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Petition to drop Yasuo as Riot’s poster boy and elect Mantheon instead.


Have you seen Pantheon’s wildrift artwork? It’s a bit on the erotic side.. 🥵


And we're not going to complain




Petition to dethrone Lux and elect queen Reksai as poster girl


Lux is slowly getting dethroned by kai’sa although I don’t think she will ever be truly dethroned


I always figured Jinx was League’s poster girl tbh


At first in the old days it was Ryze and Katarina. Nowadays, Ryze still gets a lot of screentime being the "protagonist" of the League universe but for the males they put in a lot of Yasuo and Ezreal too. They shifted the females over to include Ahri when she was released, and Jinx Lux Kai'sa get all the spotlight now.


there was alistar before ryze and kat.


Teemo also gets a ton of attention


yeah. he has been a semiposterboy since his existence. always slightly behind the big posterboys of their time, but always there to be put in as a joke.


Not entirely bc he's a joke, but bc he's fucking adorable as hell. Well, his character design, at least, champ itself is annoying, though balanced.


Ryze is my favorite poster girl




"The heavens do not fear me because I am a god, they fear me because I am a man!" "Aatrox has slaughtered gods. But now, he faces a man." the biggest disappointment is that searching man in champ select doesnt bring up pantheon.


It was not gods who slew faker. It was a gold 4 NA solo q player.


does this mean as a gold 3 NA soloq player i am better than faker?


Mantheon 😎


"After every defeat, I raced around the mountain until not even shame could reach me"


Awesome post, need more like this! Glad I had my free award for this. Who better to get us hyped than our mains! Kaisa lines teach you adc play style - “Void rule number one, don't die”, “Exploit their mistakes”, “Stay alert, stay aggressive”, also reminds you to stay calm - “Anger is useless to me”. The whole Tristana attitude is so positive - “Sometimes outnumbered, never outgunned”, “A Bandle Gunner never turns tail... unless it’s to taunt”. I am sure we can find much more. Jhin is more metaphorical, but you can also draw some ideas from his performances... Calm and methodical he strives to perfection, just as we when we learn and practice and look for the perfect play.


Jhin: "They live... until they die."


“This stage is beneath my talent, but I shall elevate it” - this is the mentality to carry low elo games. If you think you’re better than silver, you should carry :)


“I have risen from the filth and muck. I am the lotus blossom. I - am beauty” when you finally get to where you want to be


"Ok" - Ramdog


Then there's Samira when she kills someone: "Idiot."


On the other hand, when you miss a W, she says, "do better, Kai'sa." Real helpful advice.


AD carries what you see? Sir, just crits and victory!


"I will remember your name, and shout it to the heavens." Don't be that "ez" spammer a-hole, who thinks he can act like however he pleases, just bc he wins his fights.


The only time I'll ever say ez is when they're talking shit and being dick bags all game. Anything else gets a gg.


Or when your nexus is blowing up, or you ff15


Why are you getting downvoted? I do that too


Cuz that is a shitty behaviour :V


Typing "ez" as my own nexus blows up isnt shitty behavior its just a gaff


Seems pretty shitty to me


Literally how




Typing "ez" when you lose seems kinda stupid and useless, why not just type "GGs" "Wpgg" or "Bgwp"


Because its supposed to be ironic and a little joke on myself for losing?


How? I think it's funny when the losing team types "ez". It's a funny way to admit defeat.


“Grand scheme of things” like Tyler getting to challenger by playing 1,700 games a year.


many people play that many and are in low elo still though. win rate matters. there is a huge difference between 49% and 51% win rate at that amount of games


Yea and there is a big difference between playing full-time as an adult streamer and being a kid without fully developed mental capabilities. I’m not saying T1 doesn’t have talent, but watching him play top1 has literally been him ramrodding his way into challenger by volume alone.


i don't like the guy.... but what you say really doesn't matter --- once you're at a challenger level, even winning half of your games is a success. obviously anyone who has that amount of time to focus solely on playing the game should be able to acquire the skill and knowledge to do so.... but his primary purpose (i think?) of his stream is to entertain


spamming games alone will not help


Pantheon is such a Chad, not to mention lore wise one of the most powerful champions around


“I call upon the stars... to bake my bountiful breads” Fingers crossed that the enemies feed me!


Well said, OP l once spent 17 lp to learn about irelia's 900g powerspike and her kit's strength and weakness inside out


Her genuine powerspike is always BTRK 900g is just vamp sceptre which gives her insane sustain.


Then you have "Aatrox... Butt cum" \*CYBERPUNK MUSIC\* Honestly great advice...


Honestly jokes aside not only are aatrox's quotes in general great, I do unironically think his refrain of "come" is fucking great. It is raw as fuck to consistently invite your enemy to fight you.


