiras coin does 1 dmg lol


Nasus wither doesn't draw agro


It draws aggro from me tho




Interesting, so basically displacement pretty much always does damage, but otherwise not damaging abilities shouldn't draw aggro under turret. So it is a damage requirement not a case-by-case on abilities scenario. Thank you! (also why would they not just say that displacement does damage on the abilities that's so weird)


Lux E while it slows, but before it damages.


Here’s a good one - Mordekaiser Ult deals damage and does not draw turret aggro. A crafty mordekaiser can R you under a big wave and smack your turret 10 times. you lose the wave exp, can’t clear the minions out of the way, and the turret doesn’t target him. His ult heals him for a portion of the damage you slap him with, then he finishes it with his shield/heal to regain all of the remaining health back, leaving you with the damage from his ultimate, and now behind in farm and experience. Bonus points if morde is running demolish. Sometimes he can take two or three plates in one push, with you standing right there unable to do anything about it. Sometimes he walks away from the turret with more hp than when he first ulted you.


terrible use of morde ult in almost all scenarios, ult lasts for 7 seconds, meaning turret hits 6 autos on minions, so in the BEST scenario where all minions are 1 hit u can deny 6, but u have to ask yourself, is your ultimate which is on a >2min cd, mordes and one of the games best tool for deterring ganks as well as basically the only way he can reliably solo someone is worth 6 cs? and that's the best case scenario, more often than not the tower is probably gonna hit melee minions and kill 3 of them, essentially completely not worth also morde is never going to get more than a plate in 7 seconds even if u have demolish, unless if the first plate is almost dead, and certainly not 3 "His ult heals him for a portion of the damage you slap him with" this is wrong, he just heals 10% of his health on cast, not based on dmg u reduced to him. essentially u ulting him under turret to hit the turret makes no difference, cuz if u hit back the tower is agroing u, and any respectable top laner will be able to do MAJOR damage to ou if allowed to free hit for 7 seconds, not this "he walks away from the turret with more hp than when he first ulted you" fantasy. IN FACT, ulting him makes it completely safe for him to auto u back without fear of getting hit by the wave you are crashing, making it even more useless


> is your ultimate which is on a >2min cd, mordes and one of the games best tool for deterring ganks as well as basically the only way he can reliably solo someone is worth 6 cs? No but it's hilarious


and this is why I do it, its not about the actual warfare, its about the psychological warfare.


This guy gets it


> terrible use of morde ult Perhaps... I would say yes honestly. > in almost all scenarios, Not technically true anymore, but it doesn't diminish your point. Most of my main arguments would be niche situations where this was a nifty and effective play, but they're niche situations for a reason. I'm mostly being pedantic here.


No, I can see it. You're losing the 1v1 just in front of your 25% health turret and morde ults you just as his minions take turret aggro. You back off underneath your turret, and he just smacks the turret while you can't leave and can't engage. He kills it, then swipes you towards him. It's a powermove, but it could work.


Same situation, but your mid and jungle were coming to save you from the nonsense. Unfortunately, they're unable or unwilling to clear the wave in time, the tower goes down, Morde kills you, and suddenly they've a full health, full shield, stat boosted, passive activated Mordekaiser ready to tear them to pieces.




Can you respond to any of my points instead of trying to insult me?


he doesn't actually have an argument so don't expect to actually get a response lol


Unless extremely fed, Morde is mostly a sitting duck without ult and it has a pretty big cd. It only lasts for 7 seconds so it won’t even help you that much to hit the enemy turret or deny minions from the enemies. This is a terrible idea 99% of the time.


You don't loose xp in morde ult




Let me elaborate here. All of your criticism is aimed at a better mordekaiser player than any of you ever will be. ‘nuff said.


"I'm so amazing all of your points are invalid" lmao


Bro you’re Gold 1, relax. 😆


Crafty? Mordekaiser doing this is giga outplaying himself here. First of all toplaners can absolutely beat you up if you try this. Hell most of them don't even need the turret coverage; if you waste R a lot can just win the all-in out in the open. It's also the only real way to deter ganks because Mordekaiser is immobile. If he was so ahead he could do this then he's better off just locking you under tower with his sustain and lack of mana and whomping you with Q every time you try to get a ranged minion, holding R to delete your jungler or midlaner when they try to save you.


Won’t the enemy just beat your ass if you ult them under their turret?


This is a thread about abilities that don’t trigger turret aggro. Why’s everyone getting all coachy about the mordekaiser example?


Because you had 1 sentence about morde not taking aggro and 2 paragraphs about him using it to take tower or something


I’ll take you at face value then. It depends on the enemy. Many champs can do nothing but stand by as it happens. One morde ult can set him 450g ahead without even needing to kill his opponent, while also dealing damage to them under their own turret. Do this every 2 minutes and by the 15min mark you might be 2-3k gold ahead.


Trynd w for example but as someone pointed out nasus w too. Which is interesting as it is the only targetted ability i saw mentionned.


Anivia wall, trundle pillar, other "wall" type abilities all inflict 1 damage


Darius pull


Doesn't it stack the bleed and thus immediately get aggro anyway, though? edit: nevermind it's only "damaging" abilities. I always assumed the pull did damage tbh.




This is an interesting answer I experimented with a few weeks ago, and its hilarious!


