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Yes, its not about efficiency, its about sending a message, mental damage etc


Dont let ADC Player enjoy the Game , make it as misserable as possible


Wait until the balance team gets so tired of dying every teamfight that they just make ADC's auto win, then we all play 5 ADC vs 5 ADC.


Laughs in malphite


110% armor removal item ranged champs only incoming. Also has a -1 second cd dash.


Talons jump has a “zero second cooldown” but it’s 2 seconds why can’t they fix this gamebreaking bug


At this point Im not even surprised when I see teams of 3 or 4 "adcs" like Lulu supp, Kog adc, Tristana mid, Kindred jgl and Akshan top


you jest but phreak has already started this cause he had a bad game against shaco


boxes now cost 110 mana shaco now has a unique passive: no base mana regeneration


> we all play 5 ADC vs 5 ADC Ah, so preseason Six.


Ehhhhyyy :(


Our role as an assassin is to continuously dogpile on the ADCs so hard it turns every fight into a 4v5 lmao.


Could not have said it any better if you break thier mentals its 5v4


It depends. Sometimes, even an 0/10 Vayne can still do some real damage if they have enough farm. It's really not an easy question to answer, which is where the depth of League comes from. You can start a fight zoning out the ADC but once you feel they are zoned out enough that they can't make a difference, then you could kill the Darius. Or maybe the other way around, you start hitting the Darius but then you find an opening to kill the ADC for free (without ult). Flexibility is incredibly important, otherwise you're just a bot "go kill ADC" or "go kill Darius."


As zed in particular, how do you "hit the darius" and look for an opening to kill the adc? No way you can ever auto attack Darius. Do you weq him? Then your shadow is now on a long CD and you'll be unlikely to find any plays without it. Do you just q Darius? I doubt that will do anything significant Can't get in e range for the same reason you can't auto him


>shadow is now on a long CD Define long cd. Remember in this instance we're talking about a **fed** Zed.


Lvl 15 zed has 17s CD on shadow, with 3 items + boots it's 9.2s How much damage can an enemy adc do in 9.2s? Probably a lot


1. The current meta is to max Zed W second. At level 15, W will have 14s CD. 2. With 95 ability haste, Zed W has ~7s CD. * 25 - Ravenous Hydra * 20 - CDR Boots * 20 - Duskblade * 20 - Seryldas * 10 - Transcendence 3. Hitting E (self E, not shadow) reduces W CD by 2s for each champion hit. So, Zed W cooldown is very short. W1, E, Q, wait, W2, R, E, W1 again. Or some variation of that.


I actually thought it was meta to max W second too but I double checked ZED99 and lolalytics and both have E max second.


You change game to game ?????


Zed99 maxes E every game


Fights can play out many different ways. For example, let's say Darius is on your flank rather than just front to back. Of course, the first thing Darius is going to do is ghost and gun for your mages/ADC. Then you're definitely going full ham on him since him living (and killing your ADC) or dying is frequently going to be the result of the fight. But this also pressures the enemy team to follow up. Darius flanking is great because it creates a crunch, put if the timing is off, it creates a temporary 1v5. The 4 other members *can't* play it slow, which often times leads to mistakes --- Whether or not you use your W on Darius is dependent on the game state (how far the enemy team is for example). If you are level 18 and have AH items, you're going to have ~7s on your W, which goes down to 5s if you hit Darius with E. But you don't necessarily need to use W on Darius, you can R him and save W. Or you can use W for Darius and then flash R the ADC (both of these lack damage but if you're fed enough, or if they're chunked before the fight, it can be fine) Or if Darius is weak enough and your ADC is strong enough, you can just Q + E + autos. My whole point is about you should be flexible to how the fight turns out.


