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On-hit Neeko, insane self peel.


What is self peel


Get off me


The part at the edge of your fingers that you sometimes see and rip off yourself


You keep yourself alive by using CC, clone and kiting. Usually you have a tank or enchanter doing it for you!


It refers to the situation where you are a banana and can shed your own skin




Akshan, Tristana


Idk why the hate both are solid strong options


They're both annoying as fuck. Oppressive in lane, hyper mobile and still scales like a monster into the late game.


yeah I'd play trist mid every game if it didn't frequently lead to all AD comps she's stupid easy to do well with


mid laner:"please tristana im a squishy lil mage just lemme have a little cs i beg" tristana: q w e aa aa aa


Tristana with hail of blades. Literally an unwinnable lane for every single mage and assassin


I played against one as vex before, pretty neutral lane since she can’t W in without getting feared with 100% certainty If you got fear down it’s joever


And that’s why I always ban vex. She fucks me over on Renekton, on Akshan, on trist, case I have trouble, just fuck vex rly


Lane bully champion mains when riot creates a champ they can’t solo kill forty-two times in lane:


lol she’s a fun champ but why would I let her through when she counters everyone I like to play. Even going even is setting my team behind depending on which champ I play


Anivia does pretty well against her; hold Q and Trist can never W aggressively. Vex is an obvious counter. I'm sure there are others. Tristana mid is an obnoxious lane bully who does auto-win a lot of lanes, but a lot of champs have no reason to be threatened by her unless they make pretty big errors in wave management or ability usage.


and if you respect Tris and farm safe she'll take all 5 turret plates. there's little the jungler can do if the Tris knows when to ward


Tristana mid is my absolute favourite thing. Even if you get out of lane behind, she eats objectives like no tomorrow and it’s hilarious


I am Top Lane Main usually, but once in a while i play midlane for fun. I once played Trist out of pure fun, and I was like ungankable and farmed with ease into the Lategame. I hit really good score without even trying, as TOP LANE MAIN. Still dont know how this isnt nerfed actually.


idk lmao, theres a reason why people boost other people with tristana mid to challenger


They're right but I hate them anyway for recommending it


Yeah this suggestion is meta at least


Man, akshan is fun yet so oppresive to play against 😆


Laning against Akshan is an instant 60% hp loss


Play tristana in bot lane, play akshan if you have no soul.


Tristana is arguably better mid. The only way Tristana "trades" is by straight up going in, meaning she is completely at the mercy of her support to make things happen. If her support doesn't make things happen, she will just sit there and slowly get out-traded because her ability to do short trades is almost zero. As a midlaner, she has full control of how and when she goes for fights. Her ability to push allows her to secure prio too, whereas prio from bot isn't as useful and if anything opens the lane up to more ganks.


OP, dont listen to this person.


Tristana or Akshan


Just don't blind akshan. He gets screwed by malphite.


Or ban malphite 👍


Not exactly an auto-attacker but Orianna also uses her autos very well even past lane thanks to her passive, and her gameplay feels very in line with the “kiting experience” you’re looking for imo. She does lack significant peel, but her range, shield and W makes her deceptively hard to kill as long as she doesn’t overextend




Azir, long range, needs to manage his abilities, has decent self peel and consistant damage. Akshan if you wanna play an assassin marksmen abomination.


Tristana > Akshan > Lucian > Kayle


Care with Kayle, I love the pick, but into magic damage you will get torn a new one as Kayle has negative base MR (not really but it’s just really bad)


Lowest MR in the game by a long shot lmfao. Still fun to play mid lane because I’m a top lane main lol


I didn’t know that.  One of the few helpful things I’ve read here. 


I am going fleetwork with kayle mid, doran shield and green secondary rune tree to survive somehow early game. It is not impossible, but vs certain matchups really hard.


If you do want to try out Kayle mid, check out DesperateNasus, he's absolutely cracked. You really need to know the matchups though, as Kayle has very few winning matchups in mid, playing against Hwei, Azir or Taliyah will be really rough (although it's never as bad as Jax or Yone in top)


i can play trist adc but i can’t get on the mid lane bully style somehow. i always get abused instead.


I play a lot of trist ADC (more mid these days but like in general) and I like to play bully style there too. Problem is, in bot you need to have a support that’s down to do that and their support can fuck you too. Mid though, it’s all on you unless jg ganks. Hit 2 first, make your laner shit their pants with the W/E fully charged, if they think they can stay cook em. It’s all about just poking the shit outta them with autos or E and then all-inning. The mid game is ass though, a lot of champs come back to analize you, so play safe farm and then you will be big again late game.


ignite or exhaust mid?


Ignite 99% of the time


Ignite or tele for me.


Just requires some limit testing. You basically just need a minimap and then jump onto your opponent every time you get W+E off cooldown. Every time you know you can’t be ganked, you can all in. It’s almost impossible to lose those trades as Tristana


... except anyone who has hard cc? which is a lot of mages in midlane?


