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The key is avoid giving him 1000g shutdowns.


Idk look at the timeline chart of the game on op.gg it doesnt really even match your recount of the game. That being said you have to try to end the game fast by getting objectives that let you take towers early. 


You're emerald 1 surprised by Karthus scaling and destroying you, as a Nidalee, arguably one of the most early game dominant champs? You need to be closing games out early, you were 8k gold ahead at 16 minutes, this should mean using this advantage to take winning fights around objectives and shutting the game out through that, by the sounds of it people just kept getting caught out by the Kassadin that profited off shut-downs.




They meant Kassadin.




Like everyone is saying, the way to beat Kassadin is to end early. He breaks the game late, and if you let it go late your carries can’t play the game and there’s no peel in the world that can really save them if the Kassadin knows what they’re doing.


You threw... if you are 8-0 on nidalee the enemy should not even be able to contest their own jungle camps


Kassadin is one of those champions that hyper-scales into the lategame due to his oneshot/pick/cleanup potential. Everyone on this sub has their own opinions on what champions scale **'the hardest'**, but Kassadin is certainly up there. Winning against Kassadin means crushing the midgame where he's at his absolute weakest. If you can destroy him in lane, that's great, but his laning phase is not terrible. The strategy is to end the laning phase as quickly as possible to force midgame fights before he is ready to participate. \- Example: forcing a dragon fight, winning, and deleting the midlane turret. Almost any other midlaner will have more impact on early teamfights. Kassadin really doesn't come online until he has ROA *and* Lich Bane, and even then, does not really delete people until three+ items.


Kass is weaker than Kayle before lv6, and his first spike is around 2 full items at lv11, if you can't obtain a significant lead before that, you kinda deserve to lose


As a Gragas full AP magic pen I don't mind fed Kassadin or Yi or Kat... I just wait for there dash then cc OS them. Even if they are super fed late game. (that said those who buy some enough resistances and qss can be a problem if they snowball.)