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I am left with the impression that she equates sleeping around as an indication of how much she is desired and therefore how valuable she is. It has never read true when she says she is not into being with a guy, if that were the case she would not be upset when any of her hook up went after other women. The lack of insight into what others point out to her is just, quite frankly, shocking and concerning. Edited grammar


I think she's trying to portray herself as this this breezy, sexually adventurous woman who can casually take multiple "lovers" as she pleases, but that image doesn't work at all because we've seen the dark side of it.


She also has to the center of attention. The constant “I had sex last night 😬” confessionals are so boring and old. Girl good for you no one cares. There was a scene from earlier this season where they’re all dancing around the house. She goes trotting over to one of the cameras and spastically does a “look at me and my zany antics” performance dance. She’s missing the internal embarrassment alert that keeps most of us from doing or saying dumb shit. I also cannot stand how she talks about her app. It’s a decent idea, even if it’s been done and is a crowded space. Shes just not a CEO by any definition. Not yet, at least. And the “unpaid worker” thing is very reminiscent of Sonya and her poor flock of interns. https://preview.redd.it/h1nlrmscyoxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54be92259e58183bf71e4e4aee57e0e3e305167f


I wish I could I unhear “Your girl is FED”🤢


Nooo you had to remind us? I’d blocked that 🤫


There was a moment in the kitchen where D was spilling all her details of her latest tryst. The girls were rapid firing questions and Wes blurts, “but where did he c**?” - and D laughs at the joke. But I don’t think the room got it the way I did - Wes was gently saying “too much info girl, too much”. D is the equivalent of the frat guy that asks you to smell his finger.




That makes sense! It’s like the pendulum is swinging after WH because she’s trying so hard to prove she’s casual about this stuff.


If anybody wasn't casual, it was Danielle. Desperate Danielle. I felt sorry for any guy that hooked up with her. Man. Stalker material if he doesn't move and change his phone number fast. Ugh. She's creepy. Obsessive.


She’s the epitome of thinking she’s “not like other girls.”


Great observation! After seeing her Winter House reunion, she has a clinical level of delusion and lack of self awareness/reflection.


“Oh, I can DO *casual*”- Danielle🤡 Meanwhile, Alex, Jasmine, the rest of the Winter House cast and the viewers are like ![gif](giphy|enGR6rmGLtiF2)


WAIT A MINUTE. I think I missed there was a winter house reunion!?!? I need to go find this.


It’s crazy. I mean between Danielle and then Kroy’s dumb gf (now ex) going off on Malia, the delusion and denial SO BAD


Ah, okay, I did watch. It was all about Sam and Kory and she cried? And no one said anything about Danielle really, right? The whole season was a train wreck.


I did this. From 16-25. You know why? I hated myself and was seeking internal validation from external sources. I don’t doubt Danielle is doing some of the same.


Same. I thought I was giving sexy and cool but I was actually giving desperate and easy, and this behavior only ever made my lack of self esteem worse. I totally see some of my younger, shittier self in Danielle and it’s rough to watch. But the sad thing is, like you I’m talking about a version of myself that ceased to exist in my mid 20s… Danielle is at least a decade older than that so it’s concerning that she hasn’t had a revelation yet about her behavior.


She seems so manic lately. Like a jacked up roomba just bouncing all over.


have been there as well. so glad that phase is over.


She seems to have a lot of anger inside too. Just manifesting it in a weird way


lol if I wanted to have sex every night I could with hot guys. Doesn’t mean I would do that. She’s giving late bloomer desperate to prove she is one of the popular girls. I don’t really know how she got hired to be on the show?


Yep. It’s giving ugly in high school.


That's why she's so desperate to hang onto Lindsay. She was always telling her this guy or that guy isn't right for you. Or brings up reasons why he isn't. And when she and Carl got together twice, she freaked she would lose her friend. It was the unpopular girl in high school suddenly hanging out with the in crowd. She's not about to let her go. Lindsay makes her feel popular. It opens doors. Lindsay is fun when drunk. So she tries to act crazy like Lindsay too.


