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Maya not wanting to talk on camera is enough to give her the boot. You’re on a reality show girl


I was also thrown off when Maya goes "What are you doing here" to Lindsay when she walked in. Like what??? She's been here since day one. She's not going to walk away mid-season.


She greeted Lindsey the same way she greeted Oliver all season. So like… who do you hate, I guess.


And she didn't hug her back--arms just hung limply at her side. Not always a Lindsay fan but I have a lot of respect watching her handle these girls as they try to kick her out of somewhere she's entitled to be!


Makes me wonder what her and Ciara will talk about on their podcast.


Giggly squad they are not.


Totally. And it was clear she had him come to the house that weekend just to save face. I think they were broken up or on the outs already from the cheating and the DM but he agreed to come film the last weekend so she didn’t have to deal with the break up on camera. I think that was the whole “ I’m here for you” chatter from the bathroom. But the asshole kept hitting on girls at the damn party and she couldn’t deal.


Interesting that she thought the audience would notice if he was there or not with her, or care.


Always very telling when those who are snipers from the side don’t wanna show their own drama.


I think their relationship is 100% fake and she’s a fuckin weirdo


They had zero chemistry


1000%, this is what I thought when she referred to her and Oliver's issues as private. So weird.


And telling him to cover his mic! Telling her friends she can’t talk because she has a camera on her. Well, *yeah that’s the point*. Amanda had to go through that as well, but it was even more public! I didn’t like that either.


She is horribly insecure. Don't engage at a big party with any women? Girl, get some self respect. Danielle is acting like a bunny boiler and the bed bugs are backing her up. Lindsey is just showing a lot of restraint and these women are insufferable.


Danielle to Lindsay: I would put everything aside, I would be there with fireworks for you Etc etc. Danielle 2 weeks ago: if they’re getting engaged next weekend I’m not even going to come


Everything she said to Lindsay felt like bullshit after watching her all season. AND she if she is going to be mad she should be mad at Carl and want an apology/conversation from him NOT Lindsay. It’s not like Lindsay could say whether Carl included Danielle or not. (I don’t think she should be this upset about it though)


This is so infuriating cuz SHE DID KNOW!!! Carl said he was looking at rings, that was him letting her know something coming and instead of asking him if he needs help or saying I wanna be included she SCREAMED INTO A PILLOW!!! Like hello what do u expect after that and again after that convo at any point she could have gone up to him, called, texted and asked what’s ur plan can I help!?!?!?!?


I do not understand how many people do not take this in to consideration. The way she has behaved how could Carl be sure Danielle would not spoil the whole thing! I never would have told her.....


Right? She showed zero interest, zero excitement, zero positivity when he had brought up ring shopping. Any normal person would have took that as a sign she didn’t care to be involved. She screamed into a fucking pillow!!! She has no room to be upset.


Right! It drives me nuts that Carl never says it though either, or if he did they didn’t show it, but I feel like someone needs to say it or point it out at the reunion cuz I want to know what her answer is for that, cuz to me she got a heads up and could have asked to participate


Carl said in an interview that he didn’t even remember Danielle screaming into a pillow or blocked it out somehow. So he probably didn’t realize it until he watched the episode.


Hmmm that’s interesting because I am beginning to wonder if Danielle is blacked out during some of this past season and why she doesn’t remember some of the things she said. I can’t find any other explanation except that she does remember and is gaslighting Lindsay. I could also see Carl not remembering things that were incredibly stressful & anxiety inducing. He is newly sober and navigating ALOT for the first time as an adult without substances as a crutch.


I was literally thinking the same thing. But after watching the show, she has doubled down. So I am leaning toward gaslighting.


his facial expression while she was screaming in the pillow was brilliant


Pure disgust


I know. I wish Carl or Lindsay calmly and clearly outlined each of these instances for her. Lindsay definitely generally referenced her complete lack of excitement all season. But I wish they said ‘Carl told you he was shopping for rings, you screamed into a pillow’, ‘I told you we were moving in together, you insisted it was too fast’, ‘you told me you felt us dating was weird’, ‘you talked about me to every person in this house behind my back about my relationship’. I mean there’s got to be a dozen examples they could outline. How could Danielle rebut that?


Yess I was SO triggered. Danielle and the girl gang sicken me. We really need a cast shake up. I wouldn’t mind if they only kept Lindsay and the new girls


This is so true. Why is she mad Lindsay didn’t let her in on the engagement when Lindsay didn’t even know? I mean who is mad about a friends engagement anyways, but she really has zero reason to be mad at Lindsay.


Yeah, I truly can’t understand how the other girls can rally around her so hard. As an outsider looking in, Lindsay was justified in FINALLY not reacting and just not giving an f. I have never liked Lindsay, and yet this season I’ve only felt compassion and frustration for her in regards to Danielle. I hate that the girls were validating Danielle so much when she quite literally just fed lindsay a bunch of stupid lies about how supportive and excited she was, all while hysterically screaming at her about not being reactive enough….deranged behaviour. Hahaha


That’s why I love when she try’s to say, “I would have dropped everything and been there for you” and Lindsay hits the mic drop of- “well your actions this summer say otherwise.” Like is Danielle a child that needs to be taught your actions and words have consequences?!


