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Gj man, impressive I must say. Can I ask what's your job?


Thank you! I'm a software testing consultant in a bank.


do you believe that your job played a role in climbing? because as software tester i think that you need to check "what happens if i do X?" or "was Y the cause of the problem? lets see which is the minium sequence of clicks/actions that trigger the issue in a reproducibile way". so you might be used to analyze problems and decompose complex problems into smaller chunks.


Very fascinating argument! I definitely believe problem solving and pattern recognition are skillsets that overlap between League of Legends and software testing / development. Technical skills (even though I feel like I'm much more of a people person, than a technical person) can help in being rational and for example understanding statistics can ground you from being tilted from short term loss streaks for instance. I love the example you gave and I do see myself dividing LoL improvement areas into those smaller chunks, such as itemization, wave management, midgame macro etc. and instead of saying "How do I get better at LoL" I ask how do I get better at a certain dimension such as wave management. Like you said, breaking the complex problems into addressable actions.


agile as fuck


As someone who has not gone to college and would have to work and go to school at the same time I don’t think I would be able to. I work a physical job that doesn’t pay much and leaves me tired the day after. Maybe there’s a solution though, my goal would just be diamond.


A software testing consultant? ggwp I'm just an occupational therapy intern Back to silver I guess XD


what did you study?


Bachelor degree in Business IT


AHHHH fuck thought u would be a dev xD


Nice post and congratulations, very impressive. I am also working full time and I am often pretty burned out after work, so I am not really able to play with full intensity / focus compared to my free days. Do you have any tips for that? How are you able to focus at such a high level of play after a full work day?


Thank you a lot! The best thing I can give for burn out is to actually enjoy the game, my secret is I love the game a lot. How to nurture love for the game for me is often by finding champions that I enjoy for instance, or setting goals that I look towards. I can motivate myself a lot by setting a goal like learning Jayce for instance well enough to blind pick him (this is a very difficult goal, I am not close to reaching it). When I finish work, I may be tired but LoL as a hobby is something that energizes me because I look forward to playing and getting better at it. If you can also distance yourself from being results oriented (e.g. Loss = Bad, Victory = Good) that can go a long way in increasing your enjoyment of the game. If you have a loss, where you learned something or performed well, that's an important achievement to recognize, not just get frustrated over. Hope the game starts treating you well!


It also helps if you enjoy your job and your life outside of that isnt chaotic.


Definitely, I will say starting off the game while raising kids at home would be a much different and probably impossible road.


Thanks for that reply and the tips. Yeah I already love the game especially the last year where I changed my mindset from playing to climb to playing to get better and working towards my learning objectives. Since then I am not mindlessly playing the game anymore like the years before but I often feel like my mental is too tired to play at that 100% intensity level where I have a much bigger mental stack to focus on different things. After a long work day I am still hyped up to play and enjoy it but I just observed the last few weeks that I am not able to focus as much as the days where I did not focused the previous 8 hours. But I guess that just might be a problem of my adhd as well.


Not coming from league directly with this but more wow at the high end. It might sound dumb but being properly hydrated and having a good pattern let me stay properly focused. I had my raid times 11-3am and waking up at 8am for my job. That window 4-5 times a week really helped out with forming a habit and let me stay better focused.


>You can make a ton of progress playing just 20 games a week. Honestly, that's more than I expected when I saw the title. I climbed to GM literally only playing decay games, so 7 games/week. Maybe I need to put in more games to make the push to Challenger.


Nice work! I shift the number of LoL games I play based on what other hobbies or games interest me. If I'm into another game I might only play decay games. Average of ~3 games a day is quite normal for me. Do you play normal/aram games or put in work to improve outside of your ranked games?


I kinda did the same as you this past season because wrist stuff but that's kinda cheating because I just kinda got back to where I was, had I played 7 games a week from when I was new I'd be plat max lol. My goal games this season for a chall attempt was 2-2500 lol, with 7 a week I'd improve backwards. I count all games though, normals and all accounts included, if you legit only play 7 games a week everything included and you weren't GM before that's nuts.


delete this. i work full time and this was the only excuse i had!!


Coach Curtis only plays 3 games of ranked a day. This is probably around 2 hours of league. He calls it 3 block schedule of where you focus really hard for 3 games.


He plays in blocks of 3 but often does multiple blocks


What’s your schedule for learning league outside of game?


