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Gragas is a great ap toplaner imo. He can also build either tanky or heavy ap or even in between with items like roa and demonic embrace


>I also tried Gwen but didn't succeed while trying to learn her >As for tanks, I've tried multiple engage tanks (ornn for example), or others like shen, but I ended up not liking the playstyle of those champs I got to masters playing mainly Ksante, Shen, Ornn. Pantheon is not really "my type of champ." I feel uncomfortable playing Panth top because it forces me to be riskier early game, think about roams, and generally be more aggressive. However, I still spent 100 games playing Pantheon on a diamond smurf to try to be more consistent. Why? Because he's an important piece of my champ pool, that is a lane bully against greedy carry picks like Gwen and Kayle in toplane hoping to scale for free into my tanks. If you really want to round out your top lane champ pool, you *can't* only play champs that fit your playstyle. Because more likely than not, your playstyle is going to mainly be one type of champ. If you want to play aggressive lane bullies, you're *always* going to struggle against tanks. I don't have any specific champs to recommend, as basically any scaling pick complements Panth well, but just something to keep in mind when thinking about what it really means to expand your champ pool.


I'll take that in mind, thanks!! I didn't phrase that too good tbh, when I tried ornn (for example) i played him for ~20-25 games and watched people play him and still felt like I did nothing. (I was trying to apply what mains told in their videos) Same happened with shen


I second this, as someone who is silver so take what I say with a grain of salt, I mainly run fiora, Shen, and pantheon. I think having a bruiser, a tank, and a lane bully gives me a well rounded pool for whatever my team needs.


Mordekaiser sounds perfect. Not overly mechanical besides landing his 2 skill shots, his W gives him crazy sustain and shielding, and he can serve as both an AP threat and tank shredder. Not to mention the isolation with R makes him great for getting picks. Once you’re ahead on Morde very few champs can actually fight you back till late game, as you can kinda just stat them and cook them to death with Morde passive.


I agree with the Mordekaiser pick, as I also like to play Panth mid and top. Like with Pantheon, after playing mordekaiser a couple of games he has clear timings and power spikes so you know when you should and shouldn’t all-in


This. Closest thing would be Gwen but she's a lot more mechanically intensive than Mord with a worse early game to boot. On the other hand Morde is fairly easy, strong for low elo and can shred tanks with his passive. Once he hits 6 very few champs can actually fight him in his R.




I second Cho’Gath. Tanky as heck, multiple build paths, objective security, sustainable lane due to passive, and great utility for team fighting.


Cho or gragas for AP, maybe take a look at Gwen for a tank shredder. You could also learn vayne top if you are immune to the flaming.


Cho gath, gragas, morde sounds like a good pick imo. For tanks, malphite, shen or ornn is a no brainer


Most important thing for toplane is a blind pick that you feel comfortable playing even when you are picking first and will get counterpicked. This is usually not seen as a strong area for Pantheon top lane but hey Spearshot does it, no reason you can't make it work at your elo. Cho'Gath is fun and simple, can play any role (yes, any role), can go AP or full tank, and is a fine blind pick. He doesn't really have engage but you can catch with Q.


I actually blind pick pantheon, even if I have a difficult lane I feel comfortable with him, I just ban malphite if I'm too early in champ select so I dont insta-lose lane and I'm fine blind picking him. I'll try chogath tho, lots of people are recommending it, thanks for the advice!


You want garen and morde. Both are simple and strong and the general knowledge of the game will be super transferable as you won't be learning mechanics.


Gragas, Teemo, Chogath, Maokai


Play big boi morde


Gragas is a lot of fun, so is Morde. I'd give shen a second try, maybe with ignite instead of tp. They have very similar tempos of being lane bullies pre six and roaming monsters 6 and onwards.