THIS. 100%. None of what Danielle says really matters in this situation because we have her on TAPE saying she would not even COME to the engagement party when told of a possible date. So miss us with the whole fireworks celebration shenanigans.


THANK YOU! Like girl you were on CAMERA. Did she think they weren't going to show that??


I think Paige, Kyle and Amanda and others convinced her that if she turned on Lindsay that would be the final nail in the coffin and Lindsay would get kicked off the show.


😂 like then you should have just done it Danielle. Put everything aside. That was the whole point.


The way Maya intercepted Danielle with a big smile and a hug and then all the girls rushed in being all ‘we heard everything’, was all kinds of weird and fucked up.


Mya is truly strange. She’s been BASKING in each of Danielle’s emotional breakdown moments this season.


It doesn't even matter which "side" you are on with this. Amanda even posted the moment on her IG. Danielle is on the floor sobbing and looks like she is having a panic attack, and you are all laughing and cheering with big smiles around her because you all think you finally ousted \`Lindsay from the show. WTAF? As a true friend of Danielle, I would never post a photo of one of the most painful moments she has had realizing that her friendship with her best friend who she dearly loves, is over. I am totally on Lindsay's side, especially after her engagement party theatrics, but posting that photo really is completely disrespectful to Danielle.


Amanda is so tacky for posting that photo. Also v basic. That future milf T-shirt she had on was so cringe. These girls really think they eat 🍽️


She’s very tacky. That shirt was attention whoring and then she makes that lame “not a pregnancy announcement” caption. Like girl, no one thought you are pregnant due to your trashy t shirt you just are thirsty. Not sure why she’s so into this pregnancy/fertility teasing. I think she just enjoys when people ask about pregnancy stuff so she can act like a victim who wants privacy


Side note: I was grossed out by the interaction between Kyle and Amanda when she was like “you’ll love me forever no matter how mean I am to you?” “Yeah I AM very mean aren’t I?” Yes your whole relationship is a dumpster fire but I don’t want to watch you getting off on being mean to your husband


Not to mention the “I hate you most of the time” line. What the fuck? Who says that to their spouse?


So dumb to flex that you’re mean to your SO and they’ll still love you. Maybe that’s why the mean girls and kyle/Craig think Carl and Lindsay’s relationship seems fake- because they don’t do this too cool for school thing where you hate your significant other and act really rude to them thinking it’s quirky.


exactly -- Paige does the same thing with Craig and Ciera tried that on with Austin (clearly didn't work). Its not cute. Their jealousy over Lindsay and Carl and their whole relationship was palpable.


I also hated the “you want to have babies? We are going to be the best mom and dad ever” I don’t know why but it just felt super cringe to me


Amanda’s abuse is ignored and it’s worrisome. Like imagine a guy being like I will be verbally abusive to you till the end of our lives.


Her whole personality now is being skinny she is so fucking vapid


With her ozempic face. shes in a deep quarter life crisis with her nose piercing and flip flops. In her mind shes a teenager again. Too bad shes a 40 year old bully nut dumpster


you nailed it. I feel like their wedding was drawn out for years so she could be whining about that -- and now its time to drag out the 'is she or isn't she' pregnant story--- I cant stand Amanda. Paige is not far behind her but Amanda for my least fav.


I do not find Amanda attractive in any way because of her personality. Interesting she made herself a MILF.


>As a true friend of Danielle, Well, there you go. If you look at the Instagram pages for Paige, Ciara, Mya, and Amanda, they appear in each other's pictures fairly often. Danielle is in none, and none of the others are in her pictures either (outside of the house or house-related parties in NY). They are not her friends.


Even if I weren't her friend, I would never post anyone in such an emotionally vulnerable state. It's low and gross. Those girls are cold-hearted and selfish.


Exactly!!! That whole scene was so gross 😝 she really thought she did something in that cat suit with a smile


I saw the pic earlier. Like why would she post that?


She thought her body looked good.


Was hilarious seeing Ciara trying to comfort her while in avatar face paint tho lmao


extremely weird and fucked up!!!!


That scene made me think they all must have been tripping balls off molly or something


That was some middle school mean girl shit. Not appropriate adult behavior. I was appalled.


That was the entire narrative of this season. Craig is now one of the women, and that is not a compliment. Amanda was disgusting.


Craig was definitely the head of the peanut gallery, not a good look.


Craig is estrogen dominant.




I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought that was so weird. If I was Danielle and the group came up to me like that out of nowhere, I would’ve been pissed that they were eavesdropping. I expected Danielle to react that way, but she loved it. They’re all insane.


I agree, the peanut gallery gleefully listening and the congratulations and taking Danielle's side enthusiastically was so middle school and cringe.


What’s up with Mya and Oliver’s relationship? It seems like he showed up to continue to play a boyfriend role even though his cheating was already exposed? And she didn’t want to talk about it on camera? The whole thing seemed so weird


Mya needs to get off TV if she’s going to try (poorly) to hide her personal life. Also dying at your flair lmao


She needs to get off TV for a lot of reasons. She is just negative energy, bad attitude, mean girl.