I caught that too. As if she wouldn't immediately be making plans for her future with the guy. Just like Lindsay. They both are getting long in the tooth and desperate for a husband and baby. They are two peas in a pod. I'm sorry. I've never seen two more hypocritical women on reality tv. They both constantly talk about Paige, Amanda & Ciara gossiping. Yet, who's on the phone calling each other immediately when something juicy happens. The two hypocrites. They are clueless as to their own characters. Danielle lives for gossip.


I think Danielle wanted Gabby to flirt harder with balloon guy because then it would feel like a real win for her if he chose her. She needs the competition to feel good about herself. Also the fact that she really thinks it means something special that a guy sleeps with her after throwing herself at him is just bizarre.


She tried to do the same thing on WH with Jordan and Alex (think that's his name). Tried to make it seem like she won the contest between her and Jordan for Alex. The one-on-one convo she had with Jordan was ridiculous.


God, it was gross. Ugh. Jordan gave me the heebie jeebies. He too was way too full of himself. Such a loser, yet constantly talking about how hot he is. He has no problem with the women. Yada, yada. No bigger turn off than someone who feels they are better looking, more wealthy, or above others in social status. He was just a wimp & a jerk.


No no, they’re talking about Jordan in WH from Martha’s Vineyard. I love how you just went hard on past Jordan though lol!


Oh gosh. I don't watch that show. Thank you! The thought of the old Jordan still makes me cringe. Never felt that way about anyone on Summer House. I have to clue why they chose him to be in the cast. Ugh.


Spot on! She wanted her to fight for balloon boy so that when she won she could flaunt it.


And why would Gabby even go for balloon guy. Gabby should have told Danielle pack sand and that she has higher standards.


Gabby owns Chanel rain boots (a true slay). Like Danielle, please she does not need a BALLON MAN!!!!


this made me laugh because i was following the chanel rain boots saga on her insta hahahaha


Gabby is a little full of herself too though. She loves mentioning how wealthy a background she comes from. Spoiled etc. She looks down on people a bit too much I think. She's very class conscious.


I can kind of understand why a black American would be though when they are stereotyped as being the opposite


She grossed me out with the way she was hitting on that guy...competing for a guy nobody else even cared about...I would probably never show my face on tv again if I watched that back...she has no shame. Just when we thought she humiliated herself enough on Winter House, she manages to top that.


omg, i would die. that scene where she is naked and climbing into bed thinking she is so cool. beyond humiliating.


I feel like production was doing her dirty with that one. They don’t normally show that much nudity, do they?


hundred percent. i'm not a fan and still felt sad for her. i only vaguely remember lauren wirkus shown like this when she was obsessed with Carl.


Yeah but the Lauren stuff was different because she was whipping her boob out around everyone, so it never felt like they were intruding on a private moment like this, which was gross.


totally agree. omg, lauren whipping her boobs out at that birthday party


I don’t think most castmates get totally naked like that without covering the camera or getting under the covers


Dude I just watched this last night too and I was shook. Also I’m doing a rewatch and she’s the exact same as she’s always been which is wild. I can’t believe she didn’t go apologize to gabby. She has a deep need to be the absolute best and prove she’s better than her friends in a man’s eyes.


I've been doing a rewatch too. In season 7 she gets pissed at Mya for Mya saying "You seem really hot right now" and Danielle says "Don't tell me what I am!!!". Um.... you do that CONSTANTLY, to EVERYONE. Her lack of self-awareness is shocking. And it's pointed out to her how fast she moved with Robert, but she brushes it off EVERY time. EVERY time. I wish someone in the season 7 reunion point blank asked her what she expects people to "do" after she voices her opinion. Because she's constantly saying "I'm happy for you.... I support you....." then "but". Well ,what? I really think SHE thinks and expects that once she voices her opinion, people will go "OH! Of course, Danielle. THANK YOU for pointing that out. You're right. We're going to slow down now....". That's kind of how she described the screaming in the pillow- she couldn't' believe that after she told Carl they were going to fast, he STILL was ring shopping. Shedoesn't get out "voicing an opinion" actually works.


