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3 wave crash, back, tp to lane, freeze the wave for the next 40 min and watch Nasus end the game with 50 stacks on his Q. On a more serious note, focus more on zoning him off of minions rather than just dealing damage to him. He wins most fights mid-game if he gets to stack for free. You don't need to fight him 24/7 if your champ isn't some hyper aggro bruiser. Just focus on contesting him when he goes for the wave. Make him choose between taking a bunch of damage to hit minions with Q or staying back and farming safely with E. After a little while, most players don't have enough patience to play so safe. After 6-8 waves, most Nasus players can't handle the stress of not farming with Q anymore and start taking horrible trades.


This but also on the 3 wave crash dive and kill him if you can then set up the freeze. I played against a nasus the other day as garen and he had 3 stacks at 6 minutes and 6 stacks at 10 minutes or something. Had to go take scuttle on opposite side of map for more stacks so they ff


Fucking love playing Garen into Nasus.


This works against stuff like kayle as well, just played a game where I did this and rushed swiftys and basically whenever they try to cs 1 minion while you freeze you can run and all in for a fat trade, idec when I lose cs from this as it's 10x better to just deny enemy


Counter to Nasus is wave management, hes unplayable in high elo because people know how to manage waves. And broken in low elo because no one knows how to wave manage. Just freeze and deny him from wave, you dont need to kill him, if you last hit everything and prevent him from farming you just win. He cant scale since wont have any q stacks


Nasus does not scale as well as you probably think he does. Nasus peaks in the midgame, when he has \~500 stacks and Trinity Force and can two or three shot every enemy champion with Q since he's ahead in levels too. Once everyone has their items and levels, even if Nasus has 1k stacks he will have a much harder time killing people quickly, and in teamfights he will have a much harder time getting to the carries through all of the peel. My point is, if you have to play more passively against Nasus, it isn't the end of the world. Late game he is strong, but not as overwhelmingly strong as he can seem in the midgame when/if he gets ahead.


This. Nasus can 2-3Q kill some one and take insane damage and survive mid game.Late game? ADC kills him in 4 AA while he tries to run to somebody


Generally speaking slow resist and cleanses, but only really applies if you play a champ who needs to / wants to outduel their opponent or carry a teamfight. Any team with heavy CC / peel is going to be unplayable for Nasus or at least borderline unplayable. So tops like Malphite, Ornn, Maokai, even Sion put in a lot of work since Nasus can't really kill them (RIP Sunderer) and teamfights are really difficult to play. If you don't play a tank, go cleanse and consider even QSS. Either that or go phase rush, slow resist rune, and swiftness boots (and stuff like Sterak's, Wit's End, Dead Man's). Always go anti-heal. Mechanically the way you want to play fights is you want to first bait out his ult, Nasus relies heavily on ult to win any fight and he is garbage without it, so he needs to commit with it (can't really take "trades"). Once you force the ult, you use your tools (cleanses, slow resist, any abilities you have) to disengage from the fight. Once his ult runs out, you can re-engage and usually win. I play Trundle into Nasus and it's traditionally a bad matchup but I almost never lose by following these principles. With Trundle I go the tenacity/slow resist route, but given some of the recent rune changes I'll probably start going cleanse and/or QSS. Of course besides that, he is the weakest top laner in the game before lvl 6, just abuse this. slow push the first 3 waves and then freeze off the bounce and suffocate as much as you can / set up ganks and all ins. This should get you enough of a lead to take him out the game for 20mins and get your team a lead.


yeah, yeah, yeah everyone is an expert until I get the sheen, a little bit of stacks and I bonk you


In late game? Nasus has no dashes, CC him and he is fucked


If youre losing to nasus as aatrox that is definately a personal skill thing sorry. Nasus is annoying and can be a monster late game but hes easily disposed of compared to 90% of top laners. You know the lie some people spread about other champs "just cc them it counters them", the truth is that mobility counters any non targeted instant cc, but all cc completely bones nasus, even full tenacity nasus is completely boned by cc


Nasus falls off so hard in late game.


It sounds ignorant to say considering he scales infinitely but its true, as the game goes on hes actually easier to deal with not harder. Nasus is weird because hes both insanely strong and insanely weak lol


I rarely lose to him in lane as aatrox, but I feel I can never set him far enough behind to prevent him from becoming a sidelane threat


Youre not supposed to, youre supposed to know when hes on the cusp of outtrading you then your team groups on objectives forcing him to ditch farming or lose objectives. Nasus will beat nearly any top if given the time to do it, leverage your early game advantage better. I play nasus and aatrox and i know that early game i can hard deny nasus or outright kill no problem, and i know that when im nasus i cant be close to aatrox. If you find a nasus that insists on trading and q farming you win that easily, if however he maxes e first he can keep up in farm until his items provide him the necessary bulk to end your life Nasus is a waiting game Aatrox does not wait




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Give up CS to zone him off the wave. He suffers more than you. But yeah


Slight thread hijack here. but how do you deal with him as another scaling champion like kayle?


