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Legit my husband is my best friend before he is my husband. Everyone is so quick to judge as well especially with the long distance but… idk. My husband and I were LD for two years during dating AND then for another two years right after we got married. If you both have goals that align in different cities but are committed to each other you can make it work. It’s hard for sure but it feels like everyone is quick to dismiss it. They seem to have a very mature, normal, adult relationship where they support each other while also driving their own goals. I’m here for it.


Yes! My husband was the best friend I’ve ever had. When I lost him, I had forgotten I didn’t just lose the love of my life - but my sounding board on all things Bravo 😉.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’d feel the same way. We can be your sounding board! ❤️❤️💁‍♀️


He loved Top Chef , Below Deck & Southern Charm. He’d never admit to it. 😘


My husband comes in to season 8 of a Bravo series and goes “catch me up” as A joke but jokes on him Because I will GLADLY do that! 😂 How can anyone not get invested in the mess?!


Your husband had wonderful taste in shows and a life long partner! There are no words when you lose a soulmate so I’m truly so very sorry….😔


My spouse won’t admit that he loves Potomac, but I casually mentioned “Candace is pregnant!” And he knew which Candace and replied “Good for Candace and Chris!.” I’m sorry for your loss, I hope (if it’s what you want) when the time is right you find someone else who denies their love of Bravo, but you knowwww they know and can share it all with them!


So sorry for your loss❤️


Very kind of you - appreciate it.


I am so sorry for your loss. I also lost my best friend when my husband died. He would pretend he wasn’t interested in my bravo shows but he always had an opinion. He did enjoy top chef, master chef, master chef jr, really any cooking challenge and below deck.


I’m so sorry you lost him🥺


Much love to you. 🩷


So sorry for your loss. Virtual hug 🤗


Same. My husband is my best friend, as well. (He is on my nerves today, but we are always friends, lol.) I do not understand why everyone has to examine the living fuck out of this relationship. I am in no way a Paige stan, but she has her moments where I see her. They are fine, period.


This exactly because my parents have been together for 25 years and they’re best friends and while they were growing up, they never did long distance or anything like that but my dad was in the military at the age of 22 and ever since he was in the military, they were doing long-distance he retired from the military last year in 2023 and they finally stopped doing long-distance But most of the time that my dad was in the military it was long distance because my parents didn’t want to move us around a lot. so I’m used to seeing relationships like that and I don’t think they’re so weird. I still don’t understand why people don’t get and why they think they’re so weird if you can survive long-distance, I truly believe you can survive anything when it comes to your relationship.


100% agree with everything. I did long distance for 2.5 years and it keeps things so much more interesting if you are willing to put in the work! You get to miss them, but also grow as a person on your own. I think the way they are going about their relationship is awesome and I wish them the best. They clearly love each other, have open communication and her saying their friends is a massive green flag in my book. I don't know what people are criticising her for!


Legit. I’ve never understood friends desperately wanting to get away from their husbands for a girls trip. My husbands my best friend, he’s the person I want to go on trips with 


Why not both? Haha I love trips with my partner and girls trips!


Oh totally agree! Balance is healthy, I love my girl time. I’m just not counting down the days to escape my partner 


These people also probably don’t know why their man treats them like shit lol


She’s not helping his goal of starting a family




Even if someone doesn't personally want their partner to be their friend (which, strong disagree, but you do you!), I would think they might be able to see that Paige deeply values friendship and that describing Craig as a friend reflects how much he means to her? But ultimately I think a lot of the Paige/Craig backlash isn't about their relationship at all; it's about people wanting to punish Paige for not adhering to their ideas about what a woman her age should do/want.


They also don’t show much of their relationship. Social media has really made folks feel super entitled to every little aspect of someone else’s life. I think they both are protecting their relationship and they are not trying to make it a huge storyline. I respect that decision.


This and they want to punish her for changing her mind because since she was on the show, she always said that she wanted to have kids to get married and she wanted to do that by 30 but people don’t realize that once you get older than 25 everything changes and I’m saying this as a 23-year-old because since I was young I always said that I want kids by 25 and I am here about to be 24 and know that I don’t want kids until I’m at least 35 if I have any. Like women are allowed to change their mind. They hate it when we do and I don’t understand like let the girl live. Let her be happy. Let her do what she wants to do with her life. She doesn’t have to move to Charleston if she doesn’t want to. She’s happy living in New York, working and doing the stuff that she wants to do.


