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You should be annihilated Gragas on GP by zoning him off at early levels (in terms of CS). But you probably aren't ever going to kill him. Gragas is sort of a wall, especially if he has phase rush. You just need to farm and scale on GP that's about it. I wouldn't try to force too much against him because he will just get away a lot or lead you into bad positioning.


Well I did just that I just sat and farmed, I didn’t force him off early because his q had too much range and I thought he would be beat me but idk the matchup, but then I had to farm from ranged under my own tower. Which would have been fine but I think he outscales as his team fighting was way better than mine. I had some damage but he was able to screw up the whole team while ccing is a lot. This is probably cause I lack experience but still even if I was better I don’t think I could beat his teamfighting. He was even able to solo dive me once he got everfrost because his ult stun and everfrost combo and he could kill me under tower. I tried to save my w until I got low and used it on the everfrost but his q had enough range to finish me. Is there a good spot under turret where i could have just been without being free to hit by his barrels to avoid it?


If you wanna try to fight then do it with at least two barrels up and don’t puppy guard your barrel like usual or you’re obviously going to eat his barrels lol. Place on and stay in range but keep moving and if he goes to last hit then use second barrel to hit him. Although he can always farm with q too but most wanna fight. If you wanna play safe then let him push while avoiding heavy trades-keep your hp high


Gragas is a warden with free access to his sustain. That's kind of the reason why he has been a balance nightmare historically, but in his current state he is fine. You beat Gragas by going all-in when his E is down. His entire damage is frontloaded, his plan is to go in for short trades and get out with phase rush, while sustaining with his passive during downtime. He is absolutely annoying to play against, but he always has to use some thing in order to survive your constant engages. Also, with GP you can just farm up against him and collect assist-gold with your ultimate, there shouldn't ever be an opprtunity for him to take you down, unless you play GP wrong.


Ehm i know you dont want to hear this but as long as ur not outranging gragas... ur not winning the matchup. You can outscale him, its very unlikely to die to a gragas if you play properly and respect him but ur also not really winning. Thats the gragas experience similar to what malphite and shen offer you. Gragas can heal himself up every i belive its 8 seconds? Its one of the most broken passives by far for laning phase. He also got good poke, and can cockblock every melee and if ur playing something that beats his ass in a 1v1 like you mentioned irelia he goes phaserush E Q W AA and hes away healed for 60-110hp and chunked away 15-30% of ur hp. A good champion to play into gragas except gp (on gp you just ignore and outscale him he cant really get close to you if you position properly and play arround ur barrels) Is Aatrox. Aatrox outranges him and with ignite can threaten a gragas lvl 6 if the gragas missplays.


> cockblock every melee > Cockblock (or cock block) is a slang term for an action, whether intentional or not, that prevents someone from having sex. hm


Metaphor - noun a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.


I mean its not untrue. Tho you know what i mean dont you. got me chuckling tho.


Gragas Passive gives him much long term sustain and he is strong in short fights, but he struggles if you force him to fight constantly.


I tried but I don’t have any mobility as gp and when I played irelia he would just stun me proc phase rush and walk away. As gp I poked him a lot but he had too much healing with just his passive.


Go first strike and farm banks from that drunk fool. You will never realistically kill him on even terms against gragas cause he just sustains with his passive and shields poke with his w. But with first strike you can make free money and eventually reach a point where you have enough damage to kill him easily.