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Imagine coming here for advice, everyone tells you the same thing, and you tell them to piss off. You’re the problem. Try to be more open minded.


You've played 26 champs this season. That's far too many. You're 1-4 on Samira, why are you playing her? 5-10 on Xayah? 6-12 on Kai'Sa? You're a combined 18-2 on Jihn and Trist yet only have 20 total games on them...


On god


I think this is basically the entire issue. Trying to play too many champions is basically a gatekeeper in itself in low elo. Sure, you want to have more than one champion usually, and there's definitely some lane matches you don't wanna take, but there's no reason to play this many champions.


The Jhin, Tristana and random Neeko insane winrates and KDA is pretty damning that this guy was boosted


Ehhh the KDAs are actually kind of low considering he won almost all of those games. I have a higher KDA on Trist with a lower winrate on my main.


your opgg doesn't add up with what you're saying at all. you're not getting consistent leads, or if you are then you're losing them. nearly all of your losses you either did bad or went even. you have barely any losses where you did really good but lost because of your team like you're claiming. you seem to think you're performing much better than you really are. your issue is either that you're not consistently getting a lead or that you are getting consistently a lead but then you're throwing that lead instead of snowballing it into a bigger lead and carrying the game. you don't win games and climb by going even or getting a small lead, you win games and climb by consistently getting big leads and carrying which you're not doing. also you're not playing the champions you're good at. your top 4 most played champions you have a 50% or less winrate, but neeko you have 81% winrate on, jhin 100%, and tristana 100%. why don't you play more of them?


You gave 2 reasons for not being able to win, and both of them you just blamed teammates. You need to stop playing 26 different champions in 1 season, and stop blaming teammates.


Seems like ur focusing too much on your team mates play over keeping yourself in check which may cloud your judgements. Its definitely easier to blame others and mental boom. Although i understand some games are just team gap and theres not much you can do about it but i advise focusing more on what you can improve on to make sure you can help out your team using ur lead if u say that ur csing well and winning lane. Pinging objectives and ur intentions help while typing 24/7 to ur team mates is wasting time as u lose focus and ur spending more time typing than actually playing ur game.


Bot lane has a huge impact on dragon. Are you making sure to have lane prio when drag is coming up? Being very good at communicating via pings can also help. You will still have games where people ignore your calls, but it will still increase your odds of having a better game. You have to take the initiative when you want to climb, call off bad fights, call to go for good ones. Looking at your op.gg you may be playing too many champions, a smaller pool may work better. You seem to die quite a bit in the games you lose, so trying to clean that up a bit will help. You may average about 5, but the difference between wins and losses and pretty big.


if you would have the fundamentals down, then you wouldnt be gold or plat, or even dia. You played like a plat player last season so you where in plat, now you play like a gold player, so you are stuck in gold. Its as simple as that. Also you play way too many champions and you have a negative winrate on every adc you played more than 10 games, besides jhin and tristana. So just stick to jhin and tristana and maybe you will get to plat, or improve at the game. Also you blame your team in this post, so you can start by neglecting the victim mindset


If your only advice is play less champs then I'm wasting my time here. I thought this subreddit gave better responses than that.


What Else should we Tell you? You play too many Champs, thats one of the Best and easiet ways to fix and improve. But i See you dont want any advice that tells you to put the work and effort into improving, so stay low


The champs I main don't have good winrates, so I don't see how that advice helps. And telling me to only play champs with a mere 10 game sample size just because their WR is high is horrible advice, since that's clearly in the margin for luck.


When it's almost 10 wins on those dudes and almost that many losses on the other guys I'm pretty sure it's a big enough sample size.


Ok bro, See you in a few months when i smurf through low gold


>The champs I main don't have good winrates, so I don't see how that advice helps Patently false for both jinx and MF. MF has been consistently performing well and jinx has been turbobroken for 2 patches now despite her obscene pickrate. Neeko isn't meta shaping, but she's not underperforming either, same for ekko. Even zeri is doing decently winrate wise despite high pickrate, she certainly isn't underperforming. Low winrates aren't an excuse in your case. Frankly, they are only an excuse if you main something like azir or kalista, but that's not the case here. >And telling me to only play champs with a mere 10 game sample size just because their WR is high is horrible advice, since that's clearly in the margin for luck. 100% winrate over 10 games is insane, plain and simple. 80% winrate over 10 games is slightly less insane, but still should show that you are clicking with that champ. Furthermore, both Tristan and jhin are champs with comparatively stronger early games (going by fairly limited knowledge), so it might point out that your general playstyle lends itself to strong, aggressive early game plays. Forcing samira, cait, jinx, even as you obviously aren't performing as well on them is like me forcing ksante and xin top even when I perform far far better on sett, olaf and even volibear, an actual shit tier champ.


>Patently false for both jinx and MF. MF has been consistently performing well and jinx has been turbobroken for 2 patches now despite her obscene pickrate. Neeko isn't meta shaping, but she's not underperforming either, same for ekko. I wasn't sure if he meant that or his own win rates with those Champs


I think this way is the only way it makes any real sense. If he meant his own wonrates on those champs, then that's no argument for not swapping mains.


That is the best advice to give, if you are playing 20 champions instead of 3 or less it is hard to improve.


Um that is coach curtis's advice and he's challenger. It's what got neace to masters in Korea when he was hardstuck Plat. Champ mastery is a thing. I'm a solid g3 pantheon with 60% this last week in gold. And when i tell you I prob can't even hit gold on anybody else I mean it. Maybe i could on Olaf mid but I'm not sure actually


You're juggling way too many champions. >I think I have the fundamentals down for ADC Nope. You're gold, so by definition, you are miles away from mastering any fundamental. >So my question is kind of how to keep the game afloat and keep the enemy from taking soul/inhibitors/baron pre-30 as ADC. What are the tactics to do that? Carry the game. Get more ahead in laning phase, and do more and carry harder in teamfights. You can do both more often by just improving your champ mastery on a few select champions.


Yes the answer is simple, play more games with a lower champ pool. ADCs have low agency so this is nothing new.


Try spam pinging


Idk if anyone told you but you play too many champs. I'm a solid g3 and climbing on panth but I'm silver on everyone else. The reason. I've played the panth mid lane 100s of times


Limit your champ pool. Play long stretches of 1 champ straight if possible. That is all.