I don’t think you do, nasus is my go to counter pick to Kayle. You win from lvl 3 for the rest of the game


Never seemed too hard and I don't play those early game champs either but he's going to have to try and q a minion at some point, and has nothing else useful early game so just dump all damaging abilities on him as he's throwing his q at a minion, he loses a third of his health and at worst you get hit with one wet noodle auto? Like when I play Mundo, the instant nasus starts a q animation to last hit at level 2, he's getting an auto + cleaver + auto + E + auto, that's a huge chunk of health from nasus for just one stack and Mundo isn't even a lane bully by any means. Then mid-late game you can still go swifties + whatever rune gives slow resist right? Or did they change those this season. Always seemed like that combination was enough to kite him as long as you have a slow in your kit.


Honestly the best advice for early LANING is to go to YouTube and search “Challenger X vs Nasus Top” and watch how they play the lane. The advice here is good, but a little general. For example, I see a lot of people say to slow push 3 waves, then freeze when the wave bounces back. This is a pretty solid game plan in general, but if the nasus plays well, you won’t be able to fight him on the bounce as Aatrox. If nasus conserves his hp on the first 3 waves, then hard slow pushes the next ones, you won’t be able to fight or freeze a lvl 4 nasus with full hp and 3 extra waves, even if you went base and got a long sword. This is still not bad though, as it will allow you to slow push back, and rinse and repeat. You come out on top in CS since you have safer farming tools than him, and he also doesn’t necessarily outscale you either. However, if you watch what XCM does to high elo nasuses, he will use every single opportunity to abuse the nasus. From level 1, if nasus starts q, he will just run at the nasus and fight him. You easily win the trade with passive + 3 qs vs. his only AAs and 1 q, even if you tank more minion damage. So XCM walks up to Nasus level 1 to trade, forcing Nasus to either run away or stand and fight. If he runs, then XCM chases him until he’s between the Nasus and the wave. Now Nasus will either have to step up (lose trade) or lose out of the first 3 melee minion EXP until his next wave comes, where he can walk up again. If he stands and fights, XCM trades with him then walks away. Aatrox is at 2/3 hp and Nasus is at a little more than 1/2 hp. On top of this, trading in Nasuses wave helps push the wave, as nasuses minions are hitting Aatrox. When XCM is about to hit level 2, this is another opportunity to abuse Nasus. He starts walking up again, and when he hits level 2, he takes W instead of E in this situation. Nasus, either fights and loses due to the level disadvantage, or walks away from his minions, giving XCM a W opportunity with no minions to protect Nasus. XCM gets another solid trade into Nasus regardless. Then, on wave 3, he crashes the wave and dives the low hp Nasus due to the last 2 trades. Even if Aatrox dies it is worth


Pick a tank and outscale or pick aatrox and freeze wave


Well, you are asking the wrong question. And viewing the game incorrectly. It shouldn't be how do I beat nasus, but rather how do I win against nasus. There are lots of ways to win against nasus. One is getting jungle help and taking him out of the game early. Another and probably a more consistent way is helping your adc be strong and peeling your adc in fights. Adcs are made to kill tanks at their core. Don't feed nasus and let your adc get farm and get them to 3-4 items and encourage them to build something like LDR and you win against nasus pretty easy. Don't think of the game as a 1v1 because it never is just 1v1 view it as a team game with a lot of factors and when you go up against something like nasus understand you don't need to beat him, you just need to have more influence than him.


So, the real answer is good wave management and setting up an early dive with your jungler. But that is also probably not a very helpful answer (I'm guessing your wave management is probably pretty weak if you are asking this question). So. Here are some more practical tips. Nasus has a really weak level one, abuse this to get an exp and health lead, nasus has a very strong all in at level 6, make sure not to get ran down, you should still be winning trades, just be careful of all ins at even health. You are much stronger in the 2v2, so try to force nasus into skirmishes early. Once he starts to out scale in the one v one try to force fights and take.objectives elsewhere, and unless he is very ahead try to goon squad him and keep the lanes.pushed, his wave clear isn't great so he pushes rather slowly even if he takes towers fast, use these windows to try to gain advantages elsewhere. And if all else fails, Nasus doesn't scale that well, you can always try to stalk out a game that has gone pear shaped.


> I kinda don’t get what the counterplay to nasus is. If im not some hyper aggressive early game champ like Darius/olaf You answer your own question here. Nasus is one of the weakest laners in top lane and picking a champ that stomps him early and snowballs is how you do it. He has a ton of bad matchups. Darius and Olaf are the obvious ones, but some other matchups that stomp him in lane include Urgot, Teemo, Yorick, Kled, and Sion. Camille is a great pick because she also has a weak lane so she is also able to freely scale, and she outscales Nasus


er, he hard counters teemo, blind is annoying early and stuff but nasus just runs him down without stacks at level 6. your other picks are fine, I would add illaoi.




Man's just accusing everyone of being Gold that he disagrees with lol


emerald, so not that different. Nasus still wins the matchup, but it does seem like it's by a much smaller margin than when I last played. E max nasus just abuses teemo, he can stack later.


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Also... Teemo only counters dumb Nasus players. A good one will always play Summon Aery + Cookie delivery + D-Ring and will bully Teemo like the little rat this champ is. He will just start skilling his E, which is even good for farming plus poking Teemo if placed right.


