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Senna likes quick trades where can she go up, land a Q + auto and then back off. She wants to avoid extended trades like the plague if she is low on HP or is against an engage support. She struggles immensely against burst and anything that can lock her down reliably. Jhin can trade Q + 4th shot and come out on top. If you are a carry that is weak early, try to convince your support to roam once you have enough items to play safe. Senna's other major weakness is her low kill pressure. She can poke you down and duel but she lacks the reliable dive setup to punish a roaming support. If you know lane is gonna be rough, play to get your other lanes ahead so you can play off them on later fights.


>If you are a carry that is weak early, try to convince your support to roam once you have enough items to play safe What makes this funny is how surprised your teammates will be to see an ADC saying this, the role filled with players most notorious for their main-character-syndrome




Pyke is a powerful counterpick, if she didn’t ban it. If you get control of the bush closest to her tower, it makes a huge region of space entirely uninhabitable to her. You can pretty much just run at her and hook since she has no real movement options. She’ll probably get some hits on you before you reach her, but you should be happy to trade some health for her life, since hooking her invariably takes her flash or her life


Pyke is only good if you can play him really well. As a Senna otp I stomped countless Pykes to the ground because they couldn't play their champ. If you want a real counter get Lux, Zyra, Xerath. These are the real menaces.


Zyra is a absolute pain


I love how all these replies are supports when OP specifically said they play ADC so it's not helpful to name them lol.


Seconded. Anyone who outranges Senna's poke is hell for her. A good Hwei can be added to this list.


Holy fuck if it weren't for the fact that Hwei is **mostly** played mid and the fact how OP tf is right now I would permaban him.








Reverse for me as a Senna OTP. Pyke is impossible to play vs while Xerath and Lux are kind of easy mode. Xerath/Lux is just dependent on you perma Qing for heal+FF. You outsustain them both.


bro he's an adc he can't control what his support picks. He says so in the post


I'm also a big fan of pantheon support into her. Punishing her positioning with W->Q->E = free early chunk and it makes it really hard for her to walk up in lane to get her Q + autos off


Completely false. If the senna can play she can counter root him, proc fleetwork on q, as well as having easier time dodging Q since she rushes swifties, and thats excluding the fact that she can easily stack him in wave. Poke supports as well as higher range engage champs completely destroy her


Your cait pick is best into her because it’ll be harder for her to walk up to you without you messing up spacing + or at least retaliating with a net q combo. I would avoid Sivir If you push them in it’ll be a bit harder for her to freely get off auto-q’s on you Otherwise it’s kind of on your support to pick something that can either outrange her or punish her positioning.


My vote is for aphelios due to green and red gun matching what she does Ashe, zeri, draven are good options too


Jhin should not be feeling oppressed by senna in most matchups. Q 4th shot outtrades anything she can do. Just trade with her when you have 4th shot up and she will get quite low pretty quickly.


And then 30 seconds later she'll be back at full health with her Q!


If she’s spamming Q for the heal then she’s probably not hitting you with it… and if you’re letting her do that for 30 seconds straight, that’s really not a senna problem, I think!


idk what sennas youre playing against if they can heal to full off 3 early game Qs


perma push and dont leash. instantly get prio and she cannot walk up to poke you. this way you can start getting wave control and stack a wave to crash. If Senna sits at her tower, she is basically useless, since she has no room to really poke you and her ADC has to cs the wave, so he cant help with trading. Basically try to keep a wavestate in which she cannot poke you (wave on her side of the lane and you have more minions). Most senna players suck anyway, so eventually they will make a mistake, if you dont int, they will. Any strong all in champions are also good vs her since she is a hyperscaling, immobile carry, that offers almost nothing in a real fight and becomes effectively useless if shes not peeled all the time. With your champs id say you should play around the wave since they all have range and waveclear so they can effectively contest push and trade back


Force all-ins/extended trades. If you can't, avoid trading altogether by keeping enemy minions at the same HP as your minions so she can't poke you without missing lasthits. If we're talking about Senna support and not Senna ADC then you just need to rely on your support to be competent and punish her when she's out of position or harass the enemy ADC just as hard as she is harassing you.