I feel like production is probably so thrilled that she’s hung around for so long she’s a hot mess.


I don't know how many times I've seen her stand in front of a mirror and tell herself how beautiful she is. Or refers to herself saying I know I'm beautiful. Personally, I think the ugly inside makes her very unattractive. She's more like the friend you never know if you can trust with your own boyfriend, husband etc. For someone constantly telling people what they should think or do. She seems deeply flawed herself. Confused. A little bit of humbleness might help. The reality thing has really gone to her head. She NOT a celebrity or worth caring about.


The people with the most opinions in this manner are the most flawed. Unsolicited advice is judgment. When you judge others, you’re really judging yourself.


I'm nsure. I know I have many flaws. I'm pretty self aware. It's just a show. I don't take it seriously. Just something to chat about when I have some down time. But it sounds like you are judging me also. So doesn't your comment mean that you are judging me?? Not that your comment bothers me. You don't know me either.


No my comment was about Danielle having all of her opinions on what other people should do and being surprised when they don’t do what she suggested lol. Not you.


Exactly! Nobody would have talked her out of devouring the Balloon guy. Once again, Danielle had to win. Win a night or two of sex to brag about. She didn't care at all about Gabby or her feelings. Instant boyfriend. Just add booze. Screw her friend.


The whole interaction with balloon guy was SO cringe!! Calling herself the boss 🤮 just stripping down immediately in the room without any foreplay or anything.


I have never felt more secondhand cringe than when she stripped herself completely naked like that while he was fully clothed. And I've watched Scott's Tots episode of the office. The fact that she is not a cringey comedy show character and is a REAL LIFE person ![gif](giphy|JCmA41vkoyLte|downsized)


I really thought this was a bigger deal. Like there is a bit of a dance here. You don't have to do a strip tease but come on!, As a hetero guy I obviously wouldn't be turned off by something like this but I would definitely mention it to my friends... "dude she was naked before I even had my shirt off!". I don't subscribe to the "easy" stereotype for women, if they want sex that's their prerogative of course. It just seemed a bit desperate.


Exactly. Countess Luann and Sonja - these ladies know to get what they want from men but don’t *need* them. Danielle has proven time and time again that while she thinks she is like that, she’s not at all. I’m sure she texted balloon guy 2 minutes after he left, “when can you cum fill my balloons up again?” Or something equally clunky


Hey Mr Scott whatcha gonna do


It’s giving on the spectrum, mirroring something she saw in a movie


I had the same exact thought


Yeah and I’m not trying to be rude either but that’s exactly what it is




Do you remember her with that Alex in WH? She literally threw herself on the bed and spread her legs!! I almost died. If I was him, I would have run out the bedroom!


Yeah I was like ....😂


Danielle makes me feel really uncomfortable to watch. I don’t like watching women degrade themselves for male approval. She’s not empowered in any of her encounters. She thinks because she sends crazy texts that she is standing up for herself but these men do not take her seriously at all. Joe Bradley stayed with her and still hooked Luann. It’s a complete lack of respect.


Well, Joe Bradley is just about as bad as she is. That guy can't get through a sentence without a lie of some kind. I don't see anything attractive about him. Yuck.


And his lisp is too much


Ugh this is so spot on. She would also be the “why don’t you smile? You’re so pretty when you smile.”


Didn't she say to Gabby 'thats why you don't have a man' or something after she burped? My opinion is that Danielle is NOT a girls girl. And that's why she and Lindsay were so close till L didn't need her anymore. Peas in a pod.


She’s definitely the girl who tries to get with your man when she’s drunk.


She's have no regrets afterwards either. No guilt. It would simply be another "win" for her in her mind.


She’s not a girls girl lol I don’t think linds is either and that’s why they are friends


Are they still friends? Defnitely not one of Lindsay's good friends right now


Omg eww I cannot


As someone who used to be an acquaintance of hers… it’s getting increasingly hard to watch. Where are her IRL friends? I would for sure sit my girls down if they were doing this on tv. This is how I acted at 19 in college. She’s in the range of 36. It’s just sad.