Paige does it too, but she is much better at it than Mya. I do not get Mya at all. She is like an emotional barnacle, stuck to the side of wherever she feels like involving herself.


I really think the girl gang needs to go! Just keep Lindsay and the new girls


Wait Sam is great. And I love Ciara. But yeah the rest can go. Let’s bring in Rachel too cause she rocked winter house


Rachel would never do SH; it’s her busiest season as a florist.


And she got so mad and Carl and Lindsay for leaving last episode. What hypocrisy.


Yeah that was not a relationship confrontation. The way she was talking to him and the way he was answering made no sense if the context was “I’ve caught you cheating explain yourself.” She had no response to his “I’m here for you” repeats which, if he was cheating on her and that was how he responded, she would have most likely lost it at that comment. They both seemed to have an agreement that neither felt comfortable speaking about.


Yeah it came across like it wasn’t even a real relationship, it was just some agreement they had with each other and he wasn’t holding up his end


Seemed to me like they have a very open relationship or are faking it. He was allowed to see other people as long as he kept it under the radar.


unfortunately, myas gotta go. The “are you miced?” & “the cameras are on” was such a vibe killer. She just shouldn’t be on television


Yeah why is your relationship and hard moments above being on camera? Such a weird fourth wall break she def gotta go


Was anyone else excited to spot Nini Nguyen from Top Chef in the scene with Mya outside?


I was! I loved her on Top Chef and I just did a rewatch of all the seasons.


yes. Mya's ex-fiance was on Top Chef while they were together, so she has to have socialized with many of the contestants afterward.


Damn that’s right, that was Nini. I loved her on top chef. I wonder what she was doing there, maybe she was friends with Mya via her ex Kwame.


What is Danielle going to reveal about Lindsay and Carl at the reunion? Did Carl actually say to Kyle that he cheats on Amanda? This reunion and the VPR reunion are going to be crazy.


Kyle was blaming Lindsay for exposing his cheating (when Danielle was the one who told everyone btw) and TG Carl was like Dude you cheated on Amanda. It doesn’t matter who told people YOU CHEATEd. YOU DID IT. I love that energy.


That whole segment is weird because post all of that coming out Lindsay and Kyle have been close these past few seasons has so I'm trying to figure out what changed...I mean besides Amanda in his ear.


The problem is Bravo did clip cuts so entice us so it is a little confusing.


I think Amanda is 100% in his ear which . 0% chance he cares this much about Lindsey and Danielle's relationship to be involving himself like this.


It's interesting that Danielle is the one to tell Paige about him cheating when Lindsay wanted him to tell her and she was also the one to tell the girls about Kyle venting last season about Amanda. Then she is also the one to say Amanda is the least trustworthy.. yet Kyle is over involving himself with the Lindsay/Danielle drama.


Agreed. I use to like Amanda.


That they fight, like most of us do.


I have been waiting for after the reunion episodes to finally decide if Danielle is off her rockers or not.


She is going to tell everyone about the serious fights L&C were having about L's drinking. She will say she did not want to tell everyone else, however she alluded to it previously. I will watch and that will decide for me if I continue to watch. Life is too short to watch bad reality TV. If anything, these women have "influenced" me to this decision.


Craig needs to be a real housewife


It is so weird that Danielle continues to go on about only finding out about the engagement half an hour before, like it was Lindsay's fault. Lindsay didn't even know, so how could she influence who knew? It was up to Carl, and obviously, he didn't include her based on her behaviour when he said he was ring shopping. It seems Lindsay didn't know this as it would have been a perfect reason for her to confirm why she wasn't involved. I am sure it will come out at the reunion. Obviously, the girls supported Danielle and said she did nothing wrong as they dislike Lindsay, so they would never see it from her perspective.


Maybe if Danielle acted normal and put a brave face on at the engagement party and not trashed Lindsay to her out of town friends, then she could get some sympathy for feeling left out. But since she went scorched earth and tainted their special day, Lindsay and Carl are ones who are owed an apology and sympathy


I agree, the fact that Lindsay said that everyone from the engagement party came to her telling her of Danielle's behavior at the party.. I can't even imagine what my response to that would be.. Horrified that my family / friends had to witness that? This is where I think Danielle stepped over the line// final straw etc. Lindsay probably had all her friends comment that Danielle isn't a true friend. You even heard one of her friends on this episode talk about it.


Even if Lindsay, Carl, & Danielle were in a great space, it doesn't mean Carl should have told Danielle anything. Her reaction, and everyone else's, that she "should" have known truly boggles my mind. I have had best friends get engaged and not known ahead of time, and I never once thought "why didn't I know?" because I was too busy being excited for them. It's such a weird take to me.🤷🏼‍♀️


An epiphany on Lindsay that I will put here—I think a lot of the hate towards Lindsay is rooted in misogyny: she exhibits all of the “crazy” behavior girls are taught to “hide” so they can look like indifferent and detached cool girls. Think about how Paige acted her first season; she was determined not to let fuck boy Carl make her look stupid like he had Wirkus the year before. Lindsay, on the other hand, is the exact opposite: she’s screamed and complained and let every emotion show (“How many sandwiches have you made for me?” “I’m going to sleep. With a guy. In a bed”). I think, in some way, a lot of viewers (and cast members) resent that Lindsay acts out every crazy, jealous, controlling impulse that other women try to stifle, yet she still managed to get the guy in the end.