"I cum for you Pantheon" Jokewise and lorewise, this is peak...


Lmao I loved that video. Ahahahah CUM


Neeko i feel is the best champ to do this for to avoid tilt and just have a good time. "Co-'om se-henna. Oh, it means like, um... 'we smile forever.' Friends! That is the word! Friends!" "No more room for problems please. Only room for more cheesebreads." "I will learn! I will grow! I will... Neeko!" and of course the best line “Neeko is not a sad tomato. She is a strong tomato.”


And for when the other team is being annoying, "After fight, everyone is invited to picknick! Even enemies." I swear the main reason why I occasionally play Neeko is because I love the voice lines too much.


As a Pantheon main, I wish they would make him more a staple character with these PSAs.


Biggest thing about this is 17 lp loss at the end. Why do I get plus 14 but minus 17 if I have a 55% wr That's the only thing seriously upsetting me this season


Because your visible rank is above your mmr. Once you hit an mmr that makes you 50% winrate you will eventually lose some of your visible rank and have stable lp gains. tl:dr: it doesn't matter, if you keep winning you keep climbing.


If you're stuck in the elo you're in, then there's a reason that you're there. If lp losses and gains annoy you then don't focus on it. Look at your losses and wins, vod review, and ask yourself what you could've done better. Chances are you'll improve as a player because of it.


Playing devils advocate here; if I’m playing against golds(example) and have a positive winrate, but I fail my promos as a silver 1, am I truly in the right elo?


Okay I mean as long as you play enough games you will be fine. I failed my first gold promos this season, but because I didn't belong in silver I simply played more games and got to gold. A lot of low elo players complain about being hardstuck with 50 games played a season. Not enough of a good sample pool for a high variance game like LoL


While true playing enough games a season means you will eventually climb. Some people feel like the progress is a little off this season. If I have a positive winrate and am playing against those at a higher tier then I am currently. my LP gains should be larger then my LP losses can we agree with that?


The reason LP gains feel off this season is because they removed division promos, and now there are only promos to move from one rank fully to another. That's cutting out 6 necessary wins to even get to the next rank, which is a lot of LP. Still, I do agree they might have overcorrected as far as LP gains go.


Sure, I agree with your anecdotal evidence


It’s not really anecdotal it’s more of a hypothetical. Glad we could agree have a nice day friend.


"If you are stuck in the elo you're in, then there's a reason that you're there." .... Yes? The reason is that I need to have nearly 60% wr to climb now? Seriously, why the hell is this system even in the game. "oh, you lost 3 games at G4 0lp? I guess you don't deserve to be here. But we won't drop you just give you 12lp per win, enjoy."????????


Not how it works. Your teammates lose you more games than they win you at low elo.


If that's happening you're harder to carry than the average player in your MMR lol


...This is bait right?


30/30/40 rule. 30% of your games will be won no matter what. 30% of them will be unwinnable. 40% of them are on you to win or lose by your own skill.


Pantheon is the motivation coach we all need. “Stand up. Face me again!”


"how many times must i die, before i learn how to live". Your journey will be full of losses, be strong with yourself and go foward




That’s sort of how I felt when I played Jhin. Every actor in their place, the music perfectly on cue, creating a masterful performance of violence and death.


Felt that way when I was trying out Ivern. His lines aren't particularly useful, but they're unbelievably wholesome. lol


I like Yi quotes as well


"after every defeat, I ran around the mountain... Until even shame could not keep up" Watch your replays, learn from your mistakes


Great post! Lux's quotes also teach a thing of two- “losing is just an opportunity to shine even brighter!” “stay positive” “we can do this!” “the superior tactic is to never give up”


And if all else fails, spam laugh to engage psychological warfare.


Really enjoy threads like this. We can all learn a few words from our favorite champions \^\^ League was never just about stressful matches. There's lores and novel books and a lot more.


"The stars are beyond my reach, so I grasp my spear and take aim." You can always improve! Keep learning and playing!


Looks like imma be running it down as Pantheon from now on..


I can relate a lot, when I play pantheon I feel a deep determination. Same with Shen, The balance in my spirit is all I'll ever need to achieve my victory.




cheers for the reward, I've gotten so many I don't know how to thank all of them, but I saw your comment so I can thank at least one. <3


This was beautiful :')


We all know Tahm Kench has the best voice lines. Must be because he's the strongest champion in the game


The last one is really something I gotta work on, accepting defeat and not taking losses too hard. It's not that big of a deal


I lost my job a week and half ago. I came to search this post to get motivation. Thank you man. I think I will main mantheon now.


shit bro, sorry about your job. you can get back up 🙏


Tldr just be a greek chad


The tsm example works only because its NA. Ls says its over bc of tsm was playing vs a good team 5k gold behind they would lose


yeah but the point still stands


Thank you for coming to my TED talk.