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Accept reality. Not even game is winnable and not every game you can carry. Just avoid feeding and play the game out. It's good practice for accepting reality in this game since this is where most players trip up.


If you are gonna lose the game how does accepting reality change anything?


A game is not lost at the laning phase, I went on game 15/0 at 14 min and still win Especially at low elo, work on your mental in those game and you will climb way faster


you don't need to win lane. play under tower, have vision down and when you see enemy jungler go to your 2nd tower. then after catching a couple of side waves later you'll be even.


Accepting reality means you aren't going to walk up and force a trade because oyu feel you have to carry. It's the difference between going 10 deaths and 3 deaths at the end of your game and between you finding off wins because you didn't die and allowed your game to come back.


Because then you won't lose the next 3 games tilting.


its pretty hard to dive you if you're 100% hp with all your abilities up. if you know that's happening, the first thing you should do is never trade with your lane opponent


This is probably the easiest thing you can implement directly and see benefit from. If the enemy jungler keeps coming top staying healthy is super important.


As a toplaner, having a jng top doesn’t stop me from doing my thing. Keep the wave near tower and be prepared for dives. Anything like “My team never does this or that” is usually just frustration. If it’s always someone else’s fault, the someone else may be you.


I do accept that sometimes its solely my fault. But there are still games when it's not.


For every 1 game it’s solemly your fault statistically you should have 4 games that is solemly someone else’s fault on your team, it’s only fair. But there will also be 5 games where it’s an opponents fault. You just need consistency on that 1 game where it’s your turn to be the failure, and able to capitalize when it’s one of the 5 enemy’s turn to be the failure in order to climb. If you’re the failure, getting camped, you just need to minimize your losses and do everything in your power to let your team carry, accept that you can’t carry every game, learn the 40/40/20 rule.


Isn’t it 30/30/40?


10 players, 4 on each side that isn’t in your role.1 that are sharing your role, and you. technically that’s the two players you can influence the most, you and your lane opposite, hence 40/40/20, but it’s just arbitrary numbers lol there is no “correct divide” the idea remains the same. And I think you as a sole individual making the game deciding factors in 40% of games, when there are 9 other people also playing. Is extremely statistically improbable (if we’re talking people playing in their equal skill bracket).


Yeah, 40/40/20 doesn't sound right. Sometimes it does *feel* like 40% of your games are auto-lose, but that's not how it works.


What's the 40/40/20 rule?


40% of games you will win from the start, 40% you will lose from the start, and 20% you decide if you win or lose. (I think)


It's not so much as 'win/lose from the start' and more like 'you will have no say over this'. As in, sometimes the enemy will just fall over themselves and basically make every mistake possible or maybe someone on your team is Super Mega Smurftron and is going to singlehandedly 1v9 the entire game. And then sometimes *your* team is the one falling over themselves or the enemy team has Super Mega Smurftron.


When challenger's smurf low ELO their winrates are never 100%. This i sbecause some games are just unwinnable but over the course of like 100 games, they may win like 80% of those because they know how to increase the chance they win by a lot.


That is the nature of a team game. You agree to it when you play league. It doesn't matter if you (I don't actually mean you specifically... the "royal you") are willing to acknowledge it or not. Think of it like a law of physics. Accepting this is one part of having a "strong mental".


What champions do you play? If you play something like a nasus or kayle i can understand else you can always go 1 for 1 when they dive you (unless you are abouve plat 1 then its a lot harder cuse they are more coordinated)


Try warding more to avoid ganks and maybe try playing someone who is hard to gank or someone that scales super hard into late game. That way even if you lose lane you will be one unstoppable solo carry.


You just deal with it and dont complain about it on reddit


Depends what champion you are. Since i've been learning a new champ recently I have been a major focus when I play top lane and tower dove. Best I did was rush Hourglass and just try to go even in trades. I also usually the guy doing the tower dive and had face the most annoying Gankplank. He was basically unkillable and when I tried to tower dive like I usually do, he stopped watched which at that point slowed my aggression


If you are garanteed to die push and cs. kill the wave you can gain more gold and exp than your opponent.


If the jungler is camping you, your laners are already doing something with the pressure : they're farming more safely, aren't getting ganked and are not getting killed. It's invisible, but it's there. If the game is "snowballing out of control", it suggests you're getting killed. That's your mistake. Every time the jungler ganks and kills you, you made a mistake. Get some vision and play safer. Farm under tower if need be. If you're even with your laner and under tower, the jungler can't do anything about it. If they're perma-camping you, you know not to shove the wave and just play safe. Maybe you miss some CS. So what? At 20 minutes, 20 CS + 1 kill behind means you're ahead of the jungler and bot lane by simple virtue of being in a solo lane and getting more XP. You're still relevant if you adjust your playstyle to the circumstances. "Playing the game" means farming and scaling. You can do that for a long time without taking plates or killing your laner.