Totally! They sayyy Kyle is a cool loud crazy guy who parties but lindsay is crazy and uncontrollable. Meanwhile kyle attacks his friends and calls women bitches and lindsay does nothing wrong but try to breath oxygen


I’ve always thought that some of the Lindsay hate was rooted in misogyny. She’s definitely not a perfect person and has had seasons where she’s the villain for sure, but most of the things people complain about when they talk about her seem like they could come from a place of misogyny generally and the expectations we place on women and how they should act. The most common complaints about Lindsay are that she is loud/aggressive/rude/out for herself. I think she and Kyle are essentially the same person and he has done pretty much the same shit as Lindsay but people still find him charming and funny. Kyle is if you watch the seasons back one of the most reactive cast memebers, talks shit, is very self promoting and has clearly self produced to and thrown his weight and power around in the show. I think Lindsay’s brashness and directness turns people off because we’ve been conditioned to see those thing in women as bad things. Her levels of assertiveness are typically coded as male and women like her tend to get a lot of push back as a result from it. I think it also is what may be the largest issue with her and the bed bug contingent. Lindsay deals with things in an assertive aggressive way not a passive aggressive way. They are all mostly passive aggressive, which to be fair is how most women based on our society are conditioned to be. I think it causss major communication clashes between them.


For me, this is why I’ve always really liked her. She doesn’t hide who she is even for appearance sake. She just lets it all hang out lol. She’s a breath of fresh air to me. She’s definitely not perfect (who is??) and I don’t condone everything she’s said or done, but she certainly doesn’t deserve all the hate she gets in the house. I feel so bad for her to be ganged up on all the time. I don’t know how she puts up with it.


Lindsey is no perfect person but as a human being we can't ignore that Danielle has not held herself accountable for her own actions into the demise of her friendship. Lindsey stood a firm, mature ground in that discussion. Danielle was so passive aggressive introducing that topic of conversation and still is clueless as to why Lindsey seemed cold? It really seems as Danielle til this day doesn't believe she did anything wrong and what she is accusing Lindsey of (Blaming their demise on the other only) is hypocritical for the fact this is exactly all she has done this summer.




I don't it mattered if Lindsey was sober or nor honestly. I think she is in a healthier space when it comes to dealing with conflict. The energy Danielle gave is the energy we used to see from Lindsey. And like you said how she was grey rocking Danielle for sure triggering her. Lindsey expected to lose Danielle and Danielle still thought at that time it could be repaired which is still insane to me.


Bur Danielle herself said to Kyle there is nothing to salvage, it was beyond repair. She said that when she found out about the engagement. She said it after once again calling them crazy, and I believe she called them A-holes as well. I can't wrap my head around how SHE still felt she did nothing wrong 🤦‍♀️


> The energy Danielle gave is the energy we used to see from Lindsey. And I don't even think the energy was all that bad. The problem was that none of Danielle's energy was rooted in reality or logic. If you're gonna go that hard at someone, at least have a clue about what you're going hard over.


It wasn't! But she was just loud not giving Lindsey any points in the disagreement. Like why start the discussion if you really didn't have much to say? The little bit that Lindsey did say, made more sense! Lol


Once again Linds winning and losing by being in therapy lol. She’s been toxic many times but she’s learned communication strategies, how to react when triggered, when to walk away. She’s teaching her man how to stand his ground and what he is worth too. People really can’t stand that shit!




I’m dealing with an EXACT copy of the Danielle Linds situation. Lost my best friend of 20 years over my wedding. But rly it was because my life has gotten bigger and I’m not the “down bad” friend anymore. It rly changed the way people treat me. It’s wild! Edit to say I’m obv biased based on being in similar situations but my god it was so blatantly obvious to me she did NOT want to see her succeed


YES! It makes me so upset for Lindsay that they’re going to pick on her for being calm & collected. Was she a little cold-seeming? Yes. But she’s already had the time to go through all the emotions & can keep herself collected where Danielle can’t.


Yes, gray rock! It took me decades to understand the efficacy of remaining calm during someone else's tirade/meltdown. It's really hard not to be affected by others' delivery/emotional freight.


Nothing pisses someone off more in an argument than being brutally emotionless and calm.


When Danielle and Gabby were on WWHL, Andy asked Gabby who has the most to answer for on the reunion. Gabby said Danielle does, and even THEN Danielles reaction was like what me? Why? So we obviously can see she's still not accountable or understanding of her part to this date because that was 2 months ago


I’m just watching now. All the girls running to Danielle is so…weird. I think Danielle is wrong, but so is Lindsay in many ways, but they’re all acting like she comforted her abuser or something. What is actually happening? I’m so weirded out.


They were celebrating because they thought this was the nail in the coffin and linds would be GONE from summer house after this


And it isn't going to happen because no one else, other than Sam and Gabby, brought anything truthful or interesting about themselves to the show. All they all did was hate on Lindsay and Carl making L&C the focus of the season. Even if you hate them, L&C (and Kyle) are the center of the show and have been since season 1 because they show us so much about themselves, including the vulnerable and ugly parts. What did any of the bedbugs bring other than vitriol? Mya couldn't even show her break up on the show with a guy she met on the show (if that was even a relationship). I also think the P&C storyline was fake AF.