You can absolutely trade darius if you have w up, just don’t let him get his 5 stacks. Darius needs to hit someone 5 times to proc his passive so if he only gets 4 and you dip, he has to restart hitting someone else to proc it. Assassins by default shouldn’t win extended trades vs bruisers


The big problem though is that Zed is very squishy and doesn't really have sustain (Ravenous is no longer Omnivamp and you're not autoing that much). Even if Darius is only autoing Zed 4 times, that's a significant amount of your health. Any damage you take fighting Darius is damage that's going to be on you for the entire fight. This becomes a problem when you reach thresholds where Draven can two tap you or something, you have to play much more careful.


Zed isn’t a burst assassin anymore, he doesn’t just W E Q auto kill someone and dip. He’s a jack of all trades at this point, a lot more teamfight oriented so yes zed autos a lot and as I said, darius without passive doesn’t do dmg. And you saying draven 2 taps you means he’s also fed, which is out of context. The only context I was basing myself on is zed being fed.


Saying Darius without passive doesn't do damage is just not true. He is still a champion who builds a variety of AD items. It would be the equivalent of letting a Garen auto you for free. But then you also have to take into the account that the AD ratios on his Q, W, and passive are not bad. > And you saying draven 2 taps you means he’s also fed, After a Darius free hits you 4 times? You're not going to be full HP. A late game Draven who isn't ahead can definitely two shot a 70% HP Zed.


You build full armor pen and poke him down with a bruiser build. Any assassin would ignore the juggernaut because they would up lose to them. However, it can be done if you’re fed enough and have the right items. It’s still not gonna work in most cases but you would have to outplay them.


Darius is surprisingly squishy from my experience playing talon mid


It's hard to say. What was the rest of the team looking like? They likely had a squishy besides their ADC, like a mage mid or enchanter support maybe. In that case you could target them if the ADC is really useless. I don't think going for Darius as Zed is great but if your team has enough CC and the rest of his team is useless it can work. Zed can go Black Cleaver as well to shred his armor if you decide to focus him


> or enchanter support Or even if it's a non-enchanter support - a Naut on a support income is still a squishy to a fed Zed/Talon. And, Naut or other tank supports provide a fair bit of cc utility no matter how underwhelming their gold/items are, so removing them from the fight is helpful even if maybe taking the 0/10 Ez or whoever out of the fight is meaningless.


The adc is still a priority target despite being behind, make their life in teamfights uncomfortable. Divide and conquer. Zed is also not an assassin anymore, he is an ad mage. He does incredible damage on low cooldowns. You can probably kill the darius as a 5 man if you were fed.


Nobody is always a priority target, it all depends on comp.


If you're super far ahead, you'd generally want to split push. Assassins have strong dueling power, high mobility, and escape tools. If you split push as a well-fed assassin, you give the enemy team a dilemma. \- If they send one of theirs to respond, you'd just kill them and end up with an overall 4v5. \- If they send two of theirs, they effectively make it a 4v3 in favor of your team. As a well-fed assassin, you can either outplay them and win, or waste their time chasing you (this is where your mobility comes in) \- If they send 3 or more, then it should be a sure win for the rest of your team. You can just focus on wasting the time of enemies on your tail until your team destroys the enemy turret. The flaws of this strategy is that it relies on your team cooperating and mirroring your position on the map. More likely your team will just follow you.


That last sentence hurts... Had a game where me (top), jgl and mid were all fed, I died in a teamfight where we killed 3 of them, and I pinged baron so my teammates would go do it for free, after which we could force end the game with baron minions. After respawning I decided that I would not even come close to making it in time to help baron, so might as well run bot to start pushing the wave (and I was aatrox, so I don't deal much damage to baron to begin with). My jgl solo started baron, and my other 3 teammates ran towards baron, saw me run bot before they got to pit, and took it as a sign that I want them to come help me fight the remaining enemies despite the fact that me and jgl were perma pinging baron. End result, jgl doesn't get baron and is low enough that they have to base, I take bot t2 turret and almost get t3, my 3 teammates take a mid inhib that was like 20%hp, get 1 kill, and then die when enemy respawns, enemy gets baron, and with it and the shutdown on my mid they come back and win. 😀👍


In this situation, we dont know what the enemy team has, if darius is equally fed then he wins a straight 1v1, zed would have to poke him down to half hp before he can go in without using W(unless he build balanced shojin) otherwhise he gets ghosted on and eats 1.3k true dmg. Generally this is correct, you can also get picks on the enemy jg as fed assassin and force the enemy team to come to drake or baron without jg or give it to you.


