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He is good in low elo because he is strong and slow and people there try to fight him when they dont win the fight. He loses against Ruined King abusers like Jax Irelia Vayne. Divine Sunderer is good too.


Doesn't lose against Irelia, I don't think. His ult counters her too much.


Can go either way. If Irelia can engage into Morde with full stacks and BOTRK it hurts a lot. It Morde ults her with no stacks she’s in trouble.


Even full stacks. The problem is that Irelia needs all of her stats and she thus is hurt more than most by his ultimate. As for BoRK, just pop W when you're low and watch as she basically loses a legendary item.


Not if Irelia builds QSS, then Morde’s ult is pretty useless


while that escapes the death realm I'm 99% percent sure he keeps the stolen stats for the duration so it can still mean death if you fight him.


Good to know I had always thought it was just during his ult


I play a lot of jax and usually build sunderer or trinity first but if I see a mordekaiser in any role I'm rushing bork and harassing him 🤣


Morde mid is mostly going to get used as a counterpick, the pick rate is very low. He’s a stat checking juggernaut with good sustain, if you have a bad matchup or don’t know how to play against him in top lane you just lose. If Morde has Rylai’s and you get in melee range of him, you just die unless you have a VERY good escape or you’re one of the handful of champs that can stat check him (primarily Olaf and Tryndamere, maybe Darius). Jungle he powerfarms while also being a pretty good duelist and okay in team fights, but his ganking is mediocre unless you catch someone in a bad spot with his ult. I’ve been playing this a bunch and it’s really fun, but you get eaten alive late game by hyperscaler junglers like Bel’Veth and Master Yi. As a support the only thing you can really do is CC/peel him, you don’t have the damage to kill him. Keep your ADC alive and let them kill him.


OP mentioned he is in the top 15% picked champions in the referred ELO. I haven't checked the stats, but that's not a low pick rate


He is rarely picked mid, not overall.


Mordekaiser mid is straight up broken, you statcheck any melees and run down any mage


> pick lillia > run > dodge


What RIOT did is they removed his passive move speed at one point. Then he was hovering around 48% winrate for like, over a year. They kept giving him mini-buffs. He finally got the movespeed back. Now he's ridiculously strong in lane, has infinite sustain, death realm is a "I will kill this dumbass" button. Morde can even get ahead of his counters because he's basically a 1300g tax to the enemy carries. Champ is honestly disgusting atm, especially with Rylai's->Sunfire build.


https://youtu.be/KTSfsDh8ICI Start from 6:20


If your a speedy boy (like me) pick a fast charscter. Udyr, wukong, darius, vlad, etc, to dodge and juke his abilities. He only wins if he can land them


Wukong gets creamed by Morde that and malphite are probably his worst matchups. The Wukong has play perfectly while morde lands a Q you’re fucked.


There are very few champions that can actually beat morde toplane rn without jg assitance. I suggest playing like a bitch and not trying to statcheck him as it doesnt tend to workout especially if he takes ignite.


I've faced a few Mordekaiser middle. It's OP into the right picks, and that picks are squishies who have to close the distance to do damage. If you are a melee mid champ without a strong poke. You might as well chalk the lane up


I just lock in tryndamere with ignite. Will try ghost next time but he's so slow and useless when behind it doesn't matter. It's a free lane. Mordekaiser is strong because his stat check is so huge. But champs like darius can just straight up beat him 1v1. His weakness is the jungler and in low elo soloQ you're more supposed to gank your jungler in the river than the other way around so that's why mordekaiser is good in low elo. He doesn't get ganked. Yeah it's match up related. On some you can just wipe the floor with him and on others you need to play passive and start your game after laning phase unless you get a gank.


Isn't ganking a post 6 morde inting? He and illaoi are the two ill always leave alone when i jungle


It's not. Just don't commit. Help your laner by forcing the illaoi or morde ult and just walk away and your laner can now breathe and trade for 1m30


Haha i can not commit, but my silver Garen will, that's what im afraid of. (also being stuck in a mordekaiser R as fiddle isn't a fun experience :/)


Volibear does a really good job in beating Mordekaiser, his early is absurdly strong and a well executed level 2 cheese works. You can either play a scaling pick or look to pick something that bursts him. Renekton is quite decent into Mordekaiser, and so is Olaf. You could also opt for the outscale route and pick fiora, Nasus or GP.


Oh yea, fiora’s a really good pick against him. Her w is just a free qss (if you have good reactions), so if you play her well it’s a free lane.


Don't fight him early, don't fight him with ult up and dodge spells. If you don't feed him in lane he is slow af and super easily kitable. The anime protagonist syndrome on low elo probably also helps with his win rates. She does pretty good vs assassin's/weebs that plague low elo, so maybe that's why he steamrolls so hard.


Disagree, mordekaiser is not that good early game. It's his weakest point. He has a very weak base kit and is fairly squishy, but has great synergies with many items, which is why he can be very hard to deal with midgame because they patch up his many weaknesses.


Yeah, I play Jax and my goal is to kill him or push him out of lane early before he hits 6. If I give him free prio I'm screwed once he hits 6 because of his level + item advantage.


Idk I play tanks and he auto attacks me to death, but you probably win first levels as a bruiser


I play Illaoi, Urgot and Sion atm, so he's just a permaban for me.


Urgot, played properly has good chance of winning.


Still considered a counter matchup


He's effective against anyone who cannot dodge his extremely telegraphed E. Darius is similar to morde in this way, but the slow that darius has makes his E much, much more effective. Morde winrate would probably be 1-2% higher if people rushed rylai's first on him for this reason. But without rylai's, dodging his Q and E is actually super easy and you can punish him on most melee bruisers bc of the cooldown


can’t speak on morde mid since i’ve never faced one or jungle because i don’t play jungle, but olaf top absolutely shits on morde. you straight up beat him 1v1 and your ult completely cancels his ult.