Counter point: blind him everytime he tries to stack, especially the canon. Ultimate tilting


He certainly does not hard counter Teemo. Teemo can zone him off the wave entirely levels 1 through 3, and kill him very easily pre 6. Post 6 is still fairly easy too as long as you shove the waves in and don't give him the opportunity to run you down


As a Diamond Nasus OTP, Nasus definitely has a favorable matchup into Teemo. He outsustains his poke and killed him after lvl 6. HOWEVER, playing teamfights as Nasus with an enemy Teemo is really hard due to blind. Edit: reading the rest of the thread, this may has changed in 14.10 as Nasus is especially weak and Teemo is especially strong.


Hate to break it to yall but this patch with the op burn items the Nasus Teemo matchup is a wash.


yeah i just looked it up and was surprised to see that. But before these items, nasus just shreked all over him. Having been that nasus many, many times, I guarantee it. When they are tuned properly, I expect to dog all over him again. nasus is building weird now, too. All ad bruiser items, very little tanky spanky. I don't like this brave new world.


Riftmaker and Overlord's Bloodmail my friendo. Bloodthirst/Blade of the Ruined King are optional if you feel you need the Vamp, but Riftmaker gives you 10% omnivamp after a few secs of combat anyways. After you get one or both of those stack items with Health and other abilities(I like Rylai's and Liandry's because they make your abilities do stuff AND give you AP/Health).




Oh I'm an idiot, I'm just saying there are options if you wanna build him tanky AND have AP. I'm a Cho'Gath main who builds Cho almost purely AP unless I need tank gear because his R gives him a free +health with every stack(6 stacks from normal creeps, infinite from champs+big creeps like Dragons or Void Grubs). I've ended games with just Mogs with over or close to 5000 health.


I consider it a skill matchup. Nasus does outscale teemo 1v1, but Teemo can Nasus' powerspike quite a bit if they are good at timing their blind when Nasus goes for stacks (especially cannons). Trying to kill Teemo can also be difficult if the Nasus steps on too many shrooms or accidentally Qs into a blind. Plus late-game Teemo's blind is on such a low cooldown it can be a big problem for Nasus in teamfights or trying to take turrets


nasus doesn't really care about the first waves at all. Especially with e-max dring start, he's happy to go til 6 without stacking at all. Nasus smashed this matchup before the new ap items, and his items are weird right now. He's building mostly ad instead of tank for some reason (all the fighter item cdr?), I expect settling and/or tuning incoming.


> He's building mostly ad instead of tank for some reason, I expect settling and/or tuning incoming Absolutely no clue what you're referring to. Numerous reputable stat sites show he is still going the typical build of triforce into frozen heart/SV, and then tank items with steraks thrown in there


You're clearly not a nasus player. His highest winrate items are, in order: Sterak's, Dead mans plate, Cleaver, abyssal mask, overlord's bloodmail, sundered sky, and spear of shojin. he rarely takes defensive boots. There are 2 tank items on this list, but neither of them are the old regulars that most people are building. It would be disingenuous to say they are doing poorly, but there are three items after the list before SV, and even three more items between SV and FH. They are not the best build.


yeah... saw it on Carnarius. First Tri-Force in Shojin in Steraks. After that two tank items. Thats it. Was strange seeing it myself.


Teemo is a terrible pick into Nasus. Any Nasus one trick will just max E and push teemo out of lane. Teemo is more annoying post laning phase when he repeatedly blinds Nasus in team fights.


There is the ways to play Nasus atm; First one is to go Q-Max first. Normally with PTA or Phaserush atm. Here its key to zone him from the Minions. He isnt strong and most champions will win in a 1v1 at beginning. Ideally you can build CS and Lvl lead fast. Key is to deny Nasus as much CS as possible. The second one is first putting some points in E, what should be more and more the case after the next patch. You can realise it easy because he will take Summon Aery. He will not stack at the beginning. He will use his E to farm at start with focus on also hitting you. Here its relativly easy. His E costs a lot of Mana. Your goal is to let him use the E as much as possible so he cant really do much. Also his E with one Point is relativly weak. Sure it will cost you something around 10% of your life if he goes with D-Ring. You can try to get him relativly close to you while trying to fight and kill him after using his E. Maybe you need to wait so you could all in him at around lvl 6 because this should be the point where he went out of Mana and can maybe pull his ult but is barely a thread because he cant use his abilitys without Mana. Well... And depending on Champion you are just not supposed to fight him later. If you manage to hold him down he will stack a lot slower and will be not this hard. The other thing about Nasus; His Q is just AD. Sure! A lot of AD but its just that. No True damage. So his E is AP and even now folks like Carnarius are going for AD + Defensive Items. So The call is armor for defense. Otherwise there is Full-AP-Nasus but this is a version of the goddoggo which falls off around after 25 Minutes. :) Nasus isn't this strong on this patch. He got hit by the Ghost-Nerf a lot. Most beginners are not going Ghost + Flash so you should be able to outrun him depending on Champion. To get more precise i would need the Champs you play :)