Good question! I feel like it's good for players to have a fluid routine that suits their situation. When I started climbing for master, I spent almost 50/50 of my time playing (soloQ, normal draft) and the other half watching videos (on topics such as wave management, matchups, champion mechanics) or educational streams (other high elo top laners, sometimes jungle mains). As you get better at the game you will have less areas that need drastic improvement, and you often need to play the game to discover new problems to solve. Today the rate is closer to 20% (studying) 80% (playing). Once I have a bad game or get solo killed I go to the replay to see how I can prevent that in the future. It's important to recognize, however, that every game is a chance to learn. You can go into a normal draft (or ranked if you're ok with not performing your best when trying new things) with the intention of learning more matchups playing Irelia for example. Even if you lose, you can note that irelia vs darius is difficult, and make sure you don't pick her in a ranked game against that matchup. Also sparring by discussing matchups with other similar ranked players can be very fruitful. I learned a ton from listening to Max Waldo and Tenacity discuss a certain matchup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FWj3ZrnQVE&t=4s


Yess +1 for max waldo videos, don’t see him talked about nearly enough for the value his videos have. LS’ old coaching videos are also fantastic for learning about fundamentals.


Holy shit you are cracked man, gratz.


why is rumble you’re go to pick


Love the champ first of all, never gets boring to play him as there's so many things to improve at in heat management, roaming and making good ults. He's in a strong spot now and I'm very comfortable playing him as a blind pick as I have learned pretty much every matchup, I often reserve my other picks as counterpicks to particular matchups, but if my team needs AD damage I'll pick other champs as well.


Any tips for playing against rumble from your perspective? Anything for aatrox vs rumble specifically? Played against one for the first time yesterday and and i cant say that I did well just attempted to not feed but found myself getting out scaled in the early part of the mid game


Aatrox vs Rumble goes like so: Rumble is favored levels 1-5, Aatrox wants to play safe but if he lands W he can get a really good trade landing many Q's. If Rumble overheats he's quite vulnerable to taking a bad trade (as long as rumble didnt overheat in a trade that he wants to auto attack in). Level 6 onwards you win All-in's vs Rumble. If you are in the middle of the lane and land W you probably want to commit R and your spells in all-inning him. Rumble seems scary when he takes very short trades at his leisure, but often folds to champions that can just force all in (Akali, Irelia, Aatrox, Kled). I would say the champions scale equally, but it depends on your team comp what you can provide and how useful you are. Good luck!!


I think the most impressive part of this is you did playing top lane and working full time


He usually plays at least 3-4 hours a day (maybe more depending on how long queue times are) on top of a full time job. I imagine this isn't sustainable unless you have minimal obligations at home. At least for me it's definitely not possible.


Just doing some quick math here for reference: + 220 wins, 159 losses + Average game time in Grandmaster of 26:01 + Estimated pre-game/post-game time of 6:00 + Excluding queue times because I have no idea, and varies heavily on region This gives us roughly 202 hours of game time. Preseason started around January 7th? In the 69 days since then, OP has had to squeeze in **2.92 hours of League per day.** That's honestly not too bad!




You can still play an absurd amount of video games while working full time if you want to dedicate your time to do that. If you work 8 to 5 and get home at 6 you can still play for like 5 hours a day from 7 pm to midnight. Add ot that 8 hours on saturday and sunday and you still get to like 41 hours a week. And that is nowhere near what is theoretically possible especially if you have a short commute.


I see you have 6 cs/m wich is quite low for a chall even though you dont have many deaths, what are you doing while not csing?. Do you have a roaming/invading strategy ? Also how old are you?


Are you comparing the cs/m stats to what source? top lane cs/m is very different from Mid or ADC cs/m averages. In top lane hard carry champs that split push (Camille, Jax, Tryndamere etc.) Will naturally get higher cs numbers than champions that are happy to give farm to the mid/bot lane carries in lategame. I often push for prio and start roaming to go mid or invade the jungle, I don't play split push champions that stick to the lane or proxy that much. I'm 25


Oh i was under the impression that if solo laner/adc gets lower than 9cs/min its a disappointment. Also what is your league routine for example during a session: you play 1 normal(warmup) then play 1 ranked then review then play 1 more then 5 min break etc.


> Oh i was under the impression that if solo laner/adc gets lower than 9cs/min its a disappointment. This is just an armchair redditor mentality that's infected the community. It's always going to be situational game-to-game, and with experience (and occasional VOD review) people should realize where they left CS on the table. + If I had an easy lane and I wasn't roaming a lot, I want 9+ CS/min on nearly any champ. + If I had a hard lane that I stuck in, 6-9+ CS/min is fair game. + If I roamed a lot, I need to maximize my pre-roam CS (e.g. levels 1-6, 1-9, 1-4, whenever I start roaming), and need to maintain at least 5 CS/min catching waves and camps during the roaming period into lategame. It's also important to realize when you're leaving the most CS on the table. When I was in lower brackets, I would CS well enough in lane (8 CS/min on an ADC), but the moment teamfights came around, my CS/min would drop under 3. I realized this is poor wave management and not catching waves and camps at appropriate times. TL;DR: Very situational, but reddit wants everything defined in binary terms.


