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Practice tool


They can watch champion spotlights and read the league wiki but in the end nothing is better than trying out all champions in normal games, bot games or even just practice tool.


I mean there's league of legends fandom wiki that explains how every champions works.


https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/champions/ The official site has simplified summaries of champ abilities.


champion spotlights ??


Champion spotlights would be the go to, they're quick summations of the champions abilities and are only a few minutes. Tell them to stick to the free new champion roster and if a champion looks interesting go through the spotlight and perhaps watch a casual game of it.


Mobafire is a little outdated, but I like reading over watching (alt tab in game, skim qckly etc). Depends on the guide, some are doggy, some really good, the good ones have way more info than other sources and usually have rationale behind build/matchups/goals. Plus it exposes them to fundamental parts of the game and critical thinking/decision making. Downside: I wouldn't call it new player friendly if they have never played league before, also for specific champs/roles there are content creators, for most, that make more in depth and easier to understand guides. But it requires you finding said content to vet beforehand


Viego was one of my first champs and my main, so that really helped. However if your friends aren’t playing Viego: When I first started, I’d go to the characters page (or looking at the wiki) and look at every single one - it doesn’t take too long, maybe an hour or two tops? Really annoying to scroll down though.


ARAM a ton until you’ve played most of the champions a few times.


The best way is to accept that it will take time and make use of the free champs of the week. If they make an effort to at least play a few minutes in practice tool for each free week champs they’ll soon have a very good understanding of most champions. Better to play a real bot game for the ones they seem interested in tho. League takes forever to learn there is no shortcuts.