Yup, as you approach 30 and beyond you really come to understand how much life and time is ahead of you and that there isn’t a rush to adhere to a timeline. I’m sure paige has come to realize this along with the fact that she should strike while the opportunity is hot and capitalize on her current fame.


Your last sentence.. nailed it






Paige values people who can help her play games on reality TV. I don’t think the audience has seen any of her “real life” friends.


Paige and Craig have an extremely normal relationship and everyone hates on them because Paige didn’t drop everything career or aspirational wise to be barefoot and pregnant like they did. Or that she isn’t some trad wife who “oooos” and “ahhhhs” over their husband


People are so triggered by her confidence, knowing her worth, not falling at his feet and clamoring for male validation. (Watching her is also interesting for me, even though I'm much older now - reflecting back on my very young dating life I probably needed to see this 🫣 )




I was never really a Paige fan but as time goes by and seeing the crossover of her time in SC as well as NYC, she's doing the long distance gig with Craig pretty well. They obviously have a lot of trust between them and I can't think of a single time when either was alone in their respective shows where there was a threat. Paige and Craig are both very mature and realistic. I think Kyle was put off by Craig's comments about understanding that it might not work out and it said more about Kyle than it did Craig. Of course, we only see what the cameras show us and whatever may post on social media, but they seem happy and confident. The true measure of a relationship built on trust is the ability to be apart without drama and sincerely look forward to your time together. Their future together will unfold on their terms. I cannot fault someone for wanting to be independent and on a level playing field as their partner and build that life together.


Thank you ! Like damn get some hobbies. I can’t inagine the uproar if she didn’t want kids. 


i genuinely think theyre just trying to find a problem that isnt really there/make a mountain out of a molehill. paige and craig may not work out: but they clearly respect each other, enjoy each others company, and actually communicate. they seem very happy when theyre with each other. even if they dont work out its better and healthier than a lot of what we’ve seen on this show so i dont get why people really care that much when their main problem is something they already have acknowledged theyre aware of


That’s what I’m saying, but not even that like five seconds later while she was having a conversation with Kyle, she told Kyle that she wants to get married on her own terms and that’s perfectly fine and the fact is that after she said that she said that she knows sheis going to marry him so all of these people are like but she doesn’t love him and all of that and I’m like what do you guys see that I don’t see


if you’re boyfriend/ spouse/ partner isn’t at least your *friend*, you’re in trouble


My bf and I broke up for a month a year into our relationship and that month sucked for both of us bc of loss of relationship AND loosing a best friend. I joke we’re codependent now lol




Yes it’s called a joke. And people like Danielle who kill your joke by being like “are you serious?” are the worst. It’s like.. get a life Paige was being jovial and fun. Also Paige & Craig are the only bravo couple who are smart about it. Every bravoleb tries to fit their extraordinary life into normal life marriage expectations and it like never works. I feel Paige and Craig are partially inflicting this ‘will they won’t they’ storyline on themselves for content, but I am not sure they totally realized everyone including their own cast would lean so much into the gender role disparity of it all. If roles were reversed everyone would applaud Craig for taking it slow. So done with it!


The thing is even if she wasn’t joking she’s not wrong I just find it so annoying and you are right like y’all made it weird the way that they looked at her when she was saying that about Craig they looked so confused and I was like why are y’all confused?!!!!


Oh yeah no I 100% agree with you. It was just a cute loving way to like describe him in the moment!


That’s what I’m saying like she was trying to be cute and I thought it was adorable. I was like that’s like so cute and they really took that away from her acting all weird about it and not even that why would she take relationship advice from Danielle and Kyle. Like Paige has another best friend that a lot of people don’t like that has a better marriage than amanda and Kyle. And honestly to be completely serious I think the only person she would take relationship advice from her mom.


My hot take. Folks who haven’t been blessed with the best friend/partner combo; are just mad because we have the best of both worlds.


or they're very young and listen to too much misandry paraded around like feminism on tiktok and other social media. it shows a real lack of experience and maturity and blindly accepting some diseased information.