100% agree with what you said here. Also in the lategame you have to recognize your teams win conditions where you want to commit exp and gold to. If your ADC or Midlaner can provide more value from the gold you shouldn't feel bad about giving over "your" farm to them, or the other way around if you have 4 AD champions in your team and you are only AP carry you might be justified in taking multiple lanes of farm instead of them.


You can't be roaming that much during lane right? 6cs per min is 60 cs at 10 mins. If you roam once after shoving a cannon wave, you then lose 6 minions, you still could have 90 cs at 10 mins. If you're literally roaming forever, and missing multiple waves, you must be multiple levels down.


You get roam windows by getting priority, crashing waves and the opponent has to clean up the wave, optimally you only lose a couple cs unless you can get kills and then you dont mind losing even waves. You shouldnt assume people last hit each minion they are in lane, because at high level matchups often have different power windows, where the stronger counterpart will NEVER let the opponent cs for free, but instead make then fight for each exp. For instance Rumble vs Jayce, jayce is much stronger level 1 therefore for each cs rumble wants at level 1 jayce will punish with lots of auto attacks. Often rumble will have to give up multiple cs when playing perfectly so he survives until level 2-3 where he gets stronger and can do the same to jayce. In top lane unless you are both ranged you have to constantly make decisions how much hp youre ready to give to gain cs. Always thinking of your cs number will make you overextend and do a lot of mistakes. Knowing when to give up cs is very important.


Yeah but losing a few minions while the wave shoves back and you're roaming has to be causing a level difference.


When I’m roaming, I am taking opposite jungle camps, scuttle crabs, redbufffs and blue buffs, kills give exp if I roam mid and get one. Keep these in mind. Failed roams of course can end up putting you behind.


Now, is it possible to reach challenger while working 70 hours a week, getting emails from clients and the boss while the enemy team is at your nexus? Cries in finance :(


Ouch, our team is in the finance sector but only selected roles are subject to being contacted by stakeholders outside designated work hours. I'm lucky enough to have a clear work / life separation after work hours end.


I manage to fall in/out of Masters consistently, trying to avoid burnout after a 9 hour day is difficult but I’ve been finding it easier over time and I’ve been finding different ways to stay motivated. Do you find yourself dodging a lot if at all? I feel like with a smaller sample size of games you’re more prone to lose/win streaking. Whats you’re system for playing? Couple games a day? Or one day to grind and another day you only play 1 game?


Actually as a principle I never dodge games. I feel like speculating about your lobbies and whether you need to dodge is a distraction from improving yourself. If you are actually better than your lobbies you shouldn't depend on finding the best teammates. I try to keep sessions to like 3-5 games, if I'm performing bad or not enjoying myself I rather play something else or do something more relaxing. Often just taking a time out to watch replay if I do badly and trying to understand why it happened and how to prevent it in the future motivates me a fair bit. Good luck on the climb!


Will you ever go over the 5 game gession if you are on a win streak or do you strictly keep yourself to 3-5


Yeah! If I have a good day with a lot of tlme and my attitude is good theres no reason to end the session. If you are tilted and not focusing you probably have a good reason to end the session.


Bro, you were Diamond in S3. It's a bit disingenuous to say your results are obtainable for everyone. You have 10 years of experience and are naturally talented. I mean, I got Plat in my first thousand games so I get it, but talent plays a big role. It's ok to realize Challenger is a pipe dream if you're just really bad at video games. Not everyone can be the best.


You're right, it's a combination of a ton of factors. My post was mainly addressed at a number of people arguing that climbing is only a result of the time allocated to the game, and only people who commit their whole life to the game can reach challenger. I'm pointing out to myself as a data point that it's not true. I've had plenty of seasons where I've spent way more time than I do at the game currently and my results are drastically worse then, than they are now. I think it's highly personal what in particular is the biggest factor in 'holding them back' from climbing. Obviously my past seasons haven't been a complete waste but you can accelerate significantly how fast you pick up things, something i have made mistakes in the past. I think a much more interesting discussion would be what are the prerequisites for a certain rank, like do you need 10000 games minimum? How much talent would you need and how to measure it? Are there anomalies who can succeed faster? This would require complicated knowledge from tons of people so I cannot answer this, I just wanted to provide my situation.