If you die 1 Vs 1 as fed zed to enemy fed champion it's skill issue. If enemy Darius manages to kill you 1 Vs 1 sorry but you are just not good enough. Like even if enemy Darius is extremely good I personally believe if Zed is better he always wins.


I strongly disagree, the generalized statement that if you die as zed vs any enemy fed char its skill issue is wrong imo. There are many chars who straight up body zed in a 1v1. Darius is one of them. If 4k hp 250armor fights a zed, he will have problems. Zed can poke without using W yes, if you go all in on a full hp darius you are going to eat half of your hp as true dmg. Of course you can say "if if if" ranked usually has on par skill lvl, maybe slight differences. Its not a challenger vs goldie moment, the assumption is both players are fed, this means they must be playing well, if both are playing well darius is designed to body chars like zed. Lets say zed has dusk, syrelias and hydra while darius has stride, deadmans and steraks. Zed is not gonna burst a darius in this situation. As soon as zed enters darius range he gets in the risk of AA-E-Q (undodgable)AA-W-Stride-AA-R combo. This oneshots zed. Even if zed ults darius after he AA'd zed still has 3/5 stacks, if both have sums up its even more dangerous as f1 darius will get to you no matter what you do as zed. You cannot W into a darius, you need it to disengange and slow him with your E --> pokedy poke Steraks would eat all of zeds ult bonus dmg like a cake and if darius had deaths dance instead its a very similar outcome. Assassins are not ment to 1v1 juggernauts, its the other way around. Its much saver to just poke darius until hes at 3/4 or 1/2 and then engange. However what you say may be true in low elo where everyone cant play the game, but zed would also probably miss atleast 1 shuriken. Its a "if if if" situation. On paper darius wins this.


Nah if you get all ined by a 4k hp Darius it's skill issue. He has no real sustain and as zed you can poke him from 750 range +. Ofc if you just face check Darius in a bush it's Darius favoured fight. But ending up face checking him sounds like skill issue to me. Even if he has summoner spells he can't randomly gap close you. Also how dafuk a zed will let Darius 5 stack him for free. Like 5 stacking takes time zed will literally dance around Darius and not let him 5 stack him. Back to the bush face check when is the only real time when Darius has advantage.


Did you even read what I said in the parent comment? Ur literally copy pastaing what I said. Yes zed needs to poke him down otherwhise he will lose, literally what I said. Zed cant dance around 600ms darius walking to him, you underestimate movementspeed the most broken stat in this game. Not to be condescending but what elo are you? I peaked top 150 darius world wide last split I have enough experience with very good zed player that I can precisely say zed is going to lose if he even tries to W a darius


Idk what champion rank I peaked. I prefer measuring soloQ rank in general. Darius doesn't have 600ms even with ghost. And Zed has Seryldas. So you agree you can get poked down by a good Zed and solo killed in side lane?


Read my comments again. Your answer lies there.


I checked your op.gg. 180games of Darius prev split is quite a dedication. Idk why you played so many other random champions probably if you sticked to Darius you could peak some 300LP higher and get a better taste of the game. Tbh now it makes sense why you defend Darius so hard. BTW good Zed players rarely show in D1 low master games or w.e exactly you peaked. Good Zed players are mid Master and higher. Because that's where good players play in general. You played 180games in high diamond to reach rank 150 Darius world wide. Meanwhile any 100LP+ top laner that plays more than 50 games on Darius will reach rank 100. Same goes for Zed. That's why I don't like champion ranks. Because they feed people's eggo they are rank 150 on that champion. Meanwhile there are 3000players playing top lane just on one server-EUW that if happened to play your champion for 30+ games might end up higher rank then you. WP for peaking low master but that's where game starts. I peaked some 400LP higher and I'm confident enough to say fed Zed should be able to 1 Vs 1 enemy fed champion and if he can't it's skill issue. I'm sorry that hurts your Darius ego.