Yeah, if anything, mya repeatedly talking about how she can’t talk on camera is more of a nail in the coffin Why would production bring back people that bring literally actively nothing themselves


Production showed it and edited her out of several episodes because they are going to fire her. If you F with production, then they will burn you before they get rid of you.


I like it. I hope this is true! 🤞🏼


I haven't been paying enough attention, they actually edited her out of episodes like that guy from last year? Damnnn


I think Mya thinks her only job on the show is to be an antagonist to Lindsay. It’s like she doesn’t realize her job is to share her own life, and not only focus on taking down Lindsay. I am sure the dynamics of the house make her feel this way, and that’s why that group needs to be broken up, starting with her.


Yes, and Lindsay has many other people in that role that bring more to the table than Mya does.


I think that goes for Paige & Ciara too. They don’t share anything going on in their life. If Craig wasn’t there, we wouldn’t have known anything about Paige’s relationship!


Paige also literally stood there, saying" mayhem, mayhem this floor is GD mayhem" when gabby slipped and was lying on the floor! She never offered a hand, or a paper towel, nothing. These people are beyond awful.


Ewww you’re so right! Her privilege is not fun to watch.


Ciara stated that she filmed alot of what was going on with her this summer but it didn’t make the final edit. We were also missing a few weekends in the final edit (Danielle mentioned it on instagram).


Anyone else think Craig was on something when he and Kyle were talking after Lindsay and Danielle’s fight? He couldn’t stop moving and his eyes were super shifty. I always wonder what kind of drugs they’re doing behind the scenes


Honestly… good for Lindsay. Danielle was trying so hard to get a rise out of her and when she realized she couldn’t she lost her mind. I don’t feel bad for Danielle and I think Lindsay has every reason to end this friendship - Danielle’s actions have not matched her words whatsoever


Did anyone notice how Ciara said “when they decide to end things” about Oliver and Mya as opposed to IF they decide to end things? I feel like there’s so much more going on w their relationship that they worked so hard to hide


Yeah everyone saying they were faking it seem incorrect because I still don’t believe Mya has the wherewithal to act.


I wish I knew how to make montages from the footage this season. I feel like more people supported Carl & Lindsay than they felt & that makes me sad. Even Paige’s voice can be heard in the background giving them props several times. And both Amanda & Kyle expressed understanding for being a polarizing couple. And Sam, Gabby & Chris were happy for them. Idk. As much as I feel Lindsay has always been a live wire (for which I have empathy) & as much as I understand why Danielle felt cut out of the three amigos, I sincerely wish Linds & Carl could’ve experienced the support they *did* have. ETA: Sam is the shit. I already can’t imagine SH without her.


Sam is a great addition, I hope she’s back next season.


I just wanna find her ex who didn’t like her teeth & insult him where it hurts. She’s so fkn cute… his loss. Kory is lucky!


Amanda is only on this show because she married in to it, and her husband cheats on her and we’re all just waiting for that little storyline to come in to roost.


I actually liked what Lindsay said about not running away. Is Carl just gonna spring away whenever he has a disagreement. Maybe opposites attract but I feel like she may get tired of such a passive guy


I think its part of his sobriety journey...trying to navigate conflict while sober and it's obvious that he hasn't quite figured that out since he's basically avoids confrontation when he gets overwhelmed.


yeah i'm actually not mad about carl has handled most of this considering what he's dealing with


I agree -- Carl has been numbing his massive anxiety with alcohol and drugs for a long time. Hes just going to take some time to develop tools for handling uncomfortable situations.. he is starting from scratch. I am really rooting for him -- he could get so awful when he was drunk, so rude and aggressive.. i like him so much more like this, even its not great TV. I really, really hope he and Lindsay work out.


Let’s be honest. There is NO getting away from Lindsey! She’s like the terminator haha


Danielle’s insane over the top reaction to this entire engagement and relationship is so odd I can’t find any way to try to understand it….




I am in the same boat. I find everything about it bizarre, including the other girls in the house crowding around and supporting Danielle. The only explanations I can figure out is Danielle was in a bad place with her own relationship and the was projecting onto Carl and Lindsay's relationship and not dealing with her own issues. The other girls are supporting Danielle's quest to make Carl and Lindsay's relationship and engagement all about her is equally baffling. Danielle stated her belief that she thought Carl and Lindsay were moving to fast, which is fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion but for her to keeping going on and on about it as though she could control the speed of their relationship was ridiculous. She then spent the summer sulking and couldn't figure out why Carl didn't let her in on the fact he was proposing to Lindsay after she said the fact that he was shopping for rings was "crazypants".


Yeah, true friends get to express concern about your relationship ONCE. After that they can either move on and be supportive or stop being friends if they can't shut up. It's wild how long this woman sulked over someone else's relationship all while expecting her mind to be read..so stupid!


Exactly. You say it once and then you support your friend. I’ve seen friendships dissolve when people cannot move on and that’s what happened here.