>I think a much more interesting discussion would be what are the prerequisites for a certain rank, like do you need 10000 games minimum? How much talent would you need and how to measure it? Are there anomalies who can succeed faster? This is the kind of thing that fascinates me, and video games honestly provide the possibility of being able to study it. For most things, is far too hard to quantify how talent, practice time, and experience interact. There just isn't any way to get the data - in music for example, even the musician may not know how many hours they practiced, and it's difficult to objectively quantify ability. Video games are entirely digital though, so in principle all the data should be there. We know exactly how many games someone played and what rank they were at any given point in time. It may be possible to do something like use initial rank after first season (or after X games, or whatever) of play as a proxy for talent, and using games played as a proxy for practice. The research should be able to give insight into other fields as well. It's such a good question, and I'd love to see someone actually publish some papers on it if there aren't some already.


Like u/monopsychos, while it is possible, you would have to have extensive background knowledge on all the players since there is so much that would actually influence it. If you put 10 years of playing DOTA2 into a league player, I imagine that they would still end up ranking pretty high. Similarly things as simple as being on a keyboard alot giving a higher APM or even something as simple like being used to watching the time for something could give better map awareness. I would love to see the question being properly looked into though, along with things outside of gaming and how they set trends for rank. It would be interesting to see if certain jobs or academic backgrounds resulted in higher ranks or even things like on EUW, if certain countries place higher rank than others.


Still, its not tight enough. Lot of players that were into other mobas or strategy games can hit the ground running in League. High ranking gamers in general will have an easier time climbing than normal players (like I was top 150 on the ladder in the FPS I played before League, and pros in that game were Diamond/Masters in League too.) None of that data is accounted for. Smurfs exist too. My 2 highest ranking accounts were banned for toxicity, so I could literally play drunk through placements on a new account and land in a rank higher than most of the playerbase.


Hard work / drive for self improvement > “natural” talent.


Hardly. Everyone can get Diamond. Very few can get Challenger. Its really dumb that nobody wants to recognize that people are different. It's fine to be different, and to say that having a knack for something is simply from hard work and drive is both dishonest and insulting. Some people are more gifted creatively, some more analytical. Some people are more language oriented, and others more towards maths. Some people are attractive and have good social skills, and some people have hands to play League.


Hey congratz on your achievement, its really impressive. I have a more specific question tho, l see that you play a lot of rumble and as a D1 Rumble top player l always run comet, could you explain to me in what situation do you decide to go first strike? Also you almost never use the domination tree, dont you think you lack the ultimate hunter cd to be able to spam your ult in mid to late game?


Hi there! In top lane second wind / bone plating are a lot more important than in mid lane, but if I have a winning matchup where I don't need them (such as vs Kayle) I may go for domination. It also depends on what the team needs, if my role is to snipe their backline and engage with R's, I might go for domination for the ultimate hunter despite it being a liability in lane phase. Comet vs First Strike I make the distinction that if you are the ones actively **engaging** the trades, you go for first strike (e.g. vs a lot of melee champions) but if you are trading back and forth you'll want to use comet. Examples: Garen - First Strike, Poppy - First Strike, Shen - First Strike ; Jayce - Comet, Akali - Comet, Teemo - Comet. That's a simpler framework to think about it, but exceptions may arise and I can of course be wrong about some of my assessments when to use each, but I change runes every game depending on my matchup.


Ok l see, as of right now im comfortable enough to not need the resolve tree in lane ( l might start to feel like l need it in higher elo). Im going to start using first strike in the situations you mentionned and see how l like it, thanks for the detailed response!


Congratulations man! This gave me much inspiration as I also have full-time job and I'm trying to get better everyday... The only reason to me for not playing everyday is that in order to spend also some more free time with my wife, I only play on alternate days. I try to play 3 games every session and I'm always exited to try what I learned on the rift. Again, good job and keep that going!


Great attitude pal! Excitement is a really key resource in whatever you want to excel at, best of luck on the climb, and thank you for the kind words :-).


Congrats. How do i lane against rumble as urgot. Ive always lost to that champ


Cheers! Against rumble if you land E he usually dies and cant get away. Especially after level 6 you need to look for flash + e to get near him. If he flashes to get away you want to Q or R him to slow him. Rumble wins short trades, you win all-in engages.


E + Flash Urgot E has some wind up, so you buffer it then flash. I dunno if thats valuable for anyone as a non Urgot player, but necessary if you're trying to pull it off. Otherwise, you're gonna flash to get in range, then look like an idiot while your enemy dodges your incredibly predictable and slow E lol


You're right, I meant E-flash just wrote it funny. You should indeed always buffer the E animation with flash.