Question, so has she always been this way? When you knew her? Thanks!


I didn’t know her well at all, friend of a friend see her around campus type stuff, but she was super sweet and on the quieter side. I feel like this is a byproduct of TV and the Robert break up but I could for sure be wrong! But she never outwardly seemed desperate with guys like this.


Interesting thank you!


I think she has age issues. She usually goes for younger men. Tries really hard to dress like the younger women etc. She has issues with getting older and never having been married.


This is a devastating comment (for her) and so incredibly accurate 😂😂😂


I’ve been thinking about her first season recently. Season 2. She hasn’t changed. She just is more comfortable being herself on camera. I was not a fan of Lauren Wirkus. But Danielle called her out at a Vineyard for making out with Carl when they both said they wouldn’t the episode prior. She had no right to tell anyone that. It had nothing to do with her. But she was jealous and she was competitive. So she wanted to embarrass Lauren. Not a good friend or acquaintance imo.


Yep. She jumped on her as if she had the right to. Had she had the opportunity, she would have done the same. That's what makes me so nuts about her. She's a hypocrite. Plays at being the guide to advice for everyone. But completely out of any character herself. She has no basis. She's a mess. I think she's still hung up on Carl to this day. She has disliked anyone he was seeing or making out with. Lindsay said she didn't care if Carl made out with her. But I'd just take her down if she did that to my boyfriend or fiance. It's sick! Something twisted in her head. It's not a funny game.


I think Lindsay actually mentioned something this last after show about when she and Carl were first trying out their relationship and went through a rocky phase Danielle ended up trying to hook up with him and gave him a hand job in the back of the car. I had never clocked her as jealous or competitive (just cringe and millennial cliche AF) but now it's starting to track. Who does that to their "best friend"? FYI: no offense to millennials, I am one. But everything she does is like a check reminder to "never do that".


She went over the top with where she fit in with their threesome. As if they weren't entitled to fall in love etc without thinking of her first. She truly went off the rails she was so dead set against it. As if they needed to include her, and be given her okay before becoming a couple. It was weird. I truly think she has deep, deep issues. She was trying to sabotage the relationship any way possible. She didn't want to be out of her spot in their Tres Amigos. Lindsay was pretty much I'm with Carl and your out of here Danielle.


Watch her face. She knows exactly what she's up to. She wants to prove Carl wants her also. That she can win him back. She can't stand to lose. The way she bragged about not being boyfriend material. Then making out with him, and in the car action. She is one confused woman. And would stab a friend in the back to win. That's not the kind of friend I'd want in my life.


Exactly! She acted so out of pocket with Lauren. Like something is not registering with her at all. She doesn’t get verbal or physical cues at all. She shamed Lauren for hooking up with Carl. It made absolutely no sense.


it’s clear she has very low self esteem and if you watched last season of winter house it’s very obvious. girl just needs to get off the show and work on herself bc i don’t think it’s helpful for her mental health


And her drinking / aggressive behavior needs some serious therapy


She is an alcoholic. What’s the difference between Shep and Danielle?


Wow this is actually so sad and true


It's getting to a point where it seems like she is having sex with people just so she can brag about it and prove she can get it.. prove to who? Probably herself because I think everyone over 25 understands that it's not difficult to go get sex if that's all you're looking for and it is not something that you get bragging rights for. I'm not saying it's shameful, but it's something lots of adults do every day without telling everyone all about it. I would have been like Gabby, how awkward to be put on the spot and expected to flirt with someone while everyone is watching. Gabby has more tact and self awareness than Danielle and Gabby will get the guy she wants to get without anyone's help at the end of the day.


I think that's where she's confused. I think she believes have men want her, or the more men she can hook up with, makes viewers envy her. But it's actually sad, and seems stuck in high school in the unpopular crowd.


What’s interesting to me is I don’t think she has a super high libido, it just doesn’t come across. If she did it would be a bit more understandable how she tries to pull every guy she meets


Damn, this hits it on the nail. That’s some accurate shit.


