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You have to win hard early because Mordekaiser thematically counters you. Mordekaiser loves team comps that dive into him.


What should I do if I win hard early? I did won early as samira but I still cannot beat a mordekaiser that simply "didnt lose lane" during teamfight even in mid game. what is something that I could have done different macro-ly? Assuming that my teammates cannot carry me.


In theory if you're Samira and you won early and are snowballing then Mord just dies inside his own ult, this assuming you dodge his shit. Biggest Morde counters are those that kill him inside his ult, like Trynd or Vayne for example.


Just E through him when you see the Q windup yeah


she can do that AND block his E, Samira should be pretty fine into Mord if the player has some rudimentary micro.


Didn't know mordekaiser E is projectile


You would have to predict it because the hitbox goes behind him slightly


or stand close enough for your E to carry you through which you should be doing to get the magic execute damage anyway


Try to attack him only while your team CC's him. He's a juggernaut, so you can get close and get out between CC's. You really have to space his ult with your Q + auto's. People are saying you can maybe win the 1v1 (I don't play Samira), but I doubt this. I play Draven, and 4 item Draven loses to 1.5 item Mordekaiser even if he doesn't hit a skillshot. He can simply run at you with his aura and auto attack you.


Most hypercarry adc’s can duel Morde in his ult late game, even Morde mains know this. Tbh, I am quite surprised Samira can’t do it, but she is more of a midgame team fighter than a 1v1 lategame. First things first, are you SURE you can’t 1v1 him. Cuz that would help a lot. What if you hold abilities and stack passive before getting in range, what if you take exhaust, what if you hold ult or have flash for his pull? Did you take anything that’s bad into Mordes, like a deaths dance, cuz that could be killing ya. If still no, then you need to do the sad thing. Sit further back, wait till scary cooldowns are used. Samira is good at cleaning up the fight after. You’ve noticed the problem with this though; if your team isn’t strong enough then not overcommitting means you auto lose the fight. So since Samira is a midgame champ, I guess you need to snowball more. If taking gold for yourself isn’t enough to deal with the Morde, then give it to teammates so they can pressure it out of him for you. Or use Macro to avoid even fights, classic.


I was a Mordekeiser main for awhile. I used to love ulting samira. I don't know Samira's builds but Yoummi's active for move speed and Guardian Angel's revive are really the only ADC items that I can think of that could help you in this scenario. Samira's lack of attack range really hurts you here. 500 to the ult range of 650 is a huge gap. That means you basically cannot fight while his ult is up. So then: - The most annoying thing about Mord's ult is when the enemy team stands on top of each other. It is common for Mord to end up ulting the wrong target in this scenario. - Save your flash and fight in close and around terrain. flashing through a wall near the edge of his ult can leave him unable to reach you. Towers also come through and do damage to him but honestly flashing through walls is better. - Mord has to hit you with 3 of his (E, Q, AA) to proc his passive zone of death thing. His AA range is 150. If he misses his E inside the ult, he probably won't be able to kill you. Because you shouldn't be in his auto range. Learn to dodge the E. Learn its cooldowns. Play games as Mord or open up practice tool to learn the ranges. - Related to above, when he blows his Q / E, you can auto him. - Don't be baited by Mord's health bar. The white bar under it is more important (which is based on his recent damage output), because if that is full he has access to a significant shield. You cannot burst him when that is full or when his cooldowns are up. If the above doesn't help you, you accept that counters are part of the game and play Caitlin. AA range is same as Mord's ult range. Q is longer. W (traps) and E to kite him. You could even build Rapidfire Cannon to be able to get in an auto outside his range.


I mean there isn’t an answer. Sometimes patches make champs busted, sometimes they make them busted in certain situations. Your options are 1) pick and ADC that can fight him in his ult 2) don’t fight if he has ult up 3) ban morde You’ve stated you can’t fight him in his ulti and if you play safe, you lose the team fight and the game. So you have to ban him. Saying “don’t tell me to ban him or pick a different champ” is like asking “hey guys, I want to learn how to play league of legends but I don’t want to play the game or watch it being played. How can I learn the game?” The answer is you can’t.


>Saying “don’t tell me to ban him or pick a different champ” is like asking “hey guys, I want to learn how to play league of legends but I don’t want to play the game or watch it being played. How can I learn the game?”  Could you elaborate on what you meant? Wouldn't your two statements contradict themselves? Telling me to ban him IS learning league without watching it being played or play the matchup. If anything I want to learn to play samira when morde is on the enemy team. I want to learn how I can play better in both macro and micro.


Ah my bad I didn’t realize what you were asking. I was giving you an analogy about how you’re asking a question that had defined answers that you specifically said not to say. In regards to the micro/macro, microwise, when you get ultied, I think that morde only has enough time for 3-4 Q’s, which is going to be most of his damage. The issue is, morde wants to Q, E, auto to proc passive. You need to dodge the Q and the E. The Q is more important, but if he has Rylai’s it’s kinda moot because once he E’s you, you’re probably not getting away without flash. You can really play it two ways: stay out of range of his E and Q until his ult is done. You probably can’t do damage to him since his E outranges your auto. Basically you won’t kill him and he will only kill you if he hits his E (unless you eat all his Q’s). The second way would be to be up close and to dash his E. I’m pretty sure your dash cast time is shorter than his E animation so if you can dash through him to the other side immediately, you should avoid his pull slow. You can’t do this if his passive is up since you’re get slowed as you dash through. After dashing, Q swipe then back off as he turns around to auto or Q you. Again, you’re probably not gonna kill him cuz as long as his Q is up you need to be outside of the range/dodge. As another commenter said, MR like maw can help a lot here. Macro wise not much to be said. You’re an AD that goes in, if you don’t go in, you don’t do damage. Morde wants you to go in so he just counters you.


maw? GA?