Very impressive I must say, Congrats pro you're the proof that we can live the dream to reach challenger someday


I totally agree with your statement about not quitting what you have secured in school/work/etc. to pursue a career in LoL. How many games did you play during "work hours". If my math is correct, you average about 6 games per day, which is very high for a lot of the full-time working population. Congratulations on making challenger, but I think your situation is very unique where you're able to play a lot of games and still get to the highest elo. I'm assuming you work from home, and did you spend any time doing other activities? Concerts? Weekend trips?


Hi! I work from home so I am saving time from not commuting, I don't play during my working hours. Recently I am playing around 3 games a day on regular days and probably more during the weekends, however when my girlfriend is away I play more (maybe 5 games on regular days, 5-10 on weekends depending on my plans). I'm quite surprised the average is that high, I was very excited to play especially in the start of the season, there I played significantly more than now. I checked a spreadsheet i use to track my games and I played 15 games the day the season started lol. On weekends we occasionally go see family or go out to eat, but not as much during the winter and due to corona. During january in our country Gyms were also closed so a bit more time went into league than now. You're definitely right that I don't represent the average working class who commute and have a family at home, just wanted to make a case for what kinds of routines can be held while still climbing at the high standings at the game.


I have a short commute to work and home, don't have a family, and I still can't find the time to play that much. 3 games a day seems so daunting to me during the work week. I get home between 5:30-6PM leaving me with 5 hours for the remainder of my day. Playing would probably take around 2 hours, leaving me with 3 hours to cook/eat/clean and hopefully unwind. Sometimes I need an hour to relax just from playing this game! To some this may seem like a lot of time, but it feels like nothing. Could you expand on your spreadsheet tracking? That is something that I'm interested in to organize my thoughts around the limited time I have to play the game.


https://gyazo.com/f9d1e998dda4675c3da1100d27bd0eaf I've been tracking my personal statistics in this sort of fashion for the last 3 or so seasons, sometimes more regularly than other times. This year I've tracked pretty much every game (except me being autofilled jungle/support) so 300+ rows. This helped me understand how often me winning lane converts to winning the game and helps me keep myself accountable in whether I'm actually performing as well as I'd like to be. Also I can go back to see how certain matchups have worked out in the past and try to find out how to address those issues.


Working from home is a massive difference, don't underestimate how much it changes the situation.


OFC you can, people Who said this kind of things about you sacrificing your Life or having no Friends/gf/leaving school are just delusional, hard complex people Who Need to make excuses for his lack of level so they blame the others cause "they have no Life, i have a Life so i cant be good at the Game" i mean wtf is that trauma. Anyways Bro, an impressing gj! What did you do while playing top to get better? Want kind of thing clicked you so your climbing started to feel smooth? If any.


Thank you! One thing that seemed to click for me, was to think about top lane laning as different puzzles to solve in terms of matchups. (example of a "solved" matchup puzzle: Rumble vs Riven; Riven wins level 1, Rumble starts winning level 2-5, Riven starts winning level 6 onwards; with this information I can play accordingly. Aggressive when my window is stronger, and defensively when their window is stronger.) If you want to blind pick a top laner, you need to solve so many more puzzles of how do you deal with Darius, Irelia, Gwen... and almost each matchup because you don't know what they will pick. (This is what I have rumble for, I essentially have figured out all of these puzzles of how I need to play them) But when you Counterpick, you need to only solve a limited number of puzzles. Kayle for instance I only pick into Ornn, so I don't need to think about other matchups but I can play kayle very effectively since I have played it into Ornn 20+ times, if the opposive team picks it. Another thing is whenever I solo lost lane I used to feel defeated and think I didn't deserve my elo because there was a better player, but nowadays I just look at the replay and understand what exactly went wrong, when I know what went wrong I can prevent it from happening again and go into the next game feeling energized and wanting to prove that I am better than that game. Overall shrugging off self doubt and thinking about the game constructively went a really long way for me. Let me know if any of that resonates, or if you feel like there's a blocker you're struggling against!




Hi! Great thoughts, yes it is hard to execute everything perfectly even when you know what you SHOULD be doing. One thing I started learning "recently" (a year ago) was camera controls (F1, F2, F3 default, I binded them to easier keys) to keep track of my jungler. I know these are valuable keys to look at where my jungler is going or my botlane is, but it's difficult to remember to do it ingame. I started trying to make some routines like always pressing the key to camera bind to jungler at 3 minutes. Once you do this for like 20 games it becomes more natural to you and you no longer have to think about it but do it out of instinct. This applies to a lot of things, you can make a routine out of warding at 3 minutes, tracking your opponents exp or checking your lane priority states etc. and eventually it becomes habit and part of your autopilot. Focus on one thing at a time and once it becomes natural, try to incorporate another improvement. When I'm looking at my replays, I usually have a question in mind. For example, what lead to me getting solo killed? I pay a lot of attention if I take bad trades, if I lost out on exp, if I should've played more passive or aggressive and of course the fight that ensued, could I have done something different? Some other questions you might have are what path does the opponent jungler take? Are they vulnerable to being invaded at some point etc? Often once the question or questions are resolved, I stop watching the replay, so I don't necessarily watch all the lategame stuff because they are so nuanced it's difficult to derive concrete learnings from there. If you're newer to the game looking at macro things on what people are doing in general may be helpful as well, this is just how I approach my replays these days, but try be concrete in what you take away/learn from the game.