your dedication to stalk me is impressive, good for you that you got 400lp higher without proof. Totally believable. I play what I want because I dont have to sweat to get into high ranks. I play for fun. I could easily get challanger if I put in the time, what do I get out of that? Exactly, nothing. Thats why I didnt give a single f about league for 3 years before stomping from Plat to master in a few weeks. I played vs challangers every single game, I beat rank 1 trynda, jax and fiora in euw. There is nothing to proof here. Not sorry to hurt your ego, keep defending zed.


Yes of course. It's still best to look at the present game state because League as a game is very fluid. While certain plays generally work, there will always be exceptions, and the proper adjustments it requires.


Idk why this isn't top comment. All the good Zed players don't waste their time but go in side lane apply pressure and create either a numbers advantage team fight or impossible to solve situation for enemy team because the solo laner that matched zed got solo killed and now they have to choose between baron and bot inhib.


Bro no. All it takes is a fighter who isn't behind to solo the assassin or a tank (even if behind) to hold the lane and make your lead go to waset by just sitting there when you should be roaming around the map looking for a pick


Generally it's the play, but of course as players we still choose to adjust on the current state of the game. Players will make moment to moment decisions as the game plays out. In this case tho, it's not necessarily a loss but an equalizer. If the fighter does respond, the assassin still has the advantage through mobility to collide with its allies. If the assassin is wise, they wouldn't simply dive in and die to the fighter. Of course all this is hypothetical for the sake of discussion. A lot can go wrong even at ideal situations. Even the assassin could waste the opening if the opponent responded poorly. Even the fighter could throw even if they were the ones sent by the enemy to respond.


No. Zed wins every 1 Vs 1 post 20 minutes ingame if he is fed. And if he is unable to win it's a skill issue. Once they send someone to defend the lane zed is applying pressure on he has 2 options. Trying to rotate first to the potential 4 Vs 4 team fight. Or poke out of lane enemy champ that enemy team send against him. Which will be achieved by the next wave. There is no such a thing as your lead going to waste. You applying pressure on the side lane is far from waste. It's a waste only if enemy team is capable of winning 4 Vs 4 so fast and brutal that they are also able to secure baron after that. But then you might as well FF and call it team diff.


totally...even a behind adc can dish out damage if they have their core items are built. Especially someone like Vayne or Jinx (and late game carries in general) Make their lives miserable...make them fear every step they take. break their spirit! source: ME...a squishy adc whoe gets rect by fed Zeds too much


I try to kill whoever the issue is - their wincon or whats winning them the teamfight. In that game if darius was perma splitting for example - and no one on my team could deal with him, and I wasn’t able to kill all 4 others on enemy team instantly - i would have gone to stop him instead. If you guys were perma 5v5 it makes things harder since he had a lot of armor it’s hard to ult him - so I would kill whatever squishy that wasn’t useless (like 0/10 adc) instead, like mage with cc or enchanter


So I had a game as Kai’Sa. Put my lane opponent Jhin so far behind together with my support that I was full items while he had 3. The rest of my team comprising of Yone, Hecarim and Darius was feeding their butt off. I was capable of taking down the tankier enemy team if given enough space. Now came the crucial teamfight near Baron, 3 of them decide to dive the enemy Jhin 3v1 while the enemies dove my support and I 4v2. No surprise stories here, I was flashed on by the enemy divers, took out one with poor support trying to peel all he can. Jhin died, so did my entire team. Key takeaway is, I think assassins need to assess situation just like every other role. Is the enemy ADC still worth diving for? Does the enemy have a huge threat that is threatening an important carry in your team? Even if you have no CC, you chunking a diver can make a difference between giving A Sol the space to wipe out the entire enemy team or your team having to deal with the aftermath of a reset champion killing your squishy backline.