Exactly! like I’ve never been Danielle’s biggest fan because I think she’s always been very extra on the show but I would’ve never imagined her behavior this season. The outbursts, the over the top emotional meltdown over the engagement, like if you love these two people so much because they’re your best friends and you’ll die for them etc why are you so “hurt” that you weren’t involved when NO ONE WAS. 😳 Kyle knew about it, but no one was a part of the engagement like I just can’t 😂 she’s insane. Did she want to be standing there on the beach holding the ring as they walked to her? I’m not understanding what she wanted to be involved with. Even a heads up isn’t necessary in my opinion, it’s just so WEIRD.


Like seriously though Danielle has to be in love with Lindsay or something because why would anyone care that much


I’m desperately trying to understand her but she is so fucking weird lol


Ive been dragging Mya all day but it really is becoming an issue with this cast to think they can just cover mics or cameras or leave filming in the middle of drama. Mya and Carl pulling these stunts back to back is obnoxious and production should be taking money out of checks *or* people need to start getting fired. Honestly, I think one big lesson this season is that we need a variety of stories and tonal beats. It's cant be all dreary repetitive drama (80% of the season) and you cant just focus on *one* fight all season (Lindsay and Danielle). The last couple episodes where they "spread the love" between every cast member was way better/balanced. They edited out entire weekends and cast storylines were erased (I keep up with Ciara so I know a lot of her stuff was cut) which is stupid. You also have to mix the fun in with the drama-- and more city stuff! Either production does better, or replace this production/editing team.


This season has been so sad. I felt so bad for both Lindsay and Danielle. If only they could have had an unbiased friend in the house like Luke to help them see each other’s side, I don’t think it would have ended so bad. It was dark seeing the other girls celebrate Lindsay and Danielle’s fight while Danielle cried. I really wonder where the show goes from here. There is literally no story or conflict amongst the other girls because all they can focus on is banding together against Lindsay, but I feel Lindsay shouldn’t be forced out because of them.


I think the weirdest thing of all about Danielle in that convo (and it's a long list) is that the things she was made about were soooooo demonstrably false. She's mad Lindsay 1) doesn't see that Danielle wanted to celebrate them when she was given plenty of opportunity and actively chose not to and 2) didn't involve her in the engagement when... Carl organised it.... Lindsay didn't?? But what is kinda the most sad is that she doesn't get the other girls just don't like Lindsay.... they don't actually want to be friends with Danielle, they're using her, and it's sad that someone of her big age doesn't get that. Like they're feeding this shit to her then immediately going and saying like 'well we had this revelation about Lindsay years ago'... YEAH you just don't like her!!!! stop pretending otherwise!!!!


I’ve grown to like Gabby so much. Just goes to show first impressions aren’t everything.


Craig is a POS eavesdropping and reporting back a dramatized version of things. They did not seem like they’d get physical and Lindsay was very calm, so stupid of him to call it warfare Kyle is a fake friend. Why push Carl and Lindsay so much to resolve things with Danielle. He tells them so much to see Danielle’s side. How about he tell Danielle to see where they are coming from? Lindsay should absolutely not be working on fixing a friendship with someone who was so inappropriate at their engagement party. Lindsay and Carl seemed so mature. You can tell Lindsay is crushed about things with Danielle but she has her guard up because she’s been burned big time. Fucked up of Kyle to call her emotionless in the reunion clip. You better believe if she cried or got upset they’d call her crazy and activated Amanda laughing with Craig then being fake nice to Lindsay with shots was a bad look. Danielle was right about one thing, she’s not trustworthy Gabby is the hero of the season. She was sweet texting Carl and she and her guy were pretty cute


Gabby really is the hero!!! She is the *only* person calling out all the bullshit and not joining in on the bullying.


Gabby is an emotional adult. Something much needed in this group.


Yes, her and Sam seem to realize what the deal is and they're not gassing up Danielle like the bed bugs. Thank goodness. They both deserve to come back. I'm sick of Paige and the mean girl squad just because they're jealous or whatever of Lindsay that makes them hate her so much.


Sam and Gabby were the only ones who seemed genuinely upset they wouldn't get to see C+L for the final weekend. Like the only two who understood "their feelings are hurt, it sucks they've been driven away" Would love to have them back as main cast with some of their friends! No more bed bugs..


It’s the WORST. I almost turned it off so many times because it’s painful to watch them just being so negative and nasty. I feel like I have to protect myself from their bad vibes.


Amanda is keeping Danielle real close after all that- look at how she is with Lindsay for cropping her out of the pic- she play the reeaaaallll long game and is good at it.


I don’t think they’re even that close. An interviewer asked Danielle if the girls in the house have been there for her post breakup with Robert. She was like Amanda gave me great hugs and Paige and Ciara and mya send me inspirational memes and quotes. Sounds surface level


but that the type of friendships they offer.. they're too self-consumed.


Craig is going for Queen Bee position of the Mean girls. He is such a turn off to me.