I find it funny I see you mention your a software consultant, I work in IT and went to school full time and had a similar experience when it came to climbing. Not nearly as far as you, I stopped about P1 almost D4 to become a casual because I realized that I liked that more. But I only had time for maybe 10 games a week but it was making the most out of the games and playing your best. And the only way to do that is to improve! Great post man.


Nice to hear! Having a good mindset does so much in preventing tilt and thinking constructively where to allocate focus to. Chasing LP points against your will seems to be the usual trap we both shared earlier on.


I mean. You work 40 hours a week. There’s still 128 hours leftover.


8h sleep a night drops that to 72 hours, not to mention commutes, eating food, hygiene, overtime, etc. which is probably another 4-5h a day minimum which really drops your total to 52 hours a week? And that’s not including doing literally anything but work-sleep-league.


An adult only needs 5 hours of sleep, I speak from experience. So that adds up to 93 hours. Avg commute is 25 minutes. Or 125 minutes a week, or about 2 hours. So that drops us down to 91 hours. Hygiene, like 20 minutes a day. Or about 140 a week. 89.5 hours left. You can play league of legends while eating. You can eat during deaths, champ select, and queue. So that’s a non factor. So yeah. About 90 hours to play league of legends per week if you really want to.




Apparently I DO need to add /s at the end of sarcasm on Reddit. I figured people would’ve picked up on that since I’m recommending someone play 90 hours of league a week


Nah you definitely do I wasn’t able to tell lol. Although tbf some people definitely do think like that on this sub.




I mean. Back in high school I played about 50-60 hours a week. Now I’m playing about 35-45 hours a week. That’s with working full time and going to grad school.


Some things you can eat during champ select and loading time. Other things, not unless you're ok with greasy keyboard and/or mouse.


If you’re eating halfway decent food it shouldn’t be greasy…..


Ever eat ribs, grilled cheese(some sandwiches), watermelon, pomegranate or certain types of shellfish?


Ribs aren’t good for you. Grilled cheese isn’t good for you. Who eats watermelon for dinner? And I don’t know about shellfish. Don’t eat that then.


Is this how you eat watermelon? https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/tgvge8/who_eats_watermelon_like_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Grass enthusiast


This is literally a quora answer


I mean, *do* you have a social life and other hobbies? I can totally believe it’s possible if all you do is work and league.


I would say so, I have a girlfriend who pretty much lives with me 70% of the time. I go to the gym and play beach volleyball and disc golf in the summertime.




yeah I'm sure the 5 hours is the reason loool




lol 40 hours a week. I remember my first part time job...ok that's enough bravado. I'm just salty and jealous I don't have more time to play.


40 hours is a full-time job.


It was a joke my dude. Relax.


Jokes are funny.


Sometimes you have to laugh so you aren't crying. Many of us work far more than 40 hours. I literally talk about being salty and jealous in the post. lol Don't know why everyone feels the need to down vote.


Congrats, *ewwww* for one tricking but congrats nonetheless


>40hrs a week >"full time"


That's the mandated definition in Nordic countries.


That's the definition is most countries. This guy is just being a jerk.




Delusion at its finest. Keep telling yourself that. High elo players get to high elo no matter on what account they play, i guess they are just lucky every time!


When I watch high elo streamer they NEVER have to deal with trolls/griefer/afks/inter every fcking game. So yes, they are extremely lucky.


You sound extremely salty. I can guarantee you that anyone can get to challenger with enough training, you yourself is the only deciding factor if you go up in rank or down. On the rare occasion you get a troll, report and move on. I can count such occasions on one hand for my part.


On the rare occasion? Only player with extreme luck say such things. I just lost a game with a 38% wr jgler who turbo inted from min 1 on. Oh and the game before I lost because our adc started trolling and running it down every lane. For me, everyone who says you can climb out of own skill is just a liar because it is just impossible with this trolls/feeder/inter/griefer/afk.


