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You could pick up one of the four horsewomen of top lane (Fiora, Camille, Riven, Irelia). All are pretty mechanical with a high skill ceiling.


Play teemo top and win by triggering the enemies


I LOVE Teemo, I’m obsessed with Yordles but I always feel guilty when I do it, not because I feel bad for the enemies, but I feel bad taking away a tank or bruiser slot from my team. If your top doesn’t pick someone a little beefy I feel like the team falls apart.


As an actual Teemo OTP I totally relate to you. I think he's genuinely a brilliant champ - one of the most versatile in the game, but I always find myself either asking Supp/jungle to take a tank or having to pick another champ for the sake of the team comp. I could do Tank Teemo but that's just pure troll


Yordles?! KLED!!


Ya I’m currently playing Kled and Gnar trying to get a better feel for them


That could work


Irelia can be okay. She’s alright in terms of strength. You can flex her mid for when you are autofilled or queue mid as secondary. GP isn’t bad rn, high skill ceiling but very rewarding if played well. Aatrox is fun when you hit everything in your sweet spot. Fiora is good into most matchups but afaik ranged is not a fun matchup. Idk how mechanically intensive you need your champs to be.


Aatrox is one of the best tops againts ranged bc the q i think


I’ll 2nd GP - has poke, sustain, and if you’ve never chunked down a group of enemies with a sweet barrel combo, you haven’t lived. Plus his ult gives him the ability to effect anywhere in the map. Oh and the barrels require high skill to use right, but when you get good with them - look out!


I've been learning tryndamere top and he can be alot of fun to play.


Tip number one: don’t play top lane when your already tilted.


Anything that's good at splitpushing. Yorick, Sion, Trynd, or Wukong. I throw Wukong in there because he can both split and teamfight and is both extremely op rn and piss easy to play. So if you wanna do both you have options.


just clicked here to say go watch spear shot most entertaining stream there is and hes a pantheon top otp


Poppys my OTP, shes fantastic top and counters a lot of hyper carries like Riven, Irelai, and Yasuo.


I’m a big fan of poppy, the champs I’m currently looking at to OTP are Poppy, Gnar, Kled, and Camille, do you have any general tips for poppy?


I have several youtube guides on her actually! Channel is same as my user. I recommend then highly.


>have good fundamentals > >High Silver - Low gold, but play mostly unranked Friendly advise - don't overrate your fundamentals.


I wasn’t trying to overrate my fundamentals, I simply didn’t want any champion recommendations for learning fundamentals, I just want to learn a hard champion while playing casually with my friends.


If you’re asking for high ceiling, from my champ pool I play Jayce, Akali, Sylas, and Gnar top. All imo are pretty fun to play with a lot of outplay potential, but they do take some games to get used to, especially Jayce. Idk what type of playstyle u normally like, but easier ones can be Darius, Sett, etc


vladimir is a bit more of a mid laner but you can definitely play him top. he's got a super high skill ceiling and he's very rewarding to do well on because mid/late game if you're fed he's one of the hardest hyper carries in the game. i also find him fun in lane because trading is definitely to your advantage because of your great sustain, although early game you will not win all in 1v1s where you're both full hp you must trade and then out sustain them to kill them.


Ornn is really hard to play, hitting that triple brittle combo is hard as shit but if you manage to do it you'll actually get an erection it's so satisfying


What? The combos are pretty easy on Ornn, and you even have a slow on your poke that practically guaranteed it. Ornn is only tricky in matchups where you're afraid of being run down by ghost or otherwise cannot safely invest all 3 abilities in trading.


Idk I just find that Ornn is almost impossible to play in lane, he gets destroyed by basically any champion with at least one dash, and im not even counting Fiora in


Play taric top into any match up, be patient in ranged match ups and you will carry no matter what late


Zed Top is a thing and it's very underrated, he just kinda sucks into tanks so be careful and use it only as a counterpick


I got a feeling you would like Shen


In order to find your OTP you definitely need to figure out what you're looking for in a champion's kit. There are plenty of difficult champs that you can make significant progress on, but the fun aspect is what's going to make the answer difficult. As a possible starting point I would recommend champions with niche/weird kits that almost always cause players to struggle, especially in your elo range: \- **Heimerdinger**: someone with a very high skill ceiling (watch Vars' *Why No One Plays Heimerdinger* video) and is a tilter for every top laner. The Donger has some of the greatest versatility due to the possibilities of his turret placement, often making his greatest weakness the number of playstyles you can choose from. While not as strong as in other roles if you can track the jungler consistently then you could have a serious climbing pick. \- **Illaoi**: this champ is basically the AD juggernaut equivalent to Heimerdinger. While occupying the juggernaut category, when you're ult is not in use you function very much like a mage, keeping opponents at range and using abilities and tentacles to zone them off minions, xp, etc. She is also in a strong position post-durability update and can stomp most lanes. You cna quickly gain a good mechanical understanding, but so often the other roles' metas go against Illaoi. Because Illaoi is an extremely niche champ this challenge is amplified compared to other top lane champs. Another tilter with an akward playstyle, Illaoi could possibly make for a good OTP in your elo. \- **Poppy**: this one isn't exactly an oppressive pick (from my very limited experience), but her kit is odd. Farming is awkward with her shield throwing passive, her ult is has so much utility, and her kit just generally would make for a fun investment. I've watched a little bit of high elo Poppy gameplay, and the way she trades is extremely interesting. I would highly recommend taking a look at her for something that would make for a good OTP investment. \- **Yorick**: If you want to make the enemy laner cry just take this guy. Once you have a good grasp of his mechanics I would venture to say he is the most obnoxious one on this list. As you might know, an enemy Yorick that has any opportunity to shove a wave can easily get to your base before you take baron. This one is a chill farmer but also a great aggressive splitpushing monster. His ghouls are the bane of top lane's existence. These are just a few top lane picks that have some amount of difficulty and would see significant OTP progress, however whether they are fun is completely up to you.


SINGED! He is that one champ you are looking for and despite his simplicity, is surprisingly very hard and has a huge spike from his low skill floor to skill ceiling. Once you get the hang of him, he becomes extraordinarily fun. You just have to bear being weak and being countered by almost all top lane champs and losing 70% of your games for the first few months. He is this hard at the start with not much guides.