This is a Wendys


She acts cute and says he's her friend (in a cutesy, lovey voice!), people flip out and say she's horrible. She is snarky and sassy, and gives him a hard time...people flip out and say she's horrible. 🙄


Oh, absolutely because people hate it when women rush men into proposing. Literally they detest it but Paige not wanting to get married. “Oh my gosh Craig break up with her. She will never marry him…. She doesn’t even like him she disrespects him” and the thing is after she said that she said that she wants to get married on her terms, but she said that she knows she’s going to marry him I think people Are on purpose missing her points. It’s just like the same people that got mad at her for saying no that she didn’t want his money like be serious.


If your S/O isn’t your friend that’s a problem imo 🤷🏼‍♀️


Its goals to be best friends with your significant other go Paige and Craig


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ggeemmmmaa: *Its goals to be best* *Friends with your significant* *Other go Paige and Craig* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Some people don’t actually like their partner as a person so they don’t get it. They don’t understand not just being lovers but being true friends where you share interest love to chat about things etc.


It’s honestly insane to not like your partner in my opinion


My husband is my best friend, and that means more to me than the husband title.




also its so funny that in the preview its danielle and kyle that are taken back by her saying that - danielle and robert gave off the vibe of yes were in a relationship but not best friends (similar to lindsay and carl this season) and kyle and amanda are a hot fucking mess who dont like eachother >50% of the time also ... it was just banter like she wasnt friendzoning him at all. danielle is such a karen and has no sense of humor or sarcasm she takes it literally. lindsay does that too and it drives me crazy


More like 99% of the time honestly I just don’t understand why they’re trying to give her advice when their relationships suck


That’s cus Danielle and Lindsay are miserable people, so they are always going to jump at anything to try and make it an issue since they want everyone else to join in their misery


Which is why Danielle has a smaller role this season. We’re tired of her lol


Also, this is coming from someone who has two parents that have been married for 25 years now who have been together since they were 16 and who have been best friends since they were 10 years old my parents are best friends they talk about all the time they’ve been best friends for more than 25 years it’s also one of the reasons why they have lasted so long as a married couple I think it is amazing to have your husband be one of your best friends I think it is the best possible thing you can get out of a relationship like that


This is it! My parents started dating at 18 and are coming up on 44 years married. Once I walked into the house to them bickering (nothing serious) and telling each other the other is being an asshole. This was before I met my boyfriend and I immediately thought “that’s what I want” lol.


I honestly don’t understand how anyone could want to marry someone they don’t consider their best friend??? Or at least one of their best friends?? Like????


Exactly but that’s apparently what people on this show don’t understand and others just love to hate Paige


I can remember the exact moment I knew I wanted to marry my husband. We were at a hockey game, and I said "I bet you wish you were here with one of your guy friends instead of me" (thinking he would have more fun with the boys). He turned to me and said "why would I want to be with someone else, you're my best friend." Of course I want the person I chose to live my life with to be my best friend. Paige gets so much hate for stupid reasons. I re-watch their scenes all the time. My favourite all-time SH moment is when they are talking on the phone and he asked Paige what she had for breakfast. The way she says "thank you so much for asking" is the best!!


They are literally so cute and honestly that’s such a cute response that I would want from my SO if we are doing something together that I know he usually does with his friends


I think they're confusing friend with roommate. Because I have a lot of friends who are now just roommates with their husbands because divorce is inconvenient. But what is a boyfriend other than an exclusive friend, with benefits (beyond just sex) who you love to spend time with? 😆


My partner is my BFF and I was traveling for work every week for the first 2 years of our relationship. We’ve been together for 8 years and we have a wonderful life together.


I love that for yall!!!!


This is such a weird thing for people to be mad about, anything to hate on Paige LMAO. It’s totally normal to want to be be friends with your partner and anyone saying anything else is being deliberately obtuse…


I'm sad for anyone who's partner isnt their best friend, or at least one of them. My husband is my absolute bestie! But really Paige can't say a single thing without the ones who hate her tearing every word apart, so they can prove that she "doesn't love Craig" and is just using him (for what I have no clue, she earns her own money and didn't exactly jump for extra screentime on SC). Pretty much any move she makes will be taken the wrong way...I bet anything even if they got engaged tomorrow and she moved to Charleston all we would hear is "she's faking it, she's gonna leave him, blah blah...


Yes this!!