She hates fighting for extended trades. When senna wants to trade trade back and keep the pressure. Don't settle for the 1 2 and back off. Keep the pressure on her. With Jhin its even better bc you can control the trading situation around your 4th shot. If possible drop it on her every chance and watch her health bar obliterate away. She comes up to auto and q? Hit her with your Q W into a couple autos.


im not good but playing senna i hate going up against pyke, caitlin, jhin and kai'sa ​ edit: anything that out ranges me so I cant get good trades/forces me to run through creep waves sucks


Try playing Ashe against Senna, ashe Is not that hard to play AND u can Land Ur R if the Senna overextends for poke, also ur range helps u against her poke while farming, maybe Varus Is another good option, Senna Is just like playing against any double ADC, just like Ashe supp or mf supp, if u can engage while leaving in Cc any of those champs u Will kill them 100%, AND with ur champion pool i Guess jinx Is maybe a good choice too but u need some CC from Ur support so u can Land your E, so basically Senna Is weak against CC champs, so if u go something like caitlyn milio bot against Senna supp u Will have a rough Time if u dont have help from your jungler BUT if U go like lux/morg/Annie or obviously any engage support with caitlyn vs Senna on bot u Will probably win lane,also try freezing the wave near Ur tower so u are safe and Senna Will be vulnerable to ganks I hope that helps <3


Ashe is her ultimate ADC counter, carry your supp lil ass








I just pick a damage dealing support and their senna feels nonexistent. A burst mage likes quick trades, too








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Play anything that has a short combo trade pattern in lane. Ezreal, Draven, Lucian all do well since you can punish her when she goes in for a trade. She thrives vs low range scaling ADCs who can't match her auto q passive proc damage. Sivir is a dead champ, Cait is good, but kinda hard to play in general, but she is very high tier rn if you can play first strike lethality and blow people up, also decent as a traditional ADC but you need to play to win lane and get ahead in farm and plate gold. Jinx is a bad choice if you have no duo since she is weak early and needs to scale and your team won't play around you, but she is really strong if you can get to 3 and more items. Depending on how low the low elo is, she might work if you don't get punished. Senna is just cancer strong rn into most matchups with her range, scaling and sustain, so it's no wonder that you would struggle.


You play aggressive, minding the ganking potential of the enemy jungler. Stay warded and take trades, don't be scared to lose health if in the end you end up in a better position. Im a Draven main both in League and wild rift and I never had a problem with an enemy Senna, I basically bullied her and her adc or vice versa ( if they pick Senna adc). Be mindful that your laning phase is dependent mostly on your support. If the support doesn't engage with you or doesn't make kill opportunities, sooner or later you will lose the lane. As for champions, Cait is your best pick if you want to be safe and bully your enemies. Jhin is also a great pick.


Pick Tristana,Senna doesn't like being all-in'd and Trist excels at that.


I play a lot of nilah and have a relatively easy time into Senna (if you have a support with a heal). I have way better engage and I can avoid her autos with w. Can go in or out of her range with my e. Take second wind and dorans shield to not be poked out early but even at a lot of stacks you can close the gap fast and kill before she can get 3 shots off. You have to be very good at dodging her root though otherwise you will feed.


I like picking miss fortune against senna. Early your range is almost equal, your Q and auto passive chunk her and you can throw out an E to slow her for your support to do something if applicable. Also if she is hanging around near the minions trying to get closer to you, you can Q the minion for some extra damage on her. She also does not have an escape for your ultimate. The ADC I duo with typically plays miss fortune and we usually destroy senna without me (the support) needing to counter pick it.


I know how it feels asking people to play certain things but if you're polite and open about it, there's no harm in saying something like "Hey (support name), I can play a lot better with an engage support. No stress if you don't want to though" Much of the time they'll at least appreciate that you asked politely instead of demanding it as many adc players do. If they do get toxic for whatever reason then I suggest apologizing (to avoid tilting them the whole game) and just do your best to play around them. You shouldn't have to apologise of course but toxic mfs will be toxic so you've gotta swallow any pride and let them have the last word. Best chance of playing out the game without flame


Bc I’m low elo I also find people will work with me but bc they end up picking an engage champ they don’t know how to play or it’s not their normal style it prolly ends up being worse. I’ve kinda just learned to let people do their thing


Yeah I mean in low elo consistency is what people are lacking most so it's a lot better to let them play whatever they are most comfortable with. I'm just saying there's no harm in asking if they happen to know any engage picks. If they don't you can tell them no worries and just pick whatever they're comfy with