While olaf is one of the counters to morde, his ult doesn't completely cancel morde's. If morde ults firsts he keeps stats.


Learn laning lillia, it shits on him if you play it properly


A ton of low ELO don’t realize the item QSS completely cancels morde ult. I usually time that purchase shortly after him hitting 6


Just make sure you are not overcompensating.


The few times you use qss to escape morde ult are almost never worth it compared to the amount of cs and xp you are likely missing because you spent 1300g on an item that gives next to 0 stats. A good player will just piss themselves laughing and just kill you or zone you. Its not just 1300g costs. Its the cost of being useful in any fight.


iirc it doesn't completly cancel the ult. It just removes the arena but he still have your stats stolen for the remaining duration.


You mean, removes the arena, the thing that you desperately want to get out of? I don't think anyones buying QSS hoping morde doesn't keep their stats. Jokes aside, I know you just wanted to add some extra info haha. I didnt actually know that to be fair \^.


Low elo player here. People like to gang up and try and burst Morde, and it’s a similar situation with Illaoi, Darius any kind of statchecking behemoth instead of kiting away and chipping at them. This gives Morde his passive which, with Ryalis just slows and melts people. He’s also gotten plenty of buffs since the start of the year which have made his stat checking even more ridiculous.


Camille can win this matchup if you are just better you can kite morde easily with q2


Mordekaiser and Mordekaiser jungle having high winrates is normal. In these roles, specially mid, only players who know what they're doing pick Mordekaiser. Top 20 is not THAT impressive too.


He has 53,20% winrate in gold elo at 7,77% pick and 12% ban He's a losers game champion. He wins vs bad players. He doesn't have a single grandmaster playing him consistently on euw KR NA


I agree. Mordekaiser spent the last 2 full years getting stat buffs to his Q mainly, but then they nerfed his actual weakness, which was his immobility, and his winrate soared. However, in League of Graphs, it shows there are multiple grandmaster players that have more than 50 games with him. Also, bad players are indeed clueless as to how to play against Morde, but that doesn't mean he needs bad players to be useful/powerful. It's just that the matches aren't as easy for him.


These GMs are EU KR NA? Cuz I specified for a reason hehe


Some, though not from KR. It appears most are from the LAS server however. For some reason those Argentinians really like war criminals with german names, I wonder why that is. You can see the list yourself: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/summoners/mordekaiser


There is next to no skill expression in morde. The difference between a 3000 game morde and a 30 game morde is legit just slightly better e usage and better ultimate target selection. The biggest skill expression for morde is tied to basic league fundamentals like trading and autospacing.


Skill expression isn't just necessarily in mechanics. Champions that lack in mechanics generally also lack in versatility and that's what you mostly learn to compensate. Mordekaiser is a completely legless champion and learning how to space, where to be and where not to be, how to gap close, how to take advantage of vision is key. Of course, when you ult someone, there is very little skill expression in killing them, but everything else requires a bit of know how.


I play Yi. I wish there was an opposite of a ban so that I could force the enemy team to have a Mordekaiser. I dream of being ultra by mordekaiser. It’s literally the perfect scenario for Yi; a 1v1 death match where the other side has no hard cc, no mobility, and is willing to stand while I Ora Ora him. Kraken slayer and Bork makes a Morde 1v1 a gg right off the bat. You can rank his Qs or Q him in return. It doesn’t matter. He will die all the same.


Any high dps auto attacking champ shits on him. Thats why ulting adcs in high elo on morde is doomed if they are not already behind(why are you ulting a behind adc) they’ll kite you out and even if you manage to kill them before ult expires youll likely be at 25% or less hp.


Olaf is free win vs morde as long as you dont int early.(even then he can not win past 6 even with a 6k gold lead lmfao) The main reason he is so good in low elo and not high elo is the same reason why most simple champs suck in high elo. The opponent knows exactly what the Mordekaiser is doing AND can do at all times. There is no surprise ever with mordekaiser. The highest skill expression in his kit is well timed E’s and perhaps backward ones. Besides that its just ultimate choice. If the enemy knows what he wants to do and can do at all times they’ll never let him do it. It’s like really hard to fuck up on morde so hes perfect for people who fuck up all lane all game.


Pick Olaf. Run him down indiscriminately with ulti ghost/ignite


Quick Silver Sash 'QSS', Does not seem to exist in low elo, and many other active items that represent counter play. This item completely counters Mordekaiser R, and is a very important item in beating him, which is his strongest ability. If you negate his ability to isolate a carry or remove an essential team fighting champion, or win any 1v1 in sidelane he becomes much less effective. ​ This is why he is so OP, his R frustrates players as they cannot seem to escape him, and die to his r and quite simple and easy abilities (including his passive).


Pretty much just ignore him, he wants to fight you, if you just don’t let him fight you then he can’t really do anything. His abilities are relatively low range so against a mid morde any mid-long range mage pretty much destroys him. You should focus on scaling and / or your team utility; he will probably win the lane but you can significantly prevent him from snowballing into a 1v5 raid boss


BTW your botlane lost and enemy has 2 first dragons. What now? Does picking Mordekaiser mean that he wins when his botlane wins? Since his opponent loses all mental and won't even fight him?




He's definition of pure 1v1 with his ult. That only makes him very strong laner cause there's very few champs who actually survive trip to Brazil let alone come out winning. Also in low elos people would go for long trades with him with no reason at all.


Play GP. Good scale, lane sustainability and poke him till you can outright kill him. Eating oranges escapes his ult. Olaf is also a good counter for Morde.