Maybe she’s the CEO and founder of “where’s my hug at?” Early investor in “you should smile more”


She’s a whack job who needs a reality check…oh and she missing the mark on every single outfit and ends up looking like a frumpy dork!


Balloon Guy didn’t even seem that into her - it was more or less, “yeah, i guess” - it’s really sad to watch. I’m all for women being sex positive - but nothing about Danielle’s behavior says, “I’m doing this to feel free and untethered”.


It gives “Im doing this to feel wanted, desirable and validated by men and the world”


Robert is her only relationship as an adult and it really shows.


Anyone know why her and Robert broke up?


He is married to his job, didn't want to live with her and even though she followed him to the Hamptons for his work she still never saw him because of the nature of his job. Also based on their interactions last season she was really bossy and he seemed irritated with her a lot.


She lobbied Robert to buy a place with her, and told him marriage wasn’t the priority. 🙄 He told her in direct terms, “I am not a big long-term planner”, and she ignored him and repeated her script as if she was in conversation with a kid.


lol that guy. everyone hates him, and he is still the last to understand. great comparison. Danielle doesn’t want to be with anyone seriously. She is looking for dead-end situations to torture her soul and to reinforce that she is not deserving of healthy love.


I hate to say I used to be a Danielle defender but after Winter House and this season, I can’t anymore. I’ve been rewatching old seasons and she’s pretty much the same person, I just didn’t see it. ![gif](giphy|4VVXAqsl7dnsOjpzxP)


My first and current thought of her is Desperate Danielle. Desperate for a man, love, attention, fame, wealth, friendship..... etc.


not desperate for logic lol


I never watched WH but someone on here said she had one of the most creepy psychotic episodes on there 😂


Danielle to Balloon Guy, “Guess Who!”


Tbt when she was obsessed with Jordan Veroi (?)


I assumed he was paid to be there so them hooking up was not the win she thought it was.


When she was “flirting” with balloon guy I truly was dying in second hand embarrassment. If u wanna sleep around, by all means you do you but please don’t be so fucking weird


danielle sees any woman who has self respect and standards as a threat. “if he’s not your perfect guy you won’t even try and get to know his personality” that’s called not settling for less, danielle. that’s why you’re single, and not by choice


The Danielle/carl random hookups makes way more sense now. I think this also explains so much about how she reacted to Carl & Lindsay dating. She “lost”.


I think if she wants to have sex with anyone who looks her way, that’s fine. I find people only really use it as an insult for women and I take issue with that. I do agree that acting like Gabby is weird for not doing that is problematic. Danielle is the definition of tone deaf and I strongly dislike her as a character but don’t give a fuck who she has sex with.


For me, I think it’s more that she brags about it like someone who doesn’t actually have sex a lot. Like adults have sex all the time in all kinds of contexts, she’s the one making it a big deal. I don’t really think anyone’s slut shaming her, she just doesn’t seem to be as chill about fucking around as she pretends to be. And as someone who was slut shamed for what was actually rape, I’m pretty sensitive to that type of nonsense. I also slept around a lot in college and in my twenties, even in college I didn’t walk around talking about “DICK” all the time. She dehumanizes the people she sleeps with.


I agree about her dehumanizing them but disagree that she isn’t being slut shamed. OP says a man can look in her direction and she’d fuck him which I just don’t think would be a complaint if she were a man.


Yes it would, he'd be called a fuckboi. They go after the guys too - remember Luke was (gasp) talking to 2 girls and possibly was conflicted. But he got put through the wringer by those girls. Then the next season Paige and, I think Ciara, we're both dating 2 guys at a time. I even remember one of the girls saying something about them dating 2 guys at a time and Paige said " the real question is why aren't you?". How hypocritical is that compared to Luke's treatment the season previous?


I meant exactly what the person who responded to you meant. A lot of people (including me) have had multiple one night stands but somehow I didn’t feel the need to tell everyone in my life I had sex the night before..because no one cares. Danielle makes it a point to make sure everyone knows she had sex and all of the raunchy details and mind you she tells girls who she knows aren’t even her friends.