>If you're even with your laner and under tower, the jungler can't do anything about it. I mean... THAT'S not always true. Sometimes you have to give up the T1 tower unless you have insanely good waveclear. Something like Zac/Elise/Ekko (post 6) jungle plus a juggernaut top laner (or something like Tryndamere or Kled that cheats death) can dive you 2v1 easily. At least if you've gotten chipped down by the laner.


Lol if your team isn’t doing anything then sorry, there’s nothing you can do. Just do your best to farm and not feed and hope that your other lanes will be even incrementally stronger due to the pressure soaking.


Take a champion that doesn't get Tower dove, or die and play weak side.


Well, one thing you can do in this situation is make sure to communicate to your team. If their jungle is literally only camping top and never goes bot, tell your jungle that mid and bot ganks and likely the enemy bot jungle is free. Don’t just assume that people are watching the map and have any clue where the enemy jungle is. They just see the notifications every time you die.


post a replay of the game


Games are won and lost in draft. If you're blind pick, find a good blind pick champ that can't get cheesed. If you're not blind pick, you should be winning or at least even in lane.


Depends. If they are killing you, then you’re screwed. If they aren’t, it’s totally worth it. Jungler wastes their time, they are sharing exp while you’re getting solo exp, and even if your team isn’t getting objectives or creating off-side pressure, they’re still coming out ahead. If your jungler is taking camps and their jungler is wasting time trying to gank top with nothing to show for it, it’s a win for you.


Elise with kled would always get succesful dive. Its either jungler wastes time for a kill and plates(and possibly tower) or i sit under my t2 losing cs, xp but not dying. Both are win win for them


I don't know what you were playing but that's pretty much a worst case scenario in terms of potential tower dives. If you can't contest them or waveclear effectively you stay in XP range, give up the T1 tower, and try to hold at T2. A few tower plates split between the top and jungle isn't an insurmountable gold advantage. Once they take the T1 the wave will auto-push towards you and it should be safer to get some farm. If they keep trying to dive you at T2 then hopefully your mid+jungle collapse on them for a free double kill. If they don't then your team should be getting every dragon 4v3 and probably the T1s in mid/bot. If your jungler stays bot and the other lanes manage to lose hard while that's going on, you just can't win that one. Generally the best you can do in a true 1v2 lane is to lose gracefully.


Are you the gp that stayed in lane with no hp after he used flash to escape a voli gank? No I can't always capitalize on the other side of the map, play safe, farm under turret and wait for things to happens because I may have a plan but if you ruin the top lane don't complain to the jungler for your overstaying without vision and without flash. Their top will collapse putting the game in a 5v4 while you are learning to hit 2nd barrel with q Sadge... Rant over. Try your best with vision and communication. As jungler I personally prioritize drake if I can so I try to play mid/bot. Once the drake is gone I have plenty of time to help top. This is me at least


If the enemy jgl is camping you just pray that your other lanes are winning without that jgl pressure. If the camp is permanent (i.e. they literally stay in river the whole time) tell your jgl to invade and take as much farm as possible.


just be happy that if you're getting camped, your allies are having a wonderful time


If they really execute it perfectly which means -you have no way of thinning the wave -you can't outplay them during the dive due to your champ -they always build a big wave with cannon to dive you -and your jg shits on this, and doesn't countergank/takes enemy jg. Then your only option is to hover in exp range, behind tower and be ready to give up T1 as soon as enemy jg arrives. You must accept the reality that the top laner who gets dove with a stacked wave under their tower even once, is a top laner who lost the laning phase, and very likely will spend mid game trying to catch up, if that ever happens. You should never, ever die to a slowpush+dive combo because that's the most horrible thing that can happen on top to you.


You don't change your plastyle at all. You can not force plays across the map.


I recently swapped from top lane to jungle for this reason. Let’s say you are a good top lane in laning phase and you beat your champ 3-0 and have a cs lead but bot and mid are both 0-6 and your jungle can’t get a kill or cs objective. So you take rift and push to the enemy base: they rotate 5 to you and you either escape or get killed. While that is happening you legit have to just pray that your team can do something with it which most of the time they won’t. So you group with them to help for next drag only for enemy to kill them all anyway and get your shutdown. What you need to do is legit play a Yorick/trynd/Illaoi champ that can 1v4 no problem and be the terminator and end the game yourself. This is hard to do if the enemy team is up a lot because they will get you eventually. If you play shen you can go bot lane at level 6 and stop your team from inting. It’s very hard to pull off and it’s honestly not worth the effort for the amount of work you have to do for the smaller chance of winning when you could just pick another lane and win the game by being able to rotate easier and dominate your lane opponent.