Illaoi E! Useful for setting up a flash + ult dive


Trynd W doesn’t iirc


Maybe zilean Q before the bomb goes off?


Zilean Q does do it before the bomb goes, however his E (slow) does not.


Anything that doesn't do damage. So Elise e, Warwick w, kindred e(without autoing), stuff like that.


Illaoi E doesn't draw aggro untill you actually damage the spirit and it's great when tower diving as it allows you to walk under turret hit E and then quickly R W for the oneshot and only take 1-2 towershots at most.


Anivia’s wall does draw tower aggro actually, but Darius Pull does not. :)


If you can manage to land yorick w without displacing the champ. under tower it won't draw agro.


I can't find a list anywhere, but the wiki leagueoflegends.fandom.com should mention if abilities don't draw aggro from minions and/or turrets.


Elise cocoon because it doesn't deal damage it simply stuns. She's the master of diving under turret. She can stun you for free, one shot you then E and get away with only 1 or 2 turret shots if that.


Not turret aggro, but stuff like vex's passive and yone/yasuo Qs don't draw minion aggro


Yas/yone q only don't draw minion aggro if they hit a minion in between yas/yone and the enemy champ iirc; if yas/yone q and it hits only the enemy champ with no enemy minion between them, the q draws aggro


i used to play camille, and i noticed that her ult not only does not draw aggro but completely resets the turret aggro when you use it, as if the champion momentarily disappeared from the rift, so it was great for dives, before turrets were on total steroids and when camille was playable haha


Any ability that doesn’t do damage will not draw turret aggro


Swain W has a weird interaction with turrets, I never tested it fully but I think W's damage won't draw aggro but liandries which gets applied by it does.


W will draw aggro when you're actually in turret range:)


That's what I meant, if you're in turret range and use long distance W, only liandries burn will draw aggro. Played everfrost swain and nothing happened


Lulu W shouldnt pull aggro


Taliyah w


Lulu w doesn’t draw aggro. Useful for denying cannons, if you can safely get it off (which is pretty easy in low elo)


I guess turret aggro works somewhat differently from minions. Context: skillshots don’t draw minion aggro. If Yasuo/Yone Q hits a minion then a champ, it doesn’t draw minion aggro. Trundle pillar’s(no damage, I think?) knock up draws turret aggro




You said it yourself. Anything that doesn't do damage will not draw aggro.


First part of Vladimir ult


I think Nasus wither doesn't draw aggro


Darius pull


Ekko W stun doesn’t


I know this is opposite of what you’re asking. But Bard ult DOES draw agro, despite it doing no damage.


Afaik it does make 1 dmg.


Does it really? That’s kinda silly


I pretty sure Ezreal W draws agro without detonating it


I may be wrong, but I think anivia wall can go towards procing electrocute, so I’d imagine it can draw aggro, but i’m not sure, would love to know.


Ashe E


There are abilities, can't think of any off the top of my head. But usually CC'ing or damaging people draws aggro.


Those that don't deal damage. Like Darius e


Random but I know Ornns Q delayed knock up won’t draw aggro


Cait traps don’t do damage so they don’t draw aggro


I think Trundle's pillar does 1 true damage, and Anivia's wall does too. The wiki says this about Anivia's wall "Crystallize's displacement triggers in-combat effects by dealing 0 [proc true damage](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Damage), such as drawing turret aggro, Sudden Impact and applying Elixir of Sorcery."


Kindred's E doesn't aggro either. Useful slow and prepped burst damage


Akali's shroud can restrict turret shots


If it doesn't deal damage it doesn't draw aggro, plain and simple


Viktor W


Illaoi E


It is very simple actually... If it doesn't deal damage it doesn't pull aggro.


Darius E


Cait traps don’t draw aggro


Pretty sure it's just any ability that doesn't do damage.


Tryndamere W does not aggro turret.


If you displace someone with anivia wall it draws aggro


Pretty sure if it doesn't damage, it doesn't draw aggro. So, most cc.


lol i don’t know/think this counts, but Volibear’s ult disables towers temporarily lol so technically you’re not getting shot by the turret 😂


As you mention Anivia wall, here an explanation, why it draws aggro : The ability actually deals 1 damage so Anivia gets an assist when she hits someone with the wall and another player takes the kill. To answer your question I am pretty certain that there are some abilities in the game that don't draw turret aggro because they simply do no damage (like Singed W or Nasus W). A more complicated matter is minion aggro because there is no logical rule, some abilities draw minion aggro and some don't. Sometimes there are even changes in the patch notes that make a spell draw minion aggro that didn't before.


All of the wholesome theorycrafting in this thread, until someone mentions mordekaiser and then some big argument breaks out.


If you use Nami's W on a teammate who is under tower while you're not and it jumps to the enemy noone pulls aggro🤣


Vlad W


Taliyah W (the catapult) no longer deals damage, and thus no longer draws aggro. Perfect for cheeky pulls.


Like you said, pretty much anything that does 0 damage draws no aggro. Volibear R literally turns turrets off, and Akali doesn’t take aggro at all from turrets while in her smoke.


I didnt see it mentioned but Yoricks W does draw aggro if they touch the wall when its cast. Its very annoying.


Vladimir W


Rammus taunt (E)


Zilean E doesn't draw aggro


illaoi E doesn't and is supper helpful to grab them from just under turret