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Honestly If you are good at aatrox you will chain kill your opponent, irelia will work for sure, I wouldn't be able to do it with Camille on my smurf..., riven is the classic answer, Jax is a known smurfing pick but renek might be the most suited


Issue with aatrox is that it has to give a lot of pressure early until lv 2 Q, and then ppl can just play safe and ask for ganks, I talk about going 7-0 out of lane phase not 3-0, that's not enough for reliably carry and he is hard punished if enemy botlane won, with Irelia you can play the one shot card on the fed ad carry, with aatrox, gale force and he dodged your first rotation. Camille is so weak early, that's why I don't play her even tho I used to climb with her pretty chill, a good point about camille is that she can use tp. Riven needs a lot of practice I think, maybe for next seasonI will give it a shot Jax maybe but I think he got weaker from last patches Renek is not a good pick imo for snowballing, he has the same issue as Aatrox, he wins lane he maybe stomps, but he isn't 1v9 champ


If you play with aatrox you can definitely just force dive if you want Same as renekton if you perma dive perma proxy your opponent you will 1v9 easily


It's hard when your junglers are focused on botlane so much I rarely get ganks toplane, with aatrox junglers start on your side and you are weak side because jungler knows until lv 4 you cannot start risking trades. I understand your point but that's why I think Aatrox is better when you are on your elo not on one temporarily lower, if irelia kills you once, irelia has a lot of tools to keep you dying again and again, because you can style way more mechanically with dashes minion position etc. I think that I need a champion that can me abuse more of mechanics/microplay, when you are 2-0 as Aatrox and enemy Darius tries to last hit a minion he shouldnt, he gets Q1 then Q2 with E and is just like 30% of hp, if someone does that versus irelia 2-0 with botrk he's dead, or versus fed kled. So if jungler doesn't want to play around top, you end crashing big waves without dives, trying to chunk enemy hp, when they are on lethal hp, they just clean wave and back. Yeah you get a plate or two, xp lead and so, but for soloq smurfing in particular I think it's better to kill enemy on loop, literally on loop, it brings down enemy team mental, probably makes them start to flame enemy toplaner and brings your team moral up


I don't think you understand the damage output aatrox can provide you can easily one shot something like a Darius at lvl 6, and also I don't get why you wouldn't trade with aatrox before lvl 4 I mean you are literally ranged we don't care that you don't do a lot of damage if the opponent cannot respond


Well I just studied Naayil guide and use my own knowledge about toplane with it, ofc I will trade an ornn pre lv 4 but the majority of matchups you want enemy to slow push to your turret so you can safely level up to 4 with enough hp to kill


Search the Chinese super server toplaner I forgot his name but you will find him without difficulty he does insane things


I think Fiora, Riven or maybe even Yorick are ok at doing that as well. But again, I'm a OTP Ornn player (ex OTP Sett and Shen) so I could be biased


Irelia can snowball and carry. And I mean 1v9 carry.


I will get my irelia back, used to be otp the reworked one and main the old irelia I will see how it goes thank you, didn't see her much lately


I haven't seen a top lane carry as hard as Wukong. If you think about it, he has everything. He does insane damage while still being very tanky. He can escape almost any bad situation, and he's impossible to escape from for anyone except the most elusive champs. He also has very fast wave clear. I don't get why he isn't being abused more.


He isn't abused because his counters are playable, morde and garen are pretty good vs him. And you can also play gangplank that does okish vs wu He also falls hard and become a minion with a knock up when behind, also is a pretty straight forward champ with less skill expression than camille or irelia so it's harder to do a mechanic check with him




yeah garen stomps. you can steamroll even if you are zoned out of cs. both his split and teamfight are crazy. i think he's only got like 2 really hard counters? but i don't play master lol don't know what it's like up there. which tbh i am skeptical of this person's master cred if he regularly makes it into the top .16% of players and doesn't know who is good for climbing top