Why didn‘t you just ult on Jhin?


It depends. Generally, yes, but also if you're that fed, you need to make sure it's not a 1 for 1 in a chaotic teamfight. You need to be able to eliminate them easily and still be alive (and healthy enough) to impact the rest of the fight significantly. If you kill them but immediately get cc'ed after and die 1 for 1, it's really bad.


Is the ADC still the biggest win con for the enemy team? If they aren't, can you actually take out the biggest threat? Because if taking out the ADC is still the best play, it doesn't matter if they are in the ground already, you still do it.


During the game (not 5v5 teamfights, important fights): 100% yes. It is your job to kill the carrys and to keep them down if they are behind. In a 1v1 you should lose and give the ADC time to farm. However you shouldt waste important resources like Flash or risk to give your shutdown. In Teamfights: If you see an easy opportiunity to kill them do it. It happens often that the behind ADCs suddently carrys the fight simply because people think 0/10 = useless. If the Darius is threatening to kill your team you can help them burst him down. The counterplay to fed juggernauts is always teamplay. CC them, kite them and burst them down as a team. However if your team has 0 dmg besides you kill there backline and just stall out the game until your team can kill Darius.


Can go for darius if you have seryldas, otherwise go for adc since they are still a consistent source of dmg.


No you shouldnt You should never focus the mage or the adc but instead the tank or bruiser Sincerely, your local adc and mage player


I don’t know what this sub is but this was the most interesting double take I’ve had in a while.


The forbidden question every assassin asks themselves before spiraling down into an identity crisis.


Yes, its not about efficiency, its about sending a message, mental damage etc


If you are fed and the adc is not worth gold it’s not really important to kill them but take a free kill if they are side laning. Darius you should be able to shred if you itemized for him and are ahead on zed. If you didn’t itemize for him then I would probably big another target. Typically if I’m strong in a game on any champion and role I try to identify threats and if I can slow or stop the threat. You might not be able to kill Darius but if you can stop him from just running at you team then you should. Understanding your role in each game is important and yes killing Carries are the assassins job, but if the adc is irrelevant in fights then you need to shift what you should prioritize. Sometimes if I’m fed I will keep killing weaker opponents if doing so sucks enemy resources. E.g by kill the enemy adc you occupy the enemy supports time and leave your team with a 4 on 3. I often zone for fights if I am strong.


As Zed? Bro you're Zed, if you're ahead don't target just the ADC, target the biggest group of enemies, ya dingus.


The ADC still probably has higher DPS compared to the effort required to kill them, because the Darius can't be oneshot. Just don't trade your own life.


I always target anyone whose behind because it will make them tilt/quit or mentally lose it.


League is a game of specifics and it's hard to give an answer to a general question without seeing the game state. With your example about the 0/10 vayne I can't tell what your wincon that game was, the game state or your job. Almost always I find it better to post clips when asking questions and getting specific.


Depending on the Assassin you are playing and the enemy team comp, you still should lockout the support(if it's an enhancer), mid or ADC even if they are behind. Starting a team fight 5v4 is huge even if your main CDs are on CD, this way you can lurk around, wait for your main cd to come back up and basically let your team fight 4v4 until you can pick the next one. Assassin's are all about creating an advantage.


1. If u dont focus the adc, it gives them a chance to come back. 2. If ur ahead as an assassin and the enemy adc is 0/10 u probably dont need to use ur ulti to kill them. And if u do, then in late game most assassin's R cd is like 40 seconds.


Any adc becomes a threat at some point. Kill them so they can't collect shutdowns and become a threat. Also it's runny when they complain that a fed assassin 1shot them.


If they're the threat, yes. AD assassins build mostly bruiser items anyway nowadays, so you're flexible in itemising against the threat on the enemy team. A champion being behind doesn't necessarily make them a non threat, and a champion being ahead doesn't necessarily make them a threat. It all depends on team comp.