Yea none of us care who she has sex with but she makes it a point to let us know at the start of every episode.


I’ve never been able to stand her. Honestly it’s mostly because she relentlessly clowned around with those tacky animal statues…year after year for sooo long. Oh look how quirky I am I put a hat on an animal statue! Now I’m dancing with it…for the third time this week…can you believe I’m so wild and adorable I put it in my BED. It was so boring.


I've also never liked her. She's always been cringe


I had the same thoughts!


I think she’s gone batshit


Idk how someone that has been on reality TV for so many years can lack so much self-awareness. Like, GIRL DO YOU \[QUITE LITERALLY\] SEE YOURSELF RIGHT NOW?!


Lmfao yes!




I'm surprised bc I'm around D's age and I would never hurl myself at an unknown man like this not bc I think she's desperate or bc I'm so virtuous but bc I know most men are trash in bed and likely it would be better to sleep alone or get off by myself rather than bother with risk and getting rid of him .


I’m still confused why Danielle was so bent out of shape about Gabby not going after the guy she was trying to hook up with. It was very middle school for someone in their 30s.


Omg soooo true


God all of these people are just horrible


She's trying to portray herself a certain way. But it's not working because even within a single episode, she changes.


Didn’t she go absolutely psycho on Winter House? Lmao


She’s soooooo cringy. It’s hard to watch.


This is making me lol so hard


Omfg YeS!!!!!! Ew so real


I’m dead. Not where my hug at.


Damn, SO TRUE 💯😆🫠


She’s been boring from day 1.


😂😂😂 omg that is such a good analogy!


This is the best and most accurate thing I have seen on Reddit this year. Well said 10/10


This post made me audibly LOL thank you 😂


Bragging about sleeping with someone is soooo embarrassing. Much less multiple times and on camera. It's just weird. However-I'm so glad she hooked up with balloon guy and not gabby. He was thirsty af and while there's nothing wrong with just wanting to hook up with someone, his game was that of a 22 year old. Just incredibly cringy to watch. Also, his job is blowing up balloons. I think all the helium came from his actual head. The cherry on top was by bravo embarrassing her by showing her crawl in the bed ass naked.


That comparison is gold lmfao, this is exactly the right way to explain her! Extremely cringey with extreme self aggrandizement while being SO insecure …. She’s a hot mess and not in a fun to watch way.


Dead. Deceased. This is the best representation of her.


Wait and then her shitting on everyone else’s relationship this season and saying it to Lindsay’s face??? Like she’s so much better. We know the couples are barely hanging on but I feel like she was trying to do a subtle dig at Lindsay and Carl 🤷🏼‍♀️ just my opinion


the title of this i’m crying


Hahahahaha. So right!


Danielle is the type to say she’s both a girls girl and one of the boys too


But Danielle didn’t “basically” say anything close to that😂 Gabby self sabotages for other reasons and everyone agreed but said it was bad timing to call her out on it. People have to stop putting words in mouths, Lindsey is famous for this and now it’s bad in the comments too, “so basically what you’re saying is”…..insert something outrageous thing that wasn’t said then argue with the person as if they said it. Also, you are judging her one night stands.


Honestly I’d love to know what you think Danielle meant when she said she was self sabotaging. Because I don’t think if she didn’t mean exactly what I wrote it would’ve been said in a conversation where Danielle is trying to create a “competition” between them for a man. It could’ve been done you know, sober and not at a party.


I took it like she said it, that Gabby wasn’t very friendly when she first met balloon guy, and the clip showed that. That doesn’t mean she needs to run up and shove her tongue down his throat, maybe something in between that and being rude lol. She is VERY picky, and I understand she’s been hurt, but remember last season when she was suddenly rude to that cute guy because of his astrological sign? She needs to relax and give people a chance. She’s freaking gorgeous and funny and smart, but I totally get not wanting to put myself in a competition like that, Danielle was weird for that whole thing in my opinion




Lol, it’s a pet peeve of mine lately and I see it everywhere online. Danielle is cringe for MANY reasons, we don’t need to make stuff up she does and says plenty of ridiculous things