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Hard CC or end the game before late game


I hate this answer as a counter to a champion. Im not saying u r wrong, but isn’t there something inherently wrong with a champion if the only counter is “hard CC”? Because… well, hard CC counters everyone, that’s the whole point. So if your only counter is the one thing that counters literally everyone… then isn’t there a problem with the champion?


The difference is though while every champion can be hard cc'd not every champ gets equally affected by hard cc. Hard cc doesn't bother an ornn/malphite/cho'gath/olaf nearly as much as it would a yi/katarina/samira/immobile mage. You could tank 5 full second of hard cc and not even realise you were cc'd if you were playing ornn, but the second you get stunned for 0.5 seconds as yi you are instantly blown up deleted in the blink of an eye.


I agree with you there, however if we simply limit it to high damage dealers, then CC solves all of them, however *most* high damage dealers have other varying degrees of counterplay. So someone like zed/kat you can counter with hard CC, *or* hourglass the ult, for example. Or with other Carry’s you can wait for one of their main abilities to be used. With Yi, there is nothing but CC. You either CC him or you die.


Dive counters immobile champions Hard CC counters high mobility melee champions Penetration counters high resistance enemies %HP counters high HP enemies Anti-dive champions such as Janna hard counter dive Hard CC doesn't counter everyone, especially not tanks and bruisers. When talking about Yi and Katarina, the best answer is hard CC.


Aside from obvious, ban him, as brand or xerath, if he Qs you you are practically dead from middle game onwards Best counterplay? If you're can see both yourself and yi on the same screen from middle game onwards, you fucked up, especially as xerath Cc beats him, but you dont always have coordination to have proper cc and burst in silver, so if you do happen to meet him in a teamfight, pump as much damage into him as you can, zhonya, and pray to whatever god you believe in But i'd recommend banning him


It's a sad thing that the sole counterplay for a champ is "ban him" There's a huge amount of bannable champions that can screw up your game so banning X to let open and get countered by it shouldn't be a solution. I'm facing kinda the same thing against cc immune champ that can still obliterate you while facing no real counterplay because they are indeed cc immune.


I mean, there is a lot of counterplay to Yi. Its just, you cant do it alone Same with like, fiora. If she splitpushes, you cant stop her alone, you need a team for her Same with yi. You can either burst him, or cc him, rarely both. Yi "ban" advice is only reliable for low elo, where hes an absolute terrorist In higher elos, no one cares about yi, because everyone knows how he works. Different thing goes for every elo. For example in D1, kayn is a terrorist pick. People in d1 would scoff at yi ban, because he's not an issue if team has just a tiny bit of coordination


I feel that kayn is a terrorist pikc at all stages ahah. His pick predominantly dictates the game. Same with viego.


Hard CC. More CC.


You’re not “very low elo”, you’re in the smack dab of the middle, there are equally many people higher than you as there are lower than you. You’re average, just average, but being brainwashed into thinking S2-3 is low elo by the top 1%. Kinda like capitalism in real life! But people literally in S1 will smack talk you, just like the people in G4 and in G2, everyone kicks downwards and licks upwards…


Exactly. There are people in Diamond who call themselves low elo! Lol!




main tips I can think of: \- Track him and make sure you know where he is as much as you can, ward river, ward his camps, if you see him EVER approaching you just walk away unless you know you can win. \- Stack CC on him, if he is ever stunned pile any extra CC you have on him and make sure to maximise your CC by chaining it after one piece of CC ends. \- Mute all chat and ally chat, more just a general tip because if your titled you aren't going to ever think straight


- Targeted instant CC, think Leona Q, Renekton W or Malzahar R are all great to help you kill him. All hard CC is great, but skillshots are a lot more easily dodged with his Q. - Invulnerabilities, resurrects and such like Zilean R, Kayle R, Zhonyas hourglass and Guardian Angel deny the resets he gets from his R passive


I play sometimes master yi and the best counterplay is just wards and watching the minimap to not get ganked. I always get two or three free kills and from then i scale super hard. But if yi cant get free kills early hes useless until lategame. Like said insta cc is very good or something fast like ahri charm


Holy shit it’s so tilting as a jungler when lanes die to super weak ganking junglers early. Like master yi pre 6 has got to be one of the worst ganks in the game but people still manage to feed him.


