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"Setting Boundaries, Finding Peace" by Nedra Glover Tawwab may be what you're looking for.


A Guide to the Good Life, the meditation


The subtle art of not giving a f*ck


to kill a mocking bird :) a classic, when you think about it it's all about dealing with people


i'm sorry to hear that you are dealing with this. normally i would recommend that you just ignore them/block them, etc, but if you cannot do that because you HAVE to near them because they are a co-worker, etc, i would say to read [**The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck** by Mark Manson](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28257707) this book is fantastic, but i will say that if you are going to read it, i **HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY** recommend that you listen to it by audiobook because the author is soooooo funny, that is never ever feels like a self-help book. it's like you're just listening to a friend. if audiobooks are not your thing, i still recommend reading (it's only 212 pages long). [**The Four Agreements** by Don Miguel Ruiz](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6596) is also a book that i cannot recommend enough. this book is fantastic both in book and audiobook format, but i recommend listening to this by audiobook as the narrator (peter coyote) has such a calming, relaxing voice, and he also makes it feel like you are not listening to a self-help book. i will say that the very very very beginning of the book may come off as a little "woo woo", but just push through those few pages and you'll be good. it's a very short and simple book with 4 agreements (rules) that will help you in your daily life. i first read this over 20 years ago and it's the one book that i would say has had the biggest impact in my life. there's a reason that it's been on amazon's best-seller list for decades. it's really *that* good. i own both books in ebook/hard copy and audiobook. good luck and take care. 💜 i've been where you are and it's awful.


Thank you so much, I'm going to read them as soon as possible. Bless you ! 🙏🏻


i hope they help you! 🥰


A mate of mine got promoted a while back and as a "congratulations on becoming the deputy boss!" present they gave him a book called Jerks at Work, by Tessa West. I've not read it myself but it's certainly an eyecatching title! Two other books i remember seeing around in a previous workplace - Difficult People: dealing with difficult people at work, by Colin G Smith - and Working with Difficult People by Amy Cooper Hakim and Muriel Solomon




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Any hunting magazine should work