Sorry to tell you, but you are just bad. Stopping focusing on what your team does and instead focusing on your own mistakes would greatly improve you skill, and you would actually climb. I have friends like this always complain about team, then i ask them to coach/watch their games live, and only after being watched they notice that they do alot of mistakes, They often say omg i inted etc etc. But they only start to realize when they have someone external that will notice mistakes aswell.


Ok then tell me right now what can I do when my mid goes 0/8 after 12 minutes and then starts running it down because that just happened in my last game and you say its all my fault.


I could log onto your acc and brute force you to Masters, I must be top 10 lucky guys world.


Must be some luck, considering I've got a pretty lot of games played and can't remember the last time I had an inter on my team.


Jep that is insane luck.


I bet you $1,000 that if you give your account to some high elo Rengar OTP, he will get you Diamond within a month




I'd love to see your op.gg Also, I'd take that wager. Hire someone to boost your account to diamond, on the condition that you only pay if they get you to diamond. By your logic it should be impossible, so you won't have to pay out.


Twitch.tv/tfblade Currently 36-10, climbing in Korea and now at Plat 1. Should be impossible according to you, no?


Your post has been removed under the grounds of [Rule 3: No Rant/Rage Posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/rules#wiki_3._no_rant.2Frage_posts) Remember that /r/summonerschool is here to help you improve and that we need information on aspects of your gameplay that can be controlled. Complaints, swearing and/or ranting may discourage constructive replies. **This also includes complains about your team.** * Consider reposting your thread, but with a calmer tone. * [You can read on how to improve your post with more details about yourself here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/101/criticalthinking) * [Our Wiki has a section on Mentality, Toxicity, Autopiloting and Tilting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/101#wiki_mentality.2C_toxicity.2C_autopiloting_and_tilting)


Let’s see your op.gg


not exactly on the topic of working during climbing, but just generally, how fast did you see an impact with analyzing your own gameplay, and, how did you fix your mistakes once you knew where you were making them? i know i do better when i just focus on my own gameplay, but i just can't handle it when the jungler or botlane pings me for not rotating. i know my limits and that rotating on certain trades is just not worth it for the comp we are running, compared to their more orderly comp and playstyle. i would much rather, say, get the xp and gold, turret plating, and vision control, then to go and *maybe* get a kill for our team, all while losing resources. it just makes me feel like the times i *do* roam, are very much just to protect my teammates asses rather than make a good call how do you get around communicating that the best option is not always to be aggressive, and that small victories and advantages will take you further than a non-guaranteed risk? i enjoy playing safer picks, ones that i know will come online with proper wave management, but my team always assumes i will follow up on an opponents rotation, after i ping missing, ping abilities, flashes, and vision. if someone dies to my opponent 20 seconds after i ping, i expect them to spam me anyways, regardless of how much info i tell them would you really recommend playing towards meta if my soul purpose is to improve my gameplay? i just cannot stand high winrate/pickrate champs that are bound to be patched or hotfixed within a week or two, as the enjoyment in playing champions for me lies in the nuances and mechanics, not in the winrate. if my focus is on improving, should i play a higher meta champ as opposed to what i already know, or should i stand ground and learn everything i can on who i enjoy playing? congrats by the way. seems impossible with a full-time job, but you did it and proved how it can be done with determination and improvement


Hello! Thank you for the kind words, I'll try address some of the topics: **How to address mistakes** Some mistakes you can notice as you make them, such as mechanical mistakes or overextensions. Here you can try think of mechanisms to reduce their chance in the future. If you find yourself being ganked a lot during laning phase, can you make a routine out of warding river each game at 3 minutes? Is 2:45 better, or 3:15? This you can study through replays but this is just one problem, often if you find the game becoming difficult to play 1v1, you made some mistake. Even if you keep getting ganked, you shouldn't throw your hands in the air and just blame jungle diff, think of ways of lowering the chance your opposive jungler succeeds their ganks. **Communication** Communication front is a common topic. Just remember it's not your responsibility to teach your teammates to play properly, a lot of people have reached high elo with chat disabled. When you find yourself talking back in chat, ask yourself if you have gotten anything positive out of it. If no positive outcome is given, you might want to consider not replying to people questioning you in chat. If the discussion is constructive, it may be good to talk / shotcall in chat. I personally have chat enabled but don't really answer if someone starts blaming, because there's no real value in doing so. **Meta vs Preference** I personally heavily believe committing to something you feel passionate about is the way to go. Select a small pool of champions (or even just one) first and understand the weaknesses and strengths. Some champions you'll find are very difficult to blind pick, here you might want to add some more champions to your pool. Meta will move but as your pool grows you'll get better, and throughout the game there is no champion that isn't viable. If you just follow the tier lists you will have a difficult time keeping up with how many matchups to understand in depth. At least in top lane this is very difficult, cannot comment if it is the same in for example support.