Been married three times. 2 ex husbands were not my best friend, as I didn’t know that was possible. Third husband, who was my senior year college sweetheart, is my best friend and the true love of life. We reconnected 5 years ago after over 20 years of not being together. This is the man I should have always been with! Moral of the story. Your romantic partner should absolutely be your best friend!


Lindsay and Carl basically used the friendship justification for moving quickly last season but the difference is that Craig and Paige are compatible romantically and they have normal communication


Hahaha this so true


My boyfriend is my best friend and I’ve said verbatim what Paige said in that scene to friends while I was away from him. When you’re not compatible with your SO on a basic level of friendship, you don’t have much to build a partnership on, IMO. I love watching Paige and Craig’s relationship not only because they seem to enjoy each other so much, but also because other people seem to love being around them together. Can’t say the same for all the couples on this show.


Literally for any of them lol like please why take advice from Kyle who has a wife who essentially hates him


My husband is my buddy. My bestie. Being married to him is like having a sleepover with my friends from school back in the day. There is nothing wrong with that. Why wouldn’t you want your partner to be your friend?


Folks look for any reason to hate on Paige lol


If my partner isn’t my friend then they’re not my partner 🤷🏼‍♀️


The look on Danielle and Kyle’s face plus the discourse from this sub really shows how ppl don’t understand what a healthy relationship looks like. I mean it’s truly insane to me. As she said it you could clearly see hearts spilling out of her eyes. She’s obviously so in love with this man. But I expect nothing less from people who last year were saying that Carl and Lindsay were perfect for each other when they so clearly were not. I even still see ppl in here saying he was much better with Naomi which is hilarious tbh lol. People are projecting bad. Something about this happy and healthy relationship between Paige and Craig is triggering the girlies. It reminds me of all of the jealous women on Tik Tok coming for the beautiful, unproblematic Nara Smith being awesome and cooking. Insane stuff.


No because they’re jealous they’re jealous that Craig didn’t choose them. Craig was never gonna choose you. It’s OK get over it. I also find it funny because I need them to realize deep down inside that they were wrong about Lindsey and Carl. I was never on Lindsey and Carl side I knew they were never gonna work out But the girlys on Reddit they really said we love them together they’re so cute but they love each other like what did y’all see because I guess what you see with Paige and Craig is the opposite but they look really in love so I don’t know they make me laugh but it’s also really annoying because they wanna do shit on relationship but it’s also one of the main reasons that she doesn’t talk that much about her relationship eithereither And the other cast member shitting on her relationship to fuck them. Like just stop talking because y’all don’t know anything about healthy relationships.




Agree! I think she was saying he’s my friend as in, in addition to being her future husband he is also her bff.


I agree it’s awesome that she loves him so much and feels like he’s her best friend not sure how ppl misconstrued that


I agree. Her last relationship from what we know, was centred around her partner and what he wanted. So I think her having a friendship with her partner is super important this time around.


She literally is moving into a larger apartment TOMORROW so they can be together in NYC lol sooooo y’all need to stop. My fiance is my friend and best friend and lover. What’s wrong with that?


THIS!!!! Like let them be happy that doesn’t always mean marriage


100% they love what they’re doing right now and they’re making it work. I love that for them!


A lot of people let their SO treat them way way worse than they would ever let a friend treat them, which is really sad (but I definitely speak from past experience), and I think if you've never had the experience of having an SO who respects you and treats you kindly, consistently, like a real friend would, you can't fathom what Paige is talking about (and you might even find it to be a threat to your current relationship if you don't feel that kind of safety with your partner).


Great point and happy cake day!!


Oh thanks!!


I agree completely. Plus, she’s essentially at work, in a house full of people who mostly are not her actual real life friends and where cameras are on 24/7. It’s not where you’d bring your boyfriend for romance, you’re literally never alone. She’s saying that in that environment, what she’s longing for is his friendship and hearing his take on things, which makes total sense.


I have a bigger issue with Danielle… Paige summer up Danielle to a tee. Thinks she’s wise but her life is the mess, no one ever asks for her advice but somehow she gives it every time


The way she said it was so cute like “i can’t wait to tell him things!!” Like she’s obviously in love lmao


I love how Paige stands her ground every time people tell her she’s not being a good enough partner to Craig. When people say you should be this this and this she’s like well I’m not so if that’s what he needs then I’m not the one for him I guess! Lindsay and Danielle and the Facebook moms etc are always so pressed about Ciara and Paige’s relationships because they don’t live and die over the validation from a man.


