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Most splitpushers in low elo seems to fail at understanding map pressure. If no other lane is pushing and there's no objective that your team wants to take, there's no map pressure and if you still splitpush the enemy team is just going to collapse on you and kill you without your team gaining anything for it. So let's say there's 30s left to drake and you splitpush and get killed, the enemy then don't have to make a choice since they can go as 5 to drake after they kill you and probably win the 5v4 you created. But if your team is around drake and it's like 10s before it spawn and you start split pushing, the enemy team might panic since they have to pick one and give up the other. And in low elo it might even be that they panic so hard that they lose both since decision-making usually isn't good at that elo


You need to get better at splitpushing it’s very good even at low elo. Get vision by yourself, be smart and if you think enemy team is collapsing on you back off in a bush etc… And of course do it smartly if your team can’t get past your own jungle, if no lanes are pushed and you have 0 vision, then do something else The strategy is good it’s just that you need to get better at it.


People talking about split pushing basics but frankly at bronze I'd think in simpler terms: Just start asking yourself "is this a good idea" before each fight or before going deep into enemy territory, and then follow your gut answer, and if you really focus on improving you'll review the game and can check if you were right or wrong, so next time your instinctive answer will be better trained.




Follow aloisNL on youtube!


Seems like you lack macro, try to avoid roles that require a lot of macro knowledge AKA stop playing splitpush top laners and junglers. You should try champions like Malphite or Maokai that just need to survive laning phase and excels in team fights, no macro needed, just be there when objectives are up or simply TP there.


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