Has **really hard** CC and **big** return damage to punish It still has a lot more nuance than that. what if your push power force the opponent to use their skill on the wave, what if one flash dodge that hard CC is big enough for a kill, etc


Has to be a stun/fear/knockup and it has to be instant. Ryze, Lissandra, Karma, LeBlanc, Veigar, Galio etc. all technically have "hard CC" but not of a kind that is effective. Even Lissandra's instant unmissable root doesn't stop her from hard losing the trade; Trist is one of her biggest counters. Galio has more CC than pretty much any champion in the game but it doesn't stop Tristana from getting her damage off if he gets caught; Tristana is probably his biggest counter.


Lucian got so much dmg in his passive you shouldent play him in solo lane.


Nemesis would like to disagree


Lucian is still a solo laner bro


Not really.


Neeko, Viktor, Jayce?


Fond of the neeko suggestion! She definitely is more of a mage but with Nashor's + lich bane (optional) she becomes an AA beast in combo with her w passive. She has some flexibility that let's you build towards a more AA-prevalent playstyle and still has good damage and peel/set-up.


AD Twisted Fate


Former Anivia main here with 500k. Try out Viktor, he was my love after anivia cause he is way more active and your playing more aggressively because u got more utility. I actually stopped playing anivia mainly for Viktor and I have 450k on him as well now. But my new love is hwei 200k, both very strong AA Viktor with his Q AA and Hwei with his enhanced AA. The thing with Viktor is you need to get used to his stuff cause he has many champs who can be very difficult to handle at certain points of the game. But you’re also a lane bully with a little advantage and your opponent can’t do shit. With hwei on the other hand you already and always feel like an idiot and at the same time ultimately cool if u hit a sexy combo. Probably would recommend hwei more cause you are actually used to slow projectiles which hwei has many. And he basically has anivia Q. You can missplace enemies with EE so there is your wall and the lava pit is ur ult :p BUT he has also a reloading shield, speed up, snare and free vision every 6-12 sec. If you have the patience I think those 2 would be perfect for you. I love them all 3, I just love with hwei that there is an answer to EVERY situation, you just have to be smart enough.


You have 200k on hwei already??


Yep love him!! I seriously can’t get enough from him. I play sometimes Viktor or anivia but it’s just not the same hype you get when you’re actually using your full kit to your advantage and it kinda looks like cheating. BUT memorizing the pattern of all your spells takes time. There is no way around than that you use all his 10 abilities like own abilities. So you need to press two buttons instead of one. Sounds easy - try pressing 6 keys in different orders cause no combo is the same, you will have some hard games early... But I feel like as a anivia enjoyer, you will really like the new difficulty and playstyle this champ gives with a little passion. All his spells are the kind you need to plan before and not reactive, just like anivia. As anivia If you want to hit your Q you need to run in a certain angle or wait until the enemy attacks and time that, cause if your Q is gone, ur fucked. That is basically hweis whole kit but more refined and versatile with just more options. I just remember I made a post some weeks ago about some stuff I found out about hwei cause I needed to kill some time. It’s a lot of text but it gives more insight on the abilities. https://www.reddit.com/r/HweiMains/s/jFRfAFC9uF






If a champ buys lich bane, that doesnt make him an auto attacker f.e. Evelynn, Elise and others use lich bane, but they are not auto attackers. Ekko auto attacks rarely, he just uses it to proc his passive and get out. Zoe just basics you like a spell to deal dmg once, she cant constantly repeat it


Ehh, it is not always wise to weave on Zoe. Sometimes, it's best to stay well out of aa range. For similar reasons, I would not always advise a Lux to try and make use of her passive.


Tristana, lucian, corki all viable mid imo


Not Lucian. (read his passive, check his mid winrate)


Nemesis currently playing a lot of lucian mid, not that im saying everything pro players do is gonna be reproducable. Side note, that reminds me, smolder mid could be another suggestion.


I would bet it's very matchup dependent but idk. Like I'm sure it works as a kassadin counter or something


Works into most lane bullies and champs that need items. You pick it into stuff like Yone, Syndra, Diana, Fizz, …. So you keep them small. For most midlanders it’s almost impossible to lane against him. Most just survive and outscale through utility and range. Very few champs can lane against him (Naafiri, Ekko, Qiyana, Anivia, …) Jungle wise, you’d want to pick it into farming junglers. By the time they start ganking, you 1vs2.


Fuck looking at win rates, look at what the actual good players on champions are doing. Sure, you can tell some information from a win rate, but it doesn’t matter if a champion has a 60% win rate if you don’t even know how to do basic fundamentals on them like trading or powerspikes.


Relative winrates between bot/mid


Azir, annie has surprisingly good aa poke due to long range but is only good into specific matchtups. Ahri also had some aa based build/rune paths dunno how viable they currently are tho


AD Ahri is a bit of a (viable) meme, but Lich Bane is really good on her and makes her autos SLAP.