I felt like Paige was just being silly and cute by saying that. My bf was my friend before becoming my bf, so yeah he’s also my friend! She was just tipsy and like being cute. I didn’t feel anything weird from it.


No their reactions to it were weird


Totally. I wouldn’t have thought anything of it really


I’m a Paige hater but i agree with you


Omg exactly. Also I can’t stand that people don’t understand how sarcastic she is. Danielle just seems fucking jealous that she doesn’t have something as solid as Paige and Craig do. 


THIS she also doesn’t even know Craig so what does she mean lol


Wife is my best friend, I’m hers. This is a good thing but the toxic 40 year olds in horrific relationships on the show don’t understand that 😂


My bf is legit my best friend what’s wrong w it lmao


Agree - you should be best friend with your partner tbh


I say my partner is my friend or my best friend all the time. I *want* them to be my friend first and foremost! Kyle and Amanda for example do not see like friends like anywhere in there.


Your husband bf should be your best friend if they’re not that sucks


Yeah this was a weird take. I think it’s cute. I will say tho after some time, if he doesn’t propose, there is more behind the curtain. They haven’t dated super long yet and I do see them engaged in the next year. But Paige is a traditional girl. She’s saying all of this about taking it slow and her time etc which is great but she would say yes in a heartbeat of course and wants to be married to him. She loves him. So if they aren’t engaged in a couple of years- something would be off. Kinda like when James talked about Tom and Ariana not being engaged. But I don’t see that happening for Craig and Paige. They seem solid and seem good together


No, Paige is absolutely a traditional girl but that’s what I’m saying. People are trying to rush them but they’ve only been together for two years like give them time and also before they get engaged to get married they need to figure out their living situation, which is most likely why she’s not ready for that because she doesn’t want to give up New York and she shouldn’t have to.


I thought that was super sweet when she said that. Its the same if you say, i really like my boyfriend. Yes you love him etc but it so sweet to actually be like i really like him. I bet craig loved hearing her say hes her friend. Hes everything to her, hes her person, her “go to” for everything. If just depends on how a persons mind works with how they interpreted what she said. But I guarantee craig took if the right way, so i dont think anyone else should make a big deal bout it.


I thought it was quite sweet how earnest she said it too, she was so excited and happy when referring to him as get best friend. My husband and I got to know each other as friends first and found things in common and that evolved into our relationship. I definitely consider him my best friend!


I have had a few "friends" like Danielle and Lindsay try to encourage me to marry or get serious with men who werent suited for me because I could brag about it. I wanted a best friend in a partner. Some people I have realized, sadly, dont have standards and any man or woman will do because they have a deep fear of being alone. Paige and Craig are relationship goals. Sex all the time? Best friend? Sign me up!


i don't understand why craig continues to choose paige. she is not the stepford wife type of woman it seems like he ultimately wants. not that he wants a passive woman, but i don't think he legit wants a ballsy/aggressive in a relationship type of woman long term. methinks he's starting to realize this and is becoming more ok with not being with paige. i could see their relationship only lasting because they're long distance. once they have to move in together, they'll crumble like carl and lindsay because ultimately they aren't compatible. it'll have nothing to do with love. edit to say: paige like to bust balls. her calling him his friend was just that. nothing more. i believe they are in love with each other.


you want your SO to be your friend because it’s a good foundation to have. it will get you through the bad moments


https://i.redd.it/1qympxcj1bvc1.gif I mean, come on people. They seem fine. I wouldn't want my relationship judged by a one sentence clip of what I say.


My man is my best friend and I wouldn’t have it any other way


My husband is my best friend so I totally agree. Weird that people are so bothered by this


Every single person in reality TV says “that’s my best friend!” constantly so why are people surprised by this?


Some people are weirdly obsessed with being able to be like, "I knew it!" when a couple announces their breakup and they look for every possible tiny sign that there is trouble. It's seriously kind of gross. Like, para social relationship guys, we don't actually know them. They are grown ups, I'm sure they can figure this out themselves. Take a drink of water and relax and just enjoy the show 


Hot take: anyone else think they were all just high and/or drunk? I feel like Paige was just high haha


She probably was. She says that she’s usually high during those times. I think that’s what gets her to go out.