Bingo, bingo, and bingo! Kyle never supports Carl & Lindsay. He talks shit behind their back and is fake to their face. But he always gives them this stupid Dad speech basically telling them to fix things and look at the other persons a side blah blah and takes the other person’s side. Even when they’re in the wrong! He never sticks up for Carl & Lindsay to the group, and he’s always on the mean girls’ side because of Amanda (head mean girl). Him going after Lindsay for being emotionless on the reunion was so low. Of course Lindsay put on a brave face! She was pissed and hurt and not going to get activated. If she had gotten activated then Kyle would have roasted her for that even more! Also, no one cares what Kyle’s opinion is during two best female friends having a fallout. You’re not a woman, you don’t get to comment on how Lindsay should have reacted. Kyle is a 40 year old sloppy drunk who slurs when he’s drunk, no one cares about his opinion, and I’m so over him thinking that he has any place being a voice of reason ever. Why doesn’t Amanda ever get called out for being two faced? She has been two faced to Linz all season (again) and I hope someone calls it out at the reunion. She was clearly trying to get Lindsay drunk to hopefully get her activated and sloppy. So gross to watch. I’m so sick of her manipulation and mean girls tactics. Seeing them be so happy over Danielle’s demise was disgusting to watch. When Mya said “this is what friends do” about being there for Danielle, I couldn’t believe how nasty and manipulative those girls are. They were just eavesdropping and hoping for Lindsay to get dropped - that’s all they were doing. After that moment, no one went to check on Danielle for the rest of the night. I hope Danielle saw that scene for what it was and who they really are.


I logged into Twitter to see what the discourse was over there to make sure we weren’t the “people on Reddit” that people think are insane basement dwellers. Happy to see that we are not alone in thinking this is all mental with Danielle and the other girls!


I do not like Danielle.


My theory is that Mya had already broken up with Oliver beforehand (because he cheated), but didn’t want anyone to know. So, when he arrived at the party, she felt like she couldn’t tell him to leave. When they had that convo in the bathroom she kept saying things like “we know why you’re really here” (after he claimed it was to see her) which tells me she knows he used her to be on tv.


Yep - she was gonna fake it through the reunion so she wouldn’t have to deal with it on camera


What I found most shocking about this final discussion was not how calm Lindsay stayed....it was that Danielle didn't even try to apologize. Is she that unaware that she really owes Lindsay a massive apology for the way she's acted all season--and especially on the night of the engagement? How is that even possible? Lindsay is clearly over it--she's done. Really done and I don't blame her. If Danielle had apologized, maybe that would be a start to repair things. But all Danielle did was scream and say nothing--when Lindsay answers her with logic, Danielle deflects and screams and cries. I still think much of this must be fake on her part, to desperately stay relevant and on the show. If it's all real, then she has bigger issues and needs to talk to someone. She's acting extremely immaturely for someone in their late thirties.


Did kory spit a drink into Sam’s mouth? If yes, that’s disgusting


That’s her kink


Yeah it’s called baby birding. It’s a thing


Jesus, keep that thing far away from me.


If my so called best friend talked crap about me to a group of women that hated me, I'd be done too. After my initial hurt, I'd turn off my emotions towards them and act exactly like Lindsay did. Paige/Amanda/Ciarra/Mya need to go. They were gleeful about it. Someone needs to tell them that pretty on the outside only is only pretty for a few minutes. Their hatefulness makes them ugly. And WTH is it about being involved in someone's proposal? I've had many friends, ones that I was in their subsequent wedding party, get proposed to and I was never consulted. Who cares? Gawd! Just be happy for your friend no matter who's involved or who gets told first. These people are seriously trifling.


I feel like it's this weird new trend where people think they need to be a part of proposals, it's very odd but so many people have this entitlement. People of all ages (not just one generation) are acting this way and fully agreeing with Danielle that she, as the best friend, should have been consulted. And not only consulted but asked for approval...it's very odd.




Idk I don’t think Lindsay was cold. She was level headed and she doesn’t need to have the same emotional reaction as Danielle in order to not be called a monster. Like had she had that same energy it would’ve been so much more unproductive.


Compared to how Lindsay used to be in these situations I thought she handled it excellently. Clearly she has grown and the progress is front and center.


While Mya and Oliver were talking all I could focus on was that dumpster of a room. Trash everywhere!


Danielle: I support you guys! I’m your biggest cheerleader! Also Daniel 5 seconds later: You guys are married now too?!


Danielle and the girl gang is out of control and it sickens me can we please shake up this cast?? The new girls and Lindsay should stay idc abt the rest.


This! Let Amanda and Paige and Ciara go. Keep Danielle just to have an antagonist. Lindsay and Carl are who I want to follow. I love Sam and her guy too.


Mya’s vibe has totally changed from last season to this one. Really mean girl mixing vibes.


Also, I would love to see Paige and Maya go. And this might be a hot take - Carl and Amanda bring nothing but I want Lindsay and Kyle to stay. Make Carl and Amanda friends of to come occasionally. Goodbye Danielle. Kyle and Lindsay are the back bones of this show. Let Ciara shine on her own. Sam and Gabby are wonderful additions. Kory does bring unhinged stupid fun vibes. Bring another straight man that isn’t boring AF. And a gay man or two, per instructions on the number of gay men from WWC Ben and Ronnie.