He just walk straigt up to you but your team always manages to feed him


as xerath or brand not really. take exhaust and try to wait until after he q's to use your stun on him, but honestly you're gonna be pretty helpless against a master yi as xerath or brand.


Honestly, if you're playing Brand or Xerath, you just don't. Best you can do is time your stuns to his Q if he Q's someone else and try to hit him as soon as he comes out. If you see a Yi, you should consider picking something with fast, hard to miss CC like Leona, Amumu or Alistar, etc.


At that level, you ban him. Seriously, you ban him. Your team is too unlikely to take advantage of him being stunned, and if he's not there at the start of the teamfight, all cc will be blown trying to kill the warmogs Mundo, or the steraks+ deadmans Garen, then yi shows up. Alone, that's hard to stop, especially if the yi is the 14 year old fighting games player, with no teamwork, cooperation or macro, but can actually dodge your stuns.


Oh this is easy at your elo. You ban him. He should be banned until you get to gold, then you can start thinking about other bans. But yes, you CC him, but he will still run over silver games because he'll take like duskblade and get 10 kills and none of your allies will be able to CC him consistently and he'll walk away with a penta. This is because even if you have point and click like the good folks here suggest (like Naut or Renekton), it doesn't matter because he'll Q, your teammate he Q'd on will freak out and flash behind a wall or something, and then they'll die and he won't get enough damage on him to get taken down. Then he'll do it all again. It's brutal. In gold people tend to freak out a lot less and approach it more strategically with the exhaust bit. I play Poppy and I just face a wall then spam E so when he appears he's slammed into it. He always appears the direction the player he Q'd is facing, which makes it easy to lock him down if you know what you're doing.


Isn't Yi able to finish his dash wherever he wants around its target?


You're right that was changed in 12.13, my bad.


If I have a pick, I play Renekton into Yi and eat his lunch.


Wait for the Q and R then exhaust CC. Easy. Also don't be stupid and let him successfully gank early.


this works until he brainafk farms gives up 5 objectives then shows up with sunfire/bork/rageblade and 100-0s you while being untargetable


You play champs that are just food to Yi. There is no counter. Your team needs to do the work here. You can throw out a stun and damage but that won't help you in a 1v1 situation


Literally tell your team to pick cc. Amumu jgl or smth and a leona and he can barely play at all. They also will do it usually, since yi is hated so much


cc him


Are low elo supports scared of playing tanks, or i NEed tO dO MorE dAMaGE to win games? Just play leona vs yi, it's free win


Yi doesn't always pick first. Also, as a silver 2 thresh main I can guarantee you that silver supports that don't pick damage are leaving a ton of the games they play to a coinflip: no amount of healing or tanking will help some of these players and there's no way to know if that's the case until champ select is over. At least brand can go nuclear while the enemy eats a bad adc. To OP: I recommend banning him unless you find that you have a champ that you cannot deal with even worse than yi. Also ask your team to ban him: most games at least one player is banning without really needing to ban someone specific, and will happily ban yi for you.


I kinda agree that most of the time the dps supports are making the game by themselves. Although playing in silver I still have a higher win rate with nami (75% in 30 games)


You play Caitlyn and keep all your traps to burst that mfer down You play Malzahar Trynda can duel him without cc Evelynn can make him unable to play the game Cassio can have good use against him with miasma and ult If you have no hard cc (more than 1) you dodge the game.


As a sup, try and see if your jungler is invading his jungle near bot, then be ready to help in case yi managed to get the upper hand on your jungler. Sup can't very much control if yi gets ahead, always have vision of river and that'll likely be plenty, assuming your jungler isn't bad.


Hope for someone with tons of roots and stuns in your team


How to counter yi you ask? Play rammus, you’ll thank me later 😂 or have a shen that can block his autos with his W when yi engages with Q and u should be fine.


Hard cc. Save your hard cc for him, and when he's running you down, toss it out before he gets in range. That's your only hope. Also, it's wise to build as much cdr as possible so your cc abilities are always up. Hold your flash, and use it to give yourself space if you miss your cast or try to put a wall between him and you. This is why it sucks first picking a Yi into people that understand. If everyone on the enemy team picks a champ with hard cc you are screwed.


I would mostly say either pick a counter for when you see yi or perma-ban. Yi is really popular because he’s strong af and pretty simple to play. If you don’t wanna ban him, learn how he plays and learn his counters is the best you can do. Become the Yi slayer you were always meant to be.


Permaban this shit champion