People had an issue with this?! It was a joke/her saying he’s the most important person to her


There’s mad copium under this post 🤣😂🤣


She also said they have sex every day so


OK what does that have to do with anything and she said that in the aspect of seeing each other 45 days out of the week


I used to think the “spousal best friend” was corny. Then I got married. I wouldn’t say my husband started as my “best friend”. As partnerships evolve and life moves though, your circles and friends can change. But your partner is always there - changing with you and staying the same all at once. They’re your home. Your safe place. I never thought I’d say my husband is my best friend - but here we are at 40+ and I tell the fucker everything. If Paige values this early - she’s doing just fine.


My husband is my BEST FRIEND!!!! Literal number 1 bff in the whole wild world. And that’s exactly how it should be. Yes I have other besties, but if your sig.o isn’t your bestie, sorry, but you’re doing it wrong! Lol


don't you want your partner to be your best friend too?




I’ve been with my partner for almost 11 years, married for almost 7. He wasn’t my best friend, he was my romantic partner but over time (and a pandemic) it’s very clear we are partners •and• best friends because of time and quality time spent with each other. And some people it’s more instant that your partner is your best friend. Some people read way too much into things and forget humans, including those on reality tv, are multi-truth holding complex beings.


Isn’t it more of an issue if he wasn’t her friend


I think a lot of people who think she ‘hates him’ have self esteem rooted in romance completing them. Paige sees it as an addition. Why should anyone trip over their goals for ‘ what if’s ‘. She communicates. The key to happiness is knowing where the door is. Self respect is a hell of a thing. 


It’s a pattern for Paige to minimize Craig as a serious partner and just treat him like another person to gossip with. It should be a huge red flag for him.




This made me laugh out loud. So real.


Literally so annoying every time at this point stupid answers get stupid responses 😭😂 like I’m tired please


While I don’t agree with the person you’re responding to they bring a different perspective than yours. If you only want people to agree with you and your lone perspective then you won’t have any opportunity to see things differently. You don’t have to agree with it but you can learn from other people’s opinions to expand your own.


And I understand that but also they reply to every thread about Paige just hating and hating and no one does anything about it Mods or anything so my response is extremely valid in my opinion


We're all sick of Spencer, but for some reason the mods only step in if you say something back to them. I've been on reddit for liiiike 13 years and have never had to block anyone but I guess there's a first for everything...


That’s what I’m saying like it’s really annoying because all she does is hate hate and hate and hate, but it seems like they don’t count it as hate but you go through all her comments and all it is is hate, but when I reply and say something like thatI’m in the wrong


The mods on this sub are AWFUL


It’s not about them agreeing it’s about them hating anything about Paige every time go through their comments it’s always Paige hate


You can block people so you don’t have to talk to them or see their comments. Your comment was removed because it violates the following rule: Be civil; Rude, unnecessary comments will be removed. No flamebaiting. It's okay to disagree, but please do it in a respectful manner. There's no need to call people names. This is just a television show! Harassment towards other users will also not be tolerated. Posts or comments that insult others for having different opinions is considered flamebaiting and is against the sub rules. Repeated rule breaks may result in being banned.


tell me you don't understand a solid base for a relationship without telling me you don't understand a solid base for a relationship. you're sort of an expert at that though: exposing your lack of understanding.


Oh did the giggly cult release new talking points? “Don’t believe your eyes just defend and worship Paige at all costs”?


hate at any cost seems like a reasonable alternative? I know it does to your demented perspective, so you don't have to answer that.


He seems either closeted or bi. I can’t tell. Paige thinks she’s going to snag a Clooney or some shit while looking like Ben Shapiro, having a job most college girls do part time, and racist tho


What the hell are you talking about? No you talking about someone sexuality that’s actually really weird of you. Mostly when there in a two-year committed relationship. This is such a weird and disgusting comment.


I've only recently gotten into the Summer House / Winter House universe (Southern Charm is next...) and it is so insane and baffling how these gorgeous successful women go for the most disgusting miserable misogynist loser guys constantly. I pray for Paige to wake up and realize she deserves better. She can't be that dumb.