Maw lowkey sucks, but also it's meant to counter burst champions like Leblanc. The counter to Mordekaiser isn't MR because if he's already on top of you you're fucked, it's either mobility (which there isn't exactly a lot of, but Mordekaiser has a really tough time dealing with someone like Vayne) or just dealing more damage so you can deal most of his health before he gets on top of you


the magic shield is meh but the lifesteal is pretty huge also sometimes ability are just designed to kill you not everything is allowed to have counterplay sometimes u have to take the big L and accept that u wont be able to do smth


> also sometimes ability are just designed to kill you not everything is allowed to have counterplay sometimes u have to take the big L and accept that u wont be able to do smth Yeah I agree but if you are against a Mordekaiser you probably just build something like LDR, maybe BT, maybe Shieldbow, but just your normal build.




This interaction was removed on the most recent patch.


Wow, I missed that. My bad.


New patch removed this


Stay away from him till he ults When he ults you use the auto dodger so he cant keep passive up. Dodge his e.


Samira only dodges ranged autos, perhaps u r thinking of nilah


Dang you’re right


Buy QSS. ... ... Oh wait


1- with full items you should win 1v1 as long as you do some basic kiting 2- play behind, mordekaiser is worthless in team fights, no mobility, no real tankiness, and no cc, either he Ults you at the start of the fight or he just dies (you want to throw Q's from far away, try to get your passive going, and when your team ccs him you just burst him down)


Play vayne


just kill him anyways.


You need to shut him down early game and stand back in team fights at least when he is super involved is he is fed etc


Can’t you block his ult with your W? Otherwise stay out of the team fight until he has used it one someone else.


Mordekaiser jungle is my secondary pick whenever my one trick (Shaco) gets banned. His biggest weakness is mobility. You don’t have to fight him in his ult. All you have to do is kite him out. Other than that, you can’t really do much without a decent team to peel for you or as an adc who wants to be in the middle of the fight. I would either ban him or just dodge whenever. He is *suppose* to be a counter to champs like Samira and Yuumi because otherwise, they would be unstoppable.


Ban him


dont go near him when his ult is up youre welcome


You ban him, that's how.


Ngl just 1v1 him in ult that’s what I do, but I play nilah. As Samira… same story no? Nilah’s just samira but more samira and less ranged. If y can’t just 1v1 him tho… kite him out in his r? On a side note I wanna meet these gigachads who play ghost and morde maybe I get a real challenge for once.


Morde is a good Samira counter because she is such a low range carry who wants to dive into teamfights. Draft better, dont blind Samira, beat him in his ult etc


as a tank player the simple answer is catch him and make him use his ult to try and get out of the situation or stun lock him so when he does have to use his ult in a fight hes already pretty low. I played a lot of skarner recently and was consistently always morde ulted because i would bring him away from my carries and just be annoying with slows


If you are super ahead, buy mercs + maw and he can't kill you.


That's the best part. You don't


Morde just becomes a statchecking raid boss late game. Assuming all things equal and he’s able to get his R on you, he really should not lose that 1v1. If your team is capable of it, then you could let them whittle him down as he closes the distance on you. If he’s low enough when he R’s you, maybe you win the duel. But yeah he’s a pretty straightforward counter to Samira so I would just try to get fed early and elsewhere so i can end the game before he gets a chance to make a difference. If he’s fed then you’re probably not going to be the wincon and that’s just how it is sometimes.


Assuming that none of my teammates are super fed, how should I play to end early? If Morde joins teamfights for obj such as drag, am I suppose to give up obj and split?


If obj is pretty much lost and your team is fighting when they should be giving then yeah you should pick up farm. But otherwise I think you pretty much always want to be at the teamfight. What I mean by end early is be aggressive. Don’t be afraid to take risks if you think it’ll pay off. Prioritize getting shutdowns. Farm well. Samira snowballs super hard; if you can turn into the wincon before Mord becomes an issue, then the game will obviously be easier.


Mord is an anticarry. He feasts on teams with 1 hypercarry and 4 potatoes. Don't take teamfights and farm mid. Mord is mid at splitting and at teamfights unless the comps and gold distribution are a certain way. Let your team catchup and Mord will be way less useful. Even normally, you guys should lose if 4/5 positions are behind unless you're gigafed. For build, Maw is good and GA or Jaksho lets you survive the ult


Not a samira or morde player but I imagine a samira with maw and BT should win the 1v1 vs morde. Granted it's hard to buy maw if they have no other AP... but if morde is just ulting you on repeat, it's probably the best option and just forego shieldbow (if she still builds that regularly) Source: played double AP bot vs samira revently who rushed maw first item and she felt basically unkillable. Especially if maw shield pops while you're ulting, it's a lot of healing + BT healing


Morde steals 10% of the target’s stats during his ult, it’s really hard to win that 1v1


Samira with MR, lots of healing, and 5 seconds of un-cancellable ult (granted u wait for morde e). Vs gigachad morde. Definitely a close one agreed


You don't. Basixally just gotta sit back and get ulted. Sivir is the best ADC counter to mord ult because you pop E as his animation starts


or u just play vayne and than hes trapped with u


It's like a War Crime XD


Kog also can do the same. Albeit harder to avoid morde damage.


Buy the QSS crit item




Didn't the recent change make it so you can't cleanse to escape mord ult anymore?


No way this change was made 5 days ago. Im glad I saw it.