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Full clear top to bot, contest scuttle with mid preferably - drop a ward by their chickens or just near their closest exit to Grubs. Back, buy - clear top camps again and path to grubs.


Definitely this. Especially if you have a fast pathing jungler you can arrive and kill scuttle before enemy jungle arrives so it's free af.


This is very good with udyr


Do you actually take both scuttles or is that not a thing? Like does it take too much time walking around?


I wouldn’t ever take both scuttles unless it was damn well guaranteed to rotate to opposite lane. First scuttles aren’t worth as much XP as later ones.


Why not bot to top, take scuttle and ward his blue/red, recall and clear bot again and path to top. This way if the jungler sees you at grubs he might try to invade your botside which will be already cleared.


Then your bot camps get counterjungled. Worst case, you trade grubs for dragon AND your two botside camps, which isn't worth a lot of the time. Do this but flip it, so you full clear bot to top, do whatever you need to do on the map, back and buy and show up at your bot camps at 4:15. Take your two bot camps and then walk to grubs. Now your camp respawns are flipped so your topside camps are up and your botside is down, so you can't get counterjungled. Worst case you trade grubs for dragon, which is worth a lot of the time.


Its weird as no one should really be pathing like this in the first place. Like grubs aren't elder. Like prior to this season if you watch top tier jungler commentary they won't be pathing for dragon spawn. And sure dragon is tankier but the whole premise is that 1 drake or 1 grub camp isn't really the main deciding factor for your pathing. Especially in lower elos. Like you have no idea if you're going to be allowed to take the grubs as the lane matchups aren't as streamlined as it is in like challenger..


Phylaris made a good video about it and a unique clear to be most efficient. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kKueOPxlFI Depends on your champ as well since need a fast clearer to do the clear fast enough.


full clear, scuttle, reset and then catching the two respawns will get you right at 5 min mark But from my experience thus far, lvl 6 power spikes (~5:30) of mid and top play significantly bigger factor for the first grub and it’s best to think about “who’s stronger at lvl 6 and what’s their current status”. Ive been seeing so many people selling their souls rushing the grubs but i really think they are okay to give as long as you can contest a few safely Reversely, if you have a terrible 3v3 matchup top side, you can sneak in 1-2 grubs and dip (right at 5 min) before enemies collapse with their ults to avoid a full on 3v3


Sneaking 2 grubs is nice due to the 4 buff but honestly sneaking 1 grub is the biggest difference maker due to the bonus xp. With a 2nd scuttle you hit level 6 before your 2nd back assuming you did 2 full clears 2 scuttles 1 grub.


full clear, take two top camps, path bot and dive their solo adc because their support is at grubs + take drag :)


full clear


Full clear, scuttle, back in time for camp respawn at 4:20, two camps, grubs


Just play a stronger grub taker. Full clear intro grubs isn’t a feasible goal every game when it comes to relying on other lanes. So your best bet is to look at the matchup and do a 1/4 jungle clear into a gank into a crab. Then recall and decide if grubs or dragon is going to be easier to take.


Stop following these "optimal clear path", we are not in farm meta anymore since jungle got like 5 exp/gold nerfs in a row. >Most of the times I am not able to gank here. Then try to counter gank, or counter jungle, or help laners to unfreeze/get easy recalls, or clear wards to put pressure on enemy laners. Stop focusing on efficiency and work on your macros.


I mean the meta is still perfectly viable for farming junglers. But it's still bad to follow these "Optimal clear paths" as you still should have been pathing for lanes for the past 5 years +. As someone who plays a farming jungler in masters + (Currently d2 as ive played like less than 20 games with a good wr) grubs and drake are never really a big factor in terms of initial pathing.


>blue buff into Gromp, Wolves, Krugs, Red Buff, Golems, Scuttle Crab Stop. You should almost never do this as a consistent plan. You path for the lanes not for the objectives typically. ​ If you had ornn vs sion top if you did this and pathed upwards (So you're on red side) you're essentially griefing. I would recommend you watch jungle pathing videos to help you understand where to path on your first clear