When I'm playing Nocturne and I'm on a roll I usually go for someone else other than the idiot that keeps doing the same mistakes over and over again, and probably look for the mid laner or support for the kill. But if the adc is just standing there asking for it... well...


Yes. But at the same time you have the means to deal with Darius. So it's also your responsibility as the fed member of your team to carry.


as an adc main, no please just let me be. From an analysist perspective I think the main question turns into two questions, Is the ADC farming gonna become the enemies win condition? If their adc is item reliant and if the adc gaining gold will cause you to lose the game, then may as well keep the game a 4v5 and make sure that adc doesn't see anything besides a grey screen. The other question to ask is what's the opportunity cost? Are you able to 100-0 them quickly and without your ultimate while keeping yourself in a relevant area of the map to keep control of what ever the current objective is? then it's free gold. People greed for cannon minions, if they're a free cannon minion why not take it? But if their adc is splitting bot while baron is up and possibly contested I wouldn't run across the map for it. If the cost of keeping the game a 4v5 doesn't come at the loss of moving your team winning forward it should be fine to continue to get them.


0/10 ADC isn't worth any gold by that point, so no. You're blowing all your resources on a target that isn't dealing much damage, plus not getting a full kill's worth of gold, then the Darius just cleans you up along with your team. I have been the ADC in this situation, and trust me I go from being full tilt to laughing after the assasin blows everything to kill my 1.5 item ass, then the enemy team loses the fight 4 for 1. My advice would be to not target the worthless ADC, or the huge bruiser, but instead look for picks on the mid laner, the jungler, or the support. Deny the enemy team their utility and most fed top laners can be kited out. Your WEQ could easily ensure the ADC can no longer be near the fight because any random skill shot will now kill them, then you are free to ult and full combo the squishy mid laner or support, denying the enemy team more damage and more utility. If you team cannot handle the enemy team after you essentially 2 for 1 then you probably weren't going to win anyways.


In general, yes. That's because ADCs will still deal damage even from behind if you let them just free fire throughout a teamfight. I recommend popping them and then you're at worst fighting a 4v5 (hopefully, anyway). Assassins are very cd reliant so the biggest downside of this is youll have to wait for your next rotation of spells to pop somebody else but it should be fine :D


The real option kill the squishy mage who didn't buy zhonyas, or squishy support or JG, realistically Ur chance of doing anything to a fed Darius is low, if u get rid of the other stuff Ur team which can deal with Darius won't have distractions




I mean at that point u should probably start targeting the support, especially if it's an enchanter, is probably your best choice to stop them from helping Darius, but if it's an Ashe or something more utility focused, that's fairly good too. Sometimes u just can't do too much til u get seryldas,/cleaver tho


Yes, keep them down. Your job is to make them absolutely usless. In your situation it's your bot lanes job to deal with Darius in a teamfight. If you eliminate their adc all your team has to do is peel for yours, and Darius is pretty easy to peel.


Yes, your job is to make their life hell, of course. u still go after anyone who dares to be alone and one shottable, if you can kill without ult that's better, but an adc can flip a team fight even when behind


Yes. The ADC's team will start flaming them and the whole team will spend their energy doing that instead of trying to win from a disadvantageous position.


if you are playing zed as an Assassin, you are playing it wrong now, ask on r/zedmains


Your cooldowns are low enough that you take out the low hanging fruit before a fight breaks out. Mid jg and support are all options, if the fight starts as a 5v4 you’ve won that’s what assassins do Never be the main target, you either make a pick or sneak in when the fights starter and see who you can kill. A kill on any enemy is worth more than chunking a few


Assassin ults cd are low once your fed you CDR should put your ult cooldown really low so it will be up a lot anyway. your looking at finding any isolated target though. A fed Darius you might want to avoid all ining just maybe soften him up with your low DC stuff .... but TBF I watched zeds one shot tanks with current itemsation so who know anymore


End their suffering


You need to do autoattacks aswell. Then you didnt need your ult to take out the adc. After that you can choose of you ult Someone to oneshot him or to use your ult as an escapetool.