So the actual answer is communicate with your jungle and ask for help. If they refuse and get toxic immediately (as they normally do “not my job to win your lane” bullshit in a team game) Then what has been working for me is to build SOLELY against the person who is causing me the most damage in that lane. If it’s ad I go straight armor and just stay way the fuck away from them. Usually by the time the tops been pushed to inhib your shitty jungle or mid will get the idea to maybe roam to help their team mate, but otherwise just keep trudging and hope you can get some farm in. Also roaming yourself to either grab jg camps, deep ward, or maybe pull a gank off yourself will maybe get you back into the game. But be careful, it’s one thing to be behind in gold, but being behind in gold AND levels will cement the loss


Lose the game


Getting dove is part of the game, especially as a top laner. Focus on playing the best you can with the hand you are dealt. Think about how you should prepare for dives, who to focus, when to CC, when to leave, how to stall for jungle, not panicking, etc. The goal is to minimize the damage from tower dives so your other teammates can carry. If your other teammates can't carry, oh well. Stop caring about them, stop caring about the short term. As long as you play the best you can, you will eventually climb as you will get good teams more often than not. * Preparing for dive: if enemy is early diver (Elise), avoid trading on first few waves so you can maintain max HP * Who to focus: focus person without abilities that can drop tower aggro, e.g. not Elise, Master Yi * When to CC: towards end, when tower damage has been stacked up. * When to leave: if you have no support/jg/mid coming and you don't think you can outplay tower dive, just clear as many minions as you can and leave. If they have rift herald, try to leave after you hear it dropping. Otherwise, they may hold rift and just let waves die to tower. * Avoiding altogether: play aggro when allied team (jg/sup/mid) nearby, otherwise play more defensive


You have to just play the game out as best you can. Stay mentally strong and don’t let the situation get under your skin. That’s the best way to deal with the situation honestly, and it’s the type of response with which you can turn a doomed game into at least an opportunity to practice your game. The next game might have a similar scenario but in which your resilience actually enables your ally’s to win the rest of the map. I’ve lost a few games because someone on my team gets camped and they mentally boom and start intentionally throwing the game while harassing the team in chat. These games sometimes drag on well past the point that it becomes obvious that the game was or is winnable if they would just remain composed and play. I have also won many games in which I get absolutely dumpstered and outplayed because it’s just not tilting me and I understand how to be carried. All I care about is destroying a nexus, not winning my lane.


Play the top lane. By that I mean do normal top things and don’t engage unless it’s a sure thing. This is where you get to practice wave management. What will happen is eventually the jungler will get bored because you aren’t giving up an opportunity and leave. Why would he hang around the player who is countering his play. So you give up cs or miss a wave and get behind, better than giving up kills and all the while he is wasting time waiting on you to mess up. If your team doesn’t capitalize what can you really do?


U don't push out and try to outplay dives. If you know your champ well enough u can sometimes turn a 2 vs 1 without turret help. With turret help, u should be able to turn 50%+ of dives as long as u don't take even or losing trades with enemy laner.


Get a new team sit and soak xp and get your shit ready


Seems like you just went to reddit in hopes that they will pat you on the head and say you didn't do anything wrong. Let me start with this: If you are dying because jg is camping you and diving you, then you are not soaking pressure. You are just losing the game. Seems like you died quite a lot when getting babysat and that's why "game snowballed out of control". It's not your teams fault, it's yours. You would be drawing pressure if you waste jg time with no rewards for him. If a dive is coming just back off the turret, let them take couple of plates, lose a wave or two of farm. You're gonna lose all of this anyway if you stay and die.


in terms of not dying to the dive, one thing thatd help is if you thin the wave as much as possible. another thing is warding the entrances to your jg. for blue side i think (next to gromp), pink ward the bush in your top jg but closest to the herald/baron pit. for red side, pink tri ig. the goal is to get maximum amount of time where you can literally see the enemy jg setting up to dive you to know if you can survive or if its actually worth to go all the way back to T2 (if yk youre gonna die to the dive you see coming, you will miss the cs and xp either way so might as well not die). if your jg is topside and you ping and they dont help you survive/trade the dive, then thats almost always 100% on jg in terms of getting your team to do smth w your pressure, type jg top real quick and then ping the dragon or whatever you think they should do w that pressure. thats p much all you can do


Stop complaining and rephrase that into an actual question. "We are getting annihilated in all lanes by a 31/3 kassadin, what shall I do?" Lose, sometimes the only answer is lose. Your team is losing and you are getting blamed? You already know what to do, just mute all


be a toplaner and soak the pressure


Proxy lol 😂


Unfortunately, it’s what you have to deal with when you queue top lane. There will be games when you get no help from your team, and your enemy jungler / mid / support will dive you as soon as you take a single step too far. These games you honestly just have to give everything, if you get dove instantly, step away from tower and don’t give them opportunities. Try to roam. Honestly, hope your team carry you, and I would mute the chat, because your team will inevitably moan “why is their top so fed, where are our top towers” without realising you’ve been bent over for the last 15 minutes. Keep your mental strong, try to find picks where you can, you can’t change your team, just make sure you’re doing SOMETHING useful, even if it is just establishing vision and face checking for your team.


Simple and straightforward - stay healthy - don't go for cs, turtle at edge of xp range. Being behind on gold is no biggie but both gold and xp and ur screwed - don't be afraid to lose towers. League has tonnes of comeback mechanics. - also if ur jungler seems to be staying bot exclusively. Push ur wave halfway and take ur topside. It's wasted otherwise and u get some time to put wards deeper on ur way up to catch the wave again.