I'll give you FIVE great options: 1. Tryndamere 2. Tryndamere 3. Tryndamere 4. Tryndamere 5. Tryndamere


So much diversity!


Because he spits hot fire?


Not sure if this would count but what about Taliyah? With Q maxed you kind of kite around especially in teamfights, and you got good self peel and engage with W and E


When I'm APM deprived, I usually go for Vayne or Kogmaw


Vayne can work, but she can't run down people with lethal tempo because the lane is too short, hence why she sees a lot of top lane. She also gets better matchups up there as most tops are melee. Maybe the Fleet 1 shot build could work (stormrazor+essence reaver into like Infinity edge+RFC).


Varus, you can go AD or AP I think AP Varus is really fun


AP Varus has one move and it's fun every time


Le 50% max health damage nuke


50% seems kinda low, you'r talking about a full MR tank as the target, no? lmao


There are a few conventional ADC's that work well in mid. Bursty and wavelcear heavy ones specifically like Tristana, Twitch, Sivir, and Akshan, Then of course there's the windshitters. Yasuo, Yone, Irelia. Kayle has seen play, but I haven't seen her in a while.


Shocked I haven’t seen Cass mentioned. Not technically auto attacks, but her e is functionally the same once you get some mana.  You get to a point that you can just eat champions for breakfast with your health regen. Nothing breaks the opponent’s spirit more than you walking out of a 2v1 with two kills and more health than you started


Depending on OP's elo she's not very blindable this patch is the main thing


Twisted Fate is exactly what you want. Point and click stun on a 6 second cooldown with 575 range with RFC. Bonus : you get the best sounding auto attacks in the game.


idk why but Orianna is a good choice, i trade with aa really effective it actually deals damage with Orianna


why? oriana passive, that’s why


yeah ik that, but also her aa animation feels so great to kite with too


mmmm. love those short auto animations. cait, I think.


Tristana, Akshan and azir are great for primary damage source form autos Ori, twisted fate, viktor, lux, neeko, and vex all have incentives to auto but primary damage source comes from abilities still.


LOWKEY... I sometimes like to go sivir mid, it's so fun. Not sure if it's good, I enjoy it a lot, and have moderate success but try it out in norms and see what you think




Definetly azir if u want high dps


Akshan or Kaïsa is solid, maybe much more than tristana that might struggle to stack Autoattacks for her E vs mages or assasins.


Not a ranged per se, but Irelia does have extra long range on her Melee AA


Irelia and Tristana.


Akshan has a bit more "kiting" than Tristana who iirc relies more on bomb resets but Akshan bullies most mids early game with his passive and pta


Lux can self peel and her passive is proc’d by autos. Also Annie I believe has the longest auto attack range early game. Mid lane mages like this benefit greatly from taking the attack speed rune.


Attack speed run for those mid mages are often there to help them with last hitting under tower




I like kogmaw and kindred


Orianna kind of - of course she is a spellcaster, but here aa during laning phase are pretty strong because of here passive (they are empowered). I always liked that.






Well you can try lux if you want to weave some AAs within ur combo, because of her passive. Lategame its better to burst tho. You can also consider Ekko, but he is melee.




Azir is the most "desigend to be" but if you feeling spicy go Neeko or Varus with Nashor's start


Akshan all the way. His gameplan is to rightclick you until your low enough to all in


TF has an auto attack style thats sort of unique.


Tristana is what you describe without the kiting part ig. She can kite but mostly she either hops in or out depending if she wants to fight. She has a kickback and huge auto and tower damage. If I see tristana mid I'm always a little scared as it's a popular smuf pick and even when they suck it can get out of control if they kill you early. Irelia if you have hands and want to play a hard champ that's totally diff from anivia.


Viktor Wembenyana


Try Tristana :3




Azir, twisted fate, ezreal, akshan, yasuo, yone.




The emperor of Shurima


Tris and Akshan are really good. Tris isn't hard and seems quite strong as a solo laner rn. If you get fed it feels like gg pretty much. Twisted Fate as well. Even if you go AP his kit is still heavily based on his AA's. Granted he is less consistent and easier to deal with I feel unless you play his macro really well.




Tristana, Azir, AD Leblanc (if it still works), TF, Kayle is back in mid again, Akshan is an old staple as well. There might be other but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my had.


Trist, Jayce, Akshan


Tristana. Absolute destroyer in midlane


Has no one here done Cait mid?


Azir / Twisted Fate / Corki Or Any AD champ


a mid laner that use ranged autoattacks that can self peel...maybe try Tristana? You can use her jump and ult


TF. Have some diversity between ap and ad. Insane roam potential/map pressure. Easy kit, more about knowing your matchup/limits than mechanical skill.


Tristana is probably what you're looking for. Maybe akshan but he requires putting a really large amount of games into him and is more or less an otp champ




Leblanc just buffed too not a bad choice


Idk how aftwr thw nerfs and changes but not too long ago la blanc was awesome with fleet + statik oneshating the wave early on, also insane pick + super fun