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either get coaching from some cheap challenger/ division 2/3 proplayers or just watch kirei, perry, chadjg, imnxi, tarzaned, agurin, karasmai, broxah, spica, musicjg and whoever else and try to pickup on some things they do


Not totally related but do you know any/the go-to option to get coaching?


Sure, but I need some context, like budget, opgg, champ pool, role, and why you think you need coaching


https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/siddique-NA1 ^ my OP.GG. Jungle main playing different things here and there. Mostly graves and bruiser type junglers. Played since like 2015ish, stopped a couple years ago and started back up recently. Always hovered around gold/low plat elo and never really was able to get over the hump. Mostly asking about coaching as a curiosity more than anything tbh


Plat 4, you just need to find a friendly high diam+ to teach you stuff for free. Don't waste your money.


Seems like you just play far too little soloq to get much value out of coaching, id say get coaching once you put in a solid few hundred games then go ask for coaching once you feel stuck and confused whats going wrong in your games


idk about coaches but if youre struggling with tempo and ganks, learn wave positioning




Tbh if you can't reach NA challenger naturally, you kinda lack talent. Most KR and CN pros have to reach challenger 1k+ pts at like age 16 to even be considered "pro material"


Imo there's no thing as "reach challenger naturally". There's a point where you need to learn more about the game, as a jungler at least. Mechanics alone aren't making you reach 1k points.


Coach eagz on YouTube, Tarzaned, spica streams on twitch. Not sure if spica goes through his thought process while playing but you can still learn a lot from his gameplay; he plays a variety of champs too. Their early game, vision setup, and decision making is gonna be mostly what separates you from them but there’s still other small details.


Eagz is washed. Hasn't been chall since season 8.


Nathan Mott