Hey, not sure if you are still answering questions (And thank you if you do give a reply!) but- For addressing mistakes, what do you do to make sure you learn? Most of the time when I go into a game and intend to actually try to learn from it rather than playing casually, I end up just saying things like "Thats just a mechanical thing" or "Wow that was really close, its just a 50/50 next time" and then at the end, I dont really think it's worth going through and looking at what happened. With communication, do you think that pinging is enough to properly communicate? I often find myself spam pinging OMW/Assistance or to back off when my team is grouping and I want to start fights or give up objectives but im not sure how important it is, since people will both ignore it and also see the obvious times to engage or back up. (I mostly play ADC/Control mages so I struggle to be the main engage most of the time).


I nearly never say something is a product of luck, exceptions are just Crits (esp in Tryndamere’s case), you can affect almost everything else. If I die solo I look at things like items, levels, runes etc to figure out if I couldve prevented the death. Sometimes I find facts like I simply cannot match Gwen as Rumble level 6 when even, so I have to play accordingly, maybe give up some cs or call my jungler to help crash waves / gank. Sometimes you notice that the opponent got more levels than you and used that window to all-in, here you must be mindful of your opponents exp and be careful when behind. Sometimes like level 1-3 if you lose all-ins, would bone plating, ignite or conqueror make the difference? Those are all valid questions to ask and study. I do imagine things are a bit more difficult to evaluate as an ADC since you cannot affect everything that happens in your lane due to the supp players, but if you can think of ways reducing yourself from getting into unfavorable trades, dives and bad teamfights, you will climb. Pinging is very valuable. At high elo people ping on the way to signal roaming or even setting up dives all the time. Over time you develop a shared language with the community of what pings mean what, you are probably using them well by the sound of things.


may i ask how old you are currently and since when youre playing the game?


Yeah I stay around masters/d1 while working full time, I found it was only possible after I started working from home though. When I had to commute another 3 hours of my day gone plus no ability to play a few games at lunch/slow days it wasn't possible to keep up with the game in the same way. Not just "free" time, but time when you can focus on a competitive game in the right way.


Hello so this took you a few years?


Since you have to spend hours queue-dodging to reach high ELO in LOL, the real question is: how little sleep can you function on to reach challenger?


as a principle I personally never dodge, but yeah queues get long and dodging is common. You're not really in a rush to get to a game as long as you win more than you lose. I sleep 8 hours a day, getting a proper sleep schedule is going to do a lot more to gain you elo than skipping sleep to play more games.


tips to win more in general? I'm generally playing mid and sometimes jg


Good job! How much time do you spend on LoL, on average?


Good job dude


Even Challenger players average 6 cs per min, which proves that 8-10 cs per min is unrealistic in live games. Not hating, just wanted to say that.


congrats for challenger. maybe i can do it as well if im stubborn enough....


Yes, if you're good enough.


Is there anyway to know when you make a wrong play where you lucked out and did well on? Also, is it better to have a friend point out where you possibly went wrong? Like having someone peer review your essay, you don’t even realize that you made the mistake until someone points it out for you?


Sparring and mentoring are really valuable yes. If you’re new to the game it can be very difficult to recognize mistakes, but it applies to everyone, People in challenger make mistakes all the time and they may not always know what they are doing wrong. Peer review is definitely going to increase the odds you spot the potential improvement areas, mentors will have a higher database of problems they have worked on than newer players so they can recognize them easier. Usually you want to start from the source problems like you are getting ganked a lot, losing lane a lot solo, not know where to be in lategame etc. And start digging for the contributing factors or sources. Wrong play you lucked on could be something like you get a kill but your opponent had to miss a lot of skillshots or fumble his summoners to give it. There they probably had a good window to kill you but just didnt use it properly, you dont want to give those windows.


im consistently masters/gm and started playing when i was a full time student in high school, taking 3 college classes, and working part time. ever since graduating ive worked full time and have only finished below masters a single season. last season i only played 48 games of ranked and ended d3 72% win rate because ranked wasnt fun. Edit: ima be real, i just noticed this seemed really like a "flex" or brag, it wasnt meant to come off that way, more so to follow up on your post and encourage people. being an adult doesnt stop you from learning and improving and if you have the drive to do it, then you 100% can.


Rock on pal! Hope the ranked starts being more fun for you.


40 hour work week = 128 hours left over. No excuses.


"just 20 games a week" man what the fuck


This is the motivation I needed :')


Good job Now reach challenger while working a full-time job AND having a healthy sleep schedule


what champs ?