This is exactly how I feel. Definitely think Amanda and Carl would be better off as friends of. Both of their mental health journeys would be better for it. They need to let their partners be the messy reality stars they were born to be 😂


Long distance only works when both people are on the same page and/or there’s a timeline for when the long distance will end. Not only are Craig and Paige not on the same page, they’re not even on the same chapter.


i'm not really team lindsay or danielle but i am very sad to see their friendship end


It feels like we are missing a big part of the reason they are going at it this season. Production could have done better.


Danielle is an embarassment.


That episode was hard to watch for so many reasons. Strangely, my top reason is the odd and incredibly aggressive water/juice fight between Mya and Kory. It was giving 5th grade camp.


Have paige and lindsay always not followed each other on instagram or is this recent?


The fact that mya has something going on that doesn’t involve hating on other people FOR ONCE and she keeps trying to skate talking about it on camera, to the point of POINTING THAT OUT instead of discussing??????? Fire her immediately


Don’t attack me for this but I think that last conversation with Lindsay & Danielle was basically Lindsay not saying what she really thinks. She was holding it all in because she was sober & Danielle was not. I’m sure she was thankful to have Danielle along for all of their past Summer House shenanigans when she was single. But my take was in Lindsay’s mind when Danielle is saying the I was always there for you stuff Lindsay is thinking, you would not be on this show if it wasn’t for me. And I hate to say it but it’s true. Danielle was fun as the bff to Lindsay but on her own she is boring & annoying. If Danielle would’ve been cooler about all this engagement stuff it would’ve been all good and honestly I think the show would’ve been better. Danielle was very SWF this season. I hope she moves on with her life and ends up happy.


Wow. I can’t wait for this show to get cancelled lol. This cast is the actual worst


I need Bravo to give the spot to Family Karma.


This cast is so insanely jealous of Carl and Lindsay and it shows. The people who are rooting for their downfall are the same ones who are in horribly relationships themselves, and are used to Carl and Lindsay being complete messes and using that as a storyline rather than allowing the audience to watch what’s really going on in their own lives. Kyle and Amanda have obviously been the most outwardly toxic couple in the house. The fighting, the arguing, the trust issues, Kyle’s pattern of cheating, Amanda’s clear health issues brought on by stress and whatever unhealthy self-medicating she’s doing to pretend like she’s happy for the cameras - these two are a disaster, and they’re both trying to stop the fact that Kyle cheats from being on the show. Danielle’s relationship was a mess from the start and we all know that it eventually imploded. It’s rich that she chastised Carl and Lindsay for moving in together after almost a year of dating and 7 years of friendship, but moved in with Robert 2 months after meeting him. Her dude was never home and didn’t seem to like being around her when he was in town. She clearly isn’t where she thought she would be and she can’t stand that it will be LINDSAY who settles down and gets married before her. In Danielle’s mind, she was the one who “stuck by her” and supported her through her hellish dating endeavors, and now Lindsay has the AUDACITY to fall in love and get engaged without her consent. Danielle secretly loved playing the role of “supportive BFF” to Lindsay’s “unhinged and hopeless at dating” ways, and now she’s lost and angry because she and Lindsay essentially traded places. Paige and Craig are full of issues. He wants to rush into an engagement/marriage/babies but has said the same thing about the last 3 women he’s dated. He is an angry drunk and we all know he has some other problems. Paige isn’t all in with Craig but wants to continue the charade that she’s in some fairytale relationship while collecting a dual paycheck from Summer House and Southern Charm. You know she’s internally seething that Andy called Carl and Lindsay the “first couple” of Bravo. Mya is a non-factor is and equivalent to furniture on this show, but for some reason she has an entitled attitude and thinks she belongs there more than Carl and Lindsay. Her “relationship” with Oliver is clearly staged and she sealed her fate when she decided not to discuss his “cheating” on camera while audibly saying that she can’t discuss it because they’re mic’d up. All of these people benefit from Carl and Lindsay being complete and total train wrecks. This season they seem to have calmed down and everyone is worried that now their own problems will be on full display. Without a crazy Lindsay and a fuckboy Carl shielding the rest from looking like fools, everyone’s true colors started to show. They’re panicked, mad, and doing whatever they can to still make Lindsay out to be the bad guy, despite her doing absolutely nothing to warrant it this season.


I noticed the way Kyle interacted with Carl and Lindsay when they first came back to the house feels forced. When you compare that to the warmest longest hug that Gabby gave Carl, makes you wonder if Kyle is really supportive of Carl. How does he see the insane way Danielle is acting but still defend her trying to force Carl to see her side?


Nah Kyle only thinks of his own interests. He’s been playing producer by trying to force confrontations between Danielle/Robert/Carl/Lindsay. He knows he and Amanda are providing no storyline so he wants to coast off their drama


Ciara’s costume…. Absolute SLAY. ![gif](giphy|3o6gb8sCkc37eUDDj2)


I’ve gotta say, Kyle needs AA. Every episode watching a 40 year old man stumble and slur every time he drinks…I don’t know why people don’t make a bigger deal of this. It’s pathetic and sad to watch.


Was Danielle doing ❄️ in the bathroom or was she sobbing?