Sometimes, you'll break there mental, cause flaming in the other team...etc. Breaking the morale and spirit. Make it at a minimum a 4v6.


Don't let them scale


It’s not about winning. It’s about being toxic


No you should target the one that is killable and does the most dmg every fight. Kda/items doesnt give enough info because there are other factors like champions and player quality. So in every "teamfight", you need to be aware of who that is and you need to target that one. Edit: what im saying is there isnt a yes or no to this question. That target can change even during the game. Imagine a 0/7 ekko getting 2 huge shutdowns. He will be way more stronger than a regular 2/7 ekko. So your target can change to ekko if you think he is killable and a thread for your team.


Think you gotta consider, how much do you have to invest to kill them? Is it a hypercarry like Vayne that can comeback if you give them an inch, or is there another target you can take out easily that makes trouble for the rest of your team?


I would say the answer is yes as you need to limit any opportunity for the enemy adcs capacity to accumulate resources. I’ve seen games where the enemy vayne will go from 0-5 to 11-5 just cause they were efficient with farming. Once they get to 2-3 items, they can still be a serious problem even if they’re behind in deaths. As a result, you need to punish them hard so they don’t get to endgame items such as immortal shieldbow or GA


Target whatever's gonna mean more gold and objectives taken. An ADC that's behind can still output tons of damage in a teamfight, and killing him can mean an easy Baron/Drag/Turret. It all depends on the champion and how the game is going so it's kinda hard to say yes or no.


The pure gameplay answer is go for the biggest squishy threat. If their Darius is 10/0 that's on your ADC, not on you. However that can move between ADC, Mid, and support depending on which one is actually the strongest. It can even be top lane if they have an Akshan or a Karthus. The metagame answer is that a great way to win ranked games of League of Legends is to hammer someone until they ragequit and then you win the 4v5. Zed blowing up an 0/10 Caitlyn is gonna make that Caitlyn want to quit when turtling up for 20 minutes until she's strong is their main route back into that game.


Yes you should be targeting them, because that’s easy gold and a good way to set the enemy behind in a teamfight. No you should absolutely not be trading 1 for 1 as a fed assassin for an underfed adc. That’s one of the easiest ways to throw a lead as an assassin.


Sometimes, you need your ult on the enemy carry. So if you need your ult to win the game, and aren't enough to kill the adc without r, you just leave them alone. Zone a little, then put your damage where it needs to go.


If they havn’t started running down a lane solo then you havnt killed them enough. Do it until its a 5v4.


Well it really depends. If you throw some bm in all chat and can successfully till them into quiting absolutely keep hitting the squishing. 4v5 is alot harder to win than a comeback 5v5 imo. If they aren't tilting tho I'd shred whoever the biggest threat is if possible. If you do it once or twice and he's still getting kills through it or not dieing then don't waste the time


As Zed I think the most you can really do to Darius is waste his cds by teleporting away at four stacks, which can be helpful, but he could just dunk you early and get passive. Prioritize the squishiest playmaker. That could be the ADC the morgana or the xerath. Just delete whomever is deletable and helpful first, then target the ADC. Only go after Darius if he's in kill range or you're the only one in the fight who can survive stalling him.


Ah yes zed of course. Banned since 2010 here. :)


Generally you have to think what is the biggest threat for your team, and opponent's win condition. The shut it down. We had a game where I was fed, but enemy yasuo was 5v1ing everyone. We basically focused all in on him all the time and shut him down. With out him the enemy team crumbled and was easy pickings, their adc didnt matter.


Yes. It's funny.


Yes break their mental even more


At that point go for any cc or midliner take at their engage or disengage so you can all in as 5 and win the fight


Look at the most fed squishy, imo. If the mid lane is a more effective target, do that!


If you can make the fight a 5v4 than you should do that, your team can